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4 hours ago, BookmanBkk said:

Well, Khun WIllyWOnka was right once again!

Season to be 17 games each team playing each other once!

Id like to see the season start delayed for a few weeks. Start now and more chance of a break for weeks between game 1 and 2 or game 2 and 3


Yep 17 games and 15 minute quarter 

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2 hours ago, ripstanley said:

17 games today. Nil games in a few weeks. Once 1 player or staff member tests positive the season will be cancelled. 

Everything is still up in the air, but Gil said tonight on VFL360 that if a player tests positive, the club is in

lockdown for 14 days.

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9 hours ago, Will27 said:

Honestly, I cringed watching this last night.

How this muppet has a job on TV astounds me.



I watched IT last night too..... your right Uncle WILL....where on earth do they find guys like him and Sandy Roberts?


Me, i think the AFL put the cart before the horse on the 17 games, its highly likely that the League WILL get shut down for around 4 weeks at some point, which would bring it to 18 weeks plus byessssss.....Back when i was at school the maths dictate that the full 22 games could be played, Gill did say that playing 3 games over 2 weeks was on the cards so the algerbra dictates that its something else...and that something else could be the fact that at least in the short term crowds WILL be barred from games which is a financial hit, not that they cared to much when they wanted you to buy reserved seating etc so you see my mind is always looking around the corner to what seems like there fix...isnt...


Players came out tonight stating there not sold on a 17 game season they recon there good for 22 and so do i, there still pondering the 20% pay cut too in likley hood it will come down to public pressure..


Now why do the AFL want shorter breaks bettween quarters and what is looking like shorter quarters as well.....???? i ask you.....???? Its been flagged......by the AFL.... I belive its there opportunity to bring in a change they want especially since channel 7 wanted shorter breaks bettween quarters, its slight of hand, underhanded sneak it in pete while everyone is watching something else kind of steleath, they could run a bigger interchange bench you know and that would be my preference.


Well its just getting siller by the minute here, the public is now nose to the footpath out hunting to horde, reports in The Age today say city slickers traveling to towns within about 80 k radius of the city and cleaning out local supermarkets, id like to know if poo really hits whos got my back? amazing how brains shrink at the first sight of a problem....


My thinking..no crowds play the game if some player or offical comes down with the virus shut the game for a month then back onboard. The way Gill with solem face anounced the modified season last night was more fuel on the fire, would have spooked more than calmed them, and its time some sort of rationing came into play, we cant stop the dills who are putting ordianry people at risk by doing runs every day and cleaning out shelves..


I do wonder where there putting all this fresh milk and meat, like how many frezzers are there out there?


Anyway seeing whats going on at the moment reminds me why i keep my circle fo friends small....

Edited by AlexRRR
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4 hours ago, Radar501 said:

I can confirm that on Tuesday morning two bus-loads of Melbournians descended on my little town in South Gippsland like a plague of hungry locusts and emptied the shelves of the Woolies supermarket.   I consider myself fortunate that the veggie plot and chook pen in my backyard has not yet been raided.


Excellent news that the general populace is following the authorities' advice.............



Australia's response has been underwhelming at best. We should be looking at countries like South Korea who have controlled the virus quite well.

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Well I did venture forth into the great unknown at 7.15 this morning.....seniors and people on disabilities get first crack at the shelfs for an hour before the heard/horde arrive, at my local Safeway a dozen were itching to stampede and most in there 20's.....after Italian blend of Victoria coffee beans as it would be a disaster if I ran out, about 2 to 3 weeks supply left I normally top up around now normally waiting for a Kilo bag to go on special...I also needed some beetroot as we have now having our fantasy summer that I missed while away and apparently Vic's never got....love my salads when its hot...


I was asked top produce id to get in so I take that as a compliment...a young looking senior I must be...might explain being able to date half my age....in Thai of course....Its good clean living and using your hands for a living....thats what it is...getting up early, fresh air and on the job at the crack of dawn....


