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National Police Chief Questions Murder Suspect Of Russian Tourists


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I congratulate the MIB in the capture of the alleged Murderer.

I hope the new Police General takes very stringent action to assure the safety of expats. tourists, and Thai people in Patttaya. I think it was a good idea to reassign some MIB. More needs to be done. The General should institute proactive policeing. He should assure that the MIB are out patrolling, not just kicked back somewhere. Repeat offenders and violent criminals should receive harsh criminal penalites. Any crime with a gun, or weapon involved, should result in some significant prison time. Good quality survielance cameras should be installed in all the tourist areas. Beach road should be patroled at all hours by a visible respectful Police presence. Plain clothed men who are properly trained and ready to take action if necessary should be part of the enforcement effort. This way organized criminals will not be forewarned of police presence. Part ot the law enforcement effort should be using volunteer foreign nationals to assure tourists are not being ripped off by for instance by Baht Bus Drivers, any other bussineses, individual criminals, or crimnal gangs, of any national origin.

I thank you for staying near the topic. You seem to be well inform as to the happenings in Thailand/Pattaya and, not a one time wonder who thinks they know it all. Cheers to you...

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1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

I'm afraid that you are only seeming sillier. Do you actually believe the #1 reason people go to Pattaya is to "learn to fly"? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And, it's also curious to me that your top 4 reasons to go to Pattaya have NOTHING to do with Thailand, Thai people, or Thai culture, which says a LOT about you. #5 is simply "temples," as if you wouldn't find much better ones in Banbkok, for starters.

So, again, what are the main 3 reasons people go to Pattaya, and what can they find there that they can't find better elsewhere?

You silly, silly thing.


There are, from memory 20+ courses within easy driving distance of Pattaya. It is THE reason that I go to Pattaya on EVERY trip to Thailand. Any serious golfer who has not made the jorney to Pattaya to sample the courses has missed a lot. Also, a number of the courses are quite inexpensive, and of sufficient interest and quality to warrent a round or two.

A few beers in the evening, a relaxing day at the resort beach (there are other beaches beside Pattaya Beach Rd.) and it is pretty easy to get a week to pass, inexpensively. It is possible for a male to spend a week in Pattaya or Phuket or any other place without buying sex - trust me on this.

Additionally, a trip to the Tiger park, Khaeow Kheo Zoo, perhaps the elephant sanctuary etc. etc. There are plenty of "tourist" venues. A trip to the local markets is always fun, but I guess you never found that.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Pattaya is very cheap relative to Phuket, which is possibly a reason that it is so polpular with the Russians . Oh, have you ever been to Russia? I lived there - and trust me - Pattaya IS PARADISE compared to a normal day in Moscow - and winter in Moscow and farther afield (winter is now FYI) is largely unbearable.

You really need to stop using you misguided moral compass to measure reality. It will get it wrong every time.

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I congratulate the MIB in the capture of the alleged Murderer.

I hope the new Police General takes very stringent action to assure the safety of expats. tourists, and Thai people in Patttaya. I think it was a good idea to reassign some MIB. More needs to be done. The General should institute proactive policeing. He should assure that the MIB are out patrolling, not just kicked back somewhere. Repeat offenders and violent criminals should receive harsh criminal penalites. Any crime with a gun, or weapon involved, should result in some significant prison time. Good quality survielance cameras should be installed in all the tourist areas. Beach road should be patroled at all hours by a visible respectful Police presence. Plain clothed men who are properly trained and ready to take action if necessary should be part of the enforcement effort. This way organized criminals will not be forewarned of police presence. Part ot the law enforcement effort should be using volunteer foreign nationals to assure tourists are not being ripped off by for instance by Baht Bus Drivers, any other bussineses, individual criminals, or crimnal gangs, of any national origin.

Agreed. In the west this is called policing, and carried out by the police. As yet, the Thai police have not demonstrated sufficient willingness to engage in these activities (IMHO). The reasons are many, not the least of which is likely to be the issue of corruption. Oh, at least we have CCTV on Beach road now, which is relatively new IIRC.

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I congratulate the MIB in the capture of the alleged Murderer.

