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Billy Vows Never To Return To Phuket


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As for not as much fun as it used to be.... most things in life are not as good as the 1st time round, and that includes holiday destinations !


Yes and that is why I have not returned to Phuket since the tsunami. I had such a good time there and on the nearby islands too. I prefer the very wonderful memories.

There are so many other places to explore.

One place in Thailand that never disappoints, time-after-time, is Bangkok. And I don't go to Bangkok for boom-boom if that is what you are thinking. It is just such a fascinating city with so many layers. And, in my opinion, safer than either Pattaya or Phuket! And long live the meter taxis!!!

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Thats nice .....but whether you are faultytowers 1 to 1000..........I didn't realize you had sole world rights to a username :o ......................maybe you should get out some more :D

I'm sure u are a super elite member of many many clubs, forums etc and I'm really very happy for you.......really you must be very proud to be a super elite member :D...............now how about finding a life :D

I'm not going to tarnish this board with a petty squabble , but as you have already been banned from the other forum for using numerous usernames (Ritchie/Dude/Jazz/travelgirl) I think it is you who needs to get a life !!!!

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I'm not going to tarnish this board with a petty squabble , but as you have already been banned from the other forum for using numerous usernames (Ritchie/Dude/Jazz/travelgirl) I think it is you who needs to get a life !!!!

I don't know who you are but i think you're on forums too much for your own good. Nice try troll but you're on my ignore list so go pester someone else with you're ridiculous banter. Oh and get that life :o

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Unfortunately residents of phuket may disagree but phuket in the eyes of many has gone down hill fast......................unless you have money no one will want to know you...........greed is king. There is also alot more crime and violence in Phuket unfortunately and everything is becoming so expensive.

Not a good sign for the future

As the "original" faultytowers , I disagree with your point of view and hope that other BM's will not get confused by contradictory posts appearing on this forum and the other one , of which I am a Senior Elite Member.

Thats nice .....but whether you are faultytowers 1 to 1000..........I didn't realize you had sole world rights to a username :o ......................maybe you should get out some more :D

I'm sure u are a super elite member of many many clubs, forums etc and I'm really very happy for you.......really you must be very proud to be a super elite member :D ...............now how about finding a life :D


That's the place that had good burgers, though the last time there I got food poisoning and had to eat antibiotics for a few days.

Can't bring myself to go back yet even though I like the place.

Curious that two boneheads here want to share the name! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, this is my first post here, and it's my take on some of the comments on this submission topic.

First off, can I state that I have never made a vow in my life!

here goes....................

quoting Faultytower:

I found this on Stickmans submission section and thought it was spot on.

Phuket in my mind has become a very ugly place - greed, violence has replaced what used to be a tranquil and beautiful place. many many are starting to turn their back on phuket.....................so but a reality

My comment:

it's not just me then?!!

thanks for the feed-back FT.

quoting N47HAN:

Through the hype and fanasty, kind of agree with this post, very well written with no sides taken

Life is the same wherever you maybe in the world.

My comment:

Yep, I concur with this point. There are much worse places in the world.

Jo'berg in South Africa comes to mind. A very lawless and violent place.

quoting britmaveric:

Whinger, and utter tripe.

My comment:

Also a delicious dish from the north of England I hear.

I can see you are obviously a keen writer yourself.

Please show all of us what you can do. I cant wait.

quoting patongpanda:


I disagree. Aren't the English equally concerned about maintaining face as Thais? I would say face is more important to the English. Observe their behaviour in the pub or at a dinner party its all about face.

They even have an expression for it - 'to lose face'.

My comment:

Not quite correct patongpanda, but I get the giste of what you are trying to say. My point was that these guys were trying use a value that was not the same value that they understood as 'face.' That's all.

Further, I did not say that I was English either.

quoting jdinasia:

You should actually come to Thailand once before kaming a statement.

My comment:

You lost me there jd!

quoting britmaveric:

Patters is much cheaper, so not really a comparison if you are comparing prices.

jivetalker replied:

Not at all!

Still visit Patong (semi) regularly. Don't pretend Phuket is some kind of upmarket exotic hideaway like many on here though.

My comment:

Exactly jivetalker!

quoting ben@h3-digital:

I don't expect to have to say "No Thank you" 50 times in an hour, that maybe your idea of fun but its just dull for me.

If you don't think Patong is full of touts and generally overpriced, then I think you are probably in the minority, nice try at being "Holier than thou" though.

How can you reconcile the term "Free Market" with Tuk-Tuks, Its a monopoly based on bullying, violence and threats - It has no competition because they beat up Taxi Drivers, Bus Drivers etc... that try and compete.

