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Thai Police Arrest Canadian Facing Charges In Usa


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Thai police arrest American facing rape charges in Nevada

BANGKOK: -- An American man wanted for rape and other alleged crimes in the U.S. was arrested in Thailand, where he had been working as an elementary school English teacher, police said Monday.

Thai police arrested Brian Michael Jones on Saturday in the northern province of Nan, where he had been teaching for more than nine months, said Lt. Col. Wirot Weerasakul.

The Thai News Agency reported that the FBI had issued an arrest warrant for Jones in 1999.

He is suspected of having raped women and sexually harassed children in the U.S. state of Nevada, TNA reported.

He went to Thailand in March 2006, TNA said.

Jones is expected to be extradited to the U.S. to face charges, Wirot said.

--AP 2007-02-12

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Oh dear, yet more negatives for the dedicated ones who will ( unfortunately ) probably feel a backlash from it.

Just adds more to the proposed checks and the need to prove ones integrity when applying for a teaching post.

marshbags :D and :o i,m sorry to say.

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If the news report is even partially true, it's a terrible shame. Even if the news report is entirely false, some good might come of it, IF THE SCHOOLS and the GOVERNMENT would learn how to screen people. It is their job, and they don't know how, and we farang don't expect to be asked how to help them. Meanwhile, further 'crackdowns' poorly thought through and haphazardly executed, will scare off good teachers, and create an even larger supply of underground illegal teachers working at Thai schools with the full knowledge of the school owners.

However, any school, government agency, or concerned parent who wants to keep out the criminal farangs, and wishes to get advice how to do it, can get help from reasonably well informed foreigners.

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Just some more info on him,




Brian Michael Jones is wanted for the kidnapping and rape of a woman in Las Vegas, Nevada. In August of 1999, the victim's car became inoperable in the desert sand. Jones reportedly approached the victim and told her that he could pull her car out of the sand with his truck which was at his house. The victim then went with Jones to his house. But, instead of getting his truck, it is alleged that Jones held the victim hostage for several hours while he raped and performed other sexual acts on her. The victim was eventually able to escape and run to safety.

In September of 1999, Jones was arrested in Clark County, Nevada for sexual assault, kidnapping, and battery with intent to commit a crime. However, he was released on bail in November of 1999. Jones failed to make a court appearance in 2000, and a federal arrest warrant was subsequently issued by the United States District Court, District of Nevada, after Jones was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.



Signature of Robert S. Mueller, III






TELEPHONE: xxxxxxxx

PS: he's Canadian

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And about the arrest, From AMW's web site

Feb 09, 2007

School's Out For Alleged Rapist

His flight from the law took him from the deserts of Las Vegas to the wilds of Thailand, but after seven years of fugitive life, Brian Jones is finally behind bars.

Early on the early morning of February 9, 2007, FBI agents and Thai officials located and arrested Jones in a rural area outside of Nan, Thailand. Agents say Jones had been living there for at least three years, working as a school teacher and teaching English to children.

In 2004, agents were told that a man calling himself Brian Jones had entered the Canadian Embassy in Thailand and attempted to renew his passport. The man filled out an application and left. By the time officials realized this was the same Brian Jones wanted in Las Vegas for kidnapping and sexual assault, he had disappeared.

A combined task force including personnel from the FBI, the Henderson, Nev., Police Dept., Las Vegas Metro PD, and Thai officials used "good old-fashioned police work" to turn up leads and find possible locations for Brian Jones. Earlier this year, after two years of hitting the pavement, they finally got the information that a man fitting Jones' description was teaching schoolchildren in Nan.

FBI agents, along with Thai officials, conducted surveillance on the man and confirmed it was him before making the arrest. Agents say Jones will be extradited back to the United States within 60 days.

Source: http://www.amw.com/fugitives/capture.cfm?id=25183


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Well, thank god he's out of there, anyway.

Not that I don't know what's coming on this thread in regard to the whole teaching in Thailand thing, but...

Isn't this also a sign about how the AIRPORT needs to be in good working order here? I mean, don't they have Interpol watchlists and suspect photos and so forth? Shouldn't they have dedicated police officers scanning immigration at the airports, if not machines?

(although, to be fair, the recent increase in arrests maybe means that things are finally going right somehow!!!)

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Another thought occurs to me: I bet neither Karr nor this nutter were actually legal anyway- BCC all but said Karr had walked in the same day (or only "two weeks"), and there's no way they process work permits that quickly. This guy was working in a rural elementary school, which probably has about as much chance of providing a real work permit as they do a trip to the moon.

So these are examples of the ILLEGAL, UNREGISTERED, UNEXAMINED teachers that will become even more common if Thailand continues to harass the few teachers who still have a chance of legality into extinction.


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As he attempted and failed to renew his passport in 2004 I doubt he currently holds a valid visa.

If, as alleged he has no valid passport = no visa = no work permit. Therefore how was his salary paid by an apparent government school ? Does anyone know whether he has "behaved" himself whilst in Thailand, apart that is from apparently being an illegal alien if the alleged reports are true.

