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Its Always The Best Who Suffer


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I write this, not so much out of the need to attract sympathy, nor to draw flack or flames from the cynical, but merely to show how hard a life some people are born into.

For those of us with a different hair colouring than black or eyes that are also not black in colour, we seem to be living in a different world to that of the ethnic Asian!

This story begins 15 years ago, when a vibrant, healthy, moderately educated 23 year old girl, decided that her life would be better away from the hard times of the Bicol region of the Philippines. With very few belongings and on borrowed, but very limited money, she took a 10 hour bus trip to Manila and purchased a flight to Bangkok.

On arrival in Bangkok, she contacted a person who she knew of and was given a room for the night, from that day she scoured the area for work, not for the money to send home, but to survive on.

She was very lucky in one way, her "friend" who was also a Filipina allowed her the use of the spare room for an extended period, but as usual required payment. The lady who I shall simply call M, managed through the Filipino community to secure a job with yet another Filipina who legally operated a travel agency business.

M, being the kind of girl she was, would not allow herself to be sucked into the dangers of working illegally in Thailand and ensured she held the correct documents and work permit.

He job with the travel agency was going well, although the company owner threw 90% of the work on M and paid her a pittance. On one occasion, the owner asked M to deliver a number of tickets to customers i different areas ot Thailand, which took the whole day to complete. Upon her return to the office/flat, she found that in her absence, the owner had packed up and fled - believed to be back to Manila. Leaving heavy debts.

It was later realised that the owner had also stolen a number of M's valuable belongings. A number of days later, the landlady demanded that M pay rent and back rent to the sum of over 30,000 Baht. Of course M could not pay this and she was evicted from the property and all her belongings confiscated, including her passport and work permit.

Of course M did what must be considered the sensible thing and reported it to the Police, who did absolutely nothing.So realising that she was not going to get very far, she reported the incident to the Philippine Embassy here who issued her a new passport.

The cost of the new passport left her with almost no cash left and she was forced to sleep rough outside a 7-11 with no change of clothing or comforts.

It was during this time that M realised that she was experiencing mild but concerning chest pains, accompanied by shortage of breath, but due to the circumstances had no option but to "soldier on"

After a short while, the Filipino christian community got wind of what was happening to M and she was offered another job, this time with a placement agency. Operated by yet another Filipina who was married to a Thai.

M told me it didnt take her very long to realise that this company was making big money illegally by overcharging and scalping Thai workers who used the agency to secure work abroad.

Again M being M she was bitter and angry, but by this stage her chest pains etc were getting worse and after consulting a Dr she was diagnosed with a heart condition that will eventually require a heart by pass operation. However, with the correct medication at a cost of over 6,000 Baht a month, life could continue quite safely for years to come.

With the above in mind, it must be realised that although M could see that her employer was cheating, and the fact that M required the salary of 10,000 a month to survive with the expenses of her dingy cheap room and her medication, she was in no position to take any action or make any comments, self preservation being the order of the day.

As M explained to me, she hated herself for working there, and the fact that she could now speak Thai and could understand the emotional comments made by those being fleeced, she decided that she had to secure another postion away from that company.

Anyhow to cut an already long story shorter, M managed to get another but much better paying job where she did well and gained the friendship of the Thai staff. Unfortunately a number of years later, the company had to downsize and she was one of those laid off.

After being laid off she of course had to hand her wrk permit in and was given 7 days to leave Thailand. In this period of time she did manage to find another opportunity and got together the required documentation for a Non Imm O visa trip to Singapore, this at her own cost, with the company promising to repay her when her Work Permit was issued.Upon her return from Singapore with the required Visa, she was told "sorry but the position offered toyou is no longer open" and was refused the refund as promised.

Last Thursday, M, who by now was totally emotionally dead took the dreaded flight back to Manila knowing that her life was now dead, and probably she would also be dead in the not too distant future as she will have no chance of affording her medication in the Philippines.