Its not a case of supply and demand, take a look up the beach road - hundreds upon hundreds of Tuk-Tuk drivers unsuccessfully offering their business, this is a case of dramatic oversupply, in a FREE market this would drive the price down until supply and demand are in equilibrium. You obviously know very little about economics and the rest of your post doesn't really make any sense either.

Like learning Thai just to tell a Tuk-Tuk driver no, you still have to answer them every 5 minutes and its not like they don't understand no, I don't see how thats gonna work for a Tourist.

For example I could state that you would not be in a position to complain to the police if someone broke into your house here in Thailand, stole all your clothes, beat you up and killed your dog - YOU have made a FREE PERSONAL CHOICE to live there after all!

I dislike Patong beacuse of the reasons I have stated, hence I don't go often - however this does not mean that I can't voice my opinions on this or any other subject for those that may be unwary.

My comment:

Well said Ben. Some good valid points made.

quoting taxin:

Is it me or does it always seem impossible for a Phuket thread to not mention the subject of tuk-tuks ?

Afterall, our friend Billy the sex pest didnt complain once about tuk-tuks in his little rant ......

My comment:

'Billy the sex pest'. Oh please don't come out with things like this any more! My stitches have only just healed from reading some of the others slatings. More to the point, I object to anyone who is not a member of my Bridge Club, infering kinship in any form.

I didn't discuss tuk-tuks for the simple reason I never use them. I hire a car or motosai, but if these are not available, I simply levitate using the power of my own hot air.

I hope this clears up any confusion you may have.

quoting aquiesce:

As Billy boarded his final flight out of Phuket he swears he could hear the island doing a rendition of against all odds by Phil Collins.

My comment:

Sir, I laughed loud, but you weren't even close. I cant stand the hippy c**t!

Phil Collins? Why, you must have been on that island a long, long time!

quoting borracho:

Off to an Indonesian Sheitehole no doubt.

Thailand will miss him.

My comment:

Not quite right there with the geography Boreracho!

Sorry to disappoint, but it is was back to Ireland for me.

I feel my life is know incomplete, as I wish I could have met such an enlightened being

such as yourself during my visits to LOS.

Perhaps your amazing powers of perception could be used foretelling next weeks' winning lottery numbers?

The Thais' love knuckleheads with money.

"Thailand will miss him." er............. I take it you have a Thai passport then, or perhaps suffering from that dreadful and incurable disease called 'Superior Expat Syndrome'!

Makes bird-flu seem like a mild sniffle, I hear.

Sad, very sad.


When I was originally writing my submission, I knew what was possibly in store for me, with regard to having to take flack for what I had to say.

This didn't deter me in the slightest as no dialogue that has something to say will fall on neutral ground.

For anyone who is considering writing about their point of view on a particular topic, please just have a go and don't be put off by any detractors. To hel_l with them and ask them for something they've written so we can pull them to pieces! It's easy for them to snipe as it's easy, cheap and requires no effort.

So, go on then, write a submission and get it off yer chest. Some people WILL like it!

Chock dii khrap,


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quoting patongpanda:


I disagree. Aren't the English equally concerned about maintaining face as Thais? I would say face is more important to the English. Observe their behaviour in the pub or at a dinner party its all about face.

They even have an expression for it - 'to lose face'.

My comment:

Not quite correct patongpanda, but I get the giste of what you are trying to say. My point was that these guys were trying use a value that was not the same value that they understood as 'face.' That's all.

How would you describe the difference between Thai face-hangups and those of the English?

(I pick them as they are the most well known for social embarressment issues).

I suppose they must be different things somehow or it wouldn't be mentioned so often as an aspect of Thai culture...but how does if differ?

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Anyone lived in or visited Phuket regularly the last decade can easily confirm that

Billytheheat have many valid points in his observation.

However when it comes to Billytheheat`s experience from Patong and Bangla Road I can not follow him any more due to the simple reason that anyone which voluntary seeking company in that area should use their judgement and thereby have the possibility to avoid the place.

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Anyone lived in or visited Phuket regularly the last decade can easily confirm that

Billytheheat have many valid points in his observation.

However when it comes to Billytheheat`s experience from Patong and Bangla Road I can not follow him any more due to the simple reason that anyone which voluntary seeking company in that area should use their judgement and thereby have the possibility to avoid the place.

Wise words Felt35, but I was a little confused by the the wording in the second paragraph.

I did not ask anyone to follow me! (maybe English is not your first language, so no problem.)

Billy the Heat! - I love that one! :o

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There are thousands and thousands of nice tourist destinations around the world. Patong is far from the only one. You as the consumer, can choose to go there or somewhere else. No one is forcing you to go. That's about as free market as it gets.

