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.... :o "I never wanted to deceive her......but nature gave the male overwhelming desires"

That's what he's saying after his wife died (...and contracting her with HIV/AIDS)

I stopped watching.



I agree...this was hard hitting for me to..because I used to be quite loose with partners in general. Then I had my Son and I realised now what life means...he could have died by my actions and I could have also lost my Wife who was innocent to all my badness.

I think to try and tame male emotions is something that I fight with, yet now it has consequences. Some people are weak, I have been and hope I will never be again.


My husband says that 90% of fidelity is the lack of opportunity. :o That said, he goes out of his way to avoid opportunity. If he goes to a bar, he goes in the early afternoon...to one without any "female entertainment" or "female hostesses." He never gets drunk. He never goes to "girly shows." I appreciate the way he puts such a high value on fidelity, enough to eliminate high-risk activities.

I applaud you, Lopburi, for growing up and achieving a similar attitude. Some "men" never grow up and take responsibility for their sexual actions. You have. I wish you continued success!

My husband says that 90% of fidelity is the lack of opportunity. :D That said, he goes out of his way to avoid opportunity. If he goes to a bar, he goes in the early afternoon...to one without any "female entertainment" or "female hostesses." He never gets drunk. He never goes to "girly shows." I appreciate the way he puts such a high value on fidelity, enough to eliminate high-risk activities.

I applaud you, Lopburi, for growing up and achieving a similar attitude. Some "men" never grow up and take responsibility for their sexual actions. You have. I wish you continued success!

Sounds like a real angel. :o

lopburiguy and cathyy, sexual nfidelity doesn't have to result in HIV infection.

Mutual monogamy is even safer, and no condoms are required.


Given that many visiting farang men are so inebriated that they can't tell they are having sex with a methedrine-infested katoey in an orifice they are normally unfamiliar with, I don't think one can say that condoms, if used at all, are being used properly. By the time most men have sex with AIDS and other disease ridden prostitutes, precautions and common sense are long gone. It is hard to maintain a sense of prudence in a blackout. Very sad for the wives waiting back home...


HIV is like an acid for social hypocrisy about sex. The latter just doesn't stand up to the former.

I think there's a natural tendency for human beings to be somewhat polygamous- both men and women. If they weren't, then fidelity wouldn't be such a problem. Most taboos are about things that are pretty natural tendencies in one respect or another- that's why it's never possible to eliminate them.

Before the risk of the disease was so deadly, as long as pregnancy was avoided there was no problem in maintaining the hypocrisy, but now the price of silence is too high.

Some gay couples have solved the problem by defining what they consider safe sex, making rules about how/if they are allowed to have sex with persons outside the relationship, and continuing to practice safe sex with each other. It may not be as satisfactory to some people who prefer not to use condoms; I have the feeling that those people face a choice between monogamy and extinction.

It may be that the myth of widespread marital fidelity is dealt a fatal blow by the need for such responses to disease; that is, if people are as polygamous as I suspect.

Another point to be made: a similar sexual epidemic with similar secret shame was widespread during the 17th-19th centuries in Europe; to wit, syphilis. It was incurable, ultimately debilitating and fatal, and spread easily from partner to partner. While prostitution was a common vector for the disease, it also took the "respectable" society's participation. It also blighted children and wives. And social commentary of the time reminded the upper class that unless they took care of the health of the lower class, they would ultimately share it (check out Dickens, Blake, etc.)

I don't think HIV should be a stick used to bash prostitutes, those who visit prostitutes, the prostitutes themselves, or those who find they cannot be monogamous. I think HIV should be a wake-up call to question romantic social mores that were never truly practiced or practicable for a large group of people, and allow them the social space to make more pragmatic arrangements for their own and everyone else's protection.



For the woman who says of her husband "If he goes to a bar, he goes in the early afternoon...to one without any "female entertainment" or "female hostesses." He never gets drunk. He never goes to "girly shows."

I can say (as a guy) I'm purer than your husband in appearances - I don't even go to bars at all, and I haven't drunk or smoked for 40 years. Yet even though my outward appearance is sqeakier than your husband's, I still lust after (and pay for) sex with strangers. By the way, I'm single, so I don't have to pull a charade with a female partner. The moral of this little story: don't let outward appearances fool you. Sometimes it's the most upstanding-appearing citizens who have the most nefarious 'other lives.'

