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Can I Geta Job ?

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I'm not really looking to get rich or live like a king, although it'd be nice, but merely to survive & live comfortably with decent food & accommodation. I'm not real big on drinking or wasting money, but I'd definitely want to join a gym or muay thai camp. I could probably get my hands on about $30+gs if I knew anything about starting a successful small business, but I think I'd be better off with teaching or trying my hand at modelin' & fighting. I'm not real comfortable with the idea of investing alot of money, unless I know I have 100% ownership & no risk of losing it. Earning a degree before going to Thailand simply isn't an option for me. I don't have the time to just chill here another 2-4 years, I only have maybe a couple months to work with, so I have to make the best out of it in the meantime.

OK...still trying to be helpful, what are you going to do about visas and work permits? Is one mysteriously going to drop out of the sky for you to do your modeling on the side.

Gym membership here (a decent one) easily more than the months salary that you will earn as an unqualified

Eng-er-ish teacher.

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I'm always corrected and lambasted when I say you need a degree and an education to teach English in Thailand and I am told that there are many employers that do not require the proper visa, teaching credentials or a work permit. So, I won't tell you no you can't get a teaching job because the people that do not have the proper visa, teaching credentials or a work permit will bash me up and down and tell me they make more money than I do. Welcome to Thailand should be a breeze to get a job according to many people that post on here.

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I'm not really looking to get rich or live like a king, although it'd be nice, but merely to survive & live comfortably with decent food & accommodation. I'm not real big on drinking or wasting money, but I'd definitely want to join a gym or muay thai camp. I could probably get my hands on about $30+gs if I knew anything about starting a successful small business, but I think I'd be better off with teaching or trying my hand at modelin' & fighting. I'm not real comfortable with the idea of investing alot of money, unless I know I have 100% ownership & no risk of losing it. Earning a degree before going to Thailand simply isn't an option for me. I don't have the time to just chill here another 2-4 years, I only have maybe a couple months to work with, so I have to make the best out of it in the meantime.

You know, not wanting to give you a reality check or anything but I am sitting here with several degrees in my top drawer, 10 million baht in the bank, a full time and very decent job and salary in Thailand and even I complain that I don't have enough funds for a long term solid future in Thailand. At the age of 40 I am too young to retire here and I am baffled as to why you say 'you don't have the time' to get yourself together. It's not as if you are 65 and on your last legs now is it!

Considering that I am currently serving out my last 2 months here because I have put my notice to quit and will be invoking an exit plan to go back West in order to seriously top up the wonger before coming back to retire in 5 to 10 years time and relax, it does intrigue me on how on earth you intend making your move to Thailand a huge success when you have nothing like what I have to back you up.

Are you seriously going to model and fight your way through to a successful future here? Honestly, I seriously doubt you will last more than one year here and your long term future looks well pretty grim really. Please don't tell me you are going to hang your hat on your good looks and hope that some rich Thai/Chinese chick will come along and take care of you 'loooong time'... because it won't happen.

Listen to what we are telling you. Don't come to Thailand unless you have some serious poke behind you because the changes happening here will trip you up at some point in the future...

Is it me or is this like watching a train crash about to happen in slow motion or what?

PS: You could have the job I am leaving behind but without a masters degree you won't even get a sniff. Sorry! :o

Edited by Casanundra
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You know, not wanting to give you a reality check or anything but I am sitting here with several degrees in my top drawer, 10 million baht in the bank, a full time and very decent job and salary in Thailand

Do you need a gig? :o

A gik or a gig? I thought gig was something you did when you wanted to play some music on a stage.

A gik would be nice but the wife would probably punch me one on the hooter!

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I'm not really looking to get rich or live like a king, although it'd be nice, but merely to survive & live comfortably with decent food & accommodation. I'm not real big on drinking or wasting money, but I'd definitely want to join a gym or muay thai camp. I could probably get my hands on about $30+gs if I knew anything about starting a successful small business, but I think I'd be better off with teaching or trying my hand at modelin' & fighting. I'm not real comfortable with the idea of investing alot of money, unless I know I have 100% ownership & no risk of losing it. Earning a degree before going to Thailand simply isn't an option for me. I don't have the time to just chill here another 2-4 years, I only have maybe a couple months to work with, so I have to make the best out of it in the meantime.

reality check 1.