This is a lady who would give someone her last cigarette ( no she does not smoke but you can understand my meaning) This is a lady who has seen terrible hardships and abuse but still continued helping others in distress. This is a lady who would do anything for a friend. This was truly a remarkable lady who has been forced out of the country she loved,and the language she spoke to an almost certain medical problem in the Philippines.

My respect and my admirations go with her and I hope she can survive.

So as you can see, for most of us life is a doddle isnt it ?? But for M the struggle for survibal goes on,and yes for those who are interested, I am going to help her as best as I can with finances to help her purchase her medication.It was me who am trying to sell three very nice 21" TV sets to help raise the required funds.

Why am I doing this, simple really, to try and give a very decent human being help when its needed.

Thanks for your interest in reading this

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I write this, not so much out of the need to attract sympathy, nor to draw flack or flames from the cynical, but merely to show how hard a life some people are born into.

For those of us with a different hair colouring than black or eyes that are also not black in colour, we seem to be living in a different world to that of the ethnic Asian!

This story begins 15 years ago, when a vibrant, healthy, moderately educated 23 year old girl, decided that her life would be better away from the hard times of the Bicol region of the Philippines. With very few belongings and on borrowed, but very limited money, she took a 10 hour bus trip to Manila and purchased a flight to Bangkok.

On arrival in Bangkok, she contacted a person who she knew of and was given a room for the night, from that day she scoured the area for work, not for the money to send home, but to survive on.

She was very lucky in one way, her "friend" who was also a Filipina allowed her the use of the spare room for an extended period, but as usual required payment. The lady who I shall simply call M, managed through the Filipino community to secure a job with yet another Filipina who legally operated a travel agency business.

M, being the kind of girl she was, would not allow herself to be sucked into the dangers of working illegally in Thailand and ensured she held the correct documents and work permit.

He job with the travel agency was going well, although the company owner threw 90% of the work on M and paid her a pittance. On one occasion, the owner asked M to deliver a number of tickets to customers i different areas ot Thailand, which took the whole day to complete. Upon her return to the office/flat, she found that in her absence, the owner had packed up and fled - believed to be back to Manila. Leaving heavy debts.

It was later realised that the owner had also stolen a number of M's valuable belongings. A number of days later, the landlady demanded that M pay rent and back rent to the sum of over 30,000 Baht. Of course M could not pay this and she was evicted from the property and all her belongings confiscated, including her passport and work permit.

Of course M did what must be considered the sensible thing and reported it to the Police, who did absolutely nothing.So realising that she was not going to get very far, she reported the incident to the Philippine Embassy here who issued her a new passport.

The cost of the new passport left her with almost no cash left and she was forced to sleep rough outside a 7-11 with no change of clothing or comforts.

It was during this time that M realised that she was experiencing mild but concerning chest pains, accompanied by shortage of breath, but due to the circumstances had no option but to "soldier on"

After a short while, the Filipino christian community got wind of what was happening to M and she was offered another job, this time with a placement agency. Operated by yet another Filipina who was married to a Thai.

M told me it didnt take her very long to realise that this company was making big money illegally by overcharging and scalping Thai workers who used the agency to secure work abroad.

Again M being M she was bitter and angry, but by this stage her chest pains etc were getting worse and after consulting a Dr she was diagnosed with a heart condition that will eventually require a heart by pass operation. However, with the correct medication at a cost of over 6,000 Baht a month, life could continue quite safely for years to come.

With the above in mind, it must be realised that although M could see that her employer was cheating, and the fact that M required the salary of 10,000 a month to survive with the expenses of her dingy cheap room and her medication, she was in no position to take any action or make any comments, self preservation being the order of the day.

As M explained to me, she hated herself for working there, and the fact that she could now speak Thai and could understand the emotional comments made by those being fleeced, she decided that she had to secure another postion away from that company.

Anyhow to cut an already long story shorter, M managed to get another but much better paying job where she did well and gained the friendship of the Thai staff. Unfortunately a number of years later, the company had to downsize and she was one of those laid off.

