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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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The perils of the modern world...


The other day I needed to pay a visit to the public toliet, so I went into one that had two bogs.
One of the bog doors was locked. So I went into the other one, closed the door, dropped my trollies and sat
Suddenly and without warning, a voice came from the toilet next to me:
"Hello mate, how are you doing?"
Although I thought that it was a bit strange, I didn't want to be rude, so I replied
"Not too bad thanks."
After a short pause, I heard the voice again,
"So, what are you up to?"
Again I answered, somewhat reluctantly,
"Just having a quick sh*t... How about yourself?"
The next thing I heard him say was
"Sorry mate, I'll have to call you back. There's some **** in the crapper next to me answering everything I say.'

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Young girl gets a job in a sales office and the smoothie rep asks her to have a drink after work.
They go to a nice country pub and he plies her with strong drink. They end up in the back of the company car going at it like rabbits. After the performance he's pulling his trousers up and says, "If I had known you were a virgin I wouldn't have done that.

She replies, "If I had known you were going to do that I'd have took me bloody tights off!"

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  A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.   
The engineer fumed, "What's with those guys? We've been waiting for fifteen minutes!"   
The   doctor  chimed in, "I don't think I've ever seen such inept  golf!"   
The priest said, "Here comes the green-keeper. Let's have a word with him." He said, "Hello George, What's wrong with that group ahead of us?  They're rather slow, aren't they?"   
The   green-keeper  replied, "Oh, yes. That's a group of blind firemen. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime!"  
The group fell silent for a moment.   
The   priest  said, "That's so sad. I'll say a special prayer for them tonight."  
The doctor  said, "Good idea. I'll contact my ophthalmologist colleague and  see if there's anything she can do for them."   
The engineer said, "Why can't they play at night?" 

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