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EU's Tusk says "dream" of Brexit U-turn not dead


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1 hour ago, Loiner said:

Come on Fritzy, 'fess up. There's various kinds of referendum in your corner of the EU isn't there?

They are trying to do things differently to what they previously promised and legislated for. Here i the UK, even a representative democracy cannot lie to the electorate and easily get away with it, no matter how often your EU gangsters pull that type of trick.

Sure? It looks like your parliamentary representative democracy is alive and kicking ???? 

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6 hours ago, Tilacme said:

Full Brexit is going to happen one way or another.  I feel confident that the will of the majority of UK people will ultimately prevail.  There is no grubby EU treaty or any other septic hellish slur against the UK which we as a sovereign state cannot overcome. 

'The will of the UK people will ultimately prevail'. So you mean the UK will remain in the EU. This is 2019, not 2016, you know.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

typical remainer - you don't know when it's over and you lost lol


I'm done with your baiting and trolling nonsense

Typical leaver. "We won, you lost, yah boo sucks!". "Democracy ended on 23/6/2016".

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6 hours ago, puipuitom said:

Looking at the polls in the U.K., more and more people have the idea, Brexit was not the wisest decission.


see also: https://whatukthinks.org/eu/poll/opinium-12-4-2019/  and  https://whatukthinks.org/eu/questions/if-there-was-a-referendum-on-britains-membership-of-the-eu-how-would-you-vote-2/  

polls Brexit.jpg

polls Brexit till Feb 2019.jpg

Completely irrelevant. Don't you understand that democracy stopped on 23/6/2016 and that anything that has happened since is an aberration?

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All those bunch of overpaid clowns in their cushy postings within the EU,  are just scared for their gravy train...EU to form a strong trade union definately yes against the other majors......but not the current dictatorship style union with a currency that is overvalued.


Must say the UK was brave in sending a clear warning signal.


(ok my fan club can bash me now for this one too????)

Edited by observer90210
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5 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Wonder out of interest how many times 17.4m has been quoted and as the vote was near 3 years ago and also considering the leave vote was predominantly supported by the older generations how many are still alive and how many are now ghost voters. Unfortunately the wheels have come off both sides of the divide because of NI and in or out of course there will still be a border with no acceptable solution out and a very simple one in ????   

About 1 million leave voters (along with about 450,000 remainers) are sadly no longer with us. No worries, though, they have been replaced on the electoral roll by many 18-20 year olds, about 70% of whom would have been expected to vote remain. It would be sad if the long term future of the country is determined without a single person under the age of 21 having any say in the matter.

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5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

You are aware that the Remain side also made loads of misleading claims during the referendum campaign, right? We were told a votee to leave would bring immediate economic armageddon, an emergency budget, and even the threat of World War III. Who knows how many voters were frightened into voting remain because of these fear tactics. 


That's not even considering the government leaflet sent to every household (costing tax payers £9m) telling us to vote remain. 


To keep banging on about the bus slogan just sounds like desperation frankly. 

Economic Armageddon and World War III sound like Sun/Mail/Express scaremongering. The emergency budget was not required as the money markets sorted that out by devaluing the £ by 20% (which of course led to a short-term boost for the economy as exports became cheap).

Cameron's leaflet though was the biggest boost to the leave vote imaginable. Everyone knew the Frinton incontinents would vote for Brexit. The deciding factor was the 'man in the Sunderland dole queue', for want of a better description, who has hated the Tories ever since Maggie Thatcher destroyed his local community. With Corbyn refusing to promote the Labour remain argument, a message from Cameron stating the Tory government position was like a red rag to a bull. He registered an anti-Tory (as opposed to an anti-EU) vote. Whether he would do so again is another matter, which is why most Labour MP's feel that their seat is safer by following their Remain convictions (which, after all, is what had them elected in the first place).

