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A bit, easy way to make poor happy in any country = give them free stuff. Healthcare, loans, money, cows, trees, taxis, whatever. Toss in booze, lottery, prostitution for kicks. Clamp down on crime, or at least pretend to, and look tough. Poor people like that.

:o Post Of The Week.

Nice one, steve.

THanks man, here was stupid me thinking you would like the Flyland schtick, and you quote my other part :-)

I've been reading a lot of Chris Rock scripts lately, I think that has something to do with my improved writing style.

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A bit, easy way to make poor happy in any country = give them free stuff. Healthcare, loans, money, cows, trees, taxis, whatever. Toss in booze, lottery, prostitution for kicks. Clamp down on crime, or at least pretend to, and look tough. Poor people like that.

Of course, you have to pay for doing all of this, and it does not much long term. Good vote getter though. Hmmm. the last guy did that, maybe they should hire him to tell them how to be popular :-)

harder way to be loved = give them education, entrepreneurship, no drugs, decent jobs. Actually clamp down on crime. Actually come up with sustainable social welfare.

A bit of hardship at first, but long lasting results. Just like Wrigley Extra. A great taste that really lasts.

But who is man enough to do the second? Believe me, I had HUUUUUGE hopes that Taksin would as he was the first guy to be positioned in a place where he could have. However, instead he stopped listening to advisors not long after he got into power (notwithstanding Burmese fortune tellers) and concentrated on his own wealth thereafter.

Ah well. Big worry for me is that now the poor have been schooled for 4 years to work less than before, and to expect things for free....tough trap.

I personally didn't have that many hopes from Thaksin. I have been here during his time of promising to solve the traffic jams... :o

Nevertheless, the problem still stays - there is nobody who has even the slightest idea or ambition to tackle the problems of the poor. Whatever the problems of the 30 Baht scheme, it still was the first proper national health scheme. Before, you died if you didn't have the money. And there are many people in Thailand who live on a family income of 20K or less a year.

Lets, see just my personal situation. Without the scheme, i would have to pay for 2 people in my family who are HIV infected, unless i let them just die.

I haven't seen any other party in Thailand which has even talked about free health care.

Can you, or anybody else here tell me which party has which policies to solve the problems of the rural poor. I would be interested to know. And please, don't anybody come with the new magic term of "sufficiency economy"... :D

I don't think though that the poor here expect to get much for free, lets not over estimate Thaksin's policies. He didn't exactly give much away for free. The different loan schemes were low interest, but not interest free, and the were expected to be paid back. Which was a bit of a surprise for some who thought different.

What the poor in general though expect now are policies. And that alone seems to be a bit of a difficulty for all political parties to come up with. What a bitch, pre Thaksin these politicians could get away with anything because the poor didn't know any better, and now those bloody peasants actually expect these politicians to come up with ideas and policies.

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Has anyone been watching the programme on Ch11 at 20.30 Mon/Fri ?

It has now been stopped after Sonthi had pressure pi on him to withdraw.

Now you have to have ASTV to be able to watch.

It's the best thing on Thai TV and tells it as it is.No bias,just the truth.

Ah well back to Soaps and Quiz shows for the Thai populace.

sondhi is a puppet for his masters

as for the truth, then maybe sondhi should provide the world on how corrupt he really is, and how he has no care or feelings for thousands of employees he has bankrupted and left penniless due to his greediness over the last 20 years in business in thailand and hong kong.

sondhi has been dumped ......GREAT NEWS

To much Toxin propaganda?

Like Sondhi or not, check what he told say 1 year ago and how much is now proofed to be true....

Feeble to say the least

where is the name taksin quoted in my quote.

Why do such fools claim one forum member is taking sides if he or she openly tarnishes an opponent of the last Gov.

This is about sondhi being able to have too much say and influence on uneducated minds in this country with his rethoric bs and is underlying premise to make as much money as possibe for himself, and it seems that maybe your mind is swayed by this corrupt, selfish and two-faced ego maniac.

Do you believe that yourself or does someone pay you (if let me know, I also want that job, getting money for posting bs). Sondhi has not much influence on uneducated, they didn't even know him. The influence was on the well educated middle class in the cities. Only he could publish the hugh corruption of Thaksin and they were not bs, they are now proofed. if he is a selfish ego maniac or not he was right.

Oh dear

another loon taking sides and sticking up for one of the most egotistical maniacs in Thailand

and since when have any of the educated classes looked upon sondhi as a pied piper for true democracy, when most of the educated minds look upon sondhi as just another corrupt businessman in thailand who has ripped off many thousands of employees, bankrupted companies, with thousands of men and women losing their jobs in thailand and hong kong.

or maybe your mind is such that any rethoric bs placed upon your brain by certain ego maniacs on the media sways your vision, just like it swayed the many uneducated classes in this country and that would include the "SO CALLED" middle classes you speak off driving around in their toyota soluna's after graduating in the many "HIGH CALIBRE!!" establishments such as ramkhamphaeng university.

