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Family of Dublin man injured in horrific crash in Thailand appeal for help to pay his medical bills


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53 minutes ago, Genericnic said:

I travel a lot and cannot imagine going without travel insurance. I use BUPA International Travel Insurance and it costs me US$337/year - less than US$1/day. (This is not a recommendation for BUPA, just a reflection of what I use. WorldNomads also has very good plans) I am 69 years old so the premium would most likely be less for someone younger. That cost includes 100% medical coverage (unlimited) and optional non-medical coverage and trip cancellation coverage. Motorcycle accidents are not excluded unless part of an "active participation in any motorsport show, motorsport race or motorsport competition." I have never needed to make a claim and, as with all insurance, I hope I never do but it is a cheap price to pay for peace of mind when traveling. 


There is no excuse for traveling without insurance. If you can't afford less than the price of a cup of coffee a day to protect yourself, you probably can't afford to travel.


Just my thoughts on it.





fully agree with that,

I have quite a comprehensive travel insurance myself, wouldn't go without


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48 minutes ago, Guderian said:

Given the vast amount of money the Thai government and Thai people make out of tourism, surely they can afford to help tourists who have serious accidents and can't fund their own medical bills? It would be the Buddhist thing to do too. One might almost think that the pursuit of profit for its own sake might even be regarded as more important than the principles of decency and religion, but I'm certain that can't be the case. ????


my comment : bah bah bo bo


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48 minutes ago, Guderian said:

Given the vast amount of money the Thai government and Thai people make out of tourism, surely they can afford to help tourists who have serious accidents and can't fund their own medical bills? It would be the Buddhist thing to do too. One might almost think that the pursuit of profit for its own sake might even be regarded as more important than the principles of decency and religion, but I'm certain that can't be the case. ????

There wouldn't be a tourist who bought their own insurance if the Thai government bailed out every accident victim. Have you ever heard of personal responsibility? Now everyone who has a problem with the law or medical expenses want to start a gofundme page because they've been too irresponsible to take care of their own problems.

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1 hour ago, Genericnic said:

I travel a lot and cannot imagine going without travel insurance. I use BUPA International Travel Insurance and it costs me US$337/year - less than US$1/day. (This is not a recommendation for BUPA, just a reflection of what I use. WorldNomads also has very good plans) I am 69 years old so the premium would most likely be less for someone younger. That cost includes 100% medical coverage (unlimited) and optional non-medical coverage and trip cancellation coverage. Motorcycle accidents are not excluded unless part of an "active participation in any motorsport show, motorsport race or motorsport competition." I have never needed to make a claim and, as with all insurance, I hope I never do but it is a cheap price to pay for peace of mind when traveling. 


There is no excuse for traveling without insurance. If you can't afford less than the price of a cup of coffee a day to protect yourself, you probably can't afford to travel.


Just my thoughts on it.




Well your insurance is very cheap I came to Thailand 6 months ago the ticket was AUD$ 650 my insurance for top-cover for just 1 week was AUD$ 200 

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2 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

Well your insurance is very cheap I came to Thailand 6 months ago the ticket was AUD$ 650 my insurance for top-cover for just 1 week was AUD$ 200 

Shopping around is always a good idea. 




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1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

No it won't ... If you have 30 million bucks you are going to let it sit around until tourists splatter? Methinks it will get appropriated for many different purposes, including a new Benz, condo for the mia noi, Rolex's, well the list is endless.

No ,it won't .....because it will help only a few .

if you know what the hospitals charge here.......30 million is a drop on a hot plate.

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57 minutes ago, balo said:

I only drive a car here and always class A insurance. 


After 8 years on Thai roads I have only been involved in one minor incident , when i bike hit my right side. But luckily nobody was injured. 

