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So me and my expat mate have been over here in Siem Reap for the past week as we take a holiday from our teaching jobs in Bangkok and we have come to the consensus that the food over here has much more nutritional value than what we've been consuming in Thailand.  2 things have made us come to this conclusion Whether it's bowl of boiled rice, fruit shake or chicken on rice, we both agree that our taste buds are going wild once we put a spoonful in our mouth. The food really tastes fantastic and wholesome. Secondly, we feel much more nourished after the meals we've been eating here than in Thailand. 

I've come to the conclusion that the soil in which the crops are grown in have many more nutrients in them than what we consume in Thailand. I've recently read articles about how Thai soils have been depleted through years of mismanagement while here in Cambodia there really hasn't been widespread commercial agriculture,(with the exception of the soils being over used from the 1975-1979 period. Also, thai crops get several doses of pesticides that also reduce the nutritional value of crops, etc. and reduce good taste. We both noticed it and I just want to know if anyone else can give input as to the difference in food production in Cambodia( Siem Reap) and Thailand. Many thanks.


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