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Many thanks for all the suggestions people!

In the mean time an important detail is known: the "roommate" was a Thai lady who only stayed shortly. I guess the police will presume they are partners and therefore think she is trying to protect him. I think Pat will not dare to tell the police he is gay because that could make his stay in prison an even bigger ######.

A bloodtest might be a good idea. Pat does not smoke, nor drink alcohol, so I am sure he will be clean for drugs also. To answer somebodies question: I do not think Pat ever worked for the post office. He always worked in hotels.

I will proceed very carefully and stay in the background. We are looking for a Thai lawer and as soon as we find one who wants to handle this case I will let my Thai partner contact Pat's family so they can hire this person to try to get Pat out.

In the mean time I am also asking my contacts in Bangkok for assistance, but most of them are scared to get involved. None of them know Pat so I can understand they are a bit reluctant here.

My leidmotiv in life is: "Never give up!" So even if it takes years we will get Pat out of there!

Thanks for all the suggestions. God bless you all!

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Dominik, I watched your topic carefully and respect you for what you are doing for this Thai boy. I think you are doing right, just keep doing what you think you have to do, no matter if the cynics try to tear it down.

Just stay as imperturnbble as you are. Good luck!


Dominik, I watched your topic carefully and respect you for what you are doing for this Thai boy. I think you are doing right, just keep doing what you think you have to do, no matter if the cynics try to tear it down.

Just stay as imperturnbble as you are. Good luck!



firstly, please don't berate those that are skeptical and warn of you being ripped off, they have your interests at heart - they may be wrong, but they warn you out of compassion not derission.

Second, use your contacts if you can.

Third, Ned Kelly is absolutely correct, character stands for a lot in LoS. Get as many people willing to testify as to his character as possible. Monks or public officials are best as they will be trusted. It can not be over-estimated how much this counts. Remember the farang girls that got put in BKK Hilton a few years back after being stitched for carrying heroin out of LoS - they were fitted up, but this was not believed because character testomony went to bad character - they had used a hotel's ammenieties even though they were not customers and were caught.

Fourth, but should be first. Get the best lawyer you can find.

Good luck - someone said only the poor go to jail, it is true (with a minor change) - Only the poor and unconnected go to jail.


PS: I think the Postman bit was a joke - Postman-Pat (UK Kids programme on TV)

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