Are you already holding a champion belt in USA, because if not, you are probably going to get severely hurt fighting here with any Thais of decent skill for which anyone would be willing to pay to see. American standard of Muay Thai is already fairly low in the world of MT for the most part.

reality check 2.

If you are intending to fight and get paid, can you come in as a middle weight or lighter? If not, there will be very few people able to fight you who are Thai, and aganist other foreigners, it is very unlikely that anyone would pay you to fight; you'll be fighting for free.

reailty check 3.

If you don't have a belt, haven't got a fight record of 20+ proper fights (and no mixed rule rubbish USA kickboxing stuff, proper muay Thai elbows and all fighting) you will be having your hands full with training already to be able to get even close to your potential without any work on the side. Shane Choppa Chapman (a name you should know, ranked in the top 10 at Lumpini in middleweights/super welter, IMHO one of the best non Thais I've ever seen fight) has been coming here for years to get to this standard; has Thai trainers back in NZ, and all he does is train in the morning, rest, then train again at night. If he, a fighter probably better than any American in his weight class, cannot manage much more than this, how do you think you are going to?

reality check 4.

Have you modelled before, yes or no. If yes, then how do you think you will have time to cast and also train MT seriously?

reality check 5.

Without a degree, how will you get 'legal' and get a work permit.

In summary, be honest with yourself. If you want to blow some cash, get frigging good at Muay Thai and have a great trip, come here for 3 months, do a camp, train 6 days a week, spend two weeks at the end sight seeing then go home and win some fights. If you want to come here and teach english, get a degree then come. If you want to get a 'proper job' that would enable you to actually live here on more than subsistance wages (and teaching english in some chop shop isn't usually one of those, teaching other subjects or teaching as as profession is) then get the degree and do it. Or...come up with some good business idea, and do that yourself. If you want to model, accept that you will have a shelf life of probably somewhere around 2-3 years max, that you won't be making more than about 50k a month, and you probably won't have time to train muay Thai properly. Starting a business on $30k USD is not a whole lot BTW. It won't even be sufficient for most busineses to cover your upfront fixed costs of a lease, car, and so on.

If you just want to come here, party, sleep with some dodgy women and generally be a typical deadbeat drifter in their 20s, then do it. Great fun. For 1 year. But don't bother working or anything else too much, and be ready to leave after one year.

This webboard is FULL of guys who have overstayed beyond that and are now bitter, stuck with low paying jobs, no options for improvement, no real way of returning home due to a lack of savings and now encountering some pressure from visa changes aimed at eliminating the non tax paying foreigners who are comeing in as serial tourists. You can see the same group also posting on websites in Japan, Korea, Singapore in fact pretty much every Asian country. Don't add yourself to their list.

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If you just want to come here, party, sleep with some dodgy women and generally be a typical deadbeat drifter in their 20s, then do it. Great fun. For 1 year. But don't bother working or anything else too much, and be ready to leave after one year.

This webboard is FULL of guys who have overstayed beyond that and are now bitter, stuck with low paying jobs, no options for improvement, no real way of returning home due to a lack of savings and now encountering some pressure from visa changes aimed at eliminating the non tax paying foreigners who are comeing in as serial tourists. You can see the same group also posting on websites in Japan, Korea, Singapore in fact pretty much every Asian country. Don't add yourself to their list

He will, trust me. Hope he gets back posting the results next year :o

Edited by alexth
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Wake up call for young 22 year old guy. Life is not easy anywhere specially for someone without

a good education. Many thais have university degrees working typical jobs in hotels and office work

to include waiters in restaurants . If someone with a master's is telling you it is a rough life and getting ahead and just surviving in Thailand is not to be taken lightly, I would listen.

Many have spent some good cheap young years of their life having the layed back life style in Thailand

just to have reality catch up to a life back home. The old weary 9 to 5 life of back home, with no chance of every advancing past substandard existance for many years if not the rest of their life.