As for HIV. Condoms are good and they very very rarely break (without offering graphic details, trust me, I know what I'm talking about). I know a guy who is large by any measure, and who had a condom break only once in over 3,000 aliances - and that's because it was a condom that was kept for months - folded in his wallet.

A MAJOR method of transmission of HIV that's rarely if ever talked about is handling of the condom AFTER sex. With few exceptions, a man will take his condom off. It doesn't take a genius to figure that the condom has the woman's vaginal fluid on it (and the man's fluid). So even if the man washes his hands thoroughly after the act, he still may touch his mouth, eyes, nose, his sausage or whatever other sensitive skin - before getting to the washroom. Normal hand washing isn't very effective. Heck, the guy may then go to a business meeting and shake hands with others. Similar circumstances affect the woman's hygene.

Men everywhere are promiscuous when they get half a chance. For Thai men, however, there's a cultural tolerance to have one or more mistresses and/or go to houses of ill repute. Plus, endemic irresponsibility and evasiveness are in no short supply in these here parts. If you're not sure, just ask any of the millions of single moms in Thailand who don't get a satang or any support whatsoever from the men who knocked them up.

A MAJOR method of transmission of HIV that's rarely if ever talked about is handling of the condom AFTER sex. With few exceptions, a man will take his condom off. It doesn't take a genius to figure that the condom has the woman's vaginal fluid on it (and the man's fluid). So even if the man washes his hands thoroughly after the act, he still may touch his mouth, eyes, nose, his sausage or whatever other sensitive skin - before getting to the washroom. Normal hand washing isn't very effective. Heck, the guy may then go to a business meeting and shake hands with others. Similar circumstances affect the woman's hygene.

i request that you supply a cite for the above ?

.... :o "I never wanted to deceive her......but nature gave the male overwhelming desires"

That's what he's saying after his wife died (...and contracting her with HIV/AIDS)

I stopped watching.


Agree with that. It bothers me that the movie puts the responsibility of avoiding the infection only on the wife, and presents the husband attitude as unavoidable. If he knows (or only suspects) that he is infected, it is his duty to inform his wife. There is no excuse for not doing so, it's a matter of life or death.

In the movie he says he loves her, but by telling her the truth he could have saved her life. And he didn't. What kind of love is that?

I appreciate the movie is pragmatic and deals with the society as it is, and not as it should be. But still...

Go on everyone, tell me to wake up and get back to the real world.

My husband says that 90% of fidelity is the lack of opportunity. :o That said, he goes out of his way to avoid opportunity. If he goes to a bar, he goes in the early afternoon...to one without any "female entertainment" or "female hostesses." He never gets drunk. He never goes to "girly shows." I appreciate the way he puts such a high value on fidelity, enough to eliminate high-risk activities.

Does your husband go to a real bar or to a pub? I mean, what kind of people are sitting there: farang with thai bargirls or people that drink and eat something together after work?

I am assuming you're talking about a bar in the Thai meaning of the word.

I don't think I would cheat on my wife just by going to a bar once or twice, but if I would go there every week, .... honestly I don't know. Even if the bar your husband goes to doesn't have female hostesses working there (how does this bar survive???) there are probably enough bars nearby that do have female hostesses.

I am pretty conservative about relations and sex, some people might even call me naive. Until know I managed to follow the rules that I set for myself. But let's face it: 99% of all guys that regularly goes to a bar (in the Thai meaning of the word) will someday "try" to get a new experience even if they enter there thinking they will never make a mistake.

If your husband is with the 1% that doesn't make a mistake, he's either impotent or he deserves the utter respect from all of us.

From what you've written before I conclude the latter possibilty should to be the case.


Let's try to avoid mentions of bar workers, guys- as it's forbidden by Thaivisa rules- there's plenty of latitude for talking about infidelity without specifically mentioning them (or mention them in a roundabout but obvious way).

Interesting discussion, though- please keep it going!

I, too, would like to see some sort of source on Brahmburger's "external" model of HIV transmission- in my rather limited education, HIV is a pretty fragile virus that easily perishes outside the human body. Sounds like the old "beware of toilet seats" guff.

I think that if any two people have made a commitment of sexual fidelity, they should both feel bound to stick to it unless they announce to their partner that it's off. I think that the pressure to make this commitment (or else no relationship) is perhaps the first culprit in these kinds of cases; but it's no excuse for exposing a loved one to danger. If people were more willing to admit to each other that they didn't want to be completely monogamous but did want (most of the time) a committed, loving relationship, they might be happier and safer at the same time.


