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Marriage Failure Rate, Farang Men To Thais

Nana Parking

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What are the warning signs of a failing marriage to a Thai.? Do they last longer in living in Thailand or in the farang home country? How does Katanjoo กตัญญ Effect marriages face, money problems, the list goes on?

My take on this is if you are happy in this life even for a short period it is worth having.

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Of the mixed couples I know, those that met in Thailand whilst guy was not on holiday, have a higher relationship success rate than those who met on a/ holiday; b/ the Net or c/ whilst in UK. Hardly very profound observation and not sure why when Brit bloke meets Thai chick in UK, the relationship mostly fails sooner or later. So go on and disprove the pattern I've observed (based on a sample of approx. a dozen couples in UK). :o

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What are the warning signs of a failing marriage to a Thai.? Do they last longer in living in Thailand or in the farang home country? How does Katanjoo ????? Effect marriages face, money problems, the list goes on?

My take on this is if you are happy in this life even for a short period it is worth having.

How are you using the term ?????? Do you mean being grateful? Who is grateful?

Sorry I still can't get Thai text to work on my Mac

Edited by garro
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Maybe should run a cheeky poll amongst TV members to see the percentages from the forum.

I think it would be much less than the 99% failure rate that the OP mentions (depending how faiure was defined).

From my own point of view I have been married for the last 3 years and we are very happy (we work together as well) ... happy to put a small dent in the OPs stats. :o

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What are the warning signs of a failing marriage to a Thai.? Do they last longer in living in Thailand or in the farang home country? How does Katanjoo ????? Effect marriages face, money problems, the list goes on?

My take on this is if you are happy in this life even for a short period it is worth having.

How are you using the term ?????? Do you mean being grateful? Who is grateful?

Sorry I still can't get Thai text to work on my Mac

I think he was refering to feeling a sense of obligation or duty to make it work for a varying amount of different reasons.

Edit... ie. The Thai partner having different reasons than the Farang partner.

Edited by Acquiesce
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What are the warning signs of a failing marriage to a Thai.? Do they last longer in living in Thailand or in the farang home country? How does Katanjoo ????? Effect marriages face, money problems, the list goes on?

My take on this is if you are happy in this life even for a short period it is worth having.

How are you using the term ?????? Do you mean being grateful? Who is grateful?

Sorry I still can't get Thai text to work on my Mac

I think he was refering to feeling a sense of obligation or duty to make it work for a varying amount of different reasons.

Edit... ie. The Thai partner having different reasons than the Farang partner.

It makes sense now. I actually feel a bit thick for asking.

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Of the mixed couples I know, those that met in Thailand whilst guy was not on holiday, have a higher relationship success rate than those who met on a/ holiday; b/ the Net or c/ whilst in UK. Hardly very profound observation and not sure why when Brit bloke meets Thai chick in UK, the relationship mostly fails sooner or later. So go on and disprove the pattern I've observed (based on a sample of approx. a dozen couples in UK). :D

I met my chick abroad about 12/13 years ago. Technically we're not married but we're doing alright and take care each other. She's a couple a years older than me so maybe that helps :o

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The main reason for the failures as abserved by my friend is that cash was running short on the farang side. He said that once the cash runs out, it's over charlie. My own observation is that farang marries, farang builds house, farang is dumped or leaves. many times, farang goes back to home country for a few months, wife can't wait around and finds another man. some situations are wife goes to higher bidder. Most failures happen quickly but others can take years. Watch your backs good people and if you haven't married, don't

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The name 'Nana Parking' really says it all doesn't it? I wouldn't expect anyone adopting that name to have any other opinion about marriage, to farangs or Thais. I wonder how many Thai women he has even known, since the parking lot at the Nana is a well known katoey habitat. That might have skewed his impression of Thai women somewhat...wonder if he even knows? :o

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The main reason for the failures as abserved by my friend is that cash was running short on the farang side. He said that once the cash runs out, it's over charlie. My own observation is that farang marries, farang builds house, farang is dumped or leaves. many times, farang goes back to home country for a few months, wife can't wait around and finds another man. some situations are wife goes to higher bidder. Most failures happen quickly but others can take years. Watch your backs good people and if you haven't married, don't

Wow, that is so different from marriages in the West. When the money runs out there women always stay with their mate through thick and thin. I think the stats show that something like 99% of marriages last in the West, don't they? How very different Thai women are!