I seem to recall that only 2 universities in thailand made it into the top 50 universities in asia.

Edited by Hampstead
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Has anyone been watching the programme on Ch11 at 20.30 Mon/Fri ?

It has now been stopped after Sonthi had pressure pi on him to withdraw.

Now you have to have ASTV to be able to watch.

It's the best thing on Thai TV and tells it as it is.No bias,just the truth.

Ah well back to Soaps and Quiz shows for the Thai populace.

sondhi is a puppet for his masters

as for the truth, then maybe sondhi should provide the world on how corrupt he really is, and how he has no care or feelings for thousands of employees he has bankrupted and left penniless due to his greediness over the last 20 years in business in thailand and hong kong.

sondhi has been dumped ......GREAT NEWS

To much Toxin propaganda?

Like Sondhi or not, check what he told say 1 year ago and how much is now proofed to be true....

Feeble to say the least

where is the name taksin quoted in my quote.

Why do such fools claim one forum member is taking sides if he or she openly tarnishes an opponent of the last Gov.

This is about sondhi being able to have too much say and influence on uneducated minds in this country with his rethoric bs and is underlying premise to make as much money as possibe for himself, and it seems that maybe your mind is swayed by this corrupt, selfish and two-faced ego maniac.

Do you believe that yourself or does someone pay you (if let me know, I also want that job, getting money for posting bs). Sondhi has not much influence on uneducated, they didn't even know him. The influence was on the well educated middle class in the cities. Only he could publish the hugh corruption of Thaksin and they were not bs, they are now proofed. if he is a selfish ego maniac or not he was right.

Oh dear

another loon taking sides and sticking up for one of the most egotistical maniacs in Thailand

and since when have any of the educated classes looked upon sondhi as a pied piper for true democracy, when most of the educated minds look upon sondhi as just another corrupt businessman in thailand who has ripped off many thousands of employees, bankrupted companies, with thousands of men and women losing their jobs in thailand and hong kong.

or maybe your mind is such that any rethoric bs placed upon your brain by certain ego maniacs on the media sways your vision, just like it swayed the many uneducated classes in this country and that would include the "SO CALLED" middle classes you speak off driving around in their toyota soluna's after graduating in the many "HIGH CALIBRE!!" establishments such as ramkhamphaeng university.

I seem to recall that only 2 universities in thailand made it into the top 50 universities in asia.

Really you don't know what you are taking about......

What and where is your middle class? All the small/medium factory owner or in management working Thais I know, did either support Sondhi, or a few just don't care politic at all. Zero did find anything good on Thaksin. And look who was supporting the mob, from ultra right to communists, from artists to businessowner, basically everyone who is not complete braindead. Look at the last election, and look at the areas, areas of labour/farmer did vote for Thaksin, richer areas did a "no-vote" mixed areas voted mixed.

Show me the middleclass you know, where and what people?

I don't know, you have just 10 posts, with 4 posts per day, did you just come 2 days ago to Thailand?

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Has anyone been watching the programme on Ch11 at 20.30 Mon/Fri ?

It has now been stopped after Sonthi had pressure pi on him to withdraw.

Now you have to have ASTV to be able to watch.

It's the best thing on Thai TV and tells it as it is.No bias,just the truth.

Ah well back to Soaps and Quiz shows for the Thai populace.

sondhi is a puppet for his masters

as for the truth, then maybe sondhi should provide the world on how corrupt he really is, and how he has no care or feelings for thousands of employees he has bankrupted and left penniless due to his greediness over the last 20 years in business in thailand and hong kong.

sondhi has been dumped ......GREAT NEWS

To much Toxin propaganda?

Like Sondhi or not, check what he told say 1 year ago and how much is now proofed to be true....

Feeble to say the least

where is the name taksin quoted in my quote.

Why do such fools claim one forum member is taking sides if he or she openly tarnishes an opponent of the last Gov.

This is about sondhi being able to have too much say and influence on uneducated minds in this country with his rethoric bs and is underlying premise to make as much money as possibe for himself, and it seems that maybe your mind is swayed by this corrupt, selfish and two-faced ego maniac.

Do you believe that yourself or does someone pay you (if let me know, I also want that job, getting money for posting bs). Sondhi has not much influence on uneducated, they didn't even know him. The influence was on the well educated middle class in the cities. Only he could publish the hugh corruption of Thaksin and they were not bs, they are now proofed. if he is a selfish ego maniac or not he was right.

Oh dear

another loon taking sides and sticking up for one of the most egotistical maniacs in Thailand

and since when have any of the educated classes looked upon sondhi as a pied piper for true democracy, when most of the educated minds look upon sondhi as just another corrupt businessman in thailand who has ripped off many thousands of employees, bankrupted companies, with thousands of men and women losing their jobs in thailand and hong kong.

or maybe your mind is such that any rethoric bs placed upon your brain by certain ego maniacs on the media sways your vision, just like it swayed the many uneducated classes in this country and that would include the "SO CALLED" middle classes you speak off driving around in their toyota soluna's after graduating in the many "HIGH CALIBRE!!" establishments such as ramkhamphaeng university.

