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French minister warns of 'toxic' Nigel Farage poll win, urges speedy Brexit


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28 minutes ago, bomber said:

We wont be leaving the Eu  whatever gave you that impression...if you still think so then get to a local govt office in the EU before halloween and fill in the necssary paperwork.

The British will NEVER find an agreement in their own houses, so 31 Oct.. bye.

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59 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Not everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Its attitudes like yours that have disenfranchised people and why Brexit is wanted by the majority.

True. Not everyone is born with a Silver spoon in his month. But what's also not going to happen is, that low-educated people will ever get high-paying jobs.

Reminds me of Thaksin who promised the farmers they could all be millionaires with rice cultivation.

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I think it is significant that when Remainers ask for a second vote, they think it is because the British people have more information now. However, it was never about having information, but a bitter feeling that Downing Street didn't care about people outside of London. The EU elections show that Brexiters still want to boot those politicians up the backside and if there were another referendum, they would probably vote again to leave.

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56 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

And YOU think, the British MEP's will have ANY influence in the EU ? 

About the same amount of influence that the Dutch MEP's have in the EU.


33 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

"Brussels" consist of:

- European Councill of (prime) ministers, inclusive the British

- European Councill of Commissioners, inclusive a British

- European Parliament, inclusive… 75 British.


In European elections, the Netherlands is a constituency of the European Parliament, currently represented by twenty-six MEPs. 


Not quite as many as the UK MEP's are there?

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1 hour ago, Arkady said:


I think we can assume that British passport holders would not need Schengen visas for short term visits to Schengen countries.  They are not required for other Western nations such as the US but they are required to be able show documents to prove the reason for their trip and sufficient funding. The real problem would be for Brits residing in Schengen countries, who would need to apply for residency and might lose reciprocal healthcare benefits. These rights will have to be negotiated on a reciprocal basis and since much of the rationale for Brexit was really about immigration, including from the perspective of Theresa May who voted to remain, British politicians are more likely to want to take a harder line than many EU member states would like, which would have the effect of throwing Brits living in Europe under the bus.

 "British passport holders would not need Schengen visas for short term visits to Schengen countries". Why not ? With a NO DEAL = Hard Brexit, you Brits have ZERO rights here more than any from a non-EU (associated) country. So, same as USA, Belize, Malawi and the Sousa Islands. Maybe THE reason to exted a Brexit to AFTER the summer holidays = 31 Oct ?

And seen the hopeless division of Parliament and people. I see Prince George on the English throne earlier as a British agreement about Brexit.

And for EU citizens working in the UK: we could welcome every docter, nurse, ambulance driver, every technician to work here: German owned Mini in Borne-Tulipland- will need quite come . Seen the economic situation in Poland, I presume many do not need much to return to their Homeland. So, the Brits have to "pick their strawberries themselves next crop". 

No UK citizen will be forced to leave the EU, as WE respect their input here. However, if pensioneers in Spain ect still can afford to stay there when the British pound sinks to an ounce, is another question.

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Just now, billd766 said:

About the same amount of influence that the Dutch MEP's have in the EU.

In European elections, the Netherlands is a constituency of the European Parliament, currently represented by twenty-six MEPs. 

Not quite as many as the UK MEP's are there?

Therefore we are member of an Union, having our share of the Eur. Parliament. And here in NL, we can vote for EVERY MEP, not as in the UK, per (enlarged) constituency, as coming from the Middle Ages, when every Baron wanted his influence at the Crown.

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16 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

True. Not everyone is born with a Silver spoon in his month. But what's also not going to happen is, that low-educated people will ever get high-paying jobs.

Reminds me of Thaksin who promised the farmers they could all be millionaires with rice cultivation.

Two solutions: 1) get educated for a higher paying job  2) learn your profession so good, you have a premium. Quite some "blue colour" workers bring more home as quite some "white colour" workers.  That's why some gardeners can charge € 45/h and have a waiting list and others… have to accept € 20 and,., can come tomorrow already.


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45 minutes ago, Jimbo1964 said:

Serves themselves right. The vote was to leave (No ifs, buts or deal - Leave!) but in true EU style, it been a case of let's make it hard as possible and get them to vote again. The EU masters will now regret it as many people across Europe are sick of the EU dictators. 


Trade, defence and commerce is one thing, but being controlled by dictators in Brussels is not what European citizens voted for. If they even got a vote in the first place, and if they did it was for the EEC, not the EU.


British democracy: Even Hitler, Stalin and Mao did not succeed in such

Nigel Farage isn't the leader of a political Brexit party. He's the CEO, chairman and owner combined.

There are only two directors of the company — Farage and his friend, the Brexiteer businessman Richard Tice. The company secretary is Phillip Basey, a former UKIP activist, who was appointed in March. And there are five undisclosed shareholders, with each share worth £1.

Official government guidance suggests anyone with “significant control” is likely to have more than 25 percent of the company’s shares, which in this case, means that Farage owns at least two of the shares.


Remind also: every step from EEC towards EU is sifgned by the Euro Council of (prime) ministers, the EU parliament and ratified by the British parliament also.

When you leave an organisation, EU or local football club, you have ZERO rights in that anymore. So, a normal border between EU and UK. Already made a decissian, for N-S Ireland ? 

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4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:


So I can assume that none of us know how the eu agreed to the extension - bearing in mind that french politicians made it very clear that they would not support an extension???

I think (and correct me if I'm wrong) the Germans were prepared to give another year but the French wanted it all sorted in 3 months. Between them they compromised on 6months.