After being laid off she of course had to hand her wrk permit in and was given 7 days to leave Thailand. In this period of time she did manage to find another opportunity and got together the required documentation for a Non Imm O visa trip to Singapore, this at her own cost, with the company promising to repay her when her Work Permit was issued.Upon her return from Singapore with the required Visa, she was told "sorry but the position offered toyou is no longer open" and was refused the refund as promised.

Last Thursday, M, who by now was totally emotionally dead took the dreaded flight back to Manila knowing that her life was now dead, and probably she would also be dead in the not too distant future as she will have no chance of affording her medication in the Philippines.

This is a lady who would give someone her last cigarette ( no she does not smoke but you can understand my meaning) This is a lady who has seen terrible hardships and abuse but still continued helping others in distress. This is a lady who would do anything for a friend. This was truly a remarkable lady who has been forced out of the country she loved,and the language she spoke to an almost certain medical problem in the Philippines.

My respect and my admirations go with her and I hope she can survive.

So as you can see, for most of us life is a doddle isnt it ?? But for M the struggle for survibal goes on,and yes for those who are interested, I am going to help her as best as I can with finances to help her purchase her medication.It was me who am trying to sell three very nice 21" TV sets to help raise the required funds.

Why am I doing this, simple really, to try and give a very decent human being help when its needed.

Thanks for your interest in reading this

Am sorry for her and I can understand what she had been going through.Please send PM for me if there is a way I can help her ,hoping she would get a better luck and health wherever she is now.

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It makes me very sad the huge disparity in the value of life placed on the haves and have nots.

I am by no means well off and even in my own country many people struggle to survive, I have some very fond memories of Thailand, but also have memories of the futile situation of those without the means to a better life, no matter what they do they will never be free to choose their own destiny, freedom of choice is something most people take for granted, but as the saying goes; freedom is a road seldom travelled by the multitude.

What can I do? Sadly not very much.

My sympathies.

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I write this, not so much out of the need to attract sympathy, nor to draw flack or flames from the cynical, but merely to show how hard a life some people are born into.

For those of us with a different hair colouring than black or eyes that are also not black in colour, we seem to be living in a different world to that of the ethnic Asian!

This story begins 15 years ago, when a vibrant, healthy, moderately educated 23 year old girl, decided that her life would be better away from the hard times of the Bicol region of the Philippines. With very few belongings and on borrowed, but very limited money, she took a 10 hour bus trip to Manila and purchased a flight to Bangkok.

On arrival in Bangkok, she contacted a person who she knew of and was given a room for the night, from that day she scoured the area for work, not for the money to send home, but to survive on.

She was very lucky in one way, her "friend" who was also a Filipina allowed her the use of the spare room for an extended period, but as usual required payment. The lady who I shall simply call M, managed through the Filipino community to secure a job with yet another Filipina who legally operated a travel agency business.

M, being the kind of girl she was, would not allow herself to be sucked into the dangers of working illegally in Thailand and ensured she held the correct documents and work permit.

He job with the travel agency was going well, although the company owner threw 90% of the work on M and paid her a pittance. On one occasion, the owner asked M to deliver a number of tickets to customers i different areas ot Thailand, which took the whole day to complete. Upon her return to the office/flat, she found that in her absence, the owner had packed up and fled - believed to be back to Manila. Leaving heavy debts.

It was later realised that the owner had also stolen a number of M's valuable belongings. A number of days later, the landlady demanded that M pay rent and back rent to the sum of over 30,000 Baht. Of course M could not pay this and she was evicted from the property and all her belongings confiscated, including her passport and work permit.

Of course M did what must be considered the sensible thing and reported it to the Police, who did absolutely nothing.So realising that she was not going to get very far, she reported the incident to the Philippine Embassy here who issued her a new passport.

The cost of the new passport left her with almost no cash left and she was forced to sleep rough outside a 7-11 with no change of clothing or comforts.

