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Chinese tourist numbers increase following visa fee exemption


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There are people who live in denial, then there are goons from the Tourism and Sports Ministry and TAT. By the way, I thought you goons preferred 'quality tourists' (whatever the hell that is) to Chinese, because the Chinese do not generate revenue. Apparently they do, and they've suddenly become flavour of the month - each one of you goons are tripping over each other trying to kiss Chinese <deleted>. Don't you all feel quite stupid already?

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On 12/22/2018 at 4:49 PM, quandow said:

Next we're going to hear that the numbers have increased by a gazillion babillion tourists.


With all this revenue that their talking about where does it all go because it doesn't do anything for the poor people of Thailand 
More should be done for them instead of them having to sell themselves to the tourists to try and support themselves and their families and put themselves in danger also from the tourists that seem to think that their not worth anything and can just be disposed of when they finnish with them
The real Thailand people are really poor and get used by bosses and tourists to the max which no one in this world should have to put up with from anyone
More should be done to help the poor people of Thailand their the real people of Thailand not the big corporate companies and Foreign Busnessmen who just use the Country and the people and never treat the Thai Poeple with any respect or worth which is a pitty because the real Thai people are very good better than most other races I have had dealings with and their also one of the poorest people 
They really need help and for the system and bosses to pay them more and treat them fairly instead of always putting them down

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With all this revenue that their talking about where does it all go because it doesn't do anything for the poor people of Thailand 
More should be done for them instead of them having to sell themselves to the tourists to try and support themselves and their families and put themselves in danger also from the tourists that seem to think that their not worth anything and can just be disposed of when they finnish with them
The real Thailand people are really poor and get used by bosses and tourists to the max which no one in this world should have to put up with from anyone
More should be done to help the poor people of Thailand their the real people of Thailand not the big corporate companies and Foreign Busnessmen who just use the Country and the people and never treat the Thai Poeple with any respect or worth which is a pitty because the real Thai people are very good better than most other races I have had dealings with and their also one of the poorest people 
They really need help and for the system and bosses to pay them more and treat them fairly instead of always putting them down

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