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Brian Jones' blue eyes can be seen clearly in this earlier photo.

Desperate For Help

On Aug. 28, 1999, a Las Vegas woman --who we'll call "Mary"-- was driving on the outskirts of the city when she lost control of her car, and got stuck in the desert sand around 11:30 p.m.

Because of the late hour, Mary decided to accept help if anyone offered. Police say she got out the car and began to walk down the road, and they say after a short while, Brian Michael Jones pulled up in his red Corvette.

"The person seemed like a nice gentleman, " Mary later told police. "He seemed very nice... He could tell I was crying."

Mary says Jones offered to drive home to get his pickup truck so that he could pull her car out of the sand. Mary hesitated, but thought the guy looked decent, and she felt like she didn't have any other options.

She agreed to go with Jones to pick up his truck, and says when they got to Jones' house she was surprised by what she saw. He lived in a beautiful home inside a gated community. Mary says she felt safe and didn't have a reason to fear this apparent good Samaritan.


Police say Jones took Mary back to his house and raped her for 18 hours.

Police say Mary accepted Jones' invitation to come in for a drink while he got the keys to his truck. She says she was impressed with Jones' house and started to look around. Jones told her he had a telescope upstairs where he could show her the moons of Jupiter or the rings of Saturn.

Mary just wanted to get back to her car and told Jones that, but he continued to talk. Mary told police that she didn't want to seem rude so she agreed to go look at the telescope, but she said after that, she wanted him to take her back to her car.

Mary says she went upstairs and checked out the view, but as she turned to leave the room, Jones made a pass at her. Mary pulled away, but says that's when Jones became aggressive.

According to Mary, Jones hit her across the side of the head, popping her eardrum. She says he continued to beat her and then tied her to the bed. Police say Jones then raped Mary on and off for the next 18 hours.

"I was nothing but a piece of garbage [to him]," she recalls. "I was of no significance at all."

The next morning when Mary woke up, she was still handcuffed to the bed and Jones was lying next to her. She told police her only chance of getting away was to trick Jones into thinking that she liked him, so she she began telling him things about her personal life. Mary says it worked because later that morning, Jones unlocked her handcuffs and told her to clean herself up. Jones went in the bathroom and took a shower.

At this point Mary knew if she was going to survive, she had to escape while Jones was still in the shower, so she quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. Just as she opened the door, she heard Jones get out of the shower.

Mary took off down the street, but realized the gate to the community was locked. She couldn't get out, so she ran to the house next door and rang the doorbell. At the same time, Jones was running out of his house toward her.

Unbelievably, Mary says the neighbor refused to help her, so she panicked and ran for her life. She didn't know what to do, but just then a car pulled into the community and the gates opened. Mary ran and made it out on to the street just before the gates closed.

Police say Joe Cassara and his wife Sheri were driving along when they noticed a woman, badly beaten, running on the side of the road. Joe told police that he pulled over to help, and what he saw was something that will stay with him forever.

"I will never forget her eyes," he remembers. "I mean it was sheer terror. It was like an animal that had been beaten."

Mary told Joe and Sheri that she was raped. The couple could tell how scared and badly beaten she was, so they offered to drive her to the hospital.

Police went to Jones' home and arrested him on rape and kidnapping charges, but they say he bonded out and never showed up for his court date.

- America's Most Wanted


As a result of that 18 hour ordeal with the one victim on August 28, 1999, he was charged with kidnapping and battery with intent to commit sexual assault; and SEVEN counts of sexual assault.

Teaching in Thailand?

Stand-by for more heavy seas....

Edited by sriracha john
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Authorities arrest fugitive in Thailand

Authorities arrested a 41-year-old fugitive in Thailand on Friday who is wanted in the rape of a woman in Las Vegas in 1999.

Brian Michael Jones was arrested in rural Thailand by FBI agents and officers with the Royal Thai Police. He is expected to be extradited back to the United States within 60 days.

- Las Vegas Review Journal


Based on his 2004 photo, it's difficult to believe he's only 41 now.

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I doubt he was working in a government school. Probably doing private tutoring.

It said he was working as an elementary school teacher, I'm guessing there are not many other types of schools in rural Nan.

Ok I've read it again and you're correct.

Edited by lamphun
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From the thread:

Bangkok Post Publish Names Of 18 Wanted Foreign Men

The 18 fugitives from the BP article.

The following fugitives are Americans wanted on charges involving the sexual abuse of children:

David John Sprong

Jon Savarino Schillaci

Edward Claire Reisch

Wayne Arthur Silsbee

Richard Steve Goldberg

Elby Jessie Hars

Edward Eugene Harper

Gary Lee St. John

The following fugitives are Americans wanted on charges NOT involving the sexual abuse of children:

Victor Manuel Gerena

John W. Parsons

James J. Bulger

Glen Stewart Godwin

Donald Eugene Webb

Robert William Fisher

The other four fugitives are Brian Michael Jones from Canada, Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez of Colombia, Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco from Mexico. All of them are wanted by the FBI in the USA.

