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This cold ripped right through me with fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, acute respiratory distress. I am hearing many people are in the hospitals in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but only through my own network. Have not seen any news on the TV or Newspapers or websites though everyone I know seems to have it. The fever is persistent goes up and down but never really leaves the body. Went to hospital when my temp was 102 degrees and rising. Started with a sore throat, moved to the sinuses and then to the lungs with fever and intense head and muscle pain.

Never had the flu like this before... this strain is a bad one.

Anyone else going through this hel_l?

This cold ripped right through me with fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, acute respiratory distress. I am hearing many people are in the hospitals in Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but only through my own network. Have not seen any news on the TV or Newspapers or websites though everyone I know seems to have it. The fever is persistent goes up and down but never really leaves the body. Went to hospital when my temp was 102 degrees and rising. Started with a sore throat, moved to the sinuses and then to the lungs with fever and intense head and muscle pain.

Never had the flu like this before... this strain is a bad one.

Anyone else going through this hel_l?

I have not heard about a lot of it but will ask - we are supposed to be monitoring flu cases in case of pandemic.

Once it hits WHO phase 5 we break out the anti-virals for all staff and close family members


What months are generally considered "flu season" in Thailand? I didn't get my flu shot this year and will be coming there in April.


Just to explain what the WHO phases are.

" WHO Phase 5. Phase 5 is when the pandemic ‘flu is localised to a single small area of a country or region, and is before a full, global pandemic has been declared by WHO. We are currently in WHO Phase 3. "

What months are generally considered "flu season" in Thailand? I didn't get my flu shot this year and will be coming there in April.

Well Jamie this is more complicated than I thought ;-)

I just asked a friend and colleague who is a Dr expert in vaccines about the flu season in Thailand and he said that Thailand like Singapore where we are gets both the "Southern" and "Northern" strain of flu!

He asked where you ar coming from and as you are in the north and are coming in Apriol he thinks it "Should" be the northern strain by then in Thailand - remember the word "should" and that is an opinion only.

You could still get the jab if its avalable


And bring with you, because it is not available in Thailand and works miracles on sore throats, zinc throat lozenges. Lots of them.

Sold over the counter in drug stores all over the US, I would assume also in Europe. One or 2 lozenges at the onset will head off just about any sore throat.

In Thailand you cannot find them although you can get zinc tablets...but not as effective. Stock up!


A few weeks ago, I felt really tired all of a sudden. I'd been sneezing and had a stuffed up nose etc - but only mild.

Although the above cold/flu like symptoms were mild, I couldn't get out of bed for 3 days - anytime I did anything, I needed to lie down. I had no strength at all.

I also had a mild fever which came and went.

Appetite was ok.

Was strange....


I did not had a flu for at least 2 years of my four in Asia.

In my homecountry (Holland) at least twice a year.

What I always did when I felt a flu coming is take Redoxon Vitamine C+ Zinc twice a day (morning and evening).

And made sure I drink plenty of mineral water and for food just raw fish (Salmon, Tuna) and lots of veggies.

Kimchie also works well as a replacement for the veggies.

Nowadays I take one Vitamine C (Redoxon) and Selenium a day and have not been sick for 2 years. also I must say I have cut down on the meat recently (Just once a week, one ore two days a week just fish and the rest of days some veggies and a bit of rice).

You have to understand that all of the meat you consume is loaded with all kinds of antibiotics as the food they give them is full of it and it will build up in the animal flesh and organs.

The land cows graze on is full of pesticides, and cows and other grazers are eating that grass, then their feaces will end up on the land and after a bit of rain the poison will be spread upon the land and will enter drinking water supllies (canals, groundwater) which is used to give the animals their drinking water, also plants will use the contaminated water to grow.

Just Google on Bio industry scandals for example and find out the real truth.



I'm on the first day back of feeling partially normal again today, though don't think I will be 100% for a few days yet. Usually I never get sick for more than 48 hrs but this Flu knocked me out for 4-5 days. :o


I was sick for around 10 days during Xmas and new year .. flu like illness that just couldnt be shaken off... had to work through it but took one day off and no power until just before new years eve.

Back to full throttle now though !

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