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The main reason for the failures as abserved by my friend is that cash was running short on the farang side. He said that once the cash runs out, it's over charlie. My own observation is that farang marries, farang builds house, farang is dumped or leaves. many times, farang goes back to home country for a few months, wife can't wait around and finds another man. some situations are wife goes to higher bidder. Most failures happen quickly but others can take years. Watch your backs good people and if you haven't married, don't

This smells like you're writing about your own life....

Just because things you mentioned do happen doesn't mean all or every Thai Female is bad (or just after your financials/wealth)- these things do happen in other places around the Globe too(financial hungry females- you even find in Monaco...but a lot of guy's can't afford them :D ...).i know quite a lot of people happily married to a Thai ......since years ( even decades). and that includes myself.

keep watching your back, it can happen anywhere ..not just in thailand... :o


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From my own point of view I have been married for the last 3 years and we are very happy (we work together as well) ... happy to put a small dent in the OPs stats. :o

Buy that man a beer. :D

I have been married for six years Acquiesce, does that mean I get two beers, maybe a couple from you too DT.

Good Luck


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I was talking to a guy I know who has lived in Thailand for over 10 years and he says that he knows 1 persons out of hundreds who has had a successful marriage to a Thai. In my personal experience I know of about as many successes as he. I'm talking about marriages to Thais of all walks of life: bank tellers, office workers, nurses etc. I'm wondering why, for the life of me, why would anyone get married? I personally have been with the same girl for 5 years and I refuse to marry, much to my gf's chagrin. I asked her once who was more important to her, me or the family kwai; with a straight face she said the Kwai.

Thats pretty much how it is.

Most farang, having seen the comparison between European woman and thai women, prefer thai women. That most of the thai women that marry farang men are ex-hookers, bar girls etc is another (underrated but) crucial factor! About 90% is a high but possible estimate for outright failure and collapse of marriage.

I think the only reason the smart farang marry is either to get them back to the country of origin, get a business set up (shaky), get the marriage visa and/or fall in love (rarely reciprocated in western sense).

Edited by JimsKnight
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Iv'e just spent many seconds recounting who of my friends are married.

I have two married mates and me. (That for anybody that thinks Nana Plaza is Thailand, makes thres!)

We are all still married after three years. Thats a 100 percent sucess rate.

In my case, I have been married to my Thai wife for 7 years as opposed to three years with my western drunkard wife. That makes marriages to Thais, much more successful than marriage to western women.

This is a larger and more representative sample than the op. I rest my case

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Don't know about the rest of the world but there's a whole bundle of Thai wives here in Germany who've been here and married for quite a long time. they speak German passable well and seem happy enough. That much said, I don't know how many marriages have failed or how long one should last before it's judged a success. I was happily married to a Cambodian woman for 5 years and might still be if she hadn't died young. Incidentally, most of the Germans I know are on their second marriage, separated or recently divorced.

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Seems you have a bias.

Don't we all? :D

Some of us at the same time are open to adjusting our views based on testing our notions against our sensory experience and the examined testimonials of others. The scientific method brought people to the moon, while dogma never did. Yes, we are all biased, but relying on bias is religious. Openly, brazenly, proudly displaying bias is ignorance.

Sorry,.... what did you just wrote? :o

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From my own point of view I have been married for the last 3 years and we are very happy (we work together as well) ... happy to put a small dent in the OPs stats. :D

Buy that man a beer. :D

I have been married for six years Acquiesce, does that mean I get two beers, maybe a couple from you too DT.

Good Luck


Moss me old mucca, you sit down with me and I'll put 2 TOWERS of beer on the table for you .... :D:D:o

Edited by davidjtayler
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Who gives a <deleted>.. Women are all the same no matter where they are from.. If they didn't have an important part of the anatomy, we wouldn't throw rocks at them.. Thats the truth, Ruth.. :D sorry in advance to any Canadians and or womans groups.. :o

No probs, Austhaied. We'll just quietly continue filling up the sperm banks with supplies, awaiting the day that we can eliminate you all & rule the world!!! <cue long evil laugh, a la cheesy horror movie> :D:D:D

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The main reason for the failures as abserved by my friend is that cash was running short on the farang side. He said that once the cash runs out, it's over charlie. My own observation is that farang marries, farang builds house, farang is dumped or leaves. many times, farang goes back to home country for a few months, wife can't wait around and finds another man. some situations are wife goes to higher bidder. Most failures happen quickly but others can take years. Watch your backs good people and if you haven't married, don't

Wow, that is so different from marriages in the West. When the money runs out there women always stay with their mate through thick and thin. I think the stats show that something like 99% of marriages last in the West, don't they? How very different Thai women are!

Shack up, have sex, develop a budget and stick to it. Life is good. The Thais are right...you people think too much.

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