The remaining fugitive, Tokushige Manasanari from Japan, is the unknown. No additional information anywhere was found regarding his charges or what law enforcement agency wanted him.

They've got one of them now.... any others out there teaching?

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From the thread:

Bangkok Post Publish Names Of 18 Wanted Foreign Men

The 18 fugitives from the BP article.

The following fugitives are Americans wanted on charges involving the sexual abuse of children:

David John Sprong

Jon Savarino Schillaci

Edward Claire Reisch

Wayne Arthur Silsbee

Richard Steve Goldberg

Elby Jessie Hars

Edward Eugene Harper

Gary Lee St. John

The following fugitives are Americans wanted on charges NOT involving the sexual abuse of children:

Victor Manuel Gerena

John W. Parsons

James J. Bulger

Glen Stewart Godwin

Donald Eugene Webb

Robert William Fisher

The other four fugitives are Brian Michael Jones from Canada, Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez of Colombia, Jorge Alberto Lopez-Orozco from Mexico. All of them are wanted by the FBI in the USA.

The remaining fugitive, Tokushige Manasanari from Japan, is the unknown. No additional information anywhere was found regarding his charges or what law enforcement agency wanted him.

They've got one of them now.... any others out there teaching?

Perhaps, but you can be pretty sure James J. "Whitey" Bulger is not one of them.

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Do any of the Thai papers have any comment from the school, head teacher, teachers, pupils or parents? He was there for 3 years. Someone must have commented.

Or perhaps a comment from anyone in the Labour Ministry, Education Ministry or Interior Ministry about the school employing foreigners illegally?

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Indeed. Since it's clearly the school's fault here (no current passport?!?), they should be forced to accept some of the responsibility. I feel sorry for them, because they're probably not that streetwise a school, (and there are Bangkok schools which deserve to suffer much, much more) but it would be a good beginning shot across the bows of the illegal employERs.


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I met this scumbag up in Loie a few years ago. We had to run him off a few times for being a loud mouth and he was well hated by the Thais and Farangs around Loie. To say he was weird and or creepy would be a understatement. Im sure more stories will be coming aout about him as he was not very secretive, we all knew him as Canadian Brian the bigtime bullshitter. As soon as he got 2 beers into himself the bullshitting would begin and not end till he was sent home, ran off or stumbled away on his on. He was selling orange juice up there till one day when he disappeared.

I was told the FBI was looking for him after he submitted his Candian passport and it was denied or some drama. The poor girl he was living with who is a very nice lady and well respected, even loved by the locals both Thai and Farang got one phone call and was left high and dry to pay off his bills as he skipped out on her after the Candian Passport fiasco.

Me and a few others always suspected he was the kind that beat on women and you could just see by the way he carried himself around them that he had no respect for women. He was very nasty in public to his then girlfriend but he never took it far enough for any kind of intervention nor were there any signs that he beat her, that does not mean it never happend, It could have easily behind closed doors.

What will be interesting is to see who has been sending this guy money while he was in Thailand and to see if they will get pinched for aiding and abeting a fugitive from justice. I hope they investigate the man in Thailand before they send him to America. Guys like this leave victems wherever they go. So now I can confirm this guy was in and around Loie during 2003 and 2004 so thats one more place to look.

One of my favorite stories he told was that him and a Thai Army General buddy of his shot it out with some bad guys with machine guns in the parking lot at Don Muang Airport. He described it like he was some kind Rambo and could not make it from the terminal to a taxi without pulling out machine guns and dumping a few hundred rounds off. Well now we know the real story, hes a rapist and suspected pedophile fugitive who is now in custody. I hope this SOB does not get champagne on his flight home. I will make a few phone calls in the morning and see If I can find out any details and will post them here if I can.

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From the thread:

Bangkok Post Publish Names Of 18 Wanted Foreign Men

The 18 fugitives from the BP article.

The following fugitives are Americans wanted on charges NOT involving the sexual abuse of children:

James J. Bulger

They've got one of them now.... any others out there teaching?

Perhaps, but you can be pretty sure James J. "Whitey" Bulger is not one of them.

True, Bangkok real estate development sounds more his speed. :o

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I was told the FBI was looking for him after he submitted his Candian passport and it was denied or some drama. The poor girl he was living with who is a very nice lady and well respected, even loved by the locals both Thai and Farang got one phone call and was left high and dry to pay off his bills as he skipped out on her after the Candian Passport fiasco.

Thank you for the inside reporting... and look forward to any other info you can find.

Regarding his 2004 photo...which is about when you knew of him; did he really look like that (he'd only be 38 then) or was the photo retouched to change his look to appear older? It's so fundamentally different from his appearance only 5 years earlier in 1999 (in the America's Most Wanted article).

Was he teaching or otherwise working in Loei? Did he ever say what his source of funds were? It's curious that in none of the articles I read, did they mention what line of work he did in the USA, but can assume he was fairly well-off driving a 'Vette and living in big house in a gated community.

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