I hope the new Police General takes very stringent action to assure the safety of expats. tourists, and Thai people in Patttaya. I think it was a good idea to reassign some MIB. More needs to be done. The General should institute proactive policeing. He should assure that the MIB are out patrolling, not just kicked back somewhere. Repeat offenders and violent criminals should receive harsh criminal penalites. Any crime with a gun, or weapon involved, should result in some significant prison time. Good quality survielance cameras should be installed in all the tourist areas. Beach road should be patroled at all hours by a visible respectful Police presence. Plain clothed men who are properly trained and ready to take action if necessary should be part of the enforcement effort. This way organized criminals will not be forewarned of police presence. Part ot the law enforcement effort should be using volunteer foreign nationals to assure tourists are not being ripped off by for instance by Baht Bus Drivers, any other bussineses, individual criminals, or crimnal gangs, of any national origin.


Utopia : Thomas More

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I congratulate the MIB in the capture of the alleged Murderer.

I hope the new Police General takes very stringent action to assure the safety of expats. tourists, and Thai people in Patttaya. I think it was a good idea to reassign some MIB. More needs to be done. The General should institute proactive policeing. He should assure that the MIB are out patrolling, not just kicked back somewhere. Repeat offenders and violent criminals should receive harsh criminal penalites. Any crime with a gun, or weapon involved, should result in some significant prison time. Good quality survielance cameras should be installed in all the tourist areas. Beach road should be patroled at all hours by a visible respectful Police presence. Plain clothed men who are properly trained and ready to take action if necessary should be part of the enforcement effort. This way organized criminals will not be forewarned of police presence. Part ot the law enforcement effort should be using volunteer foreign nationals to assure tourists are not being ripped off by for instance by Baht Bus Drivers, any other bussineses, individual criminals, or crimnal gangs, of any national origin.

So you'd be happy if volunteer Iraqis prowled the streets of San Francisco to assure that tourists to the USA aren't being ripped off by tram drivers, any other businesses, individual criminals or criminal gangs of any national origin? Or do your bigotries not extend to your home country?

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"How about some congratulations to these police, who it seems have taken swift action. Why this cynicism all the time? "

Exactly. If a suspect isn't arrested within 24 hours, lots of TVers complain that the police are lazy. When a suspect is arrested, the same people complain that the suspect didn't commit the crime. Too, for some reason many middle-aged white guys are fascinated by prostitutes, and TVers are no different. No matter what happens, they believe that the women were asking for it.

Months ago, a farang couple were killed, and TVers couldn't fathom that a suspect wasn't found the same day. Several days later, two fisherman confessed, and a block of TVers claimed to have intimate knowledge that the fisherman were innocent, and that the police had paid their families lots of money to secure the confessions. When the fishermen escaped the death penalty, those that originally claimed that the fishermen were innocent, not bemoaned the fact that they weren't going to get executed.

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I seem to remember that about 5 years ago a new top cop for Pattaya was installed. At the time he said that he was going to clean the city up. A few days later the word on the street was that he had paid 10 million THB to get the job.

I hope that the next time the big cheese comes to these parts he asks what progress is being made in locating and apprehending Kamnam Poh. Maybe one of KP's ex MP sons could assist in police enquiries. :o

I heard a recent one from a Thai source (just before this new police chief was appointed) where a top Pattaya cop paid 30 million to move up in rank and find his way to Bangkok. I hope he discovers his "investment" was a waste.

The KP case and his escape has clearly shown it was all set up.

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Months ago, a farang couple were killed, and TVers couldn't fathom that a suspect wasn't found the same day. Several days later, two fisherman confessed, and a block of TVers claimed to have intimate knowledge that the fisherman were innocent, and that the police had paid their families lots of money to secure the confessions. When the fishermen escaped the death penalty, those that originally claimed that the fishermen were innocent, not bemoaned the fact that they weren't going to get executed.

To what double murder are you referring to?

Aren't you confused with the tragic rape & murder on Katherine Horton? That happened on New Years' day 2006 on Lamai beach/Koh Samui.


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1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

I'm afraid that you are only seeming sillier. Do you actually believe the #1 reason people go to Pattaya is to "learn to fly"? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. And, it's also curious to me that your top 4 reasons to go to Pattaya have NOTHING to do with Thailand, Thai people, or Thai culture, which says a LOT about you. #5 is simply "temples," as if you wouldn't find much better ones in Banbkok, for starters.

So, again, what are the main 3 reasons people go to Pattaya, and what can they find there that they can't find better elsewhere?

You silly, silly thing.


There are, from memory 20+ courses within easy driving distance of Pattaya. It is THE reason that I go to Pattaya on EVERY trip to Thailand. Any serious golfer who has not made the jorney to Pattaya to sample the courses has missed a lot. Also, a number of the courses are quite inexpensive, and of sufficient interest and quality to warrent a round or two.

