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Had a bit of a dicussion about gender of animals in the jungle called Bedlam..

Started me thinking since we have so many learned folk here..

Gender and Familys of Animals..

example...Cattle..Bull...Cow, Calf..Heard

Ducks :o Drake.. Duck... Duckling... Flock..

clutch of eggs comes in there someplace..

Lets see if I can learn some thing...

Had a bit of a dicussion about gender of animals in the jungle called Bedlam..

Started me thinking since we have so many learned folk here..

Gender and Familys of Animals..

example...Cattle..Bull...Cow, Calf..Heard

Ducks :o Drake.. Duck... Duckling... Flock..

clutch of eggs comes in there someplace..

Lets see if I can learn some thing...

Heard of cows? Of course, I've heard of cows

List of animal collective nouns http://www.rinkworks.com/words/collective.shtml

Cats: Tom, Queen, kitten, litter

Sorry to be a pain SBK but its a Kindle of Kittens..

Thank you for participating..LBD

I'll take that with a grain of salt, LBD, coming from a man who calls them a "heard of cows" :o


From mr hippos site:

clowder of cats

clutter of cats

glaring of cats

pounce of cats

dout of cats (house cats)

nuisance of cats (house cats)

kendle of cats (kittens)

kindle of cats (kittens)

litter of cats (kittens)

destruction of cats (wild cats)

Sorry to be a pain LBD, thank you for participating sbk :o



Peacock, peahen, peafowl, peachick (?--perhaps chickpea :o), and ostentation or muster (thanks mr hippo!)


Geese, Gander, Goose, Gosling, Gaggle

Whales, Bull, Cow, Calf, School

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Cats: Tom, Queen, kitten, litter

Sorry to be a pain SBK but its a Kindle of Kittens..

Thank you for participating..LBD

I'll take that with a grain of salt, LBD, coming from a man who calls them a "heard of cows" :o

SBK you got me again, Spelling wasn't my best subject as you have proved..But it sounded right..

Would I be correct in assuming it should have read Herd???

Had a bit of a dicussion about gender of animals in the jungle called Bedlam..

Started me thinking since we have so many learned folk here..

Gender and Familys of Animals..

example...Cattle..Bull...Cow, Calf..Heard

Ducks :o Drake.. Duck... Duckling... Flock..

clutch of eggs comes in there someplace..

Lets see if I can learn some thing...

Heard of cows? Of course, I've heard of cows

List of animal collective nouns http://www.rinkworks.com/words/collective.shtml

Gee Mr Hippo..Sort of takes all the fun out of it..Sorry all I ment well, I thought..


The Collective Noun Page | Linguistic Fun Page | OjoHaven

* An aarmory of aardvarks (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An abandonment of orphans (-suggested by Toni Stern, via Gerald 'Jerry' Rounds, [email protected])

* An abominable sight of monks (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An absence of waiters (-suggested by Alexander Page, [email protected])

* An accompaniment of condiments (-suggested by David Lloyd-Mostyn, [email protected])

* An addition of mathematicians (-suggested by RP4-)

* An agenda of tasks (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* An amble of walkers (-suggested by RP4-)

* An ambush of widows (-suggested by Angi Drew, [email protected])

* An annoyance of mobile phones (-suggested by [email protected])

* An anthology of prostitutes (derivation: see below5 -suggested by Mic Bergen, [email protected])

* An anvil of blacksmiths (-suggested by RP4-)

* An archive of programmers (-suggested by Frank A. Geisel, [email protected])

* An armada of ships (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* An army of caterpillars (-CCW2-)

* An army of frogs (-MG3-)

* An array of luminaries (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* An assemblage of jigsaw puzzlers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* An assembly of toys (-suggested by Brian French, [email protected])

* An asylum of managers (-suggested by Rodney Jude, [email protected])

* An atlas of maps (-submitted by David Bannister, [email protected], from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)

* An attitude of teenagers (-suggested by RP4-)