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3 hours ago, bomber said:

Twitching i doubt...fed up with a former has been super power still thinking it has clout in the world is about all...a handful of meaningless trade deals not worth the paper they were written on in 3 years tells its own story...a piece of cake and win win win was the lies the bulldogs believed...l see british steel and 5000 jobs are ready to go i  scunthorpe a brexit town....how ironic,at least the tatty picking and turkey plucking jobs are near by,turkeys plucking turkeys how ironic

Here we go again....with or without Brexit, British Steel was likely to go eventually. It's far too uncompetitive.

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5 hours ago, blazes said:

I love it. 

Here comes, in effect, the Second Referendum all the Remainer dimwits have been calling for.  What will they do when the Brexit forces win (yet again) with an even more decisive percentage margin?

Dreaming again?


As for Toxic Nigel... I would say the french have their own toxic problem (Le Pen's).

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40 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Here we go again....with or without Brexit, British Steel was likely to go eventually. It's far too uncompetitive.

Another one of them coincidences to add to the list.them fens will soon be the bread basket of britain 5000 local turkeys to be joined by 20000 turkeys from sunderland,there will be more gobbling going on than down the coconut bar abd soi 6 

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

The border question, which goes hand in hand with a Hard Brexit, Farage always avoids this question. That's when populism stops and reality sets in.

And thats why brexit wont happen.MPs dont want it and eire also doesnt,malateddys loyalist chums dont want it either,most buldog brexiteers in england dont understand even 3 years later,luckily 80% of MPs do.

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

The border question, which goes hand in hand with a Hard Brexit, Farage always avoids this question. That's when populism stops and reality sets in.

He is not so stupid as Boris the Liar, with his "350 mln pounds a week for NHS" 

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54 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

Here we go again....with or without Brexit, British Steel was likely to go eventually. It's far too uncompetitive.

And WHY it is uncompetative ? see https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/may/21/british-steel-administration-jobs-government-loan?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX0d1YXJkaWFuVG9kYXlVS19XZWVrZGF5cy0xOTA1MjI%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUK&CMP=GTUK_email 

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1 hour ago, geoffbezoz said:

And to illustrate your excellent point further;

stealing our jobs.jpg

Just look at what goes around with any football match... 

Do not have something what looks like a spoon in their mouth, and not the slightest idea how to eat with that.

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24 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Just as well we didn't sell Tower Bridge and Castle to join the European Union, as it wouldn't have been money well spent.


Far from helping the UK economy bounce back from the lean years of the Sixties and early Seventies, our economic performance measured by GDP actually grew more slowly after we joined the EU in January, 1973.


Prime Minister Edward Heath's timing could hardly have been worse, as his decision to take us in coincided with a slow-down in the "catching-up process" which had fuelled rapid economic expansion across the Continent.


"The UK thus joined on a false prospectus that accession would accelerate growth", according to analysts Graham Gudgin and Ken Coutts, of the think tank Social Europe.


After examining the economic factors which combined to produce the Brexit referendum result, they conclude: "If the performance of the EU had been better, and the Commonwealth worse, the UK may have felt less temptation to leave, but this was not the case."

see page 2, Abstract  https://www.cbr.cam.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/centre-for-business-research/downloads/working-papers/wp014.pdf..  and  https://fullfact.org/europe/eu-has-shrunk-percentage-world-economy/

Clearly, that a developped economy cannot grow so much in % as a third world economy. 

But...  https://econ.economicshelp.org/2010/02/economy-of-1970s.html  

1976 IMF Bailout… 

In 1976, the UK needed to apply to the IMF for a bailout. This was due to high budget deficit and also concerns over the value of Sterling. Markets believed Sterling was overvalued and so kept selling. This caused the Pound to depreciate.
Britain asked the IMF for a £2.3bn bail out in 1976 saying unemployment and inflation were at exceptional levels. 


I will NEVER forget the Rowntree Macintosh factory in York, I visited around 1980 for an inspection. Still working with leather drive belts. "Oh great, you keep some in the old state, as a kind of a museum"... "We have nothing else…. " was the remark I got back...

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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

No, he ( Nifgel Farage) hates the corrupt, wasteful and anti democratic EU that we have voted to leave, not Europe.

In this, even Hitler, Stalin and Mao did not succeed in. This is democracy Farage style ? 

Nigel Farage isn't the leader of a political Brexit party. He's the CEO, chairman and owner combined.

There are only two directors of the company — Farage and his friend, the Brexiteer businessman Richard Tice. The company secretary is Phillip Basey, a former UKIP activist, who was appointed in March. And there are five undisclosed shareholders, with each share worth £1.

Official government guidance suggests anyone with “significant control” is likely to have more than 25 percent of the company’s shares, which in this case, means that Farage owns at least two of the shares.

About a 100.000 followers donated a 25 pounds, but.. are "supporters, and do not have anythign to say in this Brexit party.


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4 hours ago, bomber said:

Another one of them coincidences to add to the list.them fens will soon be the bread basket of britain 5000 local turkeys to be joined by 20000 turkeys from sunderland,there will be more gobbling going on than down the coconut bar abd soi 6 

Companies go bankrupt every day. British Steel has been in trouble since the 70's. Read up...


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3 hours ago, Pique Dard said:

i'm not a british citizen, maybe i shouldn't give my opinion concening the brexit as someone suggested here, but i have my doubts about nigel farage's real motives, one thing i'm sure of, though,  they are certainly not unselfish.

Yes of course you should. You are as entitled to opine as anyone else. Use that entitlement.

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