It is nice to have the memories of a adventures young adult life but when it causes you and possibilly

future family to live substandard for many years, is hardly worth it. Go have a look around, get your act together and move on with a bit more serious reality. If by chance something good happens while looking around in Thailand, great you will be one out of thousands that lucked out.

If you don't have the time now to better yourself you most likely will not later also.

Almost sounds like you will be on the run which will last until a new passport is needed and/or a visa in Thailand which could be effected ( 1 year or less time for the visa).

Have some fun and get some viable options working because the one you have does not sound to be.

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Fighting wise - the guys here have hit the nail on the head. Im currently training and fighting here - at a level that allows me to survive the fights :o I'm training every day and managing to fight about 3 times in 2 months. I have been paid 600 B for one fight - after a taxi there and some drinks and a tip for my cornerman - I about made a loss :D Im on about 7000B a fight now but thats down in Phuket - so obviously Ive got to fund my own travel down there - accomodation down there is provided. Touch wood - medical expenses have been non-existent - however should something happen - I would be dipping into my own pocket.

A friend of mine fought for a world title in December and got 25,000. Another friend who is at a very high level still flys to Samui to fight there for under 10,000 so he can get regular fights. Big payouts are rare - and thats for someone of his level. Unless you're a top fighter you wont make a living at it.

Im in a similar boat now - but have a degree - whatever option I take for working it will take up my Muay Thai time - so the reality is that training full time so you are fit enough to fight isnt really possible whilst working. Modelling - would they want you turning up with cuts regular - likewise for teaching...something to think about :D

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I'm not really looking to get rich or live like a king, although it'd be nice, but merely to survive & live comfortably with decent food & accommodation. I'm not real big on drinking or wasting money, but I'd definitely want to join a gym or muay thai camp. I could probably get my hands on about $30+gs if I knew anything about starting a successful small business, but I think I'd be better off with teaching or trying my hand at modelin' & fighting. I'm not real comfortable with the idea of investing alot of money, unless I know I have 100% ownership & no risk of losing it. Earning a degree before going to Thailand simply isn't an option for me. I don't have the time to just chill here another 2-4 years, I only have maybe a couple months to work with, so I have to make the best out of it in the meantime.

Please don't tell me you are going to hang your hat on your good looks and hope that some rich Thai/Chinese chick will come along and take care of you 'loooong time'... because it won't happen.

Actually I think the rich sugar momma route is the most likely to succeed.

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Sorry for the late reply. There's been alot of good info & advice here and I appreciate it. I've had more to consider & think about. I recently spent two months in Thailand & Cambodia, and everyday I ask myself why the hel_l I came back, it was without a doubt a mistake. There's nothing here for me right now, but trouble. I feel like I'd be alot better off in Asia for a year or two, rather than jail or worst. I wasn't planning to have a long successful career my second time around, but still, I'll need some kind of income for that period, untill I'm ready to come back or do something different with myself. $ won't be an issue for visa's, or traveling to neighboring countries & locations. I'm only concerned with having good food & accomodation. I may look into the different Thai camps and see how well & cheap I can live there. I'd much rather focus on only training & fighting than teaching english or anything else right now, while I'm still young & in good shape. If anyone has any suggestions on what camps are best, then please let me know. I don't want to waste any time at a place that caters to ppl wanting to party or lose weight, but strictly fight & compete. I'm hoping I can become good enough to start getting paid, if I put in the time & training. Thanks again.

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Gym membership here (a decent one) easily more than the months salary that you will earn as an unqualified

Eng-er-ish teacher.

I can't remember what I paid, but I know it wasn't that expensive for my membership @ the California Wow gym in BKK, & it was pretty nice.

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Gym membership here (a decent one) easily more than the months salary that you will earn as an unqualified

Eng-er-ish teacher.

I can't remember what I paid, but I know it wasn't that expensive for my membership @ the California Wow gym in BKK, & it was pretty nice.

I did say decent gym.

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^^ it was 30K when I joined when it first opened I think.... waste of money that was...

Guy, if you are looking at this as a 2 year holiday with a bit of work for beer money, fine, you are young enough, enjoy.

