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After protests, Britain's parliament declares climate change 'emergency'


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2 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

When you consider it used to be called global warming, which was then thoroughly debunked so they changed it to be the vague "climate change" you know it's just a hoax. Al Gore's ice caps that would melt in 5-7 years are still there just the same 10 years later. Polar bears that would go extinct are actually increasing in numbers!


Even if we all went back to a stone age existence in the western world to virtue signal, it is unlikely the Chinese and Indians would do the same. But I can see some wisdom is banning under 21s from using any personal technology such as phones and the internet. They should be outside running in meadows and catching butterflys. Living in other words. Like we used to do when we were kids. But try and take away their iphone or turn off the tv and they have a tantrum. 

"Outside running in meadows and catching butterflys (sic)'?

Is Little House on the Prairie your biography?  

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'Climate change...it's a hoax!'

'Kids today with their new fangled iphones'

'The yooth just don't know how lucky they are"

"Back in my day............"


Bahh Humbug.


P.S. As well as being a cliche upon a cliche, I find most of you are the same conspiracy theory nutters that are always out supporting Trump. Coincidence? I think not.

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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

You did not understand anything. 

And as you gave proof there is not much you learnt in the meantime concerning climate change. 

Good that you don't belong to the dumb people who ignore climate change. 

But probably you belong to the dumbest part on this planet. 



Probably I understand more than you think, but you just don't want to accept that, do you?

You get kind a nasty on me and that shows your attitude. Many climate alarmists have a similar attitude. Why is that? Because they all follow the pied piper?

But yes, of course you are right; I belong to the dumb climate change deniers. But I am not a lemming or a dumb sheep.

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8 hours ago, David in the north said:

It appears not.
Shut the UK down in the interest of this "emergency" & watch China & India continue to open a new coal fired power station every week......................


Jeremy the Red will happily tackle climate change with the same genius he intends to re-nationalize the railways and utilities.


Like all good lefty comrades he really believes every issue can be solved by throwing tax payers money at it!


Notice he never actually says how he intends to do anything, just agrees it would be nice!

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

Probably I understand more than you think, but you just don't want to accept that, do you?

You get kind a nasty on me and that shows your attitude. Many climate alarmists have a similar attitude. Why is that? Because they all follow the pied piper?

But yes, of course you are right; I belong to the dumb climate change deniers. But I am not a lemming or a dumb sheep.

I'm sure you belong to DT's cronies. In mind. Ignorance, a lack of knowledge, and no education, all in one Person. I wonder how you can even think that all major scientists in all significant countries are idiots? I bet you don't have any school certificate at least ?? And admitted it might be impossible for you to understand and follow scientific abstracts? If this is the case you are free to ask me next time if you want to read "Time" or similar Magazines. I'm happy to give you some extra lessons for free.

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4 hours ago, RickBradford said:

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that the UK government is now taking instructions from a 16-year-old girl rather than from the thousands of scientists and economists who have repeatedly stated that impacts of climate change may amount to a modest percentage of GDP towards the end of this century.


Unless Greta Thunberg is absorbing climate wisdom direct via radio beam from Venus (a possibility), I think it highly unlikely that there is any hard science behind the apocalyptic puppet-babble she specialises in, and which seems to have transfixed British politicians. Having made such fools of themselves over Brexit, it seemed unlikely they could sink any lower, but, yup, they managed it.



There's a thought - perhaps they should invite the sainted Greta back and ask her advice how to get out of the Brexit mess. I'm sure she'll have some illuminating advice to give, maybe "Be nice and share."

Please read your thread again and realise how stupid it is. 

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10 hours ago, David in the north said:

It appears not.
Shut the UK down in the interest of this "emergency" & watch China & India continue to open a new coal fired power station every week......................

What a stupid answer 

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you know how ridiculous your post reads?


Maybe re-read it.

What’s really ridiculous is people like yourself chastising an educated youth for trying to protect the planet. Even if they’re wrong (they’re not of course), what harm can it possibly do to clean up the plastics in our oceans, reduce our carbon footprint and generally treat the planet much better than your generation ever did. 

Theres no down side to a cleaner planet unless of course you happen to be an oil Barron, a bought for politician or just an argumentative old git. 

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5 hours ago, Dek Somboon said:

Climate change is humanity’s biggest and most pressing challenge. Even Brexit is a piece of cake compared to the destruction we are already and will increasingly face this century. Which is why ‘economy’ and ‘ecology’ share the very same Ancient Greek root oikos, or ‘management of our household’. Without a properly functioning ecology, there can be no decent economy. (Think arid dusty Issaan, where many women who normally would earn a living with 3 rice crops a year now have to screw ugly old western sex tourists in Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket for a living...)

The climate is constantly changing, always has and - until an asteroid strikes or the sun swells into a super nova - always will. And, of course, scare stories about a world weather apocalypse are as old as the Earth itself.


Remember how, In the Seventies, an influential body of scientists warned of an approaching ice-age? Decades later, with the Gulf of Thailand still iceberg-free, their successors totally rewrote the script with dire predictions of an imminent global warming catastrophe.


Since this, too, has failed to meet their worst expectations, the existential threat of "climate change" has been taken up as the rallying cry of the technocracy driving the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. Hi-tech businesses are falling over themselves to provide carbon capture and other costly "solutions" to unruly weather behavior.


Some sceptics say Silicon Valley's motivation is pecuniary rather than humanitarian, and that the technocrats are more interesting in reinvigorating the sclerotic capitalist system than rescuing the planet. 


Either way, who can blame them for making hay while the sun shines?



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17 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

I'm sure you belong to DT's cronies. In mind. Ignorance, a lack of knowledge, and no education, all in one Person. I wonder how you can even think that all major scientists in all significant countries are idiots? I bet you don't have any school certificate at least ?? And admitted it might be impossible for you to understand and follow scientific abstracts? If this is the case you are free to ask me next time if you want to read "Time" or similar Magazines. I'm happy to give you some extra lessons for free.

You still there? Rant on, I don't care.

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22 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

You did not understand anything. 

And as you gave proof there is not much you learnt in the meantime concerning climate change. 

Good that you don't belong to the dumb people who ignore climate change. 

But probably you belong to the dumbest part on this planet. 



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16 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

What’s really ridiculous is people like yourself chastising an educated youth for trying to protect the planet. Even if they’re wrong (they’re not of course), what harm can it possibly do to clean up the plastics in our oceans, reduce our carbon footprint and generally treat the planet much better than your generation ever did. 

Theres no down side to a cleaner planet unless of course you happen to be an oil Barron, a bought for politician or just an argumentative old git. 

I agree about cleaning up the planet, but that's not what they want to do. I doubt they even know what can be done or not done. If the solution was to ban private motor cars in cities and ban tourist air travel ( 2 good solutions ) they'd be screaming about their rights to pollute the air and the land with engine emissions.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree about cleaning up the planet, but that's not what they want to do. I doubt they even know what can be done or not done. If the solution was to ban private motor cars in cities and ban tourist air travel ( 2 good solutions ) they'd be screaming about their rights to pollute the air and the land with engine emissions.

Alarmist nonsense. The science is there already for so many meaningful advancements (electric cars, hydrogen fueled aircraft, biodegradable plastics etc) if only governments would stop sucking off the teet of fossil fuels and politicians started looking after the interests of their constituents rather than themselves. Nuclear power is so much safer than it used to be (ask France) and if we all poured as much money into science as we do into fracking, oil exploration and the likes, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. We have the means and the ability to solve this crisis if we only started thinking “give me solutions rather than problems. “

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