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High-spirited Thailand Holidaymakers Sometimes Pay Dearly


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High-spirited Thailand holidaymakers sometimes pay dearly

BANGKOK: -- Thailand is a top tourist destination, and no force seems able to stop that - not even the 2004 tsunami, nor the bomb blasts in Bangkok around the turn of 2006.

But some tourists themselves, whether through incapability, carelessness or stupidity, make their Thai holiday a disaster and wind up in hospital, in prison or even dead.

The list of pitfalls is long. It includes overindulgence in alcohol and sex, and inadequate insurance coverage for accidents or illness. In addition, many tourists are unaware that smoking marijuana on the beach or in their hotel room is just as illegal as overstaying their visa.

Visitors who break the law and fail to pay the ensuing fine will end up in jail faster than they think. And those lacking funds cannot expect a gift of money from their country's diplomatic mission in Thailand.

Bangkok-based foreign diplomats and physicians in tourist centres such as Bangkok, Phuket, Ko Samui, Chang Mai and Pattaya are often astounded by tourists' carelessness.

'A lot of people are less inhibited while on holiday than they are at home,' noted Olivier Meyer, a Swiss physician who practices in Pattaya.

Older men with fragile health are particularly at risk.

'Someone with heart problems who thoughtlessly plunges into Thailand's pleasures is endangering his life,' Meyer said,

His colleagues agree - the heat on the beach, several shots of hard liquor, a Viagra and then vigorous sex with a bar girl is 'a life-threatening cocktail'.

Heart and circulatory failure, and diseases common in old age generally, are the most frequent causes of death among German tourists, according to the German embassy in Bangkok. Traffic accidents, often involving motorcycles, come next.

Some 160 Germans died in Thailand last year, many of them because of careless behaviour. The figure was about 120 in 2000 when fewer Germans travelled to the Asian country of palm-fringed beaches, Buddhist temples and elephant parks.

The German foreign ministry in Berlin said its embassy in Bangkok registered about 120 arrests of German tourists every year, usually because they committed fraud or remained in the country longer than permitted.

Visitors spending more than four weeks in Thailand require a visa. Missing deadlines and failing to pay fines can result in arrest and deportation.

Safety tips put out by Germany are constantly updated, as they were for Thailand in early January following a series of deadly bomb blasts in Bangkok.

Overall, however, tour operators regard Thailand a safe destination, especially its traditional resorts. Attacks on tourists are seldom.

Motorcycle rentals are probably cheaper at Thailand's popular tourist spots than anywhere else.

Motorcycles with engine sizes of 700 cubic centimetres and more can be had for less than 20 euros (27 dollars0 per day. Mopeds cost as little as 5 euros per day.

Rental firms often do not ask to see a driving licence, and the vehicles are rarely insured, so tourists carry the full risk, often without knowing it. And sometimes they have no health insurance that covers them while abroad.

Helmetless holidaymakers wearing T-shirts and shorts, their hair blowing in the wind, can be seen zipping along the shore on motorcycles, particularly in Pattaya, sometimes even with a bottle of beer in their hand.

Motorcycle rental firms also do good business in lesser-known places such as Hua Hin and on the island of Koh Tao.

The Bangkok-based Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) wants all tourists to obey the country's laws and customs.

'Fortunately, only a fraction of our guests get into trouble,' said Satit Nillwongse, executive director of TAT's Europe department.

--IANS/DPA 2007-03-01

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Overall, however, tour operators regard Thailand a safe destination, especially its traditional resorts.

Of course they do. There's money to be made. Tour operators can say its safe because of a relatively low body count, fair enough. But what about the complete failure of Thailand to publish any statistics on crime rates against tourists? And do you honestly think those would be honest and accurate numbers?

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Overall, however, tour operators regard Thailand a safe destination, especially its traditional resorts.

Of course they do. There's money to be made. Tour operators can say its safe because of a relatively low body count, fair enough. But what about the complete failure of Thailand to publish any statistics on crime rates against tourists? And do you honestly think those would be honest and accurate numbers?

Is or are there countries which publish honest and accurate statistics on crime rates against tourists?anf if,why do you believe they are honest and accurate?

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Well if something bad is gonna happen to you on Koh phangan

Like a stroke or verry bad injuries from accidents

try to time it between 7 and 5 o'clock daytime because

you can make it to Samui in those times {the boats are still running}

but don't think to much about the ambulance

they don't even have a querney

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Overall, however, tour operators regard Thailand a safe destination, especially its traditional resorts.

Of course they do. There's money to be made. Tour operators can say its safe because of a relatively low body count, fair enough. But what about the complete failure of Thailand to publish any statistics on crime rates against tourists? And do you honestly think those would be honest and accurate numbers?

I suspect deaths by road accidents is quite high as well.

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While its true that people get themselves into trouble here I still have to call bullshitt on the mentioned article. Thailand has no system in place to protect anyone. The roadways are a prime example, speeding tickets and other fines are just a form of harassment and illbegotten earnings for law enforcement officers. I have seen to many total nutters loose on the road systems with no fear of ever being confronted for outrageous driving for the simple lack of highway police. Dont get me started on the useless motorcycle police who putt around town skemeing on whiskey and women.