BUT consider this: are you disciplined enough to drag yourself back home after two years, (probably kicking and screaming) to get your degree and really start to make your way in the world?

Living in Thailand with no safety net to catch you when you fall is not something to be taken lightly, especially when all you have is looks and youth to fall back on.

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^^ it was 30K when I joined when it first opened I think.... waste of money that was...

Guy, if you are looking at this as a 2 year holiday with a bit of work for beer money, fine, you are young enough, enjoy.

BUT consider this: are you disciplined enough to drag yourself back home after two years, (probably kicking and screaming) to get your degree and really start to make your way in the world?

Living in Thailand with no safety net to catch you when you fall is not something to be taken lightly, especially when all you have is looks and youth to fall back on.

That all sounds fine & dandy...I'm just trying to make sure I'll even be able to "work" for a lil' "beer money". :o

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I guess I'll just keep some more money in case it takes a while for me to find work, & I'll try a few places when I get there. I should have enough $ to keep me occupied for a few months, so I'll have a trip nonetheless, even if it means coming back sooner than I had planned. Or I may even try one of the nieghboring countries like Cambodia or Malaysia, where it's not as strict.

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Sorry for the late reply. There's been alot of good info & advice here and I appreciate it. I've had more to consider & think about. I recently spent two months in Thailand & Cambodia, and everyday I ask myself why the hel_l I came back, it was without a doubt a mistake. There's nothing here for me right now, but trouble. I feel like I'd be alot better off in Asia for a year or two, rather than jail or worst. I wasn't planning to have a long successful career my second time around, but still, I'll need some kind of income for that period, untill I'm ready to come back or do something different with myself. $ won't be an issue for visa's, or traveling to neighboring countries & locations. I'm only concerned with having good food & accomodation. I may look into the different Thai camps and see how well & cheap I can live there. I'd much rather focus on only training & fighting than teaching english or anything else right now, while I'm still young & in good shape. If anyone has any suggestions on what camps are best, then please let me know. I don't want to waste any time at a place that caters to ppl wanting to party or lose weight, but strictly fight & compete. I'm hoping I can become good enough to start getting paid, if I put in the time & training. Thanks again.

I think jails in the US are much nicer than the jails here, just sayin'...

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Sorry for the late reply. There's been alot of good info & advice here and I appreciate it. I've had more to consider & think about. I recently spent two months in Thailand & Cambodia, and everyday I ask myself why the hel_l I came back, it was without a doubt a mistake. There's nothing here for me right now, but trouble. I feel like I'd be alot better off in Asia for a year or two, rather than jail or worst. I wasn't planning to have a long successful career my second time around, but still, I'll need some kind of income for that period, untill I'm ready to come back or do something different with myself. $ won't be an issue for visa's, or traveling to neighboring countries & locations. I'm only concerned with having good food & accomodation. I may look into the different Thai camps and see how well & cheap I can live there. I'd much rather focus on only training & fighting than teaching english or anything else right now, while I'm still young & in good shape. If anyone has any suggestions on what camps are best, then please let me know. I don't want to waste any time at a place that caters to ppl wanting to party or lose weight, but strictly fight & compete. I'm hoping I can become good enough to start getting paid, if I put in the time & training. Thanks again.

I think jails in the US are much nicer than the jails here, just sayin'...

No sh*t. If you read my first post you'll see that I'm not interested in being caged in Thailand either, that's why I posted on here in the first place, to learn what I can and take special precautions. I'm trying to play everything out as legally as possible. At this point, I think I'm going to hold out on working, at least in Thailand until I can get ahold of a degree & work permit. That doesn't mean I won't be having me another trip real soon though, & possibly even buying a condo. :o I just need a few more months of getting pissed drunk on Chang, & maybe some Muay Thai & I'll be feeling better.