No one should have any place to whinge and moan about prices for anything, or behaviour of local folk and other tourists, after they have made a free personal choice to go there. It's so much easier to just go somewhere else to spend one's hard earned money.

So how is anyone supposed to make that choice if you flame any one trying to educate us that the prices and attitude in Patong HAS CHANGED since he was there a year ago !!!!! Based on his PREVIOUS experience he enjoyed Phukhet and now does not. He is making his free market choice by not returning next year. I have also enjoyed visiting Phukhet with my wife and kids but after reading his story I will try to find another destination to enjoy my vacation.

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quoting patongpanda:


I disagree. Aren't the English equally concerned about maintaining face as Thais? I would say face is more important to the English. Observe their behaviour in the pub or at a dinner party its all about face.

They even have an expression for it - 'to lose face'.

My comment:

Not quite correct patongpanda, but I get the giste of what you are trying to say. My point was that these guys were trying use a value that was not the same value that they understood as 'face.' That's all.

How would you describe the difference between Thai face-hangups and those of the English?

(I pick them as they are the most well known for social embarressment issues).

I suppose they must be different things somehow or it wouldn't be mentioned so often as an aspect of Thai culture...but how does if differ?

An interesting point PP and worthy of some intelligent discussion here. I am at present burdenedwith a very heavy workload, (I'm a self-employed contractor), and so not able to give you my opinion to your question in this reply. Please give me a few days and I will try to answer this from my viewpoint and experience.

In formulating my response, perhaps you could clarify some of your own points.

- You selected the Thais' and English as being 'the most well known for these issues'.

My comment here is;

Well known amongst who? What is your basis for this premise

- 'It wouldn't be mentioned so often as an aspect of Thai culture'.

My comment here is;

Mentioned so often? Please educate me here please.

Just Thai culture or south-east Asian culture in general?

- What is your nationality? (if you don't mind!)

A difficult subject to deal with, you may agree, as some folks'

will only take the negative points and try to flame you for whatever

point you're trying to make.

Some like to shout - Some like to listen.

When I wrote my sub to Stickman, I did try to balance the story

with the plus & minuses of that particular trip. It so transpired that

this one had a few more minus points - Bad luck for me then!

When my post had found its way over to the TV forum, I noticed

many replies focused on the minus points and the ensuing 'frontal

labotomy' statements. Nobody mentioned about the good Thias'

in my story. (yes folks, there are some!)

thanks for the feedback PP,

Chin Chin!

Billy. :o

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b]Billy the Heat! - I love that one![/b]

Oh...sh... well sorry Billythehat :o

Must be the heat

little confused by the wording in the second paragraph.
This one....
Voluntary seeking company in that area

The wording was maybe a bit confusing, but anyone who step into Bangla at night...well nobody goes there for a religious preach I believe!

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b]Billy the Heat! - I love that one![/b]

Oh...sh... well sorry Billythehat :o

Must be the heat

little confused by the wording in the second paragraph.
This one....
Voluntary seeking company in that area
The wording was maybe a bit confusing, but anyone who step into Bangla at night...well nobody goes there for a religious preach I believe!

no problem felt35 - LET ME HEAR YER SAY "AMEN"


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On a cultural note, some years ago, having been exasperated by the number of times I had had to reply 'mai bpai" or "mai ou" or even 'no thankyou', during a day in town, I was advised by a Thai friend that it is rude to respond to Thais in the negative - hence 'mai chai' 'not yes' being the polite word for 'no', and that the proper thing to do is to 'mai sonchai', ignore them. I know it goes against the grain for those of us brought up in a western culture, but try it, it works, people don't take offence and you don't get stressed out.

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The OP made a balanced report of his last trip. He reported the good and the bad. He stated HIS OPINION of what he saw and experienced. Yet others ridicule by saying things like "utter rubbish" as if they were there every step of the way and these things did not happen to him!

The bottom line is this: the tourist areas of Thailand (ALL the tourists areas) are just that and can never measure up to the non-tourist areas of this beautiful country IMHO.

In 1.5 years of living AWAY from the tourist areas I HAVE NEVER been approached by a tout. The choice is yours........ :o


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I would be very interested in your opinion when you have time.

I realize it's tangential from your original posts :o

The topic of 'face' comes up in books like 'Living Thai Ways' and guidebooks and everyday conversation.

But it confused me as the books say things like "Thai people do not like to be humiliated in front of their juniors", "Thai people prefer not to display anger" etc... which seem a bit universal.

Lately I've just read a book called "Watching the English" it's very interesting and makes the same sort of claims for tradtional English folk.