I seem to recall that only 2 universities in thailand made it into the top 50 universities in asia.

Really you don't know what you are taking about......

What and where is your middle class? All the small/medium factory owner or in management working Thais I know, did either support Sondhi, or a few just don't care politic at all. Zero did find anything good on Thaksin. And look who was supporting the mob, from ultra right to communists, from artists to businessowner, basically everyone who is not complete braindead. Look at the last election, and look at the areas, areas of labour/farmer did vote for Thaksin, richer areas did a "no-vote" mixed areas voted mixed.

Show me the middleclass you know, where and what people?

I don't know, you have just 10 posts, with 4 posts per day, did you just come 2 days ago to Thailand?

All the people you know support sondhi as an ego maniac who has only his own interests at heart along with all his corrupt business dealings, his lack of support for the thousands of staff he has ripped off and those who have lost their livliehoods and jobs because of this man !!!

and you and your multitude of thai friends support this man!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe its time you found new and interesting thai friends who have a few brain cells left and would never support such an individual in any society.

honestly keep your white lies on how many thai friends you have out of a forum, as its an easy one to see through when in discussion over some topic you agree or dont agree with!!

and for my length of time in thailand, coming close to 15 years now.

Edited by Hampstead
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Has anyone been watching the programme on Ch11 at 20.30 Mon/Fri ?

It has now been stopped after Sonthi had pressure pi on him to withdraw.

Now you have to have ASTV to be able to watch.

It's the best thing on Thai TV and tells it as it is.No bias,just the truth.

Ah well back to Soaps and Quiz shows for the Thai populace.

sondhi is a puppet for his masters

as for the truth, then maybe sondhi should provide the world on how corrupt he really is, and how he has no care or feelings for thousands of employees he has bankrupted and left penniless due to his greediness over the last 20 years in business in thailand and hong kong.

sondhi has been dumped ......GREAT NEWS

To much Toxin propaganda?

Like Sondhi or not, check what he told say 1 year ago and how much is now proofed to be true....

Feeble to say the least

where is the name taksin quoted in my quote.

Why do such fools claim one forum member is taking sides if he or she openly tarnishes an opponent of the last Gov.

This is about sondhi being able to have too much say and influence on uneducated minds in this country with his rethoric bs and is underlying premise to make as much money as possibe for himself, and it seems that maybe your mind is swayed by this corrupt, selfish and two-faced ego maniac.

Do you believe that yourself or does someone pay you (if let me know, I also want that job, getting money for posting bs). Sondhi has not much influence on uneducated, they didn't even know him. The influence was on the well educated middle class in the cities. Only he could publish the hugh corruption of Thaksin and they were not bs, they are now proofed. if he is a selfish ego maniac or not he was right.

Oh dear

another loon taking sides and sticking up for one of the most egotistical maniacs in Thailand

and since when have any of the educated classes looked upon sondhi as a pied piper for true democracy, when most of the educated minds look upon sondhi as just another corrupt businessman in thailand who has ripped off many thousands of employees, bankrupted companies, with thousands of men and women losing their jobs in thailand and hong kong.

or maybe your mind is such that any rethoric bs placed upon your brain by certain ego maniacs on the media sways your vision, just like it swayed the many uneducated classes in this country and that would include the "SO CALLED" middle classes you speak off driving around in their toyota soluna's after graduating in the many "HIGH CALIBRE!!" establishments such as ramkhamphaeng university.

I seem to recall that only 2 universities in thailand made it into the top 50 universities in asia.

Really you don't know what you are taking about......

What and where is your middle class? All the small/medium factory owner or in management working Thais I know, did either support Sondhi, or a few just don't care politic at all. Zero did find anything good on Thaksin. And look who was supporting the mob, from ultra right to communists, from artists to businessowner, basically everyone who is not complete braindead. Look at the last election, and look at the areas, areas of labour/farmer did vote for Thaksin, richer areas did a "no-vote" mixed areas voted mixed.

Show me the middleclass you know, where and what people?

I don't know, you have just 10 posts, with 4 posts per day, did you just come 2 days ago to Thailand?

All the people you know support sondhi as an ego maniac who has only his own interests at heart along with all his corrupt business dealings, his lack of support for the thousands of staff he has ripped off and those who have lost their livliehoods and jobs because of this man !!!

and you and your multitude of thai friends support this man!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe its time you found new and interesting thai friends who have a few brain cells left and would never support such an individual in any society.

and for my length of time in thailand, coming close to 15 years now.

Hampstead, And we are to believe that Taksin was really Santa Clause? His ego dwarved that of Sondhi and anybody else who didn't bow down before him. Sondhi has at least made Thais sit up and start to take an interest in what is going on behind the scenes in their country. Even if he proves to have his own agenda, he hopefully has awoken a sleeping giant to what kind of future they want.

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