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Pentagon says China military 'likely training for strikes' on U.S. targets


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1 minute ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


The world's hatred eh?


Yeah go on and tell me again how you are just an objective and unbiased observer here who isn't pro china or anti America. 


It'll be a less cowardly copout this time around. 

Most of the world dislikes American foreign policy. I don't dislike Americans just the foreign policy. I've said that over and over but you just see it as anti American.

I'm not pro China, but I believe they have every right to conduct military games.

You have constantly called me cowardly and not man enough to face the music but I'm using my real name. You're using an alias which I have to say is questionable.

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4 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Would you rather china do it, or the US? 

How about, I'd rather see both the US and China "not do it" ???

And Washington is trying to tell the world that it is an international police officer, across planet earth. If Washington stops being an 'international police officer', well, I do not wish to see China replacing Washington. Is that okay ?

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7 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

The problem is, there's people out there who genuinely have such views. There's some people who really do reckon that it's only right that America should be allowed to do this,  and nobody else should be allowed.  And there's others who genuinely believe the false picture that is put out by some in the media.

Agree, but at least they're reading, UTF is just giving his own opinion without really reading the posts he is replying to.

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7 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

How about, I'd rather see both the US and China "not do it" ???


Thats not on the table and you know it. China does it, Russia does it. 


Everyone here is egging on China to spite the USA, thinks China and the USA are equals, and does it 100% knowingly that the world would be a less democratic and more unsafe place if American influence and power falls to China (North Korea) & Russia. Nobody here wants to concede that point. "BUT AMERICA DOES IT" right? Well yeah, because nobody else will. 


Yet people on here let their personal bias and issues with the United States and Americans cloud their judgement, while their own weak-sause countries do almost nothing. Cut of your nose to spite your face much?


Ive said it several times in this thread, and ill say it again:


If you guys are ok with this, up to you. Because if nobody checks China, they are going to expand their influence, and if thats the influence you would prefer? Go right on ahead, because this is the game thats afoot. There are only a few superpowers in this world, and they are not all equal. The USA is the only one that holds democratic values similar to yours. If you choose to stay & act pseudo-neutral, you might as well just tie a bow on the reigns and kowtow China right now. 


Im an arrogant and aggressive American because I have to be. You guys sure as shit aren't willing to stick up for the values that made you what you are today, and afforded you the luxury of posting from the relative safety and security you're in now. 


39 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Agree, but at least they're reading, UTF is just giving his own opinion without really reading the posts he is replying to.

And you're just swiping from the sidelines. 

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9 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Yeah... I comprehend fine, but hey you keep on defending China though. 

If you comprehend, no one has been pro China.All  I have been  saying is that they have the right to conduct military exercises like every other country in the world.


With the US history of using force where ever they want I'd have my military conducting exercises against possible American intervention as well.


You keep accusing other countries of being too chicken to stand up to China.

What about the US refusal to denounce Saudi Arabian human rights violations?

You won't even back Canada when it stood up and called Saudi out on its treatment of two bloggers in prison for demanding women's rights.  Great Americans ignoring human rights abuses for profit.

Edited by duanebigsby
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3 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


Yeah... I comprehend fine, but hey you keep on defending China though. 

Well... as you can see, there are plenty of people a few cents short of a dollar, whose elevator doesn’t go to the top floor...who just love socialism/communism, and who hate smaller government, individual freedom and personal responsibility. 

.....I’m a Canadian...and happen to be a libertarian who loves individual freedom, personal responsibility and smaller government.

   I hate socialism/communism, fascism/Nazism, dictatorial theocracy like Iran.... and every other form of dictatorial totalitarian/authoritarian government. 

We can easily observe there are many people, even here, who love some version of authoritarianism/dictatorialism.   Very sad....

Edited by Catoni
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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

Best, Great, etc . These are all subjective terms subject to one's definition of what constitutes greatness.. So if one says America was never Great , based on one's definition what constitutes greatness the assertion can be correct.   

Well, greater than some countries anyway. Objectively speaking.



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On 8/18/2018 at 6:52 AM, UncleTouchyFingers said:

This thread just puts to light the seething hatred that this forums users (most of which are self professed liberals) have for the United States and Americans. 


So much so that they egg on and cheer the Chinese for training for strikes against US targets. 

A dictatorship, with no freedom, censored media, censored internet... Supporter of communism... 


The USA isnt perfect, but hey, if you'd rather see the US fall, and move our guns and troops out and move yourselves under the protective umbrella of the Chinese - up to you. 

And they're the first ones to complain about Chinese crowding out everyone else at the airports, in hotels, and public spaces.

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On 8/18/2018 at 11:38 AM, upu2 said:

Many other people in the world would also be happy with that. The USA has started a lot of wars in the past but have got fed up half way through, left and left the other country in a shambles. Best they stay home and let the world get on with life

Agreed. I really wish we had done that in Europe during World War I and World War II.

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On 8/18/2018 at 5:40 PM, sanemax said:

What changes are going to happen ?

