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3 hours ago, farmerjo said:

I've been waiting for that sort of good news for a long time and no better person than you to bring it hot off the press Alex.????

Now if i was on the selection committee for a new coach,there would be no interviews for a Bolton like.

Or anyone else unless Brenton Sanderson doesn't want the job.

The perfect candidate with previous experience who would do better 2nd time round and has attacking,scoring mindset.

I'll get on the phone to Arden street now.????????????

Happy days ahead,if Scott had gone on another rebuilt and another 5 years.

Good luck FJ

I read he may be gone by Sunday.


The big question is who will employ Brad Scott.



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58 minutes ago, farmerjo said:

I watched it 30 times but sadly still only a fine.

I don't see how he can get a fine.


Any strike to the head is graded as intentional.

So even if its graded as low impact, an intentional strike to the head if graded as low impact is a 1 week suspension.


The only way he can get off, is if its considered to be insufficient force and then it's not even a fine (I think).


The ump should've reported him.



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Thought Brad Scott let himself down by having a go at Kingy.


I'm not a massive fan of King, but I reckon it showed a lack of class.


Instead of everyone talking about the win, they're talking about the spat

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11 hours ago, farmerjo said:

1st of two wins in a row,you normally get one with old coach then one with the new don't you?

Eagles were impressive today on the road and was quite an entertaining game with Cats v Suns.

So who will Scott coach now,the winner or loser of the Saints/Blues game.

Chook,will Scott play McCartin forward or back.????

Was interesting when they interviewed a member of Norf at 1/2 time,he reakoned John Blakey is the Man.

Makes a bit of sense if he's sent Rhys Shaw ahead in the scouting party.

Anyway regardless,a change is as good as a holiday. 

Mate it will be who you least expect....Scott was doomed after round 3 pretty sure they got it down to 2 or 3...probley even have him lined prior to the BBQ, clubs arnt slow it was all wored out before....

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8 hours ago, Will27 said:

Thought Brad Scott let himself down by having a go at Kingy.


I'm not a massive fan of King, but I reckon it showed a lack of class.


Instead of everyone talking about the win, they're talking about the spat


Awww WILL......KINGie is a turd.... the probable over reaction wasnt great but i seen the guy early on in his media career, he sucks....he would beat a dozen bar girls in sucking, no personality head stuck on shoulders, intelligence of a butterfly.....


Seen the guy around the traps think hes on Hearld Sun you know when you pop into Burger King for your brekkie wrap as you do but you wouldnt since your out in the sticks and they dont do the tasty brekkie wraps in Thailand anyway, you can get a hash brown with that i mostly do as its part of the meal...i always say i wont eat it but you know....you do...and the coffee isnt as good as MacDonalds yes suprise about that how do i know? sometimes im not in a hurry to get to the job so i meet my labourer at Maccas.....i dont mind there bacon and egg muffin....its about 1 or 2 things i can eat there and anyway its still so early in the morning the sensors haven completly woken up you know....one time in BKK...trip before last i have a viila world 2 blocks from the condo i rent and has all the usual suspects, woke like i was shit...and i didnt go out drinking the night before...as i dont drink much you know...it was my allergy....you wake with a fog and feeling like ur hung over....i decided i needed to eat brekkie so i took the 5 min walk to the villa world maccas, its about 9ish and im in a daze searching for the brekkie menu cant find..no have....oh dear....ask the skinnie counterhand for it, he roots around under the bench and pulls it out...thank god....id have to settle for a ice cream sunday other wise, ordered my meal a bacon and egg muffin with black coffee no sugar..just how i like my women...dark ...while hanging around waiitng for it it occurred to me hey if the brekkie menu was under the bench they obviously dont do brekkie meals here...its a nice area here and there are a few farangs living around here but u seldom see one unless ur near central...a fear over came me....my muffin had been frozen for like 2 years.....holy shit.....since im in a fog the paranoia dont get to me...this maccas there god dam cheap on the air con...its a bit to warm for me, chump into my muffin no f###in bacon....well that just ruined my day, idiot, check my recite...yes in black and white bacon and egg muffin meal....took a pick of half eaten muffing and recite and posted to my FB as you do when ur pissed....i did end up eating the hash brown by the way....anyway, sorry for getting off track there a bit, in Melbourne they leave the Hearld Sun laying around these joints and as you know im an Age man, the HS we use to use as toilet paper on the job site till it went over $1 a copy, anway in the rare moments you find me in Macdonalds or Burger King/Hungry Jacks, i grap a copy of the HS and start in the sports section...and i always start in the sports section, King is often found in there, from memory the hearld sun hasnt won any litery awards, and King wont raise the standard any time soon....


He is pretty crappy on Fox TV too since i have kayo i have kinda looked around to see if there are any worthwhile footy shows to watch...i must be hard to please.....becasue im still to find anything, i have watched On the Couch twice, i guess the interest is G Healy G Lyon and P Roos who all had something to do at Deeland...its just an average show...


KIng........hope he has a real job as he wont make it in the media....

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

Saints need to dump McCartin who isn't training and clogging up the list.  On the long term injury list and not expected to play before 2021, that will 8 years on the list and less than 20 games.  

he will never play again.

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16 hours ago, farmerjo said:

Hope the new hip is on the mend Alex.Keep up the good reporting.

Your Dees have done well picking up Dunkley in the mid season draft.