* An audit of accountants (-suggested by Richard Blackwell, [email protected])

* An audit of bookkeepers (-suggested by Richard Blackwell, [email protected])

* An aurora of polar bears (-suggested by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* An autumn of leaves (-suggested by RP4-)

* A babel of words (-suggested by Michael G. Pirrello, CHMM, [email protected])

* A balance of accountants (-suggested by Dan Hubbard, [email protected])

* A bale of turtles

* A ballet of swans (-suggested by Diane L. Gottheiner, [email protected])

* A band of gorillas

* A band of jays (-MG3-)

* A band of men (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A bank of circuits (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A bank of monitors (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A barren of mules (-MG3-)

* A battery of tests (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A beautification of spatulas (-suggested by jeff brown, [email protected])

* A bed of clams (-MG3-)

* A bed of oysters (-MG3-)

* A bed of snakes (-CCW2-)

* A belt of asteroids (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A bend of willows (-suggested by RP4-)

* A bestiary of mythological creatures (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A bevy of beauties (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A bevy of business angels (-according to the November Newsletter of YABA-)

* A bevy of dowagers (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A bevy of quail

* A bevy of swans (-MG3-)

* A bevy of tanked sorority girls (possibly from Outland, -submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A bill of particulars (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A billing of consultants (-suggested by Brian French, [email protected])

* A billow of smokers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A blaze of pyromaniacs (-suggested by RP4-)

* A blessing of unicorns (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A bloat of hippopotami (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A blur of bicyclists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A blush of embarassments (-suggested by RP4-)

* A boast of soldiers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A body of pathologists (-suggested by several contributers7-)

* A bond of British secret agents (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected])

* A bongsuckling of white house staffers (-suggested by Daniel J. Lash, [email protected])

* A boo of surprises (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A book of mormons (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A bottle of source code (-suggested by Paul Gallagher, [email protected])

* A bouquet of flowers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A bouquet of pheasants (when flushed. -TR1-)

* A bout of estimations (-suggested by RP4-)

* A brace of grouse

* A brace of orthodontists (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A bridge of admirals (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A brigade of soldiers (-submitted by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A broadside of (artillery) shells (on water. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A brood of hens (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A buffoonery of orangutans (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A building of rooks (-TR1-)

* A bunch of drongoes (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A bunch of grapes (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A bunch of janes (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A burden of yolks (-suggested by RP4-)

* A bury of conies (-MG3-)

* A business of ferrets (-submitted by Liz Moore, [email protected])

* A business of flies (-CCW2-)

* A buttload of proctologists (-suggested by [email protected])

* A cackle of hyenas (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A calendar of saints (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A camp of transvestites (-suggested by Brett_Adkins, [email protected] Suggestion-)

* A candle of tapirs (-suggested by RP4-)

* A cast of actors (thousands, etc., in a performance -thanks to fisher, [email protected])

* A cast of falcons (-TR1-)

* A cast of hawks

* A cavalcade of horsemen (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A cavvy of extra cowboy mounts (-MG3-)

* A cete of badgers

* A chain of islands (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A charlotte of webpages (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A charm of finches

* A chattering of choughs

* A chorus of angels (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A circle of Babbitts (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A circus of fighter (aircraft -submitted by David Bannister, [email protected], from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)

* A clank of tanks (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A class of students

* A clatter of tanks (-suggested by RP4-)

* A clench of sphincters (-suggested by Rowan Hamilton, [email protected])

* A click of (computer) mice (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A clipping of geldings (-suggested by RP4-)

* A cloud of bats (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A cloud of gnats

* A cloud of grasshoppers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A cloud of plankton (-suggested by David Lucas, [email protected])

* A clowder of cats

* A clump of freshman (-suggested by Dave Mallick, [email protected])

* A cluster of alpha computers (-from Tips, Tidbits, and Technical Topics-)

* A cluster of grasshoppers (-CCW2-)

