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"you Have Gf"


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Ya know everytime I go out to a bar or Anywhere for that matter, & the question:

you have a girlfriend", comes up, I always reply with the same real answer of, "No", which is in fact, true.

It doesn't seem to matter what the circumstances I meet a girl are, they never seem to believe my answer! I ask them why they don't believe what I say, & they still are locked into their beliefs about me!

It's as if they are calling me a liar.. I'm just about getting to the point of getting up & walking away now.. what the F#$%* ?! They are 100% SURE I have a GF !

What the heck makes them sooo sure?? So sure they'd bet their life on it..

Does this happen to anybody else?

Now, I'm 30 years old, some what shy guy, single for a long time, & happy this way.. The reason I'm still single is because I want to travel more & achieve some things that require a lot of work/time.. Once this is complete, somewhat, I may think about a relationship.. They don't seem to understand this.. maybe the language barrier..

It's as if it's physically impossible for a young farang to be single in Thailand!

"Oh, are you gay?, ect.."

Do they ever think of farang wanting to sleep alone at night, staying up late while working on things, travelling solo around asia, little time for a relationship????

Somebody please tell the thai women that it IS POSSIBLE for a young farang to desire to be single, with other goals & pursuits in works.. & have women as JUST FRIENDS.. (which is the case for me at this point)

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Ya know everytime I go out to a bar or Anywhere for that matter, & the question:

you have a girlfriend", comes up, I always reply with the same real answer of, "No", which is in fact, true.

It doesn't seem to matter what the circumstances I meet a girl are, they never seem to believe my answer! I ask them why they don't believe what I say, & they still are locked into their beliefs about me!

It's as if they are calling me a liar.. I'm just about getting to the point of getting up & walking away now.. what the F#$%* ?! They are 100% SURE I have a GF !

What the heck makes them sooo sure?? So sure they'd bet their life on it..

Does this happen to anybody else?

Now, I'm 30 years old, some what shy guy, single for a long time, & happy this way.. The reason I'm still single is because I want to travel more & achieve some things that require a lot of work/time.. Once this is complete, somewhat, I may think about a relationship.. They don't seem to understand this.. maybe the language barrier..

It's as if it's physically impossible for a young farang to be single in Thailand!

"Oh, are you gay?, ect.."

Do they ever think of farang wanting to sleep alone at night, staying up late while working on things, travelling solo around asia, little time for a relationship????

Somebody please tell the thai women that it IS POSSIBLE for a young farang to desire to be single, with other goals & pursuits in works.. & have women as JUST FRIENDS.. (which is the case for me at this point)

The normal run of things is they ask your name, age, location and yes 'do you have a girlfriend' or variations thereof. They quite rightly in my opinion ask the last question to see if you are available after all you are in a bar. I really don't see the problem why don't you have a few girlfriends and travel around Asia. It certainly makes it more interesting. Don't think too mutts na!

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Do you go to the bar for a night of quiet drinking, to find female company or a mixture of both?

The bar owner sells the beer. In return for their beer he wants your money.

The bar girl sells herself. In return for her services she wants your money.

The bar girl is not going to waste her time exhibiting her wares in front of you unless you are available. Hence the perfectly logical question.

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You are an exception (not negative),but sure hardly to understand for the ladies working in a bar,you are a potential customer and that's the way they see you,i think you will have to live with it .

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