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Thai "Gang-nam" style: Korean gets mother of all padded bills - 160,000 baht!


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5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

A good bank would reject this cc charge and notify the owner....


shouldnt have any worries...keep the 60k cash and give them the finger


What is the bar owner going to do hire a lawyer and sue?


one is dealing with very primitive intelligence and understands little beyond cash and carry concepts...

"one is dealing with very primitive intelligence and understands little beyond cash and carry concepts..."

Is one, indeed?  You shouldn't be so harsh about Koreans, some of them are quite clever.

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5 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Seems the Thai's are doing their best to stop people coming here,sinking boats,punching people in the face at airports,making up rip off bills that beggar belief,they may not like foriegners,but just try and be nice,thing is the idiots don't realise no tourists = no jobs= working in the rice fields for 300 baht a day.

  I don't have this problem as i live up country,i cannot recall ever getting ripped off up here,and the locals very nice,lot of expats live in this area and support many a Thai family,sure some don't like us,like my ex father in law who tried to kill me and broke up my previous marriage,then complained to my ex wife why she was no longer giving him 2000 baht a month,the numbskull never stopped to think where the money was coming from "som nam na".

The goose that lays the golden egg.  Alloy Mak mak!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Hearing that he had gone to the police the bar quickly sent a representative to the station with 60,000 baht in cash to settle the matter. 

Well i am shocked, the police bribes must be getting bigger and bigger and still not excepted

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Guys working on your transmission can and do cheat people out of more than this. These things happen all over the world. You need to do your homework. But the problem in Thailand is not being able to call out the fraudsters for fear of being sued.

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This reminds me of the time two years ago when my buddy took a group of 14 people out for dinner in Toronto Canada to a fancy steakhouse after closing a business deal. The waiter recommended some special "market price" wagyu steaks from Japan. So they ordered two that were sliced up for everyone to try as appetizers. No price was mentioned. When the bill came it was for $8,000 CDN. (Not including wine. They had bought 12 bottles of their own and paid the restaurants $30 per bottle corkage fee) It turns out the market price Japanese Wagyu steaks were $2,000 dollars each ($4,000). A huge argument ensued, my buddy paid the bill but refused to leave a gratuity. Lessons learned by everyone in attendance.

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This bar is directly across the street from my condo. In the almost 4 years I have lived here, it has been shut down three times for various offences. It sits dark for about three months, then the front facade is changed and it gets a new name and reopens, but still the same scam.

I friend of mine drives a tuk tuk. He tells me the bar offers cabs, tuk tuk drivers, 30% of what the bar gets.

Of course, the police know nothing of this!

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