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Local elections deliver Brexit bashing for Britain's May and opposition


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2 hours ago, nontabury said:


I predict that were you to go for a drink with bomber, you would finish up sending him this text.




still waiting for an answer as to why you had to leave thailand to live in a yorkshire flat surrounded by immigrants.

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6 hours ago, aright said:

mmm.....I think I hit a nerve and there was me thinking you were going to provide the evidence to support your claim.

The latest poll is the latest poll I don't see it's changed anything in the weekend press. The referendum was probably one of the most important political statements that has been made in many decades, a poll is just a poll as much as Remainers would like it to be a political statement.


Remainers continue to demonstrate they are all gong and no dinner.



6 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

What did you expect when only the remainers went out and voted? 

I gave the evidence, did you? Brexiteers all mouth and trousers.

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5 hours ago, nontabury said:



 You have implied previously, that the local government elections are a pointer to how people think, while in the E.u elections, more people vote. Yet you say they are not relevant. This makes me very confused,I suppose i’ll Just have to wait until the end of the month.




The turnout will be much lower for the Euro elections than the local elections. Apathy reigns in Euro elections, particularly if there's a reasonable chance that we'll be leaving the EU antway. Always has been the format for expressing extremist views. Brexit parties and the Greens will do well.

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4 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Not True, if you listened to any answers on BBC radio 4 on saturday Listeners respond to the issues raised in the preceding edition of Any Questions? many brexiters stated they either spoilt their ballot papers or voted for a party they felt best to run their local council.

For most people voting in Local Elections it comes down to do you want higher council tax and more services then vote Labour, if you want your council tax to remain the same and you don't mind reduced services then you vote Tory.

If so, why was there such a large swing away from Labour and Conservatives and such a large swing towards Lib Dems and Greens?

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:



 True, the official membership of the Labour Party seems? to be for remaining, however the majority of traditional Labour voters are in favour of exiting this so called union.



Again, completely false. 64% of Labour voters voted remain.

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6 minutes ago, aright said:

I think you might be confusing evidence with rearranging your prejudices. 

You wish. I provided 2 pieces of evidence. You provided none. Typical Brexiteer, talks the talk but can't walk the walk.


Here are more examples of real evidence:





Edited by Spidey
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1 hour ago, bomber said:

good to see tommy is still teddy and nontaburys hero

Ironic as Tommy Islam campaigns soley against the immigration of Muslims, which would be unaffected if not increased by Brexit.

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9 hours ago, aright said:


Agree. It's probably too early for evidence, the closest you will get is informed opinion which favours disenchantment with the process not a change of mind.


"It was as though voters vented their frustration with the Brexit process by punishing whichever party represented the political establishment locally.

This mood perhaps also helps account for the remarkable success of independent candidates. Those not standing on a party label were on average winning as much as a quarter of the vote where they stood. More than 900 independent councillors have been elected - a net gain of more than 500."




14 minutes ago, Spidey said:

You wish. I provided 2 pieces of evidence. You provided none. Typical Brexiteer, talks the talk but can't walk the walk.

Do you only read posts you agree with. I have already said imo "It's probably too early for evidence,the closest you will get is informed opinion"

I'm sorry but I didn't see your 2 pieces of evidence  on voting intent only outcome, can you give me the post numbers please. Happy to apologize if I got it wrong. 



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1 hour ago, bomber said:

still waiting for an answer as to why you had to leave thailand to live in a yorkshire flat surrounded by immigrants.



My god,you want to know all my business. Would you like to have access to my bank account? Have you got an infatuation with me?


 Again you’ve got everything wrong. I live in Lincolnshire, a county with a high influx of Eastern European’s, Hence while I awaited funds being transferred from Thailand, not all that straightforward, with all the anti money laundering regulations.I had to privately rent a flat. Thankfully I have now received funds and have purchased a house.

 Hopefully you’ll forgive me for not divulging the exact location, as I think you’re a potential stalker.

 Those who had been on these Brexit threads over the last 3-4 yrs, will know why I returned to live in the U.K.  I will however give you one clue, some of us,unlike yourself, have lead in our pencil.


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3 minutes ago, aright said:


Do you only read posts you agree with. I have already said imo "It's probably too early for evidence,the closest you will get is informed opinion"

I'm sorry but I didn't see your 2 pieces of evidence  on voting intent only outcome, can you give me the post numbers please. Happy to apologize if I got it wrong. 