I noticed on a another thread that you acually do 10k bicycle trips every day, how do you cope with an accident with your bicycle/pushbike? Just curious. :smile:

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6 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

noticed on a another thread that you acually do 10k bicycle trips every day, how do you cope with an accident with your bicycle/pushbike? J

Thats me "living on the edge" . But I only follow one route and that's down beach road , from N-Pattaya to Pratumnak hills-Jomtien.  Then return Pattaya 2nd road back to Terminal 21. 

And the traffic is very slow here so as long as you keep your eyes open at all times you'll be safe.

I can't remember I had a close one , but I do look out for the big buses , they can be dangerous if you get too near.



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1 hour ago, Andrew65 said:

Most travel insurance doesn't cover motorbike accidents, even if licensed, wearing a helmet etc anyway.


A bit like not telling the insurance company that you're on a skiing holiday (dangerous pursuits), then trying to claim?! (Don't come running to me with a broken leg!!☺️).


Maybe I'm a wimp, but I've (almost) always avoided motorbikes in Thailand. If I'm going to be on one I'd rather that I'm the driver, not a Thai who thinks he's/she's Valentino Rossi!!

Travel Insurance link to Revolut premium card cover MB if you have proper licence and helmet. It’s valid for 45 days start automatically as you geoloc by app on your smartphone. 

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

Also it seems people use them when they want money for some sob story situation, a situation which is usually of their own making, and they want perfect strangers to pay for their mistakes?  Is that right?


What a crazy world we live in now where people can't take any responsibility for their actions and depend on total strangers to bail them out.

That's how I feel about regular health insurance. I have to subsidize total strangers who chose to lead unhealthy life styles. A situation of their own making.

Poor diet, overweight, smoking, no exercise. Now I'm paying to treat their diabetes, hypertension, heart disease etc. that would be impossible for them to pay for on their own.

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I wonder why they are only asking for 30k pounds?


thats not much when it comes to life saving procedures and extended hospital stays.


side note: many times it's hard to get insurance to cover. They try to get out of paying. Just for those who think all their problems are over with coverage. 

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2 minutes ago, Dick Crank said:

I wonder why they are only asking for 30k pounds?


thats not much when it comes to life saving procedures and extended hospital stays.


side note: many times it's hard to get insurance to cover. They try to get out of paying. Just for those who think all their problems are over with coverage. 

They won't pay if you don't comply with the policy's fine print.

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3 hours ago, missoura said:

It was suggested years ago to charge each tourist one dollar for accident insurance. This year that would be about $30 million bucks. Thailand could cover medical expenses for any tourists seriously injured and still put money in the Thai government's pocket. The slogan might go like this.


Our Money says you'll be Safe in Thailand


I think the concept might actually work...

Our money we take from you if you come here says we won’t be stuck for your bills for being a broken Pratt without insurance.

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I'm getting a bit sick of reading these sick stories. Not one single mention of adequate (or any) medical travel insurance. So, I presume because the begging bowl is out, he had none, or the very minimum. I will not be putting my hand in my pocket, although I sympathise to an extent with his family. 

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

For a tourist ? 

It's quiet a topic ATM so I just thought as you were asking if he didn't have any driving license (as a driving license will save yo from an accident) or helmet (will not make you avoid an accident, will contain some damages) or insurance (if they are looking for money he probably didn't had one or the one he had didn't cover vehicle accidents) to ask if he had the money to retire in Thailand in the bank... IMHO my question fit this topic as yours...


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I guess at this stage we don't know the full circumstances of what happen and if he did have any insurances but If they have started a go fund me page leaves you wondering, but I do know one thing,these idiots where in todays paper will be probably the next ones to start a go fund page. Notice the local wearing a helmet.


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It seems to have become a regular thing - appeal to strangers for money whenever injury, illness or tragedy cannot be paid for by the victim or their family. Are we to follow this to its logical conclusion and donate every time stories of varying degrees of balefulness, culpability and sheer stupidity are related online? Or do we close our hearts, turn away and say, 'not my problem'? I suspect most of us fall somewhere between the two stools. But as for myself, I confess I am beginning to feel harder-hearted every time a new tale of woe appears.

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