My husband says that 90% of fidelity is the lack of opportunity. :D That said, he goes out of his way to avoid opportunity. If he goes to a bar, he goes in the early afternoon...to one without any "female entertainment" or "female hostesses." He never gets drunk. He never goes to "girly shows." I appreciate the way he puts such a high value on fidelity, enough to eliminate high-risk activities.

I applaud you, Lopburi, for growing up and achieving a similar attitude. Some "men" never grow up and take responsibility for their sexual actions. You have. I wish you continued success!

I agree, never tempt temptation. Perhaps a person is strong enough to walk away, but why bother finding out?

.... :o "I never wanted to deceive her......but nature gave the male overwhelming desires"

That's what he's saying after his wife died (...and contracting her with HIV/AIDS)

I stopped watching.


Agree with that. It bothers me that the movie puts the responsibility of avoiding the infection only on the wife, and presents the husband attitude as unavoidable. If he knows (or only suspects) that he is infected, it is his duty to inform his wife. There is no excuse for not doing so, it's a matter of life or death.

In the movie he says he loves her, but by telling her the truth he could have saved her life. And he didn't. What kind of love is that?

I appreciate the movie is pragmatic and deals with the society as it is, and not as it should be. But still...

Go on everyone, tell me to wake up and get back to the real world.

I took this as telling the wife not to trust the husband, not that it was her fault. Here in America we tell girls make sure he has a condom, while we tell boys as well, girls are the ones most people say to that they should carry condoms as well, not just him and to be firm on the practice. Women are more at risk in this interaction and women are more the victim as well. So, I don't think is was saying it's the women's fault, but that women should be aware and not trust and keep up that standard. Same as in America.

HIV is like an acid for social hypocrisy about sex. The latter just doesn't stand up to the former.

I think there's a natural tendency for human beings to be somewhat polygamous- both men and women. If they weren't, then fidelity wouldn't be such a problem. Most taboos are about things that are pretty natural tendencies in one respect or another- that's why it's never possible to eliminate them.

Before the risk of the disease was so deadly, as long as pregnancy was avoided there was no problem in maintaining the hypocrisy, but now the price of silence is too high.

Some gay couples have solved the problem by defining what they consider safe sex, making rules about how/if they are allowed to have sex with persons outside the relationship, and continuing to practice safe sex with each other. It may not be as satisfactory to some people who prefer not to use condoms; I have the feeling that those people face a choice between monogamy and extinction.

It may be that the myth of widespread marital fidelity is dealt a fatal blow by the need for such responses to disease; that is, if people are as polygamous as I suspect.

Another point to be made: a similar sexual epidemic with similar secret shame was widespread during the 17th-19th centuries in Europe; to wit, syphilis. It was incurable, ultimately debilitating and fatal, and spread easily from partner to partner. While prostitution was a common vector for the disease, it also took the "respectable" society's participation. It also blighted children and wives. And social commentary of the time reminded the upper class that unless they took care of the health of the lower class, they would ultimately share it (check out Dickens, Blake, etc.)

I don't think HIV should be a stick used to bash prostitutes, those who visit prostitutes, the prostitutes themselves, or those who find they cannot be monogamous. I think HIV should be a wake-up call to question romantic social mores that were never truly practiced or practicable for a large group of people, and allow them the social space to make more pragmatic arrangements for their own and everyone else's protection.


Agree, in fact true monogamy is so rare - and where it does occur, it's typically temporary/serial - that I don't think it can be counted on as global method of avoiding HIV.

By the way the HIV infection rate in Thailand has dropped steeply over the last decade mainly due to more widespread condom use (and not increased monogamy :o).

HIV is like an acid for social hypocrisy about sex. The latter just doesn't stand up to the former.

I think there's a natural tendency for human beings to be somewhat polygamous- both men and women. If they weren't, then fidelity wouldn't be such a problem. Most taboos are about things that are pretty natural tendencies in one respect or another- that's why it's never possible to eliminate them.

Before the risk of the disease was so deadly, as long as pregnancy was avoided there was no problem in maintaining the hypocrisy, but now the price of silence is too high.