* A clutch of auto mechanics (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A clutch of chicks

* A clutch of eggs (-CCW2-)

* A clutch of kleptomaniacs (-suggested by RP4-)

* A clutch of leering women (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A clutch of testicles (-suggested by Ron Carroll, [email protected])

* A clutch of wrestlers (-suggested by Joan Garinger, [email protected])

* A clutter of cats

* A clutter of starlings (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A collective of nouns (-suggested by Bruce Crichton, [email protected])

* A college of electors (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A colony of ants (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A colony of beavers (-CCW2-)

* A colony of gulls (-MG3-)

* A colony of microbiologists (-suggested by Brad Childs, [email protected] of Australia-)

* A colony of penguins (-TR1-)

* A colony of rabbits (-ojo6-)

* A company of parrots (-TR1-)

* A company of soldiers (-submitted by [email protected])

* A compromise of senators (-suggested by Daniel J. Lash, [email protected])

* A conflagration of arsonists (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A conflagration of pyromaniacs (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A confusion of [traffic] cones (-suggested by Margaret Webb, j&[email protected])

* A confusion of meanderings (-suggested by RP4-)

* A congregation of people (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A congregation of plovers

* A congregation of worshipers

* A congress of baboons (-suggested by an entry in the Harvard On-line Library-)

* A consort of Corgwyn ("Corgwyn - pronounced "corg'n," I think - is the plural for Corgi, either Pembroke or Cardigan". -suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A conspiracy of ravens (-submitted from Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A constable of ravens (-suggested by Adrian de Bear, [email protected])

* A constellation of satellites (-suggested by Patrick Murphy, [email protected])

* A constellation of stars (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A constituency of voters (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A convention of tongues (-suggested by RP4-)

* A convocation of eagles (-MG3-)

* A cornucopia of slugs (-suggested by RP4-)

* A corps of cadets (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A coven of witches (-submitted by Alan Montemayor, [email protected])

* A cover of coots (-TR1,6-)

* A covey of grouse (-TR1-)

* A covey of partridges (-TR1-)

* A covey of pheasants (while on the ground. -CCW2-)

* A covey of ptarmigans (-TR1-)

* A covey of quail

* A cowardice of curs (-CCW2-)

* A crash of rhinoceroses (in contemporary use in Kenya Game Reports. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A crash of software (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A creep of tortoises (-suggested by Susan Burton, [email protected])

* A crew of military barbers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A crush of shoppers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A crowd of onlookers

* A cruft of hackers (-according to The Hacker's Dictionary-)

* A crush of icebergs (-suggested by Michael, [email protected])

* A cry of hounds

* A cry of players (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A culture of bacteria (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A cutch of vellum (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A cupful of starlets (-suggested by RP4-)

* A cutting of cynics (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A dawn of morning glories (-suggested by RP4-)

* A death-row of turkeys (in November. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A debauchery of Hedonists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A deck of sailors (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A deceit of lapwings

* A deficit of economists (-suggested by Ted Roseman, [email protected])

* A density of meatheads (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A descent of woodpeckers

* A design of engineers (-suggested by Frank A. Geisel, [email protected])

* A desperation of divorcees (-suggested by Toni Stern, via Gerald 'Jerry' Rounds, [email protected])

* A desperation of voters (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A dilation of pupils (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A disputation of lawyers (-suggested by Lee Daniel Quinn, [email protected])

* A dissimulation of birds (-TR1-)

* A divergence of Canadians (-suggested by RP4-)

* A division of soldiers (-submitted by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A dole of doves (-CCW2-)

* A donut of data (-from The Hacker's Dictionary-)

* A doom of dragons (-suggested by [email protected])

* A dose of doctors (-suggested by RP4-)

* A down of hares

* A draught of fish (-MG3-)

* A dray of squirrels

* A drift of hogs (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A drift of icebergs (-suggested by Michael, [email protected])

* A drift of swine

* A dropping of pigeons (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A drove of cabbies (-suggested by R. & K. Mendell, [email protected])