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The OP made a balanced report of his last trip. He reported the good and the bad. He stated HIS OPINION of what he saw and experienced. Yet others ridicule by saying things like "utter rubbish" as if they were there every step of the way and these things did not happen to him!

The bottom line is this: the tourist areas of Thailand (ALL the tourists areas) are just that and can never measure up to the non-tourist areas of this beautiful country IMHO.

In 1.5 years of living AWAY from the tourist areas I HAVE NEVER been approached by a tout. The choice is yours........ :o


I too have found this to be the case when visiting areas outside the tourists areas. Generally, I was made to feel welcome and got to see an insight how the real people have to live. Very humbling on occasions I must say.

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I would be very interested in your opinion when you have time.

I realize it's tangential from your original posts :o

The topic of 'face' comes up in books like 'Living Thai Ways' and guidebooks and everyday conversation.

But it confused me as the books say things like "Thai people do not like to be humiliated in front of their juniors", "Thai people prefer not to display anger" etc... which seem a bit universal.

Lately I've just read a book called "Watching the English" it's very interesting and makes the same sort of claims for tradtional English folk.


Upon thinking about discussing the 'face' issue between cultures. I think that it would be best posting it as a new topic.

The main reason I feel is that the current topic would not become too fragmented from the titled discussion.

Also, when I am ready to start posting, (& the new topic being potentially complex in scope and views) I have planned to start the

series as parts, and see how it develops. Can't say when it will start, but it will happen soon.

I haven't read "Watching the English" yet, but I fear that if I caught sight of it, I would despair at the crap perported to be

cultural information.

Same same with the English books about Thais' or any other country for that matter.

have a nice weekend,


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I won't be going to Phuket anymore too much violence - I'll try ko samui instead

Another post by the fake Tarzan....

This is NOT my oppinion he writes.. Just a sad ###### thinking he is funny..

Can the mods ban this Tarzan1...

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Don’t worry Tarzan. Judged on the screaming it’s already many fake Tarzan’s here.

BTW, Jane has already left with an urban Benz Tarzan, the jungle is replaced with shopping centres and concrete, and most of your beloved friends are in cages. :o

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I've been off the site for a while. I came to Phuket in January of 2006. After a return home I came to live in Phuket, (Patong) in July 2006. Very happy to leave the U.S. at that time. After a year knowing my TG, we were recently married. :o She's just the best! We have both decided that Patong is NOT in our future. There are places you visit and places you live. Patong is fine for a visit. I have noticed that the traffic, noise, obnoxious tourists meters, all are into the red. As others have pointed out, there are many places in Thailand where you will never see a tout. For those not into the Bangla road scene , there just is no reason to live here. IMO

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yep spot on

I used to love phuket but vowed not to go back a few years ago when i saw what was happening

ie construction everywhere and prices going through the roof

as for phuket being pristine

not so, there are frequent algae blooms this year caused by excessive nutrients from human waste in patong bay.

Its not a Pattaya eco disaster yet but it soon will be. When will the thais ever learn about regulting development?

never is the answer obviously.

I will not be going back to nay thai beach save the ones around krabi ever again.

Paradise lost

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I've been off the site for a while. I came to Phuket in January of 2006. After a return home I came to live in Phuket, (Patong) in July 2006. Very happy to leave the U.S. at that time. After a year knowing my TG, we were recently married. :D She's just the best! We have both decided that Patong is NOT in our future. There are places you visit and places you live. Patong is fine for a visit. I have noticed that the traffic, noise, obnoxious tourists meters, all are into the red. As others have pointed out, there are many places in Thailand where you will never see a tout. For those not into the Bangla road scene , there just is no reason to live here. IMO

There's a helluva lot more to Phuket than just Patong :o

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yep spot on

I used to love phuket but vowed not to go back a few years ago when i saw what was happening

ie construction everywhere and prices going through the roof

as for phuket being pristine

not so, there are frequent algae blooms this year caused by excessive nutrients from human waste in patong bay.

Its not a Pattaya eco disaster yet but it soon will be. When will the thais ever learn about regulting development?

never is the answer obviously.

I will not be going back to nay thai beach save the ones around krabi ever again.

Paradise lost

You say you hate development and high prices, then go on to talk about Patong Beach, Phukets most pricey, developed, dirty beach. Why would you be in Patong if its quiet, peaceful, natural sanctuary you are after - go to Layan, Nai Harn or any of the other fairly pristine beaches.

Must say, I don't think that many people are going to be bothered by these people not returning to Phuket, Its getting busier all the time regardless - hopefully those that like Patong can visit it, whilst others can go to some of the other quieter places/beaches.

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