Some gay couples have solved the problem by defining what they consider safe sex, making rules about how/if they are allowed to have sex with persons outside the relationship, and continuing to practice safe sex with each other. It may not be as satisfactory to some people who prefer not to use condoms; I have the feeling that those people face a choice between monogamy and extinction.

It may be that the myth of widespread marital fidelity is dealt a fatal blow by the need for such responses to disease; that is, if people are as polygamous as I suspect.

Another point to be made: a similar sexual epidemic with similar secret shame was widespread during the 17th-19th centuries in Europe; to wit, syphilis. It was incurable, ultimately debilitating and fatal, and spread easily from partner to partner. While prostitution was a common vector for the disease, it also took the "respectable" society's participation. It also blighted children and wives. And social commentary of the time reminded the upper class that unless they took care of the health of the lower class, they would ultimately share it (check out Dickens, Blake, etc.)

I don't think HIV should be a stick used to bash prostitutes, those who visit prostitutes, the prostitutes themselves, or those who find they cannot be monogamous. I think HIV should be a wake-up call to question romantic social mores that were never truly practiced or practicable for a large group of people, and allow them the social space to make more pragmatic arrangements for their own and everyone else's protection.


Agree, in fact true monogamy is so rare - and where it does occur, it's typically temporary/serial - that I don't think it can be counted on as global method of avoiding HIV.

By the way the HIV infection rate in Thailand has dropped steeply over the last decade mainly due to more widespread condom use (and not increased monogamy :D).

True manogamy is very rare even amongst "religion followers." The prevention of HIV infections unless a total cure is found is not an easy task. It is therefore upto the individual if he/she wishes to put themselves and others at risk. I for one after a shady track record want to try and avoid that area of my life and look to stop putting the people I love at risk.

HIV in Thailand did decline, however it is now on the rise after years of positive changes (depends on the reports you read, I have read a few).


A MAJOR method of transmission of HIV that's rarely if ever talked about is handling of the condom AFTER sex. With few exceptions, a man will take his condom off. It doesn't take a genius to figure that the condom has the woman's vaginal fluid on it (and the man's fluid). So even if the man washes his hands thoroughly after the act, he still may touch his mouth, eyes, nose, his sausage or whatever other sensitive skin - before getting to the washroom. Normal hand washing isn't very effective. Heck, the guy may then go to a business meeting and shake hands with others. Similar circumstances affect the woman's hygene.

i request that you supply a cite for the above ?

Agree with you for a cite - I have worked with HIV researchers and this method of spreading the disieas is never mentioned.

Washing ones hands would kill most things. You will not get it from shaking hands!

There is just not enough vaginla fluid on a condom to cause infection - blood maybe sometimes.

I am pretty sure the CDC says it is possible in theory to catch HIV from cunnilingus but there is no cases to cite as to many other factors come into play.

HIV is like an acid for social hypocrisy about sex. The latter just doesn't stand up to the former.

I think there's a natural tendency for human beings to be somewhat polygamous- both men and women. If they weren't, then fidelity wouldn't be such a problem. Most taboos are about things that are pretty natural tendencies in one respect or another- that's why it's never possible to eliminate them.

Before the risk of the disease was so deadly, as long as pregnancy was avoided there was no problem in maintaining the hypocrisy, but now the price of silence is too high.

Some gay couples have solved the problem by defining what they consider safe sex, making rules about how/if they are allowed to have sex with persons outside the relationship, and continuing to practice safe sex with each other. It may not be as satisfactory to some people who prefer not to use condoms; I have the feeling that those people face a choice between monogamy and extinction.

It may be that the myth of widespread marital fidelity is dealt a fatal blow by the need for such responses to disease; that is, if people are as polygamous as I suspect.

Another point to be made: a similar sexual epidemic with similar secret shame was widespread during the 17th-19th centuries in Europe; to wit, syphilis. It was incurable, ultimately debilitating and fatal, and spread easily from partner to partner. While prostitution was a common vector for the disease, it also took the "respectable" society's participation. It also blighted children and wives. And social commentary of the time reminded the upper class that unless they took care of the health of the lower class, they would ultimately share it (check out Dickens, Blake, etc.)

I don't think HIV should be a stick used to bash prostitutes, those who visit prostitutes, the prostitutes themselves, or those who find they cannot be monogamous. I think HIV should be a wake-up call to question romantic social mores that were never truly practiced or practicable for a large group of people, and allow them the social space to make more pragmatic arrangements for their own and everyone else's protection.