* A drove of cattle

* A dule of doves (-MG3-)

* A drumming of grouse (derivation: their mating call, generated with the wings. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A durante of toucans (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An ecstasy of Morgans (-from the Morgan Factory-)

* An embarrassment of parents (for use by teenagers, -suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* An embarrassment of riches (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An encroachment of fence-builders (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* An ensemble of homosexuals (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* An equanimity of tranquilizers (-suggested by RP4-)

* An ergo of Cartesians (-suggested by RP4-)

* An erst of bees (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* An evensong of choirboys (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An exaltation of larks (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A fall of woodcocks (-TR1-)

* A falling of dominoes (-suggested by RP4-)

* A fascination of listeners (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A fascination of on-lookers (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A fesnyng of ferrets (see "fesnyng" background -submitted by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A fidget of altarboys (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A fidget of suspects (-suggested by Dennis Meyler, [email protected])

* A field of racehorses (-MG3,6-)

* A fistful of dollars (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A flag of Americans (-suggested by RP4-)

* A flap of nuns (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A fleet of ships (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A flight of cormorants (-TR1-)

* A flight of doves (-TR1-)

* A flight of golf balls (-suggested by RP4-)

* A flight of goshawks (-TR1-)

* A flight of refugees (-suggested by RP4-)

* A flight of stairs (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A flight of swallows

* A flink of cows (twelve or more, submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A flitch of bacon (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A float of crocodiles (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A flock of sheep (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A flock of tourists (-suggested by an anonymous fan-)

* A flotilla of ships (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A flourish of blossoms (-suggested by RP4-)

* A flunk of students (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A flush of wing commanders (aka "WCs". -submitted by ojo6-)

* A fluther of jellyfish (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A flock of white Christmas trees (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A flood of plumbers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A fold of chairs (-suggested by RP4-)

* A formality of penguins (-suggested by [email protected])

* A formation of geologists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A freeze of Northerners (-suggested by RP4-)

* A fright of ghosts (-suggested by RP4-)

* A gaggle of geese (wild or domesticated, notes -TR1, on water6-)

* A gaggle of pill poppers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A galaxy of stars (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A galaxy of starlets (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A gallop of Greyhounds (-suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A gam of whales (-MG3-)

* A gambol of dancers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A gang of elk

* A gang of hoodlums (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A gatling of woodpeckers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A geek of engineers (-suggested by Adam Pederson, [email protected])

* A giggle of girls (-suggested by Kyle Hasselbacher, [email protected])

* A glacier of freezers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A glitter of generals (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A glossolalia of pentacostals (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A glut of parrs (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A glut of pleasure (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A gossip of relatives (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A government of episcopalians (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A greed of lawyers (-suggested by Mic Bergen, [email protected])

* A grind of chores (-suggested by RP4-)

* A grip of hand tools (-suggested by Adam Pederson, [email protected])

* A grist of bees (-MG3-)

* A groan of puns (-suggested by RP4-)

* A gross of farts (-suggested by Peter Smith, [email protected])

* A grove of trees (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A grumble of Pugs (-suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A guilt of pleasures (-suggested by RP4-)

* A gush of sycophants (-suggested by Mal Walker, [email protected])

* A hailstorm of gunships (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A hamper of helpers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A hand of bananas (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A handful of palm readers (-suggested by R. & K. Mendell, [email protected])

* A harmony of beauties (-suggested by RP4-)

* A harmony of singers (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A hassle of errands (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A hatchet of corporate downsizing proposals (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A heap of front-end loaders (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A heap of trash (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A heard of blind people (-suggested by Andy Roberts, [email protected])

* A herd of elephants

* A herd of horses (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A herd of pigs (-suggested by Lisa Donnelly, [email protected])

* A herd of wrens (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A hide of tigers (-suggested by Margaret Harley-)

* A hill of beans (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A hiss of lisps (-suggested by RP4-)

* A hive of bees (derivation: habitat.)