If anything Thailand has a system of revenge that can be used by those with power but civic virtue imposed by those powerful enough to commit acts of revenge is in no way represenative of justice. The power of revenge in no way protects the poor Thais, refugees, non-national workforce, nor does it protect tourists who have no ideas about the rules of the road or just how things go here.

So is Thailand safe for tourism, far from it, sometimes you have to protect people from themselves but in this situation if you invite people to your country the way Thailand does when it advertises itself throughout the world as a paradise you need some checks and balances in place to deal with invited and welcomed guests. It would be great if some of the govermental powers that be gave a damm about their own people too.

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Body count is one thing because it can be checked with Embassies and Consulates. Rapes, armed robberies, strongarm robberies, purse snatches, burglaries are another matter. How would you ever get an accurate count in a country where half the time you have to bribe the police to help you?

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If I remember correctly, the flight to Thailand was quite long. Long international flights to Thailand could show tourist information movies explaining the biggest threats to tourist as determined by TAT, law enforcement, and the health care department.

Remember the old saying, " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Something like this could help many tourist in Thailand stay safe while in Thailand.

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So is Thailand safe for tourism, far from it, sometimes you have to protect people from themselves but in this situation if you invite people to your country the way Thailand does when it advertises itself throughout the world as a paradise you need some checks and balances in place to deal with invited and welcomed guests. It would be great if some of the govermental powers that be gave a damm about their own people too.

spot on.

as far as law enforcement and judicial process , thailand is still very much a third world country and tourists would do well to be aware of that.

embassies should also be more proactive in advising their subjects on how things actually work here , instead of resorting to the usual saccharine diplo - babble that helps few.

the behaviour of the police , the way they ignore lawbreaking one minute and enforce it the next , the way some police forces are in league with lawbreakers and the way that laws are open to all kinds of interpretation depending on the circumstances of the case results in inconsistencies at all levels of the judicial process.

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If I remember correctly, the flight to Thailand was quite long. Long international flights to Thailand could show tourist information movies explaining the biggest threats to tourist as determined by TAT, law enforcement, and the health care department.

Remember the old saying, " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Something like this could help many tourist in Thailand stay safe while in Thailand.

No doubt the tedious boredom of those very long flights might be relieved by a film focusing upon "the heat on the beach, several shots of hard liquor, a Viagra and then vigorous sex with a bar girl".

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If I remember correctly, the flight to Thailand was quite long. Long international flights to Thailand could show tourist information movies explaining the biggest threats to tourist as determined by TAT, law enforcement, and the health care department.

Remember the old saying, " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Something like this could help many tourist in Thailand stay safe while in Thailand.

Few pay attention to the safety instructions pre-flight, I don't see many tuning into this. Also, airlines, and tour operators are seriously sqeemish about showing anything that may be negative. TAT would also scream. Ever notice how it's near impossible to buy an aviation magazine in an airport? It's because there might be stories and photos about accidents in them. :o

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several shots of hard liquor, a Viagra and then vigorous sex with a bar girl is 'a life-threatening cocktail'.

how does a tourist hold his liquor ?

by the ears usually.

Whooo hold on with the vigorous :o

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If I remember correctly, the flight to Thailand was quite long. Long international flights to Thailand could show tourist information movies explaining the biggest threats to tourist as determined by TAT, law enforcement, and the health care department.

Remember the old saying, " an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Something like this could help many tourist in Thailand stay safe while in Thailand.

that's a new role for stan the exercise man! :o

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:o Poor health, infirmity, etc has no geographical boundaries, yet those of us who suffer from same should ensure that we continue to take care of our physical well being in whatever country we choose to reside...it is a moral obligation to care for oneself...as for me, I give motor cycles in any form a big miss. :D Dukkha
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Thats right, blame the 'stupid' tourists. This article sums up the thought process in Thailand.

The two Russian girls, were obviously stupid for getting shot dead

The British girl, raped and murdered , was dumb for walking on the beach

Infact anyone involved in a road accident is stupid because they dont have any emergency services.

You'd be totally stupid to have an accident whilst wearing any valuables, because they will get taken from you as you're bleeding unconscious in a ditch.

Driving into an open manhole is also born from tourists stupidity because lets face it, its not the police's respsonsiblitiy to find out who is stealing the manhole covers.

The only stupid thing tourists are stupid for is going to Thailand in the first place. :o

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A 3x4 feet drain cover has been missing for 2 days near here, right on an unlit corner and you know how Thais love to cut corners when driving, be it motorcycle or car. Has anyone bothered doing anything about it? Nope. "I,m moving forward , therefore I can't see it anymore and it's no longer my problem". :o

I just rode by , stopped and at least stuck a wooden pole with a plastic bag in it.

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Thailand could show tourist information movies explaining the biggest threats to tourist as determined by TAT, law enforcement, and the health care department.

With no end of alcoholic humor provided by the passengers.

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