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Mass Exodus


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And I am so glad there are no barking dogs in Beijing.

ya.. cos there controls dogs by force: forbid having dogs over 50cm height; forhid to bring dogs for a walk in public; catch the non-id dogs by pliers and never return back to the owners; imprison those dogs watching them dying...

i hope you won't complain why they're so cruel to the animals; why people have to speak so loudly always; the polluted air you have to breath everyday; the either freezing winter or broiling summer.

well, always look onto the positive aspects. working with chinese gonna be less harder than with thai, but it doesn't mean you won't have headache anymore.

really wish you and your family gonna be happier in a new environment.

Edited by JiaJia
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i know a couple of retirees who would like to return home but they have burnt their bridges when they left so they are basically stuffed.

Hassle with thai family over neverending money demands is a big complaint and dealing with the heat as they get older is making them suffer. But without an abode to go back to with their wife they have no chance so they have to cope with suffering with their problems. It was not a problem when they took holidays but they never looked at the potential long term problems that might arise .

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i know a couple of retirees who would like to return home but they have burnt their bridges when they left so they are basically stuffed.

Hassle with thai family over neverending money demands is a big complaint and dealing with the heat as they get older is making them suffer. But without an abode to go back to with their wife they have no chance so they have to cope with suffering with their problems. It was not a problem when they took holidays but they never looked at the potential long term problems that might arise .

Home is the place where, when you have go there, they have to take you in.

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