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Do You Mind Getting Hit On?


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Share the cookies, now this is a new one to me:

The woman arrived at an airport one night

with several long hours before her flight.

She hunted for a book

In the airport shop,

bought a bag of cookies

and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book

but happened to see,

that the man sitting beside her,

as bold as could be,

grabbed a cookie or two

from the bag in between,

which she tried to ignore

to avoid a scene.

So she munched the cookies

and watched the clock,

as the gutsy cookie thief

diminished her stock.

she was getting more irritated

as the minutes ticked by,

thinking, "If I wasn't so nice,

I would blacken his eye."

With each cookie she took,

he took one too.

When only one was left,

She wondered what he would do.

With a smile on his face,

and a nervous laugh,

he took the last cookie

and broke it in half.

He offered her half,

as he ate the other,

she snatched it from him

and thought... ooh, brother!

This guy has some nerve

and he's also rude,

why, he didn't even show

any gratitude!

She had never known

when she had been so galled,

and sighed with relief

when her flight was called.

She gathered her belongings

and headed to the gate,

refusing to look back

at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane,

and sank in her seat,

then she sought her book,

which was almost complete.

As she reached in her baggage,

she gasped with surprise,

there was her bag of cookies,

in front of her eyes.

If mine are here,

she moaned in despair,

the others were his,

and he tried to share.

Too late to apologize,

she realized with grief,

that she was the rude one,

the ingrate, the thief!

Sorry, a bit long, but I just loved it. :o

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The exact same idea as in the poem Axel posted, is available in the form of a short story by a British author.

Can't remember the name of the author, but this short story was included in my high-school English textbook. A very English man called Seymour, with a very square 9-5 life believes a punk youth is stealing his cigarettes on the train, but later finds out he was the one stealing the kid's cigarettes.

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Girls, how do you feel about getting hit on by guys in public places. My GF (who is super-cute and doesn't particularly look Thai) sometimes gets hit on by farang guys (and occasionally Thai lesbians!) when she's alone reading a book in places like Starbucks.

I must say that's quite a rarity to see a Thai woman read a book. The average Thai reads according to a Bangkok Post article from last year two sentences a year out of a book. Japanese comics remain the preferred pasttime that looks most like a book to many Thais.

What kind of books does your girlfriend read? (Not that I'm hitting on her by showing this interest...)


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I must say that's quite a rarity to see a Thai woman read a book. The average Thai reads according to a Bangkok Post article from last year two sentences a year out of a book. Japanese comics remain the preferred pasttime that looks most like a book to many Thais.

What kind of books does your girlfriend read? (Not that I'm hitting on her by showing this interest...)

Pretty much the same as everyone else reads at those places: The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, New York Times bestseller list stuff. Thais who went to an international school and then college overseas seem to have the same reading habits as westerners. The rest of them aren't even taught to THINK at Thai schools, let alone read books.

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Once, a few years back, I got hit on by a girl downtown and then after talking for a while I told her I was gay. She seemed quite disappointed then but later we became good friends, although I sadly lost contact with her after some months.

A couple of times, I got hit on by ladyboys but since ladyboys are not my type, I just chatted for a while and then I left.

Actually I don't mind getting hit on but if I am having a nice meal and especially if I am hungry, I don't want anyone hitting on me, not even a handsome guy :o I just want to enjoy my meal :D



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Once, a few years back, I got hit on by a girl downtown and then after talking for a while I told her I was gay. She seemed quite

You heartbreaker, you :D:D

Axel great story – true sometimes a situation can be misconstrued. However, there are those guys (freaks as I like to call them) that from an innocent smile they think they’re in like Flynn :o:D

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