A few beers in the evening, a relaxing day at the resort beach (there are other beaches beside Pattaya Beach Rd.) and it is pretty easy to get a week to pass, inexpensively. It is possible for a male to spend a week in Pattaya or Phuket or any other place without buying sex - trust me on this.

Additionally, a trip to the Tiger park, Khaeow Kheo Zoo, perhaps the elephant sanctuary etc. etc. There are plenty of "tourist" venues. A trip to the local markets is always fun, but I guess you never found that.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Pattaya is very cheap relative to Phuket, which is possibly a reason that it is so polpular with the Russians . Oh, have you ever been to Russia? I lived there - and trust me - Pattaya IS PARADISE compared to a normal day in Moscow - and winter in Moscow and farther afield (winter is now FYI) is largely unbearable.

You really need to stop using you misguided moral compass to measure reality. It will get it wrong every time.

Golf?! No denying that the golf courses are there because people go all the way to Thailand to use them (Hey, let's go to Cambodia to play a good game of tennis while we're at it.). And, as you suggest, there probably are some people who go to Pattaya primarily to play golf and enjoy other Western ammenities at Third World discount rates. But, back to that "reality" you were trying to measure, the crime isn't happening on the golf courses (unless you count the destruction to the natural environment and water wastage), but in the centers for prostitution, bar venues...

Let's all focus again. In Bangkok there is more crime in Patpong and Kao San than in, let's say, Bpaak Naam. Why? Well, there's more foreigners, prostitution, bars, clubs, drunks... This isn't a moral argument, it's just as simple as saying, "where there are more birds there are more feathers." Certain atmospheres are going to attract less desirable persons, and there's going to be more criminal activity. Brothels and Go-go bars aren't frequented only by lowlifes and pathetic rejects, of course, but, the lowlifes and pathetic rejects with make a b-line for Pattaya.

Haven't you seen a lot of really, well, loser-looking types wearing shirts that say, "Good boys go to heaven. Bad boys go to Pattaya?" Guess where they end up? Guess how late they stay out? Guess who is an easy target? Guess who no one's going to think twice about robbing?

Sure, Pattaya has other attractions than sex--I myself went there to see a large temple sculpted out of teak wood--but, most people go there for the sex scene, and that general type of seedy atmosphere isn't going to be without it's shady characters, petty crime and violence.

As to your thing about a moral compass. None needed, none applied. It's not a moral issue. Just simple observation of the blindingly obvious. What IS interesting is why some of you need to deny it. Why can’t you face the simple truth?

How about this. If one is concerned for one's safety, and one isn't in Thailand for sex, than destinations other than Pattaya may be more desirable. Can you handle THAT? Though I do fully acknowledge that if one is simply going to be taking advantage of golf courses, and possibly even going to church on Sundays in Pattaya, that person will avoid most the danger.

Edited by just plain different
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Corruption yes...

I beleive that a lot of the corruption problems among the police, is that the goverment just doesn't pay the average policman a decent salory. How can a lower ranked policeman support his whole family on 5000-7000 baht? While at the same time, a guy at the side of the road earn more by selling flowers? In Pattaya there are lots of big money changing hands, and there is no wonder why it is temting for even the law enforcement guys to take part of that. Who is to trust, when even the former PM, who's among the already richest guys in the country, couldn't lay his hands off from money that he wouldn't even need to have? I don't think that any of us here would take the risk of getting shot everyday, for a comparable low payment back in our own countries.

And yes... Something have to be done in the tourist ares. The tourist money is the blood of this country. Even if the russian ladies were prostitutes or not (or whatever), it send bad signals to the tourist industry. Back in my own country, the news headlines on this killing are saying "tourists got shot" which will make the arerage seasonal vacation spender to give it a few taughts before ordering tickets for the next Thailand vacation. If this country will lose the tourist money, it will be a bad ekonomical situation. Even for many of us farangs that are running a decent business here. Probably will the corruption get even worse, since there will be less money around than it used to be.


Edited by Ga-gai
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I wonder why the police swallowed the gunman's story that the Russian girls "cried out for help". How would an uneducated Thai thug know what a 25 year old girl from Vladmir Russia was saying, and indeed why were they still sitting in their deck chairs (photo on front page of the Thai Rath) with no sign of them trying to flee a guy pointing a gun at them?????

No they were almost certainly unaware of the gunman until the last few seconds.