Agree, in fact true monogamy is so rare - and where it does occur, it's typically temporary/serial - that I don't think it can be counted on as global method of avoiding HIV.

By the way the HIV infection rate in Thailand has dropped steeply over the last decade mainly due to more widespread condom use (and not increased monogamy :D).

True manogamy is very rare even amongst "religion followers." The prevention of HIV infections unless a total cure is found is not an easy task. It is therefore upto the individual if he/she wishes to put themselves and others at risk. I for one after a shady track record want to try and avoid that area of my life and look to stop putting the people I love at risk.

HIV in Thailand did decline, however it is now on the rise after years of positive changes (depends on the reports you read, I have read a few).


Yes from what I have read both "Incidence" and Prevalence" of HIV infection has ben on the rise recently after a decline.

Does your husband go to a real bar or to a pub? I mean, what kind of people are sitting there: farang with thai bargirls or people that drink and eat something together after work?

From what you've written before I conclude the latter possibilty should to be the case.

It's more the pub kind of place. And I'm usually with him, too. He's a great guy, and he both gives and expects monogamy. He knows he can be tempted, so he chooses to avoid temptation. It's a method that works well for men who really are committed to being monogamous.

As for men who are not committed to being monogamous, honesty is indeed the best policy. Honesty opens the door to using safer sex techniques with your spouse. Women are so much more easily infected with HIV through vaginal intercourse than a man is. Some of the latest research shows that circumcised men have half or less the chance of being infected of an uncircumcised man, while engaged in similar behaviors. (Article about the studies) Makes me glad my sons were circumcised right after birth.

lopburiguy and cathyy, sexual nfidelity doesn't have to result in HIV infection.

Safer sex links

Plenty of condoms break? :o

Yep they do.

Even though a poster earlier says that one of his well endowed mates has had only one break in 3000 attempts, let me assure you that they break quite often.

lopburiguy and cathyy, sexual nfidelity doesn't have to result in HIV infection.

Safer sex links

Plenty of condoms break? :o

Yep they do.

Even though a poster earlier says that one of his well endowed mates has had only one break in 3000 attempts, let me assure you that they break quite often.

I can also tell you many of my friends have lived in Thailand and SE Asia and have broke condoms routinely and also not used them, more often than not. Alcohol should have a label that states "if drunk smash over ones head to stop stupidity".

Also the OP who talks of shaking hands and fluids on condoms can pass on the virus....old wife tale springs to mind. :D

I'd venture to guess that monogamy/sexual fidelity breaks more often than condoms do. :D

I have been around asia for a long time and spent many years not using condoms. A friend of mine called me one night in 2001 and told me he had just found out he was HIV. This was in the Philippines lucky he is getting the correct meds and dosnt have any money worries so the cost dosnt bother him. I then learn he is still not using condoms and travels between Philippines and Thailand looking for new victims, Hence this guy is no longer a friend of mine and I despise what he is doing.

If there is anyone reading this and still not using condoms take yourself to the Camillian center in BangChang thats the orphanage where the children must be HIV to live there. They are getting some really needed help from Father Giovanni and his staff. While you are there take a look in the room where the people are dying from HIV That may just change your mind about using condoms it did me.

It was explained to me by a women in Australia once that the reason I screwed around so much was because I was trying to prove I was a real man she said you are a real man and dont need to prove it so

grow up. My first thoughts were Cheeky Bitch but she was right.

Cheers Tony :o

I agree, never tempt temptation. Perhaps a person is strong enough to walk away, but why bother finding out?

And always pack condoms, in case temptation does tempt and you're not strong enough. Second line of defence, as it were.

I'd venture to guess that monogamy/sexual fidelity breaks more often than condoms do. :D

I have been around asia for a long time and spent many years not using condoms. A friend of mine called me one night in 2001 and told me he had just found out he was HIV. This was in the Philippines lucky he is getting the correct meds and dosnt have any money worries so the cost dosnt bother him. I then learn he is still not using condoms and travels between Philippines and Thailand looking for new victims, Hence this guy is no longer a friend of mine and I despise what he is doing.

If there is anyone reading this and still not using condoms take yourself to the Camillian center in BangChang thats the orphanage where the children must be HIV to live there. They are getting some really needed help from Father Giovanni and his staff. While you are there take a look in the room where the people are dying from HIV That may just change your mind about using condoms it did me.

