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French far-right overtakes Macron in EU parliament election poll


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2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

France really has two parties: the socialists and the so-called far right.


Far right because the socialists are so numerous that they also occupy the seats on the right side, disguised as centrists.


Compared with what is going on in the US, on both sides of Congress, the positions and rhetoric of the French far right appear moderate.


The problem with Western Europe, and not only France, is that  their populations are getting very old, so much so that the elderlies have a disproportionate influence on election results.


It is known that Macron was elected thanks to the votes of the elderlies, and it is probably the same with Merkel.


The elderlies don't vote for the future of the country, they vote for their pensions, and they are terrorized by the idea of change!


In 2017, the French had plenty of candidates to chose from, and they got the one who symbolized all that they don't want!


So, after one year they are already fed up, and will throw him to the wolves like Hollande and Sarkozy before...the problem is that in 2022 there will be even more elderlies!



Yes, the French are remarkably conservative, the socialists most of all! And 'rightwing' certainly doesn't mean freeing up the economy! When I lived in Paris in the 1970s, it was obvious that the social anarchism of the people & the authoritarianism of the Gaullist governments fed off each other ...


Macron is trying valiantly and quite reasonably to free up the economy so its productivity potential - and therefore its wealth creation - can be set loose, but he's almost bound to fail.

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4 hours ago, oilinki said:

I suppose we all should join the Russian federation, which would make all the Far Right folks utterly happy.



OK...But then if we pensioners get our pensions in Rubles it's going to be hard hard :crying:

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8 minutes ago, Scottjouro said:

Fact is its the lefty liberals and Political correctness madness which is fueling the rise of "right wingers" world wide...forced intergration does not and will not ever work, except in some liberal marxists wet dream 

Blimey! You bear a striking resemblance to that lout from Luton the pro-Establishment media is constantly banging on about.


You know - the "racist, right-wing, EDL founder" who apparently is a far bigger threat to his homeland than all the pedophile Muslim grooming gangs and deranged Islamic terrorists put together.



God bless. Allah certainly won't. 

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Not particularly relevant to placate political concepts from one country to another.

RN is definitely an extreme-right party trying to wear more acceptable clothes in order to get more votes, as others do. However, it is not particularly partisan of liberalism (actually their economic program is completely incoherent). On some topics it is more extreme and on others less extreme than, for example, the Tea Party.


As mentioned by another poster, they have significantly lowered their anti-EU stance as it has been one reason for the failure of Marine Le Pen at the presidential elections. 


Moreover, in France, European elections have been always considered as an opportunity for a "protest vote" against domestic government issues, without the risk of putting extreme parties into power. For this reason, extreme parties such as RN/FN have always overscored at European elections.


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4 hours ago, candide said:

Not particularly relevant to placate political concepts from one country to another.

RN is definitely an extreme-right party trying to wear more acceptable clothes in order to get more votes, as others do. However, it is not particularly partisan of liberalism (actually their economic program is completely incoherent). On some topics it is more extreme and on others less extreme than, for example, the Tea Party.


As mentioned by another poster, they have significantly lowered their anti-EU stance as it has been one reason for the failure of Marine Le Pen at the presidential elections. 


Moreover, in France, European elections have been always considered as an opportunity for a "protest vote" against domestic government issues, without the risk of putting extreme parties into power. For this reason, extreme parties such as RN/FN have always overscored at European elections.


The main reason she lost the election is that, during the final debate against Macron, she came across as the inarticulate bitch she is. On the other hand Macron, remained composed while confronted to the raving, aggressive, idiot. It was such a good reflection of what the FN actually was that it created a wave of unease amongst the electorate. The lost and ended up have to rename what was left of a party, which IMO should be banned.

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6 hours ago, candide said:

RN is definitely an extreme-right party

Depends what you mean by 'right' and 'extreme right'. For me that means freeing up economic constraints & reducing government control & intervention so the private sector can generate more wealth.


Xenophobia & racism are clearly NOT heading down that path. They require massive levels of government control in all areas, ultimately even in the bedrooms of the nation. Sounds like National Socialism and 'Socialism in one country' [Stalin] to me!

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3 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

The main reason she lost the election is that, during the final debate against Macron, she came across as the inarticulate bitch she is. On the other hand Macron, remained composed while confronted to the raving, aggressive, idiot. It was such a good reflection of what the FN actually was that it created a wave of unease amongst the electorate. The lost and ended up have to rename what was left of a party, which IMO should be banned.

So the polling showing Macron getting a big win was just a bunch of lucky shots?

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On 11/5/2018 at 8:55 AM, malagateddy said:

Lets hope the puppet for big business gets his just dessertsemoji6.png

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


How can you think that? Spends wisely on new crockery for the presidential palace, haircuts for himself and wifey's image whilst screwing the poor - let them eat cake! 


Once a banker always a banker - think I got the word right ????

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On 11/6/2018 at 9:46 AM, Brunolem said:

Why not ban a party that attracts between 20 and 40% of the population, depending on the localities?


Now that's what we call democracy!


And look how fine Macron is doing, on his way to break Hollande's (un)popularity record!


What political parties fail to understand, is that extreme parties always rise from their own incompetence and corruption, exactly like Trump rose to power in the US.


Trying to break the FN is like trying to break the thermometer because one doesn't like the fever it shows...it doesn't cure anything!


He/She only echoes the views of all left wing and liberal supporters - anyone who doesn't share the political ideology must be banned, declared mentally unfit and/or shipped off to the nearest gulag.

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