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Sorry for the late reply. There's been alot of good info & advice here and I appreciate it. I've had more to consider & think about. I recently spent two months in Thailand & Cambodia, and everyday I ask myself why the hel_l I came back, it was without a doubt a mistake. There's nothing here for me right now, but trouble. I feel like I'd be alot better off in Asia for a year or two, rather than jail or worst. I wasn't planning to have a long successful career my second time around, but still, I'll need some kind of income for that period, untill I'm ready to come back or do something different with myself. $ won't be an issue for visa's, or traveling to neighboring countries & locations. I'm only concerned with having good food & accomodation. I may look into the different Thai camps and see how well & cheap I can live there. I'd much rather focus on only training & fighting than teaching english or anything else right now, while I'm still young & in good shape. If anyone has any suggestions on what camps are best, then please let me know. I don't want to waste any time at a place that caters to ppl wanting to party or lose weight, but strictly fight & compete. I'm hoping I can become good enough to start getting paid, if I put in the time & training. Thanks again.

I think jails in the US are much nicer than the jails here, just sayin'...

No sh*t. If you read my first post you'll see that I'm not interested in being caged in Thailand either, that's why I posted on here in the first place, to learn what I can and take special precautions. I'm trying to play everything out as legally as possible. At this point, I think I'm going to hold out on working, at least in Thailand until I can get ahold of a degree & work permit. That doesn't mean I won't be having me another trip real soon though, & possibly even buying a condo. :o I just need a few more months of getting pissed drunk on Chang, & maybe some Muay Thai & I'll be feeling better.

If your young & can afford it, why not take your chance for a career in Thailand? As long as you got a savety net to come back on in the US then you should be fine. But just keep in mind that chances are small that it will work out as you planned of hope.

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I'm not really looking to get rich or live like a king, although it'd be nice, but merely to survive & live comfortably with decent food & accommodation. I'm not real big on drinking or wasting money, but I'd definitely want to join a gym or muay thai camp. I could probably get my hands on about $30+gs if I knew anything about starting a successful small business, but I think I'd be better off with teaching or trying my hand at modelin' & fighting. I'm not real comfortable with the idea of investing alot of money, unless I know I have 100% ownership & no risk of losing it. Earning a degree before going to Thailand simply isn't an option for me. I don't have the time to just chill here another 2-4 years, I only have maybe a couple months to work with, so I have to make the best out of it in the meantime.

Let's see, you're 23 now. If you strt your degree now you can come in few years and earn a very nice salary and stay as long you like, doing work you may enjoy. If you come now, you'll find no work, be broke in a short period of time I imagine and on a plane back home. at that point in time you'll be wondering why you're not already halfway toward receiving your degree.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Let's see, you're 23 now. If you strt your degree now you can come in few years and earn a very nice salary and stay as long you like, doing work you may enjoy. If you come now, you'll find no work, be broke in a short period of time I imagine and on a plane back home. at that point in time you'll be wondering why you're not already halfway toward receiving your degree.

When you say 'a very nice salary', how much are you talking about?

Just wondering because I am 24, have a degree and have a fairly decent job here (not teaching)... although I'm curious to see if my salary matches what you are saying.


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Let's see, you're 23 now. If you strt your degree now you can come in few years and earn a very nice salary and stay as long you like, doing work you may enjoy. If you come now, you'll find no work, be broke in a short period of time I imagine and on a plane back home. at that point in time you'll be wondering why you're not already halfway toward receiving your degree.

When you say 'a very nice salary', how much are you talking about?

Just wondering because I am 24, have a degree and have a fairly decent job here (not teaching)... although I'm curious to see if my salary matches what you are saying.


min of about 80k; preferably more than 120k.

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min of about 80k; preferably more than 120k.

hmm.. thanks for that. Sadly I'm a long way off that amount.. I can live comfortably in thailand on my current salary but it's nagging me at the back of my mind that if I don't get a pay rise I will be in the position where I have no savings and unable to afford to go back to the UK even if I wanted to. And as for paying off my student loan... arrgh!!

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min of about 80k; preferably more than 120k.

hmm.. thanks for that. Sadly I'm a long way off that amount.. I can live comfortably in thailand on my current salary but it's nagging me at the back of my mind that if I don't get a pay rise I will be in the position where I have no savings and unable to afford to go back to the UK even if I wanted to. And as for paying off my student loan... arrgh!!

hel_l in my current area, I started on a contract that ended up being 60k for 13 weeks of 7 day weeks; luckily I had another line of income, but that was where I began.