Meanwhile the Roos who are crying out for backmen picked up the leading goal kicker in the SANFL.

Someone might be able to enlighten me,the players that are picked up like the Dockers O'Rielly who plays for East Fremantle.

Does he play on there or be transferred to Peel Thunder,the Dockers affliate team mid season?.

Still haven't got the tipping sussed yet,this week went for all the top sides and still got 3 wrong.

Must be stuck in Fantasy land.

I see a few guys making runs up the ladder quietly so there's still hope.






The hip is working beautiful and my nurse today gave me my exray of my new titanium hip joint....nice and clean no chance of bone on bone with this one...you can call me Titainum man....from Wings, Magneto and Titanium man i did use to love that song never thought it would refer to me one day....


The Dee's getting Dunlkly was a suprised when it was like obvious we needed a forward but.....there assuming once they get a few guys back into that backline guys like Bailey Frinch are realsed to go forward...this guy is a 30 to 40 a goal a year high marking and excellent on the ground froward who has been sacrificed in defence to play as the "Leaver" the interecept marking defender...he has done well down back but is a much more damaging froward.


Dear Fj it must be hot and and dry out on the tractor....the mid season draft is to top up your list if you have season ending injurys and retirements...the guys go straight into ur list and are avaliable in most case to kick around out in the VFL/state leagues few WILL actualy make an appearance in a AFL side take it this way if your not in the top 3 picked its highly unlikely you will get into the firsts, just more razzamattazz for the AFL so they can sell some time slot to HSV7 who just lapp it up as do the footy frenzy supporters who think it was all a good idea....Clubs have been going along just fine for 150 years you know so why do we need a mid season draft again? didnt work the first time why WILL it now?


Tipping i cant help you with....its the mood im in...i normaly pick two days out and hardly ever review...its the roll of the dice...god planned it that why if your christian....you couod ask your favourite chicken i mean its would be the same thing wouldnt it be? Cho cho use to help me out once till i got confident...all worked on which way he titled his head....

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On 5/27/2019 at 5:41 AM, Thechook said:

Saints need to dump McCartin who isn't training and clogging up the list.  On the long term injury list and not expected to play before 2021, that will 8 years on the list and less than 20 games.  


 I think you should show some compassion there Mr Chooks...a spell in a buddhist temple when u head home to CM could soften up the hard copper exterior you show....Im sure the TW would not understand your venom to the lad.....


You can take it as it sounds...he would have to be a dill to return to football, hes in sick bay takeing his pay, after listening to him and whats going on he woud be taking his life into your own hands, pretty sure he has been in touch with the players association who are helping him bleed the Saints dry of cash before he anounces his retirement....

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16 hours ago, farmerjo said:

Was interesting to hear on Alex's favourite show of the week,On the couch,Koby Stevens who had similar problems to McCartin has taken to surfing and medical cannabis.

Seems to be improving rapidly by all accounts.

It is still on the ban list for ASADA so Paddy wont be so fortunate.

I get bored on Mondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays till the Front Bar comes on to lighten the week up.

So bored just spent 6 hours modifying my post hole digger to dig 2 holes i could of done by hand in an hour. 

Got to fill the time in somehow.????

Roll on Friday.


Dont you think your getting to old for that sort of thing? I pulled out some cupboards and a draw self set up for a walking in robe with the idea to put a bbq kitchen under the aussie verhanda and re do my walkin robe....well it was a good idea for about 2 weeks....then an angle spread her wings over me and said.....come on fella time to stop rooting around on the house and have a life...and shes right....i will break up the cuboards and take to the tip the draw and shelf set up will find a spot in the garage.....we build so many crosses for ourselves you know....


I have my fifa manger game up and running again so that kinda picks up from 4 to 8 hrs a week for me sir....then i make the odd cake...im sure the TW has no comprehension of western delights cooking is therputical you know...i try a new recipie every now and then too...last one was a winner....sizzle steak wraped in bacon fried lightley then put in oven with olive oil and onion seasoned to taste....cooked up some mushrooms in garlic butter with spinich and served along with mash patato...was god dam heaven...exwife cant cook as good as me...


Derby County go down in a hail of bullets to Aston Villa 2-1 to stay in the Championship while Villa Prince Willies team goes back to the Premier league for next season, former Socceroo captain Miles J was playing for Villa last night well monday night...hardly noticed him....anway Villa had it all over then untill they went 2 up...falling asleep on the job Frank made 3 subs and wo and behold Derby came home like a train on fire....the right team went up, actualy Leeds should have gone up, Frank Lampard who is being eyed off by Chelsea since Sari has been appointed Juve coach, though it was felt they would have prefered he get a second year under his belt looks like crossing and it would be a mistake....Frank did get some encouraging moments out of a team that was ordinary for many games, going to Chelsea where Roman Abramovish does not take fools or lack of success lightly....would be like having a knife pressed against your throat for the entire season.....wasnt so long ago the man that won him his first Champions League title was dumped in the river filled with concrete within 6 months of the title...Frank dont do it...


Well this is Wednesday and there is nothing to report...no one wants to know that Saint Jake Carlile has only to play 9 games more to sercure a new and improved contract to play on...no one cares even Chooks dont mentioned the troublesome defender, even Trump hasnt pissed anyone off this week....


To stop us from falling asleep Fj upload a pic of this new and inproved fandangled post hole digger....chance we could market it and sell to the udon refugess and grasshooper football club to stick the goal posts in...

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