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Death Threat At Mcdonalds


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This behaviour is unfortunately symptomatic of many Thais who work in Pattaya these days - especially in the 'sex' districts - and is not necessarily reprepresenative of Thailand as a whole.

It seems to be the way of most Thais working in Pattaya these days. I wouldn't class Sukhumvit as a "sex" district. Do you live in Pattaya? You maybe astonished at the number of "normal" tourists here these days. They outnumber the sex tourists.

I didn't say Sukhumvit was a sex district, although you don't to stray too far from Sukhumvit these days to find sex for sale.

I was simply commenting that many Thais in the 'sex' districts do not behave as Thais normally do. There is also a general breakdown of normal polite Thai behaviour towards farangs in the greater Pattaya area, spreading out from the 'sex' districts.

I am fully aware of the number of normal tourists in Pattaya, having lived in the area for quite a while now, and off on and on in Thailand for over 30 years.

There is absolutely no comparison between the attitude of most Thais in Pattaya today and that of 30 years ago. I would even go as far as to say that even today, the average Thai worker in Bangkok has a better attitude towards farangs than the average Thai does in Pattaya.

I used to defend Pattaya against the Pattaya bashers, but I now find that it is increasingly hard to put up a defence against the grubby degradation of the 'sex areas', the depravation of the slums, the abuse of street kids and the almost total breakdown in law and order and infrustructure. It's becoming like something out of 'Mad Max'

When staff from Subways and Macdonalds threaten violence against customers, then you know things are going downhill very fast, towards Tammi's tipping point. :o

Mobi, You have taken the words right out of my mouth. Like you I have lived here a long time. First came to live here in 1991 and the attitude of the Thai has changed not only in Pattaya but in most parts of Thailand. The crime is way out of control in the Pattaya and Jomtien area. When I first came to Thailand any Thai that committed a crime against a foreigner would be given double the usual sentence. Today the Cops are always siding with the Thais.

As most people that do know me know on this forum are starting to understand the reasons why Im moving out of Thailand in about 5 weeks. I have had enough of their B/S.

Cheers Tony

Good luck Tony,

However in 1991 my home village in the UK was a wonderful place for my parents to stay. Now my poor old Dad is too afraid to get passed the " Hoodies" in the square who have a history of mugging the elderly, so he can't even visit his old mates in the pub.

I first went to Patters in 1986 and it was indeed a different place. Sadly the whole world has moved on in the wrong direction since then. My Dad feels a lot safer in Patters than the UK, so I hope the grass will truely be greener elswhere for you and if you find that nirvarna be sure to post it so we can all come !!!

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Kippers, It's just one of those culture things. With due respect, if you have been in Thailand for 8 years you should have known to walk away and just accept it.

This is Thailand and direct criticism to a thai is face losing big time and only worsens the situation.


I hope that you are joking.

Unfortunately im not joking. Thats just the way it is in Thailand. Direct criticism doesn't go down well. In this case it resulted in a death threat. Wheather or not it had any substance or not , i certainly wouldnt be sticking around to find out. To me living a long life takes precedence over retribution for bad service.

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Its not only Pattaya. This sort of thing can happen anywhere in Thailand.

As for your sarcastic comment that i am " the worlds greatest expert on thai culture". Mobi. A bit of courtesy would not go astray.

Of course , anything can happen anywhere, but I still maintain that it is not correct that such behaviour can happen "anywhere in Thailand", unless we're talking about places like Patong and others of a similar ilk.

Hence my sarcastic comment.

My unreserved aplogies for casting a stain on your good character. :o:D

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Perhaps the OP's experience can be put down to just another example proving that familiarity does indeed breed contempt?

Reversing roles and adding a little imagination one could easily sympathise with the server if he had had a difficult day attending to the farang gargoyles we all know and have come to regard as Europe's finest examples of manhood. Threatening death of course is perhaps a little excessive but the the linguistic challenges facing the average Thai are well known.

It may have been a case that it was the only phrase he could muster to express his anger at losing face to a whingeing farang wittering on about some piffling delay in providing a paltry sandwich purveyed at a pittance.

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Perhaps the OP's experience can be put down to just another example proving that familiarity does indeed breed contempt?

Reversing roles and adding a little imagination one could easily sympathise with the server if he had had a difficult day attending to the farang gargoyles we all know and have come to regard as Europe's finest examples of manhood. Threatening death of course is perhaps a little excessive but the the linguistic challenges facing the average Thai are well known.