Well no Italian blend "Downheartend" Aussie Crawl.....ahh what to do....do I really want to be like "them" and go from supermarket to supermarket? normally NO, in this case.....for the coffee? yes...I would die other wise...a long and painful death...withdrawl.....I went off coffee a number of years ago and that first week was like murder....of course the first time after 2 ys I had a coffee I was up until the roosters began crowing.....


Well on a mission I headed to the big Coles at the shopping centre if I failed there then a big Safeway at the other end....well praise be to the exulted one up high...the. last known bag of Italian blend at 1 kilo was left right there for me at 7.45 am, the angles did place it there just moments before my arrival...I had been a good boy and didnt use or abuse any females in Thailand, I took them out gave them a good time before seduceing them....they were more than willing I might add.....


Once again I was asked to produce some id.....with 50 or so of the heard looking on waiting to pounce, its funny isnt it?..I took some pics of the crowd to see if id get a reaction but nope they were all spell bound by looking into the store eyeing off the produce. 


My angle did whisper in my ear as I was heading toward the checkout to get some toilet paper, now I have enough if im careful for around 6 weeks but son  did text me yesterday to grab some if I could so, so off I go to the other end of the store and when I did peer up the elie there was a gentleman handing out packs of 10 to us old war veterans and cobbers....I did my duty and took a pack hoping to have some one approach me when I left and offer me $50 for a $10 pack of toilet paper...but that wasnt to be, the heard's eyes had not left looking into the Coles store, just peering at the fruit and bread on display......


Well for the record I did not HORDE, just 1 ball of lettuce 2 cans of beetroot 2 cans of a nice new tuna I recommended to Books, I didnt need the tuna just have fallen in love with this one so you know...had to have...some oranges for a week bag of grapes....eat your heart out in Thailand...hehe....my coffee and coola flavoured  cordial ive loved since a boy...I did the patriotic thing and thats not to buy what I dont need....though the toilet paper as with the coffee Id be looking to top at around now anyway....


Pendel;bury did not test positive for the virus, haven't looked at the paper yet as was the supermarket run now cho off to the dog groomers so im pretty sure the games are on this weekend.....


Edited by AlexRRR
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Got back from dropping cho off and a capalatte I did make turning on the lappie Apple announce on there opening safari page there closed all there retail stores AU....dam and I was thinking to get that over priced iPad Pro today......the big one with the big price...as much as this laptop ....gees....what am I going to do now?


Well I already decided to push on with my almost 5 year old iPad Air for a while longer mainly becasue it works perfect though now as a war ventran the eyes arnt what they use to be......


One good thing to come out of all this is...topping up your shares portfolio.....the good shares got cheaper and off course the bad ones got worse....I was looking to off load one which dropped like 110% now its at like 170% so you know...I hate looking at it when I open the app but what can I do? give it away?....suffer I WILL....


We need the footy to take our minds off of this, like it bugs me that we haven't evolved so im going to go for a bike ride now to ease my nerves....

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3 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

I was asked top produce id to get in so I take that as a compliment...a young looking senior I must be...might explain being able to date half my age....in Thai of course....Its good clean living and using your hands for a living....thats what it is...getting up early, fresh air and on the job at the crack of dawn....


Judge Judy GIF - EyeRoll Ugh JudgeJudy GIFs
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My tips are in.......


Tigers  over the Blues in how high can i fly, though im sure the Blues wont be pussys tomorrow night....

Dogs over the Pies and i wasnt sure on this...

Bombers over the Dockers casue they always get it done when they look bad....

Crows over the Swans who are not as bad as everyone thinks they are and only just..

Gaints over the Cats becasue there still hurting form last years GF....

Suns to pull one out of the bag over the Power and start the ball rolling for the chop of Hinkly before mid year...

North becasue there been flying under the radar since the end of last year, just have to be better than all the B graders the Saints toped up on....

Hawks to go down to a smooth running Lions in a close one...

And in the Match of the Round Eagles to flop in an empty Optus stadium when the high rolling Dee's with lots to prove turn it on.....and on....and on.....they did the talk now lets see the walk.....they dont get it done then there going to be walking around all year with a bag over each players head.....

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