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10 Year Visa PLUS no 90 day reporting.

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18 hours ago, Maestro said:

For anybody who, besides me, might be wondering: amounts of money are not measured in millimetres (mm) or millimeters (mm), neither in Thailand nor in the USA.

Sorry if I offended your grammatically correct sense of humor. I just didn't bother to capitalize because I figured anyone with a 6th grade education would understand. Signing off now to go on holiday for a month in Australia from my retirement in Thailand.


Edited by BertM
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^ @BertM The fact that "MM" seem widely used for finance by American doesn't mean that it's something many people here will know/understand; reactions in previous post show precisely that. At the opposite, units and abbreviations of the ISU is a standard understood everywhere.


Probably time to come back on the initial Visa subject though...  :wink:

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6 hours ago, Benroon said:

I’m not the one wetting meself over an 800,000 baht deposit so it appears my investments are doing quite well.


I didn’t manage the rest of your post - same dreary meaningless crap that won’t happen. Where are your ‘exodus’ figures ?


Outside TV doomsville, I haven’t met a single person that is troubled by immigration requirements. Perhaps we just move in different social circles ? Enjoy that Leo 

Good for you regarding your investment strategy of depositing 800,000 baht in a Thai bank.  Maybe being a financial consultant is in your future. ????

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A ten year visa is a great idea and long over due.  Reporting to immigration yearly for a one year extension along with all the 90 day reporting, and TM forms seems less than productive.  


It will be interesting to see what all the requirements will be for this ten year visa.  I suspect immigration will want a substantial monetary deposit of some sort.  If they set the bar too high which I suspect they will, I don't think many will take the bait.  


I wonder why immigration didn't announce the requirements when they announced they were introducing this long term visa. ???? 

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56 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

Good for you regarding your investment strategy of depositing 800,000 baht in a Thai bank.  Maybe being a financial consultant is in your future. ????

I don’t know why you sneer at guys who choose to go down the 800k in the Bank route, I can guess why but will give you the benefit of the doubt & believe that you really are so financially prudent every Baht counts.


For me, part of prudent financial planning is to keep at least 6 months cash in the bank so it’s there for any emergencies or to tide you over when FX rates are poor (my passive income comes from UK investments), the fact that it doubles as meeting the immigration requirements is a bonus.


To each his own... 


Edited by Mike Teavee
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12 minutes ago, Mike Teavee said:

I don’t know why you sneer at guys who choose to go down the 800k in the Bank route, I can guess why but will give you the benefit of the doubt & believe that you really are so financially prudent every Baht counts.


For me, part of prudent financial planning is to keep at least 6 months cash in the bank so it’s there for any emergencies or to tide you over when FX rates are poor (my passive income comes from UK investments), the fact that it doubles as meeting the immigration requirements is a bonus.


To each his own... 


I certainly didn't mean to sneer at anyone, lol.  I was just pointing out the obvious.  Good luck ????  

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1 hour ago, CMNightRider said:

I certainly didn't mean to sneer at anyone, lol.  I was just pointing out the obvious.  Good luck ????  

Thanks, being a Brit I need all the luck I can get at the moment with GBP income, fortunately I'm still earning in SGD so buffered from the worse of it ????


Good Luck to all, except THB, that bu@@er could do with being taken down a peg or 3!!!

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On 1/29/2019 at 12:09 PM, gamini said:

90 day reporting is a non issue for most of us. Anyone can do it for you, you have three weeks window in which to do it. You can post it or do it online. And now you don't even have to fill in any forms. You just produce your passport with the old slip on it and it takes about two minutes.

I really can't understand all the fuss. 

You have to fill a form at my office, and produce 5 pp copies, they will not do postal and the online never works. The 'fuss' is that all this is pointless. Personally I would never trust anyone with my passport.

Edited by Orton Rd
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