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Britain in Brexit chaos - parliament crushes May's EU deal again


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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The 'how does it benefit you personally' has been asked a few times.  The problem is that most of us are relatively wealthy  - but still care about the poorest in the uk.


Those of us living in Thailand have been hit badly by the fall in exchange rates - but still care about the poorest in the uk whose wages (in real terms) are ever decreasing - partly as a result of immigration from poor eu countries.

Oh my Buddha. The poorest are the immigrants, in the main, and they sure don't all come from the EU. Try Pakistan and India who have flooded the country and taken over jobs that won't be touched by out of work Brits who prefer living off benefits. And that has come about by the austerity policies of the UK government, and their latest round of immigration restrictions that will cause the NHS to collapse for shortage of staff who have left the UK to return to the EU.



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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:


These types of comments seriously annoy me.....


How on earth can anyone believe that Putin managed to brainwash more than 17m voters???


Perhaps a few youngsters are addicted to reading and believing everything they are told on FB etc. - but certainly not older voters!


Enough to swing it with fake news stories spreading like viruses at the time coupled with the evil genius of Dominic Cummins tapping into legitimate grievances with his digital wrecking ball. Same goes for Trump in the US. It was a unique window of opportunity for those in the know to leverage the new media for gain. One look at RT shows the Russians are no slouches when it comes to managing/making the news. 

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13 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The 'how does it benefit you personally' has been asked a few times.  The problem is that most of us are relatively wealthy  - but still care about the poorest in the uk.


Those of us living in Thailand have been hit badly by the fall in exchange rates - but still care about the poorest in the uk whose wages (in real terms) are ever decreasing - partly as a result of immigration from poor eu countries.


9 minutes ago, Spidey said:

A nonsense that has been debunked many times.


I voted remain because I care about the future of my 2 children who live and work in the UK.


Brexit would result in a major downturn in the economy, wholesale loss of jobs and quite likely a wage freeze. My daughter works in the NHS, as does her husband, a double whammy for them.



How has it been "debunked" at all, let alone "many times"??

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Says it all, all the above types can be identified on Brexit threads on this forum.


Can we play match the Brexiteer with the poster? I'll start, @evadgib= "Martin Meme"

You are just trolling for fun now......we Remoaners should be magnanimous in our anti-democratic defeat of the voices of unreason. ????????????????????????

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Brexit would result in a major downturn in the economy, wholesale loss of jobs and quite likely a wage freeze. My daughter works in the NHS, as does her husband, a double whammy for them

None of this has been proven and since the referendum result the project fear' just has not happened.


How would working in the NHS have a negative effect on your children leaving the EU. That one baffles me. Are less people going to be sick? The evidence suggests not,


With the ever demand and strain on the NHS that has happened since 2004, less EU citizens, would mean more money for the people of the UK.

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18 minutes ago, Loiner said:

The other alternatives. You forgot the Leave No Deal option at two points:

- When EU refuses to delay article 50

- When you have your imaginary second referendum.

Bring them both on!

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I covered the "Leave no deal" option. The main objection around Mays's deal was the Backstop. Leave with no deal and the customs union is no longer which would bring a hard border into immediate effect. Something that no one wants.


Why are yo so worried about another referendum? Brexiteers would cane it and we'd leave on May's deal. All problems solved. Correct?



Edited by Spidey
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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

It's not worth bothering with these types of stereotyping.  Remainers are convinced that all leavers can be stereotyped - don't join in their game.

Says Mr. Conscientious Objector!

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4 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Why are yo so worried about another referendum?

I am not. I am worried about the 4th or 5th one, as maybe remainers will start to realise that having more than one is absurd and silly, especially as the 1st one wasn't even enacted upon.


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6 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I covered the "Leave no deal" option. The main objection around Mays's deal was the Backstop. Leave with no deal and the customs union is no longer which would bring a hard border into immediate effect. Something that no one wants.


Why are yo so worried about another referendum? Brexiteers would cane it and we'd leave on May's deal. All problems solved. Correct?




I need to repeat?