It may have been a case that it was the only phrase he could muster to express his anger at losing face to a whingeing farang wittering on about some piffling delay in providing a paltry sandwich purveyed at a pittance.

This is the worst does of dribble I have seen on the internet today.

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Perhaps the OP's experience can be put down to just another example proving that familiarity does indeed breed contempt?

Reversing roles and adding a little imagination one could easily sympathise with the server if he had had a difficult day attending to the farang gargoyles we all know and have come to regard as Europe's finest examples of manhood. Threatening death of course is perhaps a little excessive but the the linguistic challenges facing the average Thai are well known.

It may have been a case that it was the only phrase he could muster to express his anger at losing face to a whingeing farang wittering on about some piffling delay in providing a paltry sandwich purveyed at a pittance.

No way. It doesn't matter what kind of day he's had, it gives him no right to threaten the very people that enable him to earn a living!

What is this "Losing Face" anyway. It must be one of the biggest con tricks in the world. I've never seen a Thai hold back on telling another what they think of them!

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The OP has waited for 15 minutes for his food and is understandedly unhappy. Complaining about it directly to the employees is not going to get any sort of sattisfaction. He's damm lucky he didn't get a smack in the mouth.

Get out of it 'he's ###### lucky he didn't get a smack in the mouth', I've never heard of such paranoia. Some people have too much fear of the Thais, the guy's a Maccy Ds employee for gods sake. If I waited 15 mins for food in McDonalds something would be said too, and if I started getting death threats from the staff there it would be going even further.

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I've never heard of such paranoia. Some people have too much fear of the Thais, the guy's a Maccy Ds employee for gods sake.

Totally agree, the paranoia is amazing. Why would that fact the guy is thai prevent you from making a further complaint & if the manager ignored you then ask for her boss or a complaints form. The thai guy at McD'S is a jub, hence he is working at McD'S I hardly think he will be some hard man or mafioso, no hard man I know would work at McD's. :o

Sounds like an case of an ###### with a bad attitude, they exist everywhere (even in thailand) & being thai makes him no different to any other low wage, resentful service worker with a bad attitude.!!

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i would think that if the employee was reported by the customer to a higher authority , and that higher authority then disciplined or sacked the employee , that employee would harbour a great deal of resentment , and it is not outside the bounds of possibility that whilst drinking with his equally lowlife friends one night could easily hatch some idea to go looking for the customer and give him a working over.

thais have very long memories where perceived injustices are concerned , and whilst it would be silly to worry about getting killed because of this , should you happen to be seen by him whilst he is with a bunch of mates and should they be a bit worse for wear due to alcohol or drugs , then i suspect you could get a smack in the mouth at least.

i would go into the place again and get served by him , and see if his attitude towards you is the same or not.

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granted that if you cause trouble for someone in the uk , there can be violent repercussions , but i hear about many personal vendettas here , still remembered with anger years after the event.

a foriegner getting on the wrong side of a pattaya local , whilst not an automatic death sentence , is cause for reflection.

he may just be a dork with a big mouth , but he could be a proto - psychopath looking for an excuse to have a go at a foriegner. seems to be the fashion these days.

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<deleted> food

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With the wealth of choice available in the Thai food industry, I feel those who patronise MacDonalds have failed to show any imagination.

This, in no way, excuses death threats or even a lack of courtesy.

Well I like many diverse foods including Thai food...good Italian food.........and many others including fish`n` chips.....and on occasions Macdonalds...........imagination has quite honestly nothing to do with it.

Lack of imagination narrows your choice of food outlets.

Bruno`s one day and the next Macdonalds for a snack nothing wrong with that! :D

I like the small Macdonalds at the bottom of Beach Road...always good service with a smile from the young people who work there. :o

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we all mock and decry macdonalds , for the bland formulated stuff they serve and the awful plastic surroundings they are served in , but the fact remains that , as unhealthy as it may be , as unfashionable as it may be , and even though to be seen eating a macdonalds product immediately labels you a pathetic defeatist who has given up on life , it is well nigh impossible to get a better tasting french fry this side of "the two brothers" chip shop on regents park road in north west london.

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<deleted> food

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With the wealth of choice available in the Thai food industry, I feel those who patronise MacDonalds have failed to show any imagination.

This, in no way, excuses death threats or even a lack of courtesy.

Well I like many diverse foods including Thai food...good Italian food.........and many others including fish`n` chips.....and on occasions Macdonalds...........imagination has quite honestly nothing to do with it.