That part of the beach is normally deserted at that time of the mornings. If he intended to rob someone at that time, he surely would have chosen the more affluent dongtan a few kms down the road, or even better, Pattaya beach where the more affluent tourists are.

The Thai police need some real detectives on this. Well at least the top guy is taking it seriously, or so he is making it sound like....

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I find this unfortunate story more and more fascinating. The recently appointed acting Police Chief Gen Seripisuth is apparently very unpopular with a lot of "corrupt" and "Lazy" police. He wants them to do their jobs properly and ged rid of corruption. I believe in him. From what he is saying, reading between the lines, he is ridiculing the arrest of the Thai guy as the only one involved, and has said it is the whole of a crime gang connected to the slaying

He has already moved half the district police in an attempt to reduce police corruption in comfort zones. A massive shake up. Now what he is saying is completely different from what we have become accustomed to. I am watching how this story unfolds with much interest!

I think this newly appointed Police Chief deserves some respect.

Jockey - spot-on -

I sincerely hope Chief Gen Seripisuth is watching his back. He's now making some big waves down there in Patters Land!

My sentiments entirely.ACTING{I hope he isnt!}National Police Chief? Give him the job now.

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Who's Kamnam Poh?

Kamnan Po is the former governor of Chon Buri, he has been indited on murder and corruption charges. He seems to have disappeared while on bail awaiting appeal/sentencing. Last seen heading for the border.

Look here or here for more information.

He was not only indicted but found guilty of corruption and murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison. The "justice sytem" in Thailand let him out on bail while he appealed his sentence further to the Supreme court after it was rejected by the Court of Appeals.

from the Bangkok Post/Google:

Kamnan Poh


Up to now, his new political connection doesn't seem to have helped. The Criminal Court sentenced Kamnan Poh to five years and four months in jail in the corruption case, and the Court of Appeal upheld both the conviction and sentence. He is currently on bail while the Supreme Court considers the case.

In the murder case, the Criminal Court sentenced Kamnan Poh to 25 years, after finding him guilty of paying a group of hired gunmen to kill Prayoon. In that case, too, he is currently on bail while appealing the case


SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS: He jumped bail (a year or two ago) and hasn't been seen since and is rumored to be in Cambodia. His son was appointed to a ministerail position in the Taksin govt panel for awhile. (Minister of Tourism and Sports). I am certain he was well-qualified.

Amazing Thailand!!

Edited by farangene
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I find this unfortunate story more and more fascinating. The recently appointed acting Police Chief Gen Seripisuth is apparently very unpopular with a lot of "corrupt" and "Lazy" police. He wants them to do their jobs properly and ged rid of corruption. I believe in him. From what he is saying, reading between the lines, he is ridiculing the arrest of the Thai guy as the only one involved, and has said it is the whole of a crime gang connected to the slaying

He has already moved half the district police in an attempt to reduce police corruption in comfort zones. A massive shake up. Now what he is saying is completely different from what we have become accustomed to. I am watching how this story unfolds with much interest!

I think this newly appointed Police Chief deserves some respect.

Jockey - spot-on -

I sincerely hope Chief Gen Seripisuth is watching his back. He's now making some big waves down there in Patters Land!

My sentiments entirely.ACTING{I hope he isnt!}National Police Chief? Give him the job now.

He's always had the reputation of being honest and tough. I was really excited when he was appointed the Police Chief. I hope he will get to stay for a long haul. Thailand does need a good honest guy like him at a top position. I have to give some credit to the interim gov't for appointing him too. It's one thing that they definitely got right. :o

Edited by ThaiGoon
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I've been to Pattaya precisely once, to see the teakwood castle (which WAS spectacular). The beach was surprisingly small and uninteresting, other than that the police towed a truck out of it. The area in general was uninspiring, on the dirty side, but with enough conspicuously large hotels to make one wonder why so many would choose Pattaya as their principle place to visit in Thailand. If there were no sex industry there, would people still flock there? So I was struck that the two Russian women would have a package tour with Pattaya as a destination at all.

Given that Pattaya's cheif attraction is available cheap sex, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary that there would also be a lot of crime in the area, or that foeign tourists would be targets of crime. Once, during Songkran, some Thai men who'd had a lot to drink expressed their real view about male tourists. They yelled at my and two guys I happened to be walking with: "You only here f__k girl". Not true in my case, however, if that is a general perception (not to mention some truth in it, especially in Pattaya), than that also may make tourist targets less sympathetic.

I guess people would like to have bad neighborhoods be safe for them to take advantage and exploit the spoils of radical and global economic inequality (attractive girls available for the night for peanuts), but, sleaze and crime go together.

