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Bargaining Thread - A Skill You Need To Know


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A funny thing happened to me at Mae Sai last week. My mate had gone to Tachilek but I stayed Thailand side as I was scared I'd blow my single entry visa. I wandered around and found a stall that sold gloves, they had a pair of fingerless leather gloves that I didn't really want but were well made and felt good on, perfect fit.

I asked the price and the stall lady said 110 baht. Thinking "I'll get these for 100" I replied "Fifty baht". She took them off me and hung then back on the hook. Astounded I said, "c'mon, give me a little dis-a-count"

"No" she said. End of story.

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Dear sceadugenga !

Two things come into my mind reading your posting.

First to my knowledge, you can cross over to Takchilek NOT spoiling your single entry visa.

Next to the counter where Thai's get their entry forms done (normaly hugh crowd) there is a copymachine.

1.,Get your passport copied (1 copy does it).

2., Tell Immigration officer that you don't want to spoil your visa. Immigration will keep your passport, charge you 100 Baht (you get receipt !!!)

3., At Takchilek side you will be treated same as with original passport.

4., Returning from Burma you don't need to fill out any papers, show the (always friendly) guy who hands out Immigration forms your copy of passport, they will wave you through without any questions.

5., Go back to Immigration where you left your passport, will be handed out immediatly.

Reading your I asked the price and the stall lady said 110 baht. Thinking "I'll get these for 100" I replied "Fifty baht".

I thought, that if you would have spoken more politly (Thai's love it, me too,..) you would have got the gloves for 100 Baht definetly. I guess she was just pissed about your short "50 Baht".

Myself, I'm in sales too, don't enjoy "not decent bargaining" as probably most salesstaff. I at least give customers with friendly approach normally better discounts than the opposit.

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I was selling my used car, a flashy fastback with V-8, but it wasn't a Mustang, so I priced it well below retail. Snot-nosed kid comes by, "Oh, I know where I can buy them for $300 cheaper!" I replied, "Fine, go away, bring me all of them you can buy, and I'll pay you an extra $30."

On my first day in Asia, no belt, holding onto my trousers, on Suriwong by McDonald's at PatPong, I really needed a belt. Vendor says, "1000 baht." I just laughed once, loudly, and turned and walked away. Over my shoulder I heard her say, "200 baht!" I still use that belt, four years later.

But in a market designed for Thai customers, even if I'm not walking with a Thai, I'm not going to offer half-price. By now, I pretty well know what it should cost. And next, I'll go the the public swimming pool and pay zip. Zip baht, that is.

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