Lack of imagination narrows your choice of food outlets.

Bruno`s one day and the next Macdonalds for a snack nothing wrong with that! :D

I like the small Macdonalds at the bottom of Beach Road...always good service with a smile from the young people who work there. :D

I have eaten in some of the best restaurants in the world and from time to time a Big Mac or Whopper just hits the spot - no matter how many self-deluding, politically correct phonies claim otherwise. :o

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Last night about 10.30 I went to McDonalds on Sukhumvit for a late dinner after driving down from Bangkok, After waiting for 15 mins to get the food it was given to me without comment, when i asked for the server if he could possibly say thankyou, he responded with " I look your face, I see you in Pattaya, you are dead!" I thought that McDonalds had a stict code of conduct, Perhaps I was most offended when I called over the female manager, who looked at me and then walked away totally ignoring me.

I received a comment from my 10 year old in the back seat asking why they are so rude, I was absolutely speechless to answer.

I've been living in Pattaya & Bangkok for the last 8 years and accept most things as culture differences but this is riduculous.

If anyone knows the contact address of the head office of McDonalds, I would like to fill them in on this shocking experience.

correct me if i am wrong but i believe a verbal death threat, if witnessed, can be taken up with the police. years ago, i was chased all the way down sukhumvit and into Naklua by a road-raged Thai who had been riding my bumper and flashing his lights to pass me as i was overtaking. i dabbed the brakes, causing him to jam on his and almost lose control. thus he followed me till i stopped in the parking lot of the hotel, leapt from his pickup and raged in Thai and English finishing with 'i kill you next time'. the hotel staff witnessed it and told me that such a threat is illegal. they summonsed the police where we all gave statements and passed on the pickup details. i would like to think that the mib did their bit as i saw that same pickup truck parked up at the old police station on number 2 road for about a week.

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we all mock and decry macdonalds , for the bland formulated stuff they serve and the awful plastic surroundings they are served in , but the fact remains that , as unhealthy as it may be , as unfashionable as it may be , and even though to be seen eating a macdonalds product immediately labels you a pathetic defeatist who has given up on life , it is well nigh impossible to get a better tasting french fry this side of "the two brothers" chip shop on regents park road in north west london.

and sadly tax they don`t serve it wrapped in newspaper any longer :o

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Last night about 10.30 I went to McDonalds on Sukhumvit for a late dinner after driving down from Bangkok, After waiting for 15 mins to get the food it was given to me without comment, when i asked for the server if he could possibly say thankyou, he responded with " I look your face, I see you in Pattaya, you are dead!" I thought that McDonalds had a stict code of conduct, Perhaps I was most offended when I called over the female manager, who looked at me and then walked away totally ignoring me.

I received a comment from my 10 year old in the back seat asking why they are so rude, I was absolutely speechless to answer.

I've been living in Pattaya & Bangkok for the last 8 years and accept most things as culture differences but this is riduculous.

If anyone knows the contact address of the head office of McDonalds, I would like to fill them in on this shocking experience.

For what it`s worth my input on this is as follows:-

1.The employee was wrong in saying what he said to the OP, probably young and stressed at the time (although I wish I had a 100 baht for everytime I have not been thanked in my life. I`d be on my yacht now and not posting on TV)

2. It would be interesting to know exactly what the OP asked the `server` and what tone it was said in. It does not look as though we have the full verbal request here and what has the server to thank the OP for? This part loses me.

3. In my opinion It is not the OP`s job to educate the `server` as to his manners this is down to the Management of the establishment.

4. To the OP `get over it` and move on. By following this up you will only antagonise the situation further.

Yes the employee was wrong by saying what he did but making him lose face will not improve his manners.

I have eaten in Macdonalds and ordered food which I have had to wait for sometimes up to 5 minutes and sometimes queued for as long, I thought that this was part of the self sevice way of eating but why should the server thank me for waiting or paying? It`s the food I`m after and thank you or not would not spoil my meal :o

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If there's a nutter working there who is making death threats to customers, it's hardly surprising that the female manager walked away. She might be next on his list.

This behaviour is unfortunately symptomatic of many Thais who work in Pattaya these days - especially in the 'sex' districts - and is not necessarily reprepresenative of Thailand as a whole.

Perhaps we reap what we sow - take look around you at the dregs of the western world who habituate some areas of Pattaya - who undoubtedly adopt similar standards of etiquette.

It is never the less very sad and to be deplored.

