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Chiangmai Is So Hot Today .


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- i learn over the year . is how you choose your room setting , and also find out where the wind is going . and also how not to select a house or room alone the east rise west set line -

i figured that out as soon as i reached well into my teens. you only took a year. lucky you.

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Thailand was a new country for me when i got here . and chiangmai alway had good weather .

the really hot place is khanchanaburi which is killer hot and no matter whice part of it you stay is so hot .

chiangmai in the past is not as hot . but seem like it hitting high 38-39 even 40 -41 over the last 2 years .

if it getting any hotter

recently the Sun is givign me sunburn even when i am just out for lunch on my honda dream or driving .

hope the weather get better if not i am considering to build another house maybe in china - so i can have a summer getaway .


Many thing we did not learn or find out till we need it . i don't really care much about the weather back in my country . cos i got aircon and most places is aircon mall . but in thailand is very much different and alot of changes had been made to make one feel good about chaingmai . but is for the better .

if this is the start of summer i would imagine maybe this year chiangmai would hit 42c or more . scary idea

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"If you think it's hot today check out next Wednesdays forecast.. "

Yeah, ouch. That's 97 this Weds to us from de States. And then I see a 99 for Mon next week. Time for cooling powder, baby ! Been here for a few yrs but last yr got de heat rash. Not fun. Itchy little bumps. Powder saved me - Protex from Tesco - keeps a Farang smelling fresh too.

Here's where I go when I need it in Farenheit


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woke up really early , did not felt as hot . but worry afternoon is going to be another story

we are more or less under the mercy of the weather ,

My advice is .. more shower , more water . and maybe some sun block .

skin rushes , sun burn , will be common .

rem to top up the water in your cars . and also bring a water bottle out :o

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Last night was hotter than it has been for months.

Nice, eh?

Out of curiosity that one hopes does not cross the border into prying, what fan setting did you use? :o

On the first warm night I tried 4 fans line astern in series. This worked so well I went out and got another two cheapies from Tesco. With the six fans at maximum setting, mosquitos can be de-winged in normal flight and their torsos splattered on the nearest flat surface. There are serious drawbacks however as the skin can be flayed from elderly bodies and the turbine howl makes it difficult to sleep.

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i get sun rushes easily

i use a cream call "Systral Cream -chlorphenoxamine " work like charm for me .

and is the best sun burn and sun rushes , it also work well with insect bite

is also antiallergic , and antipruritic .

the large tube should be about 120baht - 150 baht -25g

hope it help ..

whahah i was thinking i'm the only weird guy with a 4 fan set up

:o whhahahah cheer to new found world

sometime i listen to jazz or basso nova at night can offset the howling sound from the Fan

help me cool down also . think relax

Edited by Ta22
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Last night was hotter than it has been for months.

Nice, eh?

Out of curiosity that one hopes does not cross the border into prying, what fan setting did you use? :D

Three - the highest - and I was still mildly perspiring. :o

Loosing some weight would help.

I've lost more that 3 kilos in 10 days of salads and fruit, but when I first came to Thailand I was quite thin and still sweat like I was in a sauna.

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