I agree with Libya 115. 'You are making yourself look foolish' especially since you say you have only been here once.

Those girls were murdered at the bottom end of Jomtien not Pattaya, they were alone (not having sex with anyone) and all their belongings still intact.

It's a lot quieter there than Pattaya so if they were here to enjoy the profits from the sex industry it would stand to reason that they would have been in Pattaya showing off their assets to as many people as they could but they were not!

Not only that, it will surprise you to know that there are other things going on here in this city that does not involve sex, sleaze or crime! I would also say that the crime rate here is about the same as any other city.

I've lived here for many years now and have a totally different view to you but maybe that's because I'm female and am not looking for sex.

I never said the Russian girls were trying to turn tricks! I said I was surprised that they'd choose Pattaya as a main destination (because it seems to have so little to offer other than sex trade and bar venues). I'm not surprised that there are other things to do besides sex in places like Pattaya. But I'll ask YOU the same question and see if you can field it. What is the number 1,2 & 3 reasons tourists go to Pattaya? Be honest, and let's not pretend that the beaches there can compete with other beaches in Thailand. If you read my original post and not just the one misleadingly edited down by Libya, you'd know that I went to Pattaya to see the Teakwood Castle, but the small turnout there makes that a rare attraction that I think most who frequent Pattaya have never visited.

Se, let's get on the same page here. What I said was very simple. OK. Focus. Are you ready?

Areas with more prostitution, bar venues and nightlife activities are also going to have more shady characters (Thai and Farang) and incidents of crime. That's pretty obvious.

So, you might be joining Libya in the silly corner.



1. Learning to fly

2. Sailing

3. Snorkelling

4. Skydiving

5. Temples

6. Sightseeing

Need I go on. Stay in you own silly corner by yourself, or maybe I'll join you for even bothering to answer your stupid request.

I for one have never been to Pattaya, but have formed an opinion based on what I have heard or read about it, and its not good. Well it depends where you sit in regards to the whole bar scene and seedy nightlife.

I know theres probably a whole different world in Patters but its difficult to ignore the activities that go on after dark there.

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Just to calrify the "rascist" issue here...

As I understand the underlying meaning from some of the posters here, I would like to clarify the word "rascist" some.

The human kind is roughly divided into 3 main branches:

  1. The Caucasian, with roots from the European continent ("Farang" in thai language)
  2. The Mongolian, which goes for east asian people plus eskimoes and native Americans (Indians)
  3. The Negroid, which represent people with roots from Africa

For example...


From a biological point of view your are talking utter rubbish. Biology does not recognize the concept of human "race" there is one and only one human species, that of Homo Sapiens sapiens, which is not divided further. The definition of race is subjective, often unreliable, but always leading to prejudices.

Now there are mnany way of classiffying human beings, your use of anthropomorphic criteria is highly debatable because it does not take into account the diversity of peole within each group you mentionned. One could use blood type or more seriously genetic markers but still there owuld be exception.

But I am not going to lecture you on the subject. Do your homework, starting by The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J. Gould. Accessible to the the lay audience.


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From a biological point of view your are talking utter rubbish. Biology does not recognize the concept of human "race" there is one and only one human species, that of Homo Sapiens sapiens, which is not divided further. The definition of race is subjective, often unreliable, but always leading to prejudices.

Now there are mnany way of classiffying human beings, your use of anthropomorphic criteria is highly debatable because it does not take into account the diversity of peole within each group you mentionned. One could use blood type or more seriously genetic markers but still there owuld be exception.

But I am not going to lecture you on the subject. Do your homework, starting by The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J. Gould. Accessible to the the lay audience.


Tell that to a Dog or a Horse breeder... There are NO rases! -Only species, namely Dogs and Horses!

Anyway... What I wrote about rases in my earlier posting, were Not something I've found out myself. It was from a book. If you think it seems wrong to you, don't blame me. I only cited...



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who cares it ain't a race issue. thailand is a multy culture toursime country. in a way we are all paki's to the thais. who cares just play there games if not like we can leave and collect a giro

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Poooohhhhhhh very hard, reading 6 pages of crap here where 80% has nothing to do with TOPIC.