I commened you to take this further with Macdonald's Head Office, and if possible to report back on your progress.

Good post, Mobi.

On my last flight back to the UK, there was a Brit living in Pattaya sitting behind me. I did not know him. I knew he was living in Pattaya because I heard him chatting to the man sitting next to him.

He addressed me once during the flight, "Move your seat, you f***ing b***ard."


I trust you had not reclined your seat during meal-time!?

If you had, then I would say the comment was warranted... otherwise, I'd agree with you.

This was said as the meals arrived. They arrived from the back so his arrived 10 seconds before mine and I did not see them coming. My seat had already been reclined for an hour. I can't imagine I or any other person with a modicum of politeness would ever have said anything like that. How about, "Could you put your seat up please?"

I'm guessing you must have been asleep, else I don't understand how you could be oblivious to what was happening.

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I often get the guy in front of me who swings his chair back at the first opportunity and then won't put it forward to eat. I also get the lady behind me who gets very upset if I recline my chair at any time to try and reclaim some space so its a pain in the arse. Specialy as I'm 6'3" and they both tend to be considerably smaller.

Really, if you cant tell food is being served all around you, you've either got to be asleep or oblivious.

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This has nothing to do with Pattaya beyond tipping point, sex districts or depravation.

The most likely way you will get shot in Thailand is by offending someone. Thais have a very short fuse and criticism will only inflame the situation.

That paints a nice picture of Thailand... What ever you do, don't offend anyone even if they are wrong, rude or both....you may just get shot.

That's a good way to convince people to leave.

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This has nothing to do with Pattaya beyond tipping point, sex districts or depravation.

The most likely way you will get shot in Thailand is by offending someone. Thais have a very short fuse and criticism will only inflame the situation.

That paints a nice picture of Thailand... What ever you do, don't offend anyone even if they are wrong, rude or both....you may just get shot.

That's a good way to convince people to leave.

Thank you Tropo. I've been meaning to write this comment all day. Spot on. :o

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How could that foul comment be warranted? :o In the worse case scenario, perhaps "Can you please put your seat upright, I am trying to eat, as you are!" maybe a started for 10.

Or even, an "excuse me, but could you please put your seat up while I eat."

I'm glad it wasn't me he spoke too. If some a** spoke like that to me on a flight it would have lead to some very interesting moments to put it mildly.

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This has nothing to do with Pattaya beyond tipping point, sex districts or depravation.

The most likely way you will get shot in Thailand is by offending someone. Thais have a very short fuse and criticism will only inflame the situation.

That paints a nice picture of Thailand... What ever you do, don't offend anyone even if they are wrong, rude or both....you may just get shot.

That's a good way to convince people to leave.

Thank you Tropo. I've been meaning to write this comment all day. Spot on. :o

I just hope it's not that bad. If it really is, I'll be heading out myself because I have my hot tempered moments in the face of bad bahaviour.

Just this evening I rode my scooter up to my rental shop (I've rented there for 6 months already) to organize 2 scooters for some friends of mine for a month. There was no one there, so I sat patiently waiting for someone to turn up. A girl came in talking on her cell phone. She walked around for 5 minutes while I was watching her. I had no idea she was minding the shop because she totally ignored me (us actually...I was with my GF). She left, still yakking on her cell phone. After a further 5 minutes or so of waiting, I decided to leave. Just as I was heading out of the shop this girl, still with the cell phone stuck to her ear yelled out if I wanted to rent a scooter. I was pissed and told her "are you stupid...why else would I be waiting there"....and then I rode off with her shouting obsenities (English ones) at me.

I was wrong to talk like that, but sometimes we slip up. I hope my life is not now in danger.

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I was simply commenting that many Thais in the 'sex' districts do not behave as Thais normally do. There is also a general breakdown of normal polite Thai behaviour towards farangs in the greater Pattaya area, spreading out from the 'sex' districts.

I am fully aware of the number of normal tourists in Pattaya, having lived in the area for quite a while now, and off on and on in Thailand for over 30 years.

There is absolutely no comparison between the attitude of most Thais in Pattaya today and that of 30 years ago. I would even go as far as to say that even today, the average Thai worker in Bangkok has a better attitude towards farangs than the average Thai does in Pattaya.