It was during this time that M realised that she was experiencing mild but concerning chest pains, accompanied by shortage of breath, but due to the circumstances had no option but to "soldier on"

After a short while, the Filipino christian community got wind of what was happening to M and she was offered another job, this time with a placement agency. Operated by yet another Filipina who was married to a Thai.

M told me it didnt take her very long to realise that this company was making big money illegally by overcharging and scalping Thai workers who used the agency to secure work abroad.

Again M being M she was bitter and angry, but by this stage her chest pains etc were getting worse and after consulting a Dr she was diagnosed with a heart condition that will eventually require a heart by pass operation. However, with the correct medication at a cost of over 6,000 Baht a month, life could continue quite safely for years to come.

With the above in mind, it must be realised that although M could see that her employer was cheating, and the fact that M required the salary of 10,000 a month to survive with the expenses of her dingy cheap room and her medication, she was in no position to take any action or make any comments, self preservation being the order of the day.

As M explained to me, she hated herself for working there, and the fact that she could now speak Thai and could understand the emotional comments made by those being fleeced, she decided that she had to secure another postion away from that company.

Anyhow to cut an already long story shorter, M managed to get another but much better paying job where she did well and gained the friendship of the Thai staff. Unfortunately a number of years later, the company had to downsize and she was one of those laid off.

After being laid off she of course had to hand her wrk permit in and was given 7 days to leave Thailand. In this period of time she did manage to find another opportunity and got together the required documentation for a Non Imm O visa trip to Singapore, this at her own cost, with the company promising to repay her when her Work Permit was issued.Upon her return from Singapore with the required Visa, she was told "sorry but the position offered toyou is no longer open" and was refused the refund as promised.

Last Thursday, M, who by now was totally emotionally dead took the dreaded flight back to Manila knowing that her life was now dead, and probably she would also be dead in the not too distant future as she will have no chance of affording her medication in the Philippines.

This is a lady who would give someone her last cigarette ( no she does not smoke but you can understand my meaning) This is a lady who has seen terrible hardships and abuse but still continued helping others in distress. This is a lady who would do anything for a friend. This was truly a remarkable lady who has been forced out of the country she loved,and the language she spoke to an almost certain medical problem in the Philippines.

My respect and my admirations go with her and I hope she can survive.

So as you can see, for most of us life is a doddle isnt it ?? But for M the struggle for survibal goes on,and yes for those who are interested, I am going to help her as best as I can with finances to help her purchase her medication.It was me who am trying to sell three very nice 21" TV sets to help raise the required funds.

Why am I doing this, simple really, to try and give a very decent human being help when its needed.

Thanks for your interest in reading this

Am sorry for her and I can understand what she had been going through.Please send PM for me if there is a way I can help her ,hoping she would get a better luck and health wherever she is now.

I dont really see what I, or anyone can do here apart from trying to raise a bit of cash to ensure that she can purchase her medication, but sadly I do not think I will be allowed to openly appeal for donations on this forum.

As I have said, I am trying to do what I can but my liquid assetts are not that positive. If anyone has suggestions I would dearly love to hear them.

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Just send a pm with what I could do to help...this is not the first person I hear about in this situation. First I meet a mongolian in Czech Republic, working without any papers and being very cruel treated by his employer. I was shocked to hear that he had 12L of water/day as real food was not to be eaten daily (and not because he was on a diet or not hungry) and water would make his stomach feel full...

Edited by alexth
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  • 2 weeks later...

An update on this situation.

I have just learned that M, who took a months supply of heart medication back to the Philippines, has visited her local Doctor and has been informed that this medication is not available in that country, and before she can be treated, the Doctor would require her Thai case notes.

M contacted her Doctor in Bangkok who informed her that she must apply for and receive her medical case notes in person. No amount of pleading would change the Doctors mind.

Sooooooo she has now to try and find the cash to purchase yet another air ticket to enable her to get back to BKK and collect her medical history etc.

This of course will entail selling family valuables, which the family are hardly in much of a position to do !

