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Large Wasp Nests Behind The Front Door.


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A very large wasp has made its home/nest behind our front door. It’s an impressive construction and interesting to watch as we eat breakfast on the drive. However my wife is a little concerned by its buzzing around us as it fly’s to and from its nest. This doesn’t bother me, but I am concerned about weather or not the wasp will soon invite its friends and family and if we will eventually have a full on hive. I tend to think that these large wasps are solitary, but I do wonder why it has built such a large nest when compared to its own body size. The other solitary wasps that we have normally only build chambers a little bigger than themselves. So far I have only seen the single wasp coming and going.

Has anyone else any experience of this type of wasp?


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A very large wasp has made its home/nest behind our front door. It’s an impressive construction and interesting to watch as we eat breakfast on the drive. However my wife is a little concerned by its buzzing around us as it fly’s to and from its nest. This doesn’t bother me, but I am concerned about weather or not the wasp will soon invite its friends and family and if we will eventually have a full on hive. I tend to think that these large wasps are solitary, but I do wonder why it has built such a large nest when compared to its own body size. The other solitary wasps that we have normally only build chambers a little bigger than themselves. So far I have only seen the single wasp coming and going.

Has anyone else any experience of this type of wasp?

That looks not very big. I would try to let them live, as long as you don't have small children.

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Watch out,I hope you do not have any allergie against wesps.Cause my brother in law have to cary an injection all the time with him.he never knew he was alergic,if someone in your family is,which you do not know yet,could be alarming dangerous.Especially if they hit it in and around your throte........

Also,you never know how big the nest will grow,i would just carefully make it disappear and let them make their home somewhere else where it is safe.

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So far its no problem....so its no problem....later if it becomes a problem then deal with it....hard to believe that the wasp swat team would move in so quickly and with such overwhelming numbers that you would suffer much damage.


P.S. I'm assuming that you are not deadly allergic to wasp stings...and have been holding back that little bit of information as your trump card card for when the arguement really heats up...........are you?


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So far its no problem....so its no problem....later if it becomes a problem then deal with it....hard to believe that the wasp swat team would move in so quickly and with such overwhelming numbers that you would suffer much damage.


P.S. I'm assuming that you are not deadly allergic to wasp stings...and have been holding back that little bit of information as your trump card card for when the arguement really heats up...........are you?


As far as I know I am not allergic to wasp stings. I asked for help here because I would prefer not to destroy it if possible. However if someone could confirm that it will get bigger and more populated then it will be best to remove now. Although the wasps may be harmless they are certainly big and may pack a sting. This being Thailand and this an expat Thai forum I figure there is a good chance that someone else may have had a similar wasp build a similar nest.

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I removed a wasp's similar nest from my ceiling and was attacked by three of the buggers. One stung me in my belly (through my T-shirt) and it hurt like hel_l - I still have the scar.

I'm a guy who removes snails by hand from the garden and releases them miles away but when it comes to wasps, centipedes, scorpions and other nasty insects.. it's war!

Get yourself one of those electric tennis raquets and swot the thing. Once it's dead open the nest and you will probably find a paralized caterpillar in there which gets eaten alive by the cute little baby wasps - :o

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Wasps in Thailand?

Last year, I became alarmed when I noticed a HUGE wasp's nest in a mango tree outside my house, in Nernplubwan....bigger than the one in Guardian's photo.

In the Wonderful Land of Oz...it's simple to just call someone who will fix the buggar.

Not so simple in Thai.

Finally I tracked down someone who knew some guy in the Pattaya Fire Brigade who offered to come and attend to the problem

Two guys came a day or two later, and assessed the situation.

They quoted 200 baht each..which suited me nicely.

They came back after dark that night...with another couple of hangers on.

They did not wear any protection at all...which surprised me.

I expected to see full cover-up gear, plus face masks etc.

After all...the wasps were VERY big....about one ond a quarter inch long...and there were swarms of the buggars coming and going all day long.

No activity at night though..

Thay soaked a rag in some kind of oil, set alight to it..and shoved it up the tree on the end of a bit of bamboo, until it was under the nest.

A dreadful deep, buzzing, rumbling sound like a Boeing 747 came from the wasps.

There was nobody stung at all..I can only assume the wasps are like Superman in the presence of Kryptonite after dark...or maybe the fumes from the burning oil stuffed them.

The guys simply bashed the nest with the burning/smouldering rag, until it was all on the ground.

Next day the wasps had disappeared never to return.

The ground was littered with literally hundreds of wasps either dead or REAL groggy.

They died later in the day.

( Evidently Thais eat them !!)

ONLY in Thailand...but it sure worked.

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> In the Wonderful Land of Oz...it's simple to just call someone who will fix the buggar.

> Not so simple in Thai.

Huh.. that's exactly what we did; check the yellow pages and call some pest control service. Especially if you live in Pattaya I bet you can just open the phone book / yellow pages.

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