I used to defend Pattaya against the Pattaya bashers, but I now find that it is increasingly hard to put up a defence against the grubby degradation of the 'sex areas', the depravation of the slums, the abuse of street kids and the almost total breakdown in law and order and infrustructure. It's becoming like something out of 'Mad Max'

When staff from Subways and Macdonalds threaten violence against customers, then you know things are going downhill very fast, towards Tammi's tipping point. :o

My experience in Thailand is ONLY here in Pattaya (1 year) with a few weeks in Bangkok. I must say that I was a little surprised to experience the Pattaya hospitality first hand. I think I took the "LOS" label a little too seriously in the beginning.

The OP was upset and made a comment when the McDonalds staff member didn't act in a polite manner.

I get this a lot in many stores in my area, particulary 7/11s and Family Marts. Sometimes the staff will be engaged in a conversation and not give the slightest eye contact when they are serving while continuing on in conversation with their staff mates. They'll even ignore my Thai hellos and thankyous. It seems that large outlets are the main problem. Small family owned businesses are more friendly.

Edited by tropo
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Well the threat was uncalled for that is a certainty, mind you don't think I would correct the lad on manners. I just want my food and leave, especially after a 15min wait.

It definitely helps in Pattaya if you expect bad and unfriendly service. You never get any surprises and take it all in your stride...and it helps you to appreciate the good service even more!

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Normally the flight attendants will tell the bastards to move seat back. I had that happen on a recent flight to Heathrow, she was intending to eat in a reclined position. :o Luckily flight attendant said smth!!! :D

If you get a b*strd sat in front of you who insists on having his/her seat fully reclined during meal times and you are flying with Qantas don`t even bother to ask the flight attendants to ask them to put the seat upright because they refuse to `bother` the R`soles saying that they do not like to disturb them.

That`s one reason why I don`t fly Quantas anymore.

Now on the other hand most of the Middle Eastern airlines ask people to put their seats upright for meal times.

And anyone unless fast asleep should have the decency and good manners to do it without being asked.

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This has nothing to do with Pattaya beyond tipping point, sex districts or depravation.

The most likely way you will get shot in Thailand is by offending someone. Thais have a very short fuse and criticism will only inflame the situation.

That paints a nice picture of Thailand... What ever you do, don't offend anyone even if they are wrong, rude or both....you may just get shot.

That's a good way to convince people to leave.

Thank you Tropo. I've been meaning to write this comment all day. Spot on. :o

I just hope it's not that bad. If it really is, I'll be heading out myself because I have my hot tempered moments in the face of bad bahaviour.

Just this evening I rode my scooter up to my rental shop (I've rented there for 6 months already) to organize 2 scooters for some friends of mine for a month. There was no one there, so I sat patiently waiting for someone to turn up. A girl came in talking on her cell phone. She walked around for 5 minutes while I was watching her. I had no idea she was minding the shop because she totally ignored me (us actually...I was with my GF). She left, still yakking on her cell phone. After a further 5 minutes or so of waiting, I decided to leave. Just as I was heading out of the shop this girl, still with the cell phone stuck to her ear yelled out if I wanted to rent a scooter. I was pissed and told her "are you stupid...why else would I be waiting there"....and then I rode off with her shouting obsenities (English ones) at me.

I was wrong to talk like that, but sometimes we slip up. I hope my life is not now in danger.

Try to relax mate. You're better than that! But...

Motorbike shops do seem to be special:

As you may be aware from my posts, I am a very mild mannered person. But...

I was once asked by my Thai employer to buy three motorbikes. I went around the local shops and chose a local Honda main dealer who had three 125R's in stock (nice colours too..) and seemed like a decent guy. It was company money, so I didn't bargain the price down, but asked him to put baskets on the front of the bikes, which he agreed to.

A week later, I went to pick up the bikes.

Everything was ready.

I paid, and the bikes were brought out - minus the baskets. The baskets are only a 100 baht each, but on principle I asked for them to be fitted. I spent the next two hours listening to every excuse why I had to buy them for 100 baht each. In the end the manager came out (in front of his five staff) and said "sorry that promotion ended yesterday, now go." But, a little more rudely than that.

Obviously, I was irrate.

I don't think he'd had a foreigner walk up to his nose before and call him "a fukin c#$@." with quite such animation. I then threw all the sets of keys at his feet and said he can keep the bikes.

Ten minutes later the bikes were delivered to me, fitted with baskets - free.

A 99,000 baht deal at list price and they wanted to be rude over 300 baht.

Now, some posters will say that I'm lucky not to have been shot. For what? Standing my corner, when I'm in the right.

Thais, English, Mongolian, we all know when we are out of order, and we know that we shouldn't make threats like the MacD guy did.

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