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Bonnie Killed Clyde


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What about George Patrick Dubie himself-aka Daniel Dubie, Danny Murray, Daniel Bertin and about 12 more aliases of the past?

Does anyone know of folks he recently scammed or harmed in any way? There is an effort to put together a track of his life and trail of victims/targets. He worked so hard to make his life extremely complicated with secret dealings and identities in a voracious appetite for more more more- more money, more homes, more adoring admirers, more children but ultimately all this was built on a foundation of MORE LIES!

This book(s) are being written. CM played an important role in his life. If you can share your experience it may help others still looking for answers.

I do not have too high an expectation that Maggie can/could/will help in any substantive sense. She may be living but I could imagine that without her "sponsor" she may feel herself truly alone and dead. There is a compassion for all the parts of the human condition. Did Daniel deserve to be shot? Many wished great suffering upon him for his evil that he inflicted upon others. Does Maggie deserve to be despised? The collective opinion does seem justifiable outrage.

It is what it is.

Can we finish cleaning up the screwed up/destroyed/damaged lives that these two and others but many these 2 caused? Please PM if you have any important details that you could help out with.



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I met Ms. Crane several times, during the couple of months before she went to jail. She seemed to be a nice person who I was thinking could become a friend as more time passed. However, before that time could pass, she was in jail.

I did visit her, did donate money to her, but the more I read about the story of the two of them, I wasn't sure I could support her, and stopped my help.

However, I also had the experience of supporting a woman in prison for many years, buying her cigs, clothes, food treats, and just money in general to buy whatever she wanted. And visiting her, at great inconvenience to myself, every Friday night, or weekend, for several years. And when when she was released, she never talked to me one time again. And about 20 years have passed, never a thank you, never anything. The father of her child didn't visit her one time in all those years, and I think never gave her any money. Said he was going to pick her up in a limo, and by that time, was having kids with another woman, and he is a quite famous actor in my country and had plenty money to help her with. He is also a friend of mine and hasn't stopped talking to me.

My "friend's" only crime was being a drug addict, but I have never forgotten that no matter how much I did for her, she wanted to forget about it, probably I think because she felt bad about the whole situation in her life and I could remind her of it.

However, after reading things about Ms. Crane and Mr. Dubie, those just weren't people I decided I should help, even though I don't want Ms. Crane to get some serious penality here and think she did the world a favor by getting rid of the guy.

She most diffenitely did us a favor, but from what I have read is guilty of many other things while trying to help that ass, and I'm sorry, but a few years can be excused out of stupidity or something, but 25 years??? At some point it seems she is guilty of somethings, even if she doesn't deserve to be in a Thai prison forever.

I would be happy if she got out with no consequences, however, I am not willing to go to vegetarian restos to bring her the food she likes best, when I don't think she was as kind to victims of her or her b/f. Her b/f seems like the most evil ass on the planet, and just like I would not support the wife of Pol Pot or some other demon, I cannot find it in my hear to help her at this point.

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I met Ms. Crane several times, during the couple of months before she went to jail. She seemed to be a nice person who I was thinking could become a friend as more time passed. However, before that time could pass, she was in jail.

I did visit her, did donate money to her, but the more I read about the story of the two of them, I wasn't sure I could support her, and stopped my help.

However, I also had the experience of supporting a woman in prison for many years, buying her cigs, clothes, food treats, and just money in general to buy whatever she wanted. And visiting her, at great inconvenience to myself, every Friday night, or weekend, for several years. And when when she was released, she never talked to me one time again. And about 20 years have passed, never a thank you, never anything. The father of her child didn't visit her one time in all those years, and I think never gave her any money. Said he was going to pick her up in a limo, and by that time, was having kids with another woman, and he is a quite famous actor in my country and had plenty money to help her with. He is also a friend of mine and hasn't stopped talking to me.

My "friend's" only crime was being a drug addict, but I have never forgotten that no matter how much I did for her, she wanted to forget about it, probably I think because she felt bad about the whole situation in her life and I could remind her of it.

However, after reading things about Ms. Crane and Mr. Dubie, those just weren't people I decided I should help, even though I don't want Ms. Crane to get some serious penality here and think she did the world a favor by getting rid of the guy.

She most diffenitely did us a favor, but from what I have read is guilty of many other things while trying to help that ass, and I'm sorry, but a few years can be excused out of stupidity or something, but 25 years??? At some point it seems she is guilty of somethings, even if she doesn't deserve to be in a Thai prison forever.

I would be happy if she got out with no consequences, however, I am not willing to go to vegetarian restos to bring her the food she likes best, when I don't think she was as kind to victims of her or her b/f. Her b/f seems like the most evil ass on the planet, and just like I would not support the wife of Pol Pot or some other demon, I cannot find it in my hear to help her at this point.

I respect your moral position on support for Jeana/Margaret Crane. You have obviously considered this situation carefully and what you say about prisoners not being grateful is sometimes true. I don't blame them for wanting to forget their time in jail, but it must have been disappointing for you to feel so used by the lady you helped.