Seems it never rains but pours !!!

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M contacted her Doctor in Bangkok who informed her that she must apply for and receive her medical case notes in person. No amount of pleading would change the Doctors mind.

wouldnt it be more prudent for her to present herself to a doctor in the phillipines as a new patient with chest pains and get diagnosed there , rather than go to all the the trouble and stress of coming back here and having to get her medical notes (probably written in thai) from a hospital that will in all probability erect more hurdles for her once she arrives back.

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M contacted her Doctor in Bangkok who informed her that she must apply for and receive her medical case notes in person. No amount of pleading would change the Doctors mind.

wouldnt it be more prudent for her to present herself to a doctor in the phillipines as a new patient with chest pains and get diagnosed there , rather than go to all the the trouble and stress of coming back here and having to get her medical notes (probably written in thai) from a hospital that will in all probability erect more hurdles for her once she arrives back.

This is a very good point. The cardiologist in the Phillipines would need to complete his/her own assessment with recent ECGs and such. This doesn't make any sense to me.

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The core of the problem as far as I can make out is the suitability of the drugs she has to take. When she was first diagnosed she was given a cocktail of drugs that gave her various and dangerous side effects. M knows only too well what the wrong drugs can do to her.

Hence her request for her Doctor in the Philippines to continue with the drugs that she has been prescribed by her Thai Doctor. and resulting in the problems now being experienced.

garro, your point about a cardiologist is taken, however please understand the costs involved in such things, especially in the Philippines.

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The core of the problem as far as I can make out is the suitability of the drugs she has to take. When she was first diagnosed she was given a cocktail of drugs that gave her various and dangerous side effects. M knows only too well what the wrong drugs can do to her.

Hence her request for her Doctor in the Philippines to continue with the drugs that she has been prescribed by her Thai Doctor. and resulting in the problems now being experienced.

garro, your point about a cardiologist is taken, however please understand the costs involved in such things, especially in the Philippines.

Surely though a cardiologist in the Philippines would be cheaper than coming back to Bangkok for who knows how long trying to wrangle medical documents out of the doctor/hospital here? I can't understand why they won't just send copies of the medical records to the doctor/hospital in the Philippines. As another poster has already said if they won't send the documents/records to the Philippines and to the lady involved I would think that they won't hand them over to her in person in any sort of rush when she is here either.

I would go down to the doctor/hospital concerned and try having a talk with the cardiologist myself and try to explain the situation and ask for a little compassion. Maybe someone else going down there and pleading your friends case may make a difference I don't know. A truly sad, sad tale and it does show you how lucky we are and how we certainly take a lot of things for granted. I hope your friend finds some sort of solution and I wish her all the best for the future.



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  • 7 months later...

It is now 7 months since I started this thread, and its been a very hard 7 months for M. since she has been back in the Philippines her health has deteriorated very seriously. She has been unable to get her drugs that she used whilst in Bangkok, and was given locally available drugs in the Philippines. These created huge side effects which included body swellings, caused by bad circulation.

Four months ago, my weekly SMS message enquiring of her well being were not responded to. I guessed that she had huge financial problems and depostied a small amount of money in her account and messaged her to inform her.

The next day I received a message saying that she was in hospital after an emergency heart operation which had cost over 450,000 Pesos which her family had to beg, steal or borrow to allow the operation to take place.

After one week she was released from hospital (which is a 4 hour car journey from her home) but sadly after being home for a short period she suffered two strokes which have left her with a speech impediment and paralysis down her right side.

These last three months, although communicating by SMS I can feel that she has given up and is going down hill

I try to be positive with her telling her "to fight and not give up" and her responses are such statements as "my life has been run and its her fate to die at an age of 39". She says that she is totally bed ridden now and is just a huge burden on her family and I believe she is willing her god to take her to a better place.

I must admit I write this with a huge lump in my throat.

Whatever M be happy you are /were one of the worlds nicest people and you deserve better !

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