Within a year or so I was at the numbers mentioned; agreed with a bit more age and experience than you perhaps have. Anyway, if you can see how to get there with a career progression; keep expanding your knowledge and wateva; then to me 80k is about the minimum for a decent quality of life in Bangkok; outside of BKK depending on interests and spare time you might get by with a lot less, but a bit hard to pay off a student loan.....

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So I'm moving back to Thailand soon but will need some source of extra income. I'm 23, white American, 6'1, look good & good shape. I was planning on doing one or all three of the following, if possible: teach english, model, muay thai. I have no degree, but a HS diploma & soon a TEFL certificate. Does this sound sufficient enough to support myself legally in bkk ? I'll do w/e, as long as there's no risk of prison. :D

You are a little over the ideal height for modelling, but still ok; be honest with yourself; if you are good enough to model in USA, then you will be able to make some decent money here; chances are you probably are not good enough to make serious money modelling, but it could be a good sideline.

Note that for this, you will be 'competing' i.e. casting against 'proper' models as far as models here are proper, i mean people who know how to pose, who know how to get work, to cast, have comp cards and do that full time. You have the height for catwalk, not sure about the build without seeing you/knowing more; that used to be profitable until all the illegals (similar to yourself :-)) came in with no work permits and started working for minimal money and not paying tax then destroyed the market here; now modelling you would be hard pressed to earn more than 50,000b a month doing it pretty much full time. And I doubt there are even that many models earning this much.

Modelling, at least for me when I did it, would have made serious muay Thai training impossible; the castings mean you would miss many afternoon sessions and the work assuming you got some would interfere with whole days of training. If you would be happy with say 10,000b a month to cover an apartment and training cost, then that would be more acheiveable; thing about modelling is you will have to cast say 10 days to get 1-2 days of work. The idea of doing it just on the side rapidly takes over and soon you will be going to model nights, drinking, partying, and in no time the Muay Thai training will go down the hill.

I sincerely doubt you'll get paid to fight until you are a decent standard; by that I mean something like a Shane Choppa Chapman type standard where he would be earning decent money. For sure, you'll earn money if you can get good here, then return back to wherever you are from and work as a trainer/fighter, assuming you have talent.

A guy I used to spar/train with back in NZ called Ray Sefo and another called Jayson Vamoa they both did this successfully; they got good then gave up careers in other things to focus on Muay Thai and a thing called K1 nowadays. They were both pretty talented/smart guys; both have degrees incidentally. However, they didn't get good training here; there were Thai trainers in NZ that got them pretty good and then they took it from there; at cruiser weight and above, the benefits you get here would be less than say at welter/middle weight; that said the benefits would be far more than most of the rest of the world.

How you reached 22 without a degree in USA I don't know. But I strongly recommend you work on it now; get a simple degree then the world will be your oyster. Anyone who tells you you don't need a degree probably doesn't have one; it opens your eyes up to the world, and for teaching or doing business here, people care. Actually, I worked in USA, people care there too.

If you want to relegate yourself to the stereo typical engrish teacher life of 30,000b a month, two beer budget at Nana Plaza, one dodgy girlfriend, one studio apartment in Onnut, 8 hours a week allowance to complain on thaivisa/ajarn/bkktonite.com then go for it. You can forget about any serious Muay Thai training.

If you are serious about Muay Thai, I recommend 3 month camp at a serious Muay Thai gym, live there, train hard, stay focused and learn a bit of Thai on the way. You will be too knackered to do much during the day if you are training properly. If you have talent, then go back home, win some titles, and continue your education with a camp during the spring/summer breaks over here from time to time.

Then...after you have your degree cosider coming here.

Of course, you will probably ignore everything I have said, even though unlike Samran and Bendix, I am incredibly smart from my degree (almost plural); I did Muay Thai and I was a top model here. They were only incredibly smart from their degrees, but since they didn't do the others, they are relegated to saying:

'I coulda been a contender guy22. I coulda been somebody. It was you SteveRomagnino, it was you dat told me to just come over here and not get a degree, and dat is why I is teachin engrish a Siam Compuda for 25,000b a month'.


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