* A horde of gnats

* A host of angels (-submitted from Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A host of sparrows

* A hover of hummingbirds (-suggested by RP4-)

* A hover of trout

* A huddle of hippos (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A huddle of lawyers (-submitted by Dennis Meyler, [email protected])

* A huddle of players (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A huff of people who write letters to the editor (-found in some web page in Australia-)

* A hug of teddy bears (-submitted by Danie Cox-Tonkin, [email protected], quoting The Teddy Bear Encyclopedia by Pauline Cockrill, ISBN 1-56458-302-3-)

* A hum of bees (-suggested by RP4-)

* A husk of hares (-MG3-)

* An immersion of baptists (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An imposition of in-laws (-suggested by RP4-)

* An incantation of warlocks (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* An incantation of witches (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* An incision of surgeons (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* An indecision of managers (-suggested by Tim Hamilton, [email protected])

* A jackson of gloves (-suggested by Paul Gallagher, [email protected])

* A jagger of tongues (-suggested by Paul Gallagher, [email protected])

* A jam of tarts (-suggested by Mic Bergen, [email protected])

* A jungle of Nazis (-suggested by RP4-)

* A Kervorkian of I.U. Med Students (-suggested by Daniel J. Lash, [email protected])

* A kettle of drums (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A kettle of hawks (riding a thermal -TR1-)

* A kindle of kittens (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A kneeling of parishioners (-suggested by RP4-)

* A knot of eels (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A knot of frogs (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected], quoting Richard Lederer's "The Play of Words"-)

* A knot of renters (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A knot of Scottish bankers (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A knot of shoelaces (-suggested by Amellia Kapa, [email protected])

* A knot of toads (derivation: appearance.)

* A knuckle of gangsters (-suggested by Alexandra Irvin, [email protected])

* A labour of moles (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A leap of hares (-submitted by [email protected])

* A leap of leopards (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A leash of foxes

* A leash of hares (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A lechery of priests (-suggested by Toni Stern, via Gerald 'Jerry' Rounds, [email protected])

* A lie of politicians (-submitted anonymously-)

* A litter of pigs

* A luck of dice (-suggested by Ginny Gross, [email protected])

* A lump of toads (-suggested by Rowan Hamilton, [email protected])

* A machination of monkeys (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A magnum of hitmen (-suggested by Kyle Hasselbacher, [email protected])

* A mask of raccoons (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A mass of Catholics (-suggested by Dave Mallick, [email protected])

* A mass of priests (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A maul of bears (-suggested by Karl Broughton, [email protected])

* A maze of canyons (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A meaning of dictionaries (-suggested by Amellia Kapa, [email protected])

* A medusa of knots (-suggested by RP4-)

* A meet of racehorses (-suggested by Karl Broughton, [email protected])

* A meeting of quakers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A melee of rioters (-suggested by RP4-)

* A membership of presbyterians (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A menage of mongrels (-suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A mess of grits (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A mess of little boys (-suggested by Joan Garinger, [email protected])

* A mess of officers (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A mess of pottage (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A mint of candies (-suggested by RP4-)

* A minuscule of sub-atomic particles (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A minyan of Jews (the quorum for a congregation, -submitted by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A mixture of pharmacists (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A moan of lamentations (-suggested by RP4-)

* A mob of kangaroo (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A mob of Texans (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A mug of narcissists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A multiplication of loafers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A murder of crows

* A murmur of alliterations (-suggested by RP4-)

* A murmer of nuns (as of their sound. -suggested by proman, [email protected])

* A murmuration of starlings (-TR1-)

* A muscle of marines (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A muster of peacocks

* A muster of soldiers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A muster of storks (-TR1-)

* A mustering of storks (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected], quoting Richard Lederer's "The Play of Words"-)

* A mute of hounds

* A nag of grandparents (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A nest of bowls (-suggested by RP4-)

