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Msc Counseling Psychology, Assumption


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Not sure where to post this, so please advise if it's in the wrong forum.

I'm thinking of taking the MSc in Counceling Psyc at Assumption. Anyone with any experience of the psych courses.

I recently visited the uni and talked with 2 lecturers and a student.

Reasons: I enjoy the life in Thailand, I'm not a party animal or a drinker, it's the sense of freedom and easy living I like as opposed to back home in the UK. I like the friendliness of the people, the food, the budhist culture. Been here almost a year now. Would like to hang around for a few more years.

Assumption is attractive because it's cheaper than back home, I've been accepted for a 1 yr Masters in Psyc in London price nearly 6,000 pounds. Out of the 2 I know London is better but the quality of life in Thailand is better for me. It's simple and easy.

I can also work and study. I will probably go onto to do a phd either here or Canada, see how I feel at the time. I want to work in an academic position and research, councelling will also allow me to have an income from private practice.

Edited by dreamit
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