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My lady's mom was scheduled for kidney stone surgery. Not sure which type. She's been there 48 hours waiting for surgery. Been delayed 2 times in the time she has been admitted. They told her maybe reschedule for May. She hasn't had any water in 18 hours, becoming dehydrated. Are there any better hospitals in Surat Thani? Any advice very appreciated!


The government hospital in NST is better than the government hospital at Surat Thani.


The private hospital in NST is rather small and probably not the place to go for this surgery (but we don't know what surgery it actually is).

Maybe you can try the private Thaksin Hospital in Surat Thani. It used to be very good but lately things might have changed. 


Songkhla/Hadyai of course has everything, a good university hospital and good private hospitals,  but it's far. 



If she goes anywhere other than government hospital she is registerd at or one it has referred her to, she will have to pay full price out of pocket.


NST is the best hospital in that region . Largest, widest range of specialists etc.


Elective surgeries do get bumped when there is an emergency case. It is annoying but she is best off staying there.


Are you sure she does nto have an IV running?


Thanks guys, they rescheduled again, but eventually she got the surgery. All seems ok and she was released 4 days later.

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