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5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Why do you think the EU are so desperate for the UK to remain in the the union? Do you think it's because they care about the British people and fear for their future outside the EU? Or do you think it's because they will miss the UK's international clout and the UK's financial contributions to the EU, and fear the UK's ability to become internationally competitive after we leave? 

I believe it's the latter. 

Think of it like this. The EU is a human body, and the UK is a leg. The body does not want to lose a leg, it will be uncomfortable and it will not be capable of everything it could do before. It will make adjustments, though, and will be able to survive. As for the leg on its own......

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6 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

Think of it like this. The EU is a human body, and the UK is a leg. The body does not want to lose a leg, it will be uncomfortable and it will not be capable of everything it could do before. It will make adjustments, though, and will be able to survive. As for the leg on its own......

Let's be honest. Of course EU is going to miss UK as one of our respected member. There is no doubt about it. 


We, in the EU, would love to keep our UK friends as our long standing partners. We also don't wish to see our UK partner to fly either to the USA's Putin's side or Russia's Putin's side. We'd prefer to keep you folks together with us. Together we are stronger anyway.



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7 minutes ago, nontabury said:



Yes that’s been the plan from day one. The unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels and some Anti- Democratic remainers.hoped that the Brits would give way,as happened in the Republic of Ireland. Unfortunately for them, the desire of the British to exit this so called Onion has only increased.




when will it sink in,our MPs dont want us to leave,a 100% sovereign UK govt decision,well done those MPs,nowt to do with mr Barnier,i feel a bulldog tattoo coming ????

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Our EU is a good deal for all of us Europeans. We can pay a bit to the common good so that we all can have common fair rules for all of us to follow. 


EU is not for any one specific country's needs. EU is formed to be and protect all of our needs. 


We, as EU members do understand that we can't behave like silly kids demanding only what we want right now. We know, as adults, that we do compromises with our peers. We know that's the way our way of living goes forward. 


Russian monoideology presenters are against this. Too bad for them, they are on the loosing side. 

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9 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


I would like to know why individuals chose to vote leave. 


I wouldn't dream of guessing their reasons and certainly don't do mind reading.



Now please tell tell us the future plans of the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels, for the future of this so called Onion.






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9 minutes ago, nontabury said:



Now please tell tell us the future plans of the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels, for the future of this so called Onion.


Do you refer unelected bureaucrats in Brussels in similar way as the unelected bureaucrats in Whitehall? 


Or do you call people in Whitehall as British civil servants? Should you call the people of Brussels in similar way, British and other European countries civil servants?



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12 minutes ago, nontabury said:



Now please tell tell us the future plans of the unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels, for the future of this so called Onion.






the UK creates 99% of it laws now,are you sure you live in the UK as you certainly dont live in the same country as me.

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7 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

Wonder out of interest how many times 17.4m has been quoted and as the vote was near 3 years ago and also considering the leave vote was predominantly supported by the older generations how many are still alive and how many are now ghost voters. Unfortunately the wheels have come off both sides of the divide because of NI and in or out of course there will still be a border with no acceptable solution out and a very simple one in ????   


 If you do think it was only the older people who voted for Brexit, you could be right. However you are completely wrong.

 I could also point out to you that perhaps, all those E.u citizens who have since 2016 obtained British citizenship, are more liable to vote for remain.

 As Nigel Farage said “We want our country back”






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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 If you do think it was only the older people who voted for Brexit, you could be right. However you are completely wrong.

 I could also point out to you that perhaps, all those E.u citizens who have since 2016 obtained British citizenship, are more liable to vote for remain.

 As Nigel Farage said “We want our country back”


Funny thing is that his country's people voted for him. Just like UK's people voted for Mr. Farage to be a MEP.


Your country was not part of this elections. Your country can be part of the Eurovision song contest, but that's not really the same thing, is it?


We all have elected our own member of the European parliament, for decades. Brexit has woken, even the people in Britain and also in Russia, that these EU elections do actually matter. 


Funny thing that its. Wouldn't you want to be one of us? Behave well, so you don't have to feel been left alone. We'd love to invite St. Petersbourg as our close partner, when the time is right. Not yet. 