Ask the Tibetans. Or the over 1 million Uighurs in concentration camps. Or the people in Laos who have had between 200,000 and 400,000 Chinese simply move in and take over during the past few years. Or the Cambodians being forced off their property and land to make room for Chinese resorts and gambling houses. For that matter, come back in a few years and ask the Russians, when the Chinese resume their spillover into Siberia and de facto annexation.

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3 hours ago, zydeco said:

And they're the first ones to complain about Chinese crowding out everyone else at the airports, in hotels, and public spaces.

There are two issues here.

Issue one, China is supposedly, training it's military units to strike America.
Issue two, there are loads of Chinese tourists at Bangkok's airport, this huge number of Chinese tourists means that we have to wait longer to get our passports stamped, when we enter into Thailand.

Can you please, not try to make a connection between the two issues ? It's laughable and hilarious.  ?

How about this ?  China attacking the USA is silly but dangerous talk, China is not going to launch an attack on the USA. The Chinese tourists flooding THailand, yes, they are annoying, people would rather see less of them. When I turn up at my local nightclub, I don't actually want to see it packed fully with other people. I'd rather see it less busy, that way, more room for me to move around.

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I think most posts miss the point.


The OP is more to do with China expanding the scope of its military activities, which is somewhat of a departure from previous years. This probably got to do both with new military capabilities and geopolitical circumstances. The OP is more to do with the Pentagon taking note of these changes.


Some years back there was a story (and a TVF topic) dealing with how China was outraged over similar war games by the US.


The expression of outrage etc. is more of a diplomatic go-through-the-motions thing.



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On 8/17/2018 at 9:27 PM, tomacht8 said:

China'smilitary has expanded its bomberoperations in recent years while "likely training for strikes" against the United States and its allies, a Pentagon report released on Thursday said.


Which allies?


Trump pissed on nearly every shoe: G7, EU, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, South Korea, Russia and China with its trade war. In addition, NATO and Iran. Plus Climate Protocol, WTO and UN.


From which allies he is talking about? Saudi Arabia and Israel?





That's cute, but allies in this sense would be all them countries which the US still has defense agreements with. I don't know that any were cancelled since Trump became president.

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2 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


And its allies (that means you too, Mr Brit)

I'm not actually concerned about China launching at attack or invasion against Britain.  Aeroplanes packed with Chinese soldiers, and they're suppose to fly from China and land in Britain ? And them Chinese soldiers are going to attack London ? I can't really see it happening.

It's actually more ridiculious than reckoning that aeroplanes packed with Chinese soldiers are going to land in California, and the Chinese soldiers are going to take over Los Angeles, and march all the way to Washington, to the White House ?

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On 8/17/2018 at 9:56 PM, balo said:

If China wants to rule the world they can do it anytime.  And the world will collapse. 


An invasion of Europe via Russia have been looked at historically as something that could happen if the Chinese are desperate enough. Do not mess with them . 




Hyperbolic nonsense, at best.

China's capacity for world dominance is questionable, considering the ongoing efforts it needs to invest to keep things stable at home.

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On 8/18/2018 at 12:44 PM, Get Real said:

I let my likes regarding my post speak for itself. If you look at that, it should make you understand how utterly stupid you remark is. If not, I am sorry, but there is no other help I can offer you.


So Trump (populist president) is bad, but judging the merits of a post according to a "like" count is legit. Some mighty reasoning there.

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On 8/18/2018 at 5:53 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

We have got our freedom of speech, and most of us here are trying to say that Washington is actually a greater threat to world peace than China is.

Now then, them people in China, who do they reckon is the greater threat to world peace ? Do them people in China, do they reckon that Washington is a greater threat than China to world peace ?

Try and think for yourself. Try not to automatically believe the nonsense propaganda dressed up as news, that you watch on television.


We have our freedom of speech mainly because we live in a a world dominated and shaped by Western (which includes the US) notions. An ascendant China is anathema to this, your usual spins notwithstanding.


Them "people in China" do not have "freedom of speech", nor freedom of information. But do go on about "Propaganda", by all means.

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On 8/18/2018 at 6:10 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

We haven't forgotten that Washington did they invasion of Iraq back in 2003.  China and Russia did not.

And what about today ?  Washington backed them rebels in Syria against Assad. Turkey is next door to Syria, Turkey was involved in that Syrian civil war. The civil war in Syria is over, even though Washington prolonged it by backing the rebels. And today, Washington is declaring an economic war against Turkey, and that's bearing in mind that Turkey is a NATO ally.

Notice that China was not involved in any of this.
And you reckon that Washington is NOT a greater threat to world peace than China ???? What ?


Because China was not involved in any wars? Ever? Always a good neighbor? Not taking over territories? Not treating minorities badly? And Russia - no invasions? No involvement on hostilities? A good neighbor?


Your nonsense views about Syria, and the US involvement are dully noted.



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On 8/18/2018 at 6:18 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

Look, it is Washington right now that is all too powerful. Look at what Washington is doing.

Who is going to be fighting World War Three ?  America against Russia ?  America against China ?  America against Islam ?

Notice how America is involved in all the options. What does that say about Washington ?  By the way, Nixon and Kissinger caused loads of deaths in Vietnam. China and Russia did not.


Are the straw-men you put up in your posts made in China?

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