* A nest of machine guns (-suggested by Greg D., [email protected])

* A nest of mice (-CCW2-)

* A nest of rabbits (in their habitat -CCW2-)

* A nest of vipers (-CCW2-)

* A nest of wasps (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A network of computers (linked together -submitted by Bob Brennert, [email protected])

* A nobility of beasts (-suggested by RP4-)

* A number of mathematicians (-suggested by Ted Roseman, [email protected])

* A nye of pheasants (while on the ground. -CCW2-)

* An observance of hermits (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An obscurity of poets (-suggested by RP4-)

* An orchestra of crickets (-suggested by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* An orchestra of musicians

* An order of waiters (-suggested by Karl Schonborn, [email protected])

* An ostentation of peacocks (-TR1-)

* A pace of asses (-MG3-)

* A pack of hounds (-MG3-)

* A pack of suitcases (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A pack of wolves (-MG3-)

* A pad of (sheets of) paper (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A paddling of ducks (while swimming. -CCW2-)

* A pail of wasps (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pair of horses

* A palm of ######s (-suggested by Adrian de Bear, [email protected])

* A pander of toadies (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pantheon of gods (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A parade of penguins (-submitted by [email protected])

* A parliament of owls

* A parliament of rooks (-submitted by Janice, [email protected])

* A party of jays (-TR1-)

* A passel of brats (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A patch of flowers (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A pathos of mourners (-suggested by RP4-)

* A patter of footsteps (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A peal of bells (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A peep of chickens (-TR1-)

* A peep-show of CDs (-suggested by Paul Gallagher, [email protected])

* A pencil of lines (proper contemporary group term in mathematics. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A pension of condominiums (-suggested by Paul Gallagher, [email protected])

* A phalanx of umbrellas (-suggested by RP4-)

* A piddle of puppies (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A pie-full of apples (-suggested by an anonymous fan-)

* A pile of dung (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A pinhead of angels (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pink of liberals (-suggested by RP4-)

* A piteousness of doves (-CCW2-)

* A pithy of truths (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pitying of turtledoves (-TR1-)

* A plague of locusts (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A plane of geometrists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A platoon of soldiers (-submitted by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A plump of waterfowl (-submitted by Dave M. Carden, [email protected])

* A plump of wildfowl (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected], quoting Richard Lederer's "The Play of Words"-)

* A plunder of goons (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A pod of seals

* A pod of whales (-CCW2-)

* A poke of fencers (-suggested by Mic Bergen, [email protected])

* A pomposity of professors (from Boston Common -submitted by Matthew M. Burke, [email protected])

* A ponder of philosophers (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A pontificality of prelates (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A posse of cock-turkeys (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A posse of posers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A prattle of parrots (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A pretension of intellects (-suggested by Toni Stern, via Gerald 'Jerry' Rounds, [email protected])

* A prevarication of consultants (-suggested by James Macrae, [email protected], from a colleague, [email protected])

* A prey of nuns (-suggested by Peter Smith, [email protected])

* A prickle of hedgehogs (-submitted by Duane Godwin, [email protected])

* A prickle of porcupines (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A pride of lions

* A pride of stage mothers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A propriety of nouns (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pryde of griffins (-suggested by Matthew Buenaflor, [email protected])

* A pull of silk-screens (-suggested by RP4-)

* A pumphouse of egos (-suggested by RP4-)

* A quake of cowards (-suggested by Brian French, [email protected])

* A quake of seismologists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A quarrel of lawyers (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A quaver of arias (-suggested by RP4-)

* A quiz of teachers (-suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A rabble of rats (-suggested by Ken Gower, [email protected])

* A rack of gears (-suggested by RP4-)

* A radiance of cardinals (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A raft of canvass-back ducks (-submitted by David Bannister, [email protected], from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)

* A raft of ducks (while idle in water. -CCW2-)

* A raft of widgeon (-submitted by David Bannister, [email protected], from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)