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:


 If you do think it was only the older people who voted for Brexit, you could be right. However you are completely wrong.

 I could also point out to you that perhaps, all those E.u citizens who have since 2016 obtained British citizenship, are more liable to vote for remain.

 As Nigel Farage said “We want our country back”






so who is next to leave then? and when is it doomed to fail? some brexiteers said 3 years ago it was doomed in 3-5  years ago yet no other country has even started to have talks about talks about having a referendum let alone vote to leave and actually do it,so that has to be 5-7 years plus 2-3 to see it through so 7-10 absolute minimum,me thinks a lot of brexiteers were expecting others to follow suit and the opposite has happened,they have laffed at the UK and wont be following suit.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:


 The difference is those unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels proposes legislation. While our civil servants are supposed to implement the instructions of our elected politicians. The exception is :- 

You mean to say that in your way of life, there is only one person in the 66 million people country, who can propose new legislations? 


That sounds fair.. not. Not at all. That sounds really bad way to have a well run society. 


But hey, each of us in our own ways. If Britain is run by a rule that there is only one person, out of 66 million, who is even allowed to propose new legislations, we'll call that the British way. 


The rest of us have been using far advanced and better methods for democracy for decades. Our tradition is to hear the views of the people. Wide variety of views actually. 


But yeah, keep on telling us how democratic system you have. How well do you listen the ordinary people's needs. We have seen the evidence already. 



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11 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 The difference is those unelected Bureaucrats in Brussels proposes legislation. While our civil servants are supposed to implement the instructions of our elected politicians. The exception is :- 




Looks like we are playing the greatest hits  - here's one from Queen ! Long may she reign over us (and sign into law dodgy bills). 


Image result for ollie robbins queen

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41 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 If you do think it was only the older people who voted for Brexit, you could be right. However you are completely wrong.

 I could also point out to you that perhaps, all those E.u citizens who have since 2016 obtained British citizenship, are more liable to vote for remain.

 As Nigel Farage said “We want our country back”






Hadn't thought about the 'new Britons' - the good news just keeps on coming. Thanks for the heads up. 

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17 minutes ago, bamboocore said:

You mean to say that in your way of life, there is only one person in the 66 million people country, who can propose new legislations? 


That sounds fair.. not. Not at all. That sounds really bad way to have a well run society. 


But hey, each of us in our own ways. If Britain is run by a rule that there is only one person, out of 66 million, who is even allowed to propose new legislations, we'll call that the British way. 


The rest of us have been using far advanced and better methods for democracy for decades. Our tradition is to hear the views of the people. Wide variety of views actually. 


But yeah, keep on telling us how democratic system you have. How well do you listen the ordinary people's needs. We have seen the evidence already. 



dont believe what you read on here,EU laws barely effect anyone in the UK,iam 51 and have never heard anyone moaning about them,but the so-called patriotic bulldogs fell for farage's rubbish that brussels made all the decisions that went through UK parliament,total utter <deleted> but it won votes as did waving unionjacks around,luckily there are enough sensible MPs in parliament to restore order,nontabury claimed on here a while back that EU laws forced him to close his business,maybe he was a bad business man as the overwhelming majority of business want to remain in the EU

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16 minutes ago, bamboocore said:

You mean to say that in your way of life, there is only one person in the 66 million people country, who can propose new legislations? 


That sounds fair.. not. Not at all. That sounds really bad way to have a well run society. 


But hey, each of us in our own ways. If Britain is run by a rule that there is only one person, out of 66 million, who is even allowed to propose new legislations, we'll call that the British way. 


The rest of us have been using far advanced and better methods for democracy for decades. Our tradition is to hear the views of the people. Wide variety of views actually. 


But yeah, keep on telling us how democratic system you have. How well do you listen the ordinary people's needs. We have seen the evidence already. 





 Yes we do have a problem with our leader.




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