43 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

The problems are that:-


1) We've already had a referendum, the result of which was to leave


2) why should there be another referendum when we've already had one


3) you can bet your bottom dollar that a new referendum will be along the lines of that suggested by another poster.  i.e. a secondary vote between remain/leave/accept May and the eu's deal.


Remain and accept May/eu deal is pretty much the same thing  - albeit paying 39bn for the privilege.....


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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Back on topic. one of the reasons the EU don't want the UK to leave and if there is no deal.




f we leave without a deal, we will set the majority of our import tariffs to zero, whilst maintaining tariffs for the most sensitive industries. This balanced approach will help to support British jobs and avoid potential price spikes that would hit the poorest households the hardest.”


They have to, to avoid another backlash from the electorate.

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2 hours ago, nauseus said:

The top figure (gross) works out to 357M/week. Yes. Agree. It was misleading. It would have been better to quote the net sum. What the EU "spends" in the UK is also misleading, however, as it is in effect, our bloody money anyway but which can only be spent on what the EU says it can be used for.


Lots of misleading stuff from both sides. Leavers don't bang on about the Project Fear claims of immediate disease, war and famine everyday, while the remainers harp on about Boris's effin bus ad infinitum. Boring or what? 



Money that the EU spend on the UK is not "our" money, its whoever gets allocated its money, you would see the difference if you were the winner of an EU grant who had been turned down support from the UK.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

Leaving the E.U.means LEAVING the E.U.

What is so difficult about the question ?

You have no idea whether the majority want a deal or no deal Brexit .

But leaving means leaving without a deal 

That wasnt even asked , "Do you want to leave the E.U? "



Now you are trying to move the goal posts and pretend that the referendum did not have any promises other than leaving the EU, which is demonstrably false.  Boris told us before the referendum that we would not leave under any circumstances without a deal and he also told us that we would remain in the customs market, therefor if those promises are not possible to keep then Leave does not mean what the Leave campaign told us Leave meant.

Edited by Kieran00001
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36 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Back on topic. one of the reasons the EU don't want the UK to leave and if there is no deal.




f we leave without a deal, we will set the majority of our import tariffs to zero, whilst maintaining tariffs for the most sensitive industries. This balanced approach will help to support British jobs and avoid potential price spikes that would hit the poorest households the hardest.”


And it's  announced the  ‘no deal’ plan for the Irish border, it’s an open-door policy. So no tariffs into U.K.; legal smuggling bonanza and NI businesses defenceless (and no doubt being charged tariffs the other way) 


Incredible that a government could propose such an irresponsible step - from “taking back control of our borders” to “never mind, we’ll let the smugglers and organised criminals control our borders”.

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Do you honestly believe that ut does not happen just now?

And it's  announced the  ‘no deal’ plan for the Irish border, it’s an open-door policy. So no tariffs into U.K.; legal smuggling bonanza and NI businesses defenceless (and no doubt being charged tariffs the other way) 
Incredible that a government could propose such an irresponsible step - from “taking back control of our borders” to “never mind, we’ll let the smugglers and organised criminals control our borders”.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

The 'how does it benefit you personally' has been asked a few times.  The problem is that most of us are relatively wealthy  - but still care about the poorest in the uk.


Those of us living in Thailand have been hit badly by the fall in exchange rates - but still care about the poorest in the uk whose wages (in real terms) are ever decreasing - partly as a result of immigration from poor eu countries.

The problem with brexit is not only does it reduce the numbers of those immigrants, but also the number of jobs they would have filled.  Low wages is a structural problem with the UK economy cause by poor productivity and high cost of living.


I must admit that having access to hords of low cost immigrants has allowed British industry to mask this problem but brexit won't cure it.    

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7 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Do you honestly believe that ut does not happen just now?


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Of course it happens now - there is no physical or legal border there. But there is the same customs regime both sides of the border so you don't need one

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22 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Money that the EU spend on the UK is not "our" money, its whoever gets allocated its money, you would see the difference if you were the winner of an EU grant who had been turned down support from the UK.

No difference to me. A lot goes out and a bit comes back, mostly for farmers and the rest usually for lame EU badged projects. 

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