* A rafter of turkeys (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A rain of cats and dogs (-suggested by Phillip Blackerby, [email protected])

* A ramuda of horses (in a large group, as a herd) (-suggested by Phillip Blackerby, [email protected])

* A Rand of Objectivists (-suggested by Greg Hanka, [email protected])

* A range of mountains (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A ream of bureaucrats (-suggested by Joseph Nied, [email protected])

* A reflection of narcissists (-suggested by Paul Healy, [email protected])

* A regatta of swans (on water. -suggested by Mal Walker, [email protected])

* A release of anglers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A remuda of extra cowboy mounts (-MG3-)

* A rhyme of poets (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A richness of martens (-MG3-)

* A ring of keys (linked physically, -submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A rope of pearls (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A round of circumnavigations (-suggested by RP4-)

* A round of drinks (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A route of wolves (-submitted by Rex Stocklin, [email protected], quoting Richard Lederer's "The Play of Words"-)

* A rumble of artillery (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A rumpus of baboons (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A run of cowards (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected])

* A run of poultry (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A rush of overnight couriers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A rush of pochard (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A salon of Poodles (-suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A salt substrate of potato chips (-from The Hacker's Dictionary-)

* A salt substrate of pretzels (-from The Hacker's Dictionary-)

* A salt substrate of saltines (-from The Hacker's Dictionary-)

* A salvo of [artillery] shells (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A scale of ichthyologists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A scandal of shoes (-suggested by [email protected])

* A school of fish (derivation: error. Was originally "shoal".)

* A sedge of cranes

* A sea of bishops (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A set of mathematicians (-suggested by Ted Roseman, [email protected])

* A sheaf of wheat (stalks of grain tied together. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A shitload of troubles (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A shoal of bass

* A shoal[e] of goslings (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A shoal of shad (-submitted by David Bannister, [email protected], from the CD-ROM version of the OED-)

* A shock of corn (pile of stalks. -submitted by ojo6-)

* A shortage of dwarves (-from the Globe and Mail Newspaper?, submitted anonymously-)

* A shrewdness of apes

* A siege of herons

* A singular of boars (-MG3-)

* A skein of geese (in flight, notes -TR1,6-)

* A skulk of foxes (derivation: behavior.)

* A slate of candidates (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A slew of homework (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A slice of circumcisions (-suggested by RP4-)

* A slither of gossip columnists (-suggested by RP4-)

* A slither of snakes (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A sloth of bears (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A smack of jellyfish (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A smashing of luddites (-suggested by RP4-)

* A smuth of jellyfish (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A snap of photographers (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A sneak of weasels (derivation: behavior. -Laura John, [email protected])

* A Sodom of shepherds (-suggested by RP4-)

* A souffle of clouds (derivation: appearance -suggested by Ron Hawker, [email protected])

* A sord of mallards (-TR1-)

* A sounder of swine (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A Sousa of marching bands (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A splash of puddles (-suggested by Amellia Kapa, [email protected])

* A spread of nymphomaniacs (-suggested by [someone at] Evergreen School of English, [email protected])

* A sprig of vegetarians (-suggested by RP4-)

* A spring of seals

* A spring of teal (-TR1-)

* A sproutness of mushrooms (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A squad of soldiers (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A squash of sermons (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A squeal of nieces (-suggested by Katherine Spivey, [email protected])

* A squint of proofreaders (-suggested by Katherine Spivey, [email protected])

* A stable of prostitutes (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A staff of employees (-submitted by Philip F. Karpel, Jr., [email protected])

* A stand of flamingo (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A stand of trees (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A stash of weed (when hidden, -submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A steam of turds (-suggested by Adrian de Bear, [email protected])

* A stench of skunks (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A stock of portfolio managers (-suggested by R, K, & F, [email protected])

* A storm of paratroops (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A strangle of bad laws (-suggested by Ron Hawker, [email protected])

* A streak of tigers (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A stretch of giraffes (-suggested by Katherine Spivey, [email protected])