It was explained to me by a women in Australia once that the reason I screwed around so much was because I was trying to prove I was a real man she said you are a real man and dont need to prove it so

grow up. My first thoughts were Cheeky Bitch but she was right.

Cheers Tony :o

That is really sad of your ex friend being like that. It is a common story "they gave it to me so I will give it back" people. I think it is a criminal offence and I know a guy in the U.K from Nigeria was infecting people knowing he had HIV and was sentenced to prison. that does not give back the lives he has affected and taken through his selfishness.

I will try and visit a HIV hospital next month and give something that maybe of use to the hospital. The thought of infecting someone through my ignorance is not a nice feeling and makes me feel sad and stupid on how easy it is to ruin everything around you, especially when life is so good.


I'd venture to guess that monogamy/sexual fidelity breaks more often than condoms do. :D

I have been around asia for a long time and spent many years not using condoms. A friend of mine called me one night in 2001 and told me he had just found out he was HIV. This was in the Philippines lucky he is getting the correct meds and dosnt have any money worries so the cost dosnt bother him. I then learn he is still not using condoms and travels between Philippines and Thailand looking for new victims, Hence this guy is no longer a friend of mine and I despise what he is doing.

If there is anyone reading this and still not using condoms take yourself to the Camillian center in BangChang thats the orphanage where the children must be HIV to live there. They are getting some really needed help from Father Giovanni and his staff. While you are there take a look in the room where the people are dying from HIV That may just change your mind about using condoms it did me.

It was explained to me by a women in Australia once that the reason I screwed around so much was because I was trying to prove I was a real man she said you are a real man and dont need to prove it so

grow up. My first thoughts were Cheeky Bitch but she was right.

Cheers Tony :o

That is really sad of your ex friend being like that. It is a common story "they gave it to me so I will give it back" people. I think it is a criminal offence and I know a guy in the U.K from Nigeria was infecting people knowing he had HIV and was sentenced to prison. that does not give back the lives he has affected and taken through his selfishness.

I will try and visit a HIV hospital next month and give something that maybe of use to the hospital. The thought of infecting someone through my ignorance is not a nice feeling and makes me feel sad and stupid on how easy it is to ruin everything around you, especially when life is so good.


Re my Ex friend >> its much the same as Murder in my opinion. I have been in contact with both Philippines and Thai Govt about this but they say that they cant do anything.

I was given a book by the Camillian center about two years ago that has been written by the chilkdren there, in this book they tell part of their story and talk bout being infected with HIV. These Children are the innocent victims. Here is one of the extract from the book by a little 14 year old girl that calls herself Bird.

The Bird

I dream to be a little bird because the bird has the freedom to fly anywhere in the world. It is my favorite animal with beautiful feathers that everyone can fall in love with. Whenever I look at a bird, I imagine that I could be it. The bird helps to balance natures life cycle in our environment. It helps nature by killing insects and after eating the plant seeds, the bird spreads the seeds so they can grow up to be big plants. The bird also has wings that help it to fly to anywhere it wishes. If I where a bird I would fly to many beautiful places that I liked. But on the other side, the bird is like everyone in the world. It has to be born grow old, and can be hurt and finally, dies. Everyone has all these things and can’t avoid them. One day, I will die but I wish to be reborn as a bird. I could fly all over the world and see places I have never known, never seen, and never reached. But it won’t happen now. Now I am just a girl who lives with restrictions, with little freedom, or liberty or equality because I am infected with HIV, I can’t go anywhere else. But I’m still lucky in having HIV medicine and having a chance to study at school. My classmates and I like to study as much as we can. We would like to take care of our Dad, Mom, Grandad and Grandmom. Although my Dad and Mom have passed away I still have my stepfarther and stepmother. Farther Giovanni and Mother Rita, who kindly take care of us always. When I graduate, I wish that I could use my knowledge I helping to develop the anti HIV medicine and I will help our society to not be disgusted with a HIV positive child. Please let the HIV positive child have freedom in society, have a chance to learn at school, receive treatment at the hospital and to apply for work at all workplaces.

How long this little bird can fly is up to society giving it a chance by helping and supporting it. The affected children here and I would like to thank Farther Giovanni, Farther Siranon, Mother Rita, the teachers, nursemaids and all the people that always have a kind mind and show mercy in helping us since I have been here. I feel very happy.

Bird girl 14 years.

Cheers Tony :D

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