Sorry but you're making no sense at all, don't polls reflect voting intent?

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57 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Again, completely false. 64% of Labour voters voted remain.

Just for @nontabury who seems to have extreme difficulty in believing the facts.





"The vote on Britain's membership of the European Union cut across party lines, with significant division within Britain's main political parties. Conservatives voted to Leave, 61% to 39%. Labour voters (65%) and Liberal Democrats (68%) largely voted for Remain but significant minorities went for Leave. Only UKIP, where 95% voted for Leave, and the Greens, where 80% voted for Remain, avoided significant internal divisions on the vote." 


Sorry I had previously quoted 64% it was actually 65%.


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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Sorry but you're making no sense at all, don't polls reflect voting intent?

Yes they do "reflect" but they are not evidence of reasons for outcome that comes later after qualified analysis. So what were the post numbers of your polls?

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Just now, aright said:

Yes they do "reflect" but they are not evidence of reasons for outcome that comes later after qualified analysis. So what were the post numbers of your polls?

I've just posted 2 in reply to your post.

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3 minutes ago, aright said:

Post numbers?

You're taking the p now. 370 as you well know. I won't be replying to any more of your posts until you substantiate your clam that Brexiteers didn't vote in the local elections.

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5 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

if you go back to the 2015 local elections which was the 1st local elections since 2010 and 1st  opportunity for voters to show their dissatisfaction with Lib Dems when Lib Dems reneged on  their No student fees promise and as a results loss 62.5% of their local councillors as a result

Voters are like elephants they don't forget when you don't deliver on your promises



Agreed, so why was there such a large sing towards the Lib Dems at the recent local elections? Could it be that they are the one party that have strongly supported remain throughout?

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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

Agreed, so why was there such a large sing towards the Lib Dems at the recent local elections?

Once you remove Tories, Labour and Ukip ( Most Ukippers withdraw their support from UKip in 2017 just leaving the hard core nutters) you left with Lib Dems, Independents an Greens ( Greens openly admit their increased seats were partly due to recent publicity with the Extinction Rebellion) Brexit supporters didn't have anyone that supported their point of view on a national level so either spoilt their ballot paper, didn't bother to vote or voted for someone they felt they could support from a local point of view 

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

If so, why was there such a large swing away from Labour and Conservatives and such a large swing towards Lib Dems and Greens?

I think Vinny41 already explained this, and I concur. I realise it's only anecdotal really, but every Brexiteer I heard on the radio/TV had either stayed home, spoilt their ballot paper, of in a handful of cases voted Lib Dem because their local MP is doing a good job. It was the perfect storm for the Lib Dems. They often do well at locals anyway, but on this occasion they had the added bonus of most remainers deserting CON/LAB for them. 

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For brexiteers  they will show their views in the 2019 European Parliament elections what they think of the current parties in Govt , for some they will also have a chance to show their views in the Peterborough by-election on June 6th.

I know many remainers that are trying to persuade Brexiteers not to bother voting in the 2019 European Parliament elections

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

Keep up.  UKIP are a busted flush and have been for a couple of years. Most recently for their association with your beloved Tommy (who you mention in almost every post). 

Farage's party aren't, never have been and never will be a force to be reckoned with. Remember the march he organised and the photo of a few bedraggled die hards huddled in a field? Compare that to the ! million marchers who descended on Parliament at the same time.

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9 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Farage's party aren't, never have been and never will be a force to be reckoned with. Remember the march he organised and the photo of a few bedraggled die hards huddled in a field? Compare that to the ! million marchers who descended on Parliament at the same time.

You will have to wait until Friday 24th May

There almost certainly weren’t a million people on the People’s Vote march


An estimated 1 million people marched for a People’s Vote on Saturday 23rd March.


It’s impossible to say with precision how many people attended the march. However experts in crowd estimation put the number at between 312,000 and 400,000.


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Just now, vinny41 said:

You will have to wait until Friday 24th May

There almost certainly weren’t a million people on the People’s Vote march


An estimated 1 million people marched for a People’s Vote on Saturday 23rd March.


It’s impossible to say with precision how many people attended the march. However experts in crowd estimation put the number at between 312,000 and 400,000.


Whatever figure you use, it was way way more than Farage's march.


The Euro elections have never been a reliable indicator of how people would vote in a GE or referendum for that matter. Expect an historically low turnout.

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