* A string of ponies (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A stripe of zebras (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A stud of mares

* A studk of jellyfish (-submitted by ojo, [email protected], from Atlantic Veterinary College-)

* A subtlety of designers (-suggested by Frank A. Geisel, [email protected])

* A sulk of teenagers (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A superfluity of nuns (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A superfluity of priests (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A superfluity of similes (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of bees (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A swarm of cockroaches (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of dirty ragged plebeians (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of haries (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of literary drones (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of suitors (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A swarm of sycophants (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A sweetness of sopranos (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A swelter of blankets (-suggested by Katherine Spivey, [email protected])

* A tangle of tricksters (according to Ms. Carol Ramsey and the classes of English 160 W97006 and English 160 W97008 at Camosun College in Victoria, BC. Canada -submitted by Prof. Peter Montgomery, [email protected])

* A team of atheletes (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A team of ducks (while flying. (-CCW2-)

* A team of horses

* A team of oxen (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A tedium of golfers (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A terror of terriers ("as any cat knows!" -suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A ticktock of clocks (-submitted by David Henderson, [email protected])

* A tidings of magpies (-TR1-)

* A tilt of windmills (-suggested by RP4-)

* A tok of capercailzies (i.e., Old World grouse -MG3-)

* A tongue lashing of interpreters (-suggested by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A totter of giraffes (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A tough of lesbians (-suggested by David Rachlin, [email protected])

* A treachery of spies (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A tribe of goats (-MG3-)

* A tribe of monkeys (-MG3-)

* A tribe of natives (-submitted by Marila Belcher, [email protected])

* A trip of dotterel (-TR1-)

* A trip of goats

* A troop of kangaroo (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A troop of monkeys (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected], quoting Richard Lederer's "The Play of Words"-)

* A troup of performers (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A tumult of tubas (suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A tuz of hair (-suggested by David Bannister, [email protected])

* A tyranny of dictators (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A ubiquity of sparrows (-submitted by ojo6-)

* An undulation of hills (-suggested by RP4-)

* An unkindness of ravens (-submitted by Eve Costello-)

* A vagary of impediments (-suggested by Chet Meek, [email protected])

* A vane of directions (-suggested by RP4-)

* A vein of goldfinch (-suggested by RP4-)

* A vigor of hybrids (-suggested by RP4-)

* A vision of optometrists (-suggested by Amellia Kapa, [email protected])

* A visit of jehovah's witnesses (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A volery of birds (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A waddle of Basset Hounds (-suggested by Chris, [email protected])

* A wailing of Weight Watchers (-suggested by Sue Henczel, [email protected], from Anne M. Murphy-)

* A wake of vultures (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A walk of snipe (-MG3-)

* A wash of emotions (-suggested by Rex Stocklin, [email protected])

* A watch of nightingales

* A wave of surfers (-suggested by Brian French, [email protected])

* A wealth of information

* A wedge of geese (flying in a "V", -TR1-)

* A wedge of swans (flying in a "V", -TR1-)

* A whale of surfers (-suggested by RP4-)

* A whistle of modems (-suggested by Jerry Pournelle in a BYTE article-)

* A whored of prostitutes (-suggested by Phillip Blackerby, [email protected])

* A wiggle of Elvis impersonators (-suggested by RP4-)

* A wing of (fighter) aircraft (-submitted by Jason Harris, [email protected])

* A wisdom of grandparents (-suggested by Jim Ahlberg, [email protected])

* A wisdom of owls (-thanks to Diane L. Gottheiner, [email protected])

* A wisp of snipe

* A wolfpack of submarines (-submitted by ojo6-)

* A wriggle of worms (-suggested by Norman Peters, [email protected])

* A wonder of stars (-suggested by RP4-)

* A yoke of pilots (-suggested by R. & K. Mendell, [email protected])

* A yoke of oxen

gone off side a little bit but I hope you'll find use for this list

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