Wonder why nobody mentioned what they write on the (maybe)shooters girlfriend

His confidence came after Pol Gen Seripisuth went to Chonburi province Saturday morning to personally interrogate Anuchit Lamlert, the 24-year-old suspect who was arrested on Thursday after his former girlfriend Nongluck Sudta notified the police.

the member which posted there are only Caucasians, Mongolians and Negroids was right. Even Iranian and most arab People are caucasians, but how he can suppose knowledge of that is known by Americans....most of them doesnt even know War in Europe is over or where Thailand is anyway....

.....and mention a book of Stephen Gould (Stefan Gold) :o ????

This thread can be closed as there is absolutely no outcome here. Some guys will never belive anything.....my aussi neighbor still states the poor girls where prostitutes.....this guys got their belives or intel from beerbars and nobody will change them....sad but true :D

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I for one would let the ruskies, pakies and the other low life farang down there keep their little gang wars going and eventually wipe each other out -- just let the tourists know not to trust anything that is offered to them from local non thais -- but then again there are a lot of dodgy thais who frequent tourists sites as well -- if the local police chief does not do his job as deemed but the powers that be - oh well =- give him an advisory post at police HQ in Bkk - normal practice

yeah, let all poor lowlife aussies, uk, us, eu backpackers go out thailand to clean out the police reports and let LOS charge million bahts to living here - will no any rasist posters like at quoted text. Never say for all race - keep in your minds what you speak about some persons only!

What unpleasant individuals you are!!!! If you don't like the races here don't stay. Go back to where you come from. I doubt anyone would miss you or is it that your own home countries don't want you either.

At the end of the day all life is important no matter where you come from and these two girls have a right, even in death, to have the murderer found and punished. :o

You not see irony in my reply to that racist post??? "Russkies, pakies, low life, etc" - looks pleasant for you?

I never have idea to think about "all peoples from one country", but that poster looks like racist.

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You not see irony in my reply to that racist post??? "Russkies, pakies, low life, etc" - looks pleasant for you?

I never have idea to think about "all peoples from one country", but that poster looks like racist.

Yes, you really need to use some smilies, like this: :D or this: :o or this: :D when being ironic or sarcastic. People whose first language isn't English often completely miss your point... :D

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You not see irony in my reply to that racist post??? "Russkies, pakies, low life, etc" - looks pleasant for you?

I never have idea to think about "all peoples from one country", but that poster looks like racist.

Yes, you really need to use some smilies, like this: :D or this: :o or this: :D when being ironic or sarcastic. People whose first language isn't English often completely miss your point... :D

1) I thought that Leoalex's post was clear in it's meaning.

(Smilies can demean a point to a joke - but each to their own.)

2) I agree with Thaigoon in so much as, the junta may have done the right thing here, in appointing this Police Chief. A strong and honest man, who will follow through on his convictions would be a huge boon to society.

In this instance, he is showing that he wants justice to be done. All my fingers and toes are crossed for him, but it's a big ask...

... he'll probably be dead within six months, if he really is such a good guy.

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I for one would let the ruskies, pakies and the other low life farang down there keep their little gang wars going and eventually wipe each other out -- just let the tourists know not to trust anything that is offered to them from local non thais -- but then again there are a lot of dodgy thais who frequent tourists sites as well -- if the local police chief does not do his job as deemed but the powers that be - oh well =- give him an advisory post at police HQ in Bkk - normal practice

yeah, let all poor lowlife aussies, uk, us, eu backpackers go out thailand to clean out the police reports and let LOS charge million bahts to living here - will no any rasist posters like at quoted text. Never say for all race - keep in your minds what you speak about some persons only!

What unpleasant individuals you are!!!! If you don't like the races here don't stay. Go back to where you come from. I doubt anyone would miss you or is it that your own home countries don't want you either.

At the end of the day all life is important no matter where you come from and these two girls have a right, even in death, to have the murderer found and punished. :o

You not see irony in my reply to that racist post??? "Russkies, pakies, low life, etc" - looks pleasant for you?

I never have idea to think about "all peoples from one country", but that poster looks like racist.

After re-reading your post I now see what you were trying to say leoalex. Apologies!!

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You can choose to believe this type of report or not..........as we all know paper never refuses ink. However, to critisize is so easy.

One thing is for sure and that is bulls8 is not exclusive to Thailand, like many would have you believe.

Yesterdays UK headlines...........Diana and Dodi...Prince Charles and Prince Philip....what a fairytake that is and beats the sawadi K out of any newspaper story I have ever read in Thailand. That sort of thing leaves no room for us UK mofos to critisize anyone.

BUT, it's not like the police claim to have caught someone everytime one of these horrific crimes take place. I believe the Thai Police have got their man and congrats is in order.

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