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Just read in the U.K. press that as from Valentines Day Boots the Chemist will be selling Viagara over the counter ( 4 tablets £50) normally you wpold need a doctors prescription. Do you think you would be able to get it from Boots in Pattaya now

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I've never come across anybody who needed/needs Viagra. Is this a recent phenomena and, if so, why?

Maybe they just don't tell you?

It seems like every monger I meet over the age of 55 is using the stuff, and many younger ones as well.

I don't need it yet, but it is nice to know that it is there! :o

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For a drug with so many AE's (Adverse Events) I do think its a bit much to sell it OTC.

My old boss actually worked on the Clincical Trial for this drug when it was proposed as a heart drug (Angina if I am not mistaken)

There have been a few deaths with Viagra where men havetaken it buying it outside a clinicians prescription - when the are on Hypertension medication - as Viagra can lower your BP and if you are on concomitant medication for high BP it can be dangerous.

I just spke about this exact same thing with my good pal who is a consultant last night and as I am on BP medication he advised I not try it without seeing my own Dr first.

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People I know swear by the Kamagra oral jelly. All the little chemists stock it 100b for a sachet. Works quicker than viagara ( take one while your chick is showering ) and iron man lives . Oh look I got a strawberry one in my wallet, also available in orange etc. :o

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Yeah if you wanna pay over the odds!!!

You can buy it on the street---well the Indian version---in Pattaya!

all the newbie youngsters need it to keep up with us older guys eh!

currently 9 times out of 10 if you buy Kam*****a it will be fake, they have recently changed the colour to green in an effort to combat the cambodian rip off

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Yeah if you wanna pay over the odds!!!

You can buy it on the street---well the Indian version---in Pattaya!

all the newbie youngsters need it to keep up with us older guys eh!

currently 9 times out of 10 if you buy Kam*****a it will be fake, they have recently changed the colour to green in an effort to combat the cambodian rip off

LOL- that is so ironic - The Indians break the patent to produce Kamagra and they are being copied ;-)))

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Just read in the U.K. press that as from Valentines Day Boots the Chemist will be selling Viagara over the counter ( 4 tablets £50) normally you wpold need a doctors prescription. Do you think you would be able to get it from Boots in Pattaya now

i recently read somewhere that 85 % of viagra users were " sexually dysfuntional " and had no physical problems.

That they lived in a kind of sexual fantasy world.. :D maybe some kind of perverts :D

another 5 % were too old anyway and risked cardiac arrest if they did the business :D

it is like saying you need cocaine do to it but cocaine is illegal !!!! because Pizers didn't invent it :o

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name='wilko' date='2007-02-15 10:26:05' post='1141163'

name='Tammi' post='1137360' date='2007-02-13 10:46:14']I've never come across anybody who needed/needs Viagra. Is this a recent phenomena and, if so, why?

Is that because you don't "come across" any men?


I have real problems with this stuff as I can’t seam to get

It down the Jap's eye, its just to big.


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I did hear of someone who bougt the gel and complained because it had no effect......when asked for a little more detail he said he'd rubbed it all over his member AND his g/f but it just didn't work!?

Edited by wilko
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There IS one thing to remember about viagra and it's generic pals is that it ensures a firm recepticle for a condom - no matter how much you've drunk and thus is a valuable safety precaution.

I also love the number of people who "Dont need it" - this answer comes out immediately regardless of what the initial question might have been....

eg: -

"have you ever tried viagra?"

"Can I buy some viagra?"

"ever heard of viagra?"

"My Dad's got some viagra"

"Have you ever been to Niagra falls?"

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No worries there mate.

I went down Soi six the other week with a fist full of Viagra and

a pocket full of condom ( XL size)

Had a great time. :o

Only trouble was it put the old member out of action for a week

( bit to sore ) so counter productive I think. :D

But tell you this there was a few ladies, who had trouble riding a bicycle the next day.

Viagra, you know it makes sense. :D

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This drug has recently been used to save the life of a baby who had breathing difficulties and the drug was able to open up the blood vessels in the lungs and thus provide the oxygen that the baby needed.

It is recommended that people who may be suffering from hypertension or heart problems seek their doctor`s advice before taking the drug due it`s adverse side effects.

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