The questions of a prisoner's guilt and their gratitude/not is separate from willingness to assist - for me. The old cliche "don't expect anything and you'll never be disappointed" rules here. Nor do I want to play judge - I'm descended from a long string of judges already, including hanging judges !

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Thanks to the tireless and heroic efforts of Dennis Mahon, I have seen the funeral pictures of Daniel. I do believe it is really him and that he is dead.

As many who knew him well, he was such a good actor and a fake in so many ways, I have preferred to believe that this was another grand trick of his.

This type of violent death connects with the criminal violence of his life-even in his slick confidence man roles it was criminal abuse of the TRUST of decent people.

BY his side helping in this addiction to fool/trick/con was Jeana- charged as a conspirator with him in his felony charges out of Kauai (Margaret Jeane Clinchy).

Also by his side was Geri. Her divorce of him came a bit late. She aided and abetted his con and told me she "called all the shots" during their marriage. Her "Stand in the Power of Truth" sales pitch video nauseates me thoroughly as another horrific and flagrant example of abuse of TRUST of decent people by those with the heady conceit of "ill gotten gains".

So many lives have been broken by these addicts of multilevel manipulation and lying games.

I pray for real justice.



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Thanks to the tireless and heroic efforts of Dennis Mahon, I have seen the funeral pictures of Daniel. I do believe it is really him and that he is dead.

As many who knew him well, he was such a good actor and a fake in so many ways, I have preferred to believe that this was another grand trick of his.

This type of violent death connects with the criminal violence of his life-even in his slick confidence man roles it was criminal abuse of the TRUST of decent people.

BY his side helping in this addiction to fool/trick/con was Jeana- charged as a conspirator with him in his felony charges out of Kauai (Margaret Jeane Clinchy).

Also by his side was Geri. Her divorce of him came a bit late. She aided and abetted his con and told me she "called all the shots" during their marriage. Her "Stand in the Power of Truth" sales pitch video nauseates me thoroughly as another horrific and flagrant example of abuse of TRUST of decent people by those with the heady conceit of "ill gotten gains".

So many lives have been broken by these addicts of multilevel manipulation and lying games.

I pray for real justice.



I am sure this is a great tragedy, and it is commendable your efforts to try to solve it.

However, in defense of Blinky, I think he was struck not so much by the facts of the case, as much as by the sweeping, turgid prose. One can almost hear a 1000 pipe organ in the background playing a dirge......

Best of luck in your endeavors.


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I am sure this is a great tragedy, and it is commendable your efforts to try to solve it.

However, in defense of Blinky, I think he was struck not so much by the facts of the case, as much as by the sweeping, turgid prose. One can almost hear a 1000 pipe organ in the background playing a dirge......

Best of luck in your endeavors.


Wow, thanks for that. I had to look up "turgid"-"ostentatiously lofty in style, bombastic, declamatory".

OK, I see your point and do plead guilty to colorful declarations! This train wreck is just the worst thing I have ever been through so I guess I would not be able to write dispassionate objective posts. I just hope that others who could relate to the level of outrage I feel can reach out and find a common outlet for that outrage. There are several legal aspects going forward and cooler heads than mine are at the helm.



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I can understand your feelings: conmen/women are cold and callous, they break your trust, take your possessions and have absolutley no feelings of guilt. Society is much better without them and in this case one is dead and the other may face execution. Karmic law seems to work.

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I am so glad that DM's photos have convinced you that the dead guy was in fact Daniel Dubie. I hope this will be a further turning point for you.

Bits of the Dubie jigsaw are falling into place despite much missing and questionable evidence about his life and death. At this stage no further evidence has been unearthed linking Dubie with Karen Modafferi's disappearance - but I guess that was always a long shot.

Certain interested parties in Chiang Mai have been generous with time and information given to Dennis Mahon about the Dubie case. Thanks to all who have responded openly and fearlessly.

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I am so glad that DM's photos have convinced you that the dead guy was in fact Daniel Dubie. I hope this will be a further turning point for you.

Bits of the Dubie jigsaw are falling into place despite much missing and questionable evidence about his life and death. At this stage no further evidence has been unearthed linking Dubie with Karen Modafferi's disappearance - but I guess that was always a long shot.

Certain interested parties in Chiang Mai have been generous with time and information given to Dennis Mahon about the Dubie case. Thanks to all who have responded openly and fearlessly.

Hi Fruittbatt,

Thank you so much for your kindness to Dennis. He is committed for the long haul to following up the strong leads as out lined on his website. Folks there have been very helpful and his visit to CM has already led to about 5 very good and helpful outcomes that demonstrate further Dubie/Onuma links as well new information as to trips to Nicaragua (the last place Kristen was reportedly sited). So many answers do seem to be there in CM.



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  • 3 months later...

Dear Chiang Mai Readers,

There has been steady progress in this case. I am moderator of an active site:

[URL removed as per forum rules. Please contact this poster by PM in order to receive contact details.]

We are most interested in looking for any of GPD/MJC victims that could provide testimony to FBI about Daniel's predatory actions.

If you can help that with that please call FBI agent in charge in San Francisco at 510 627 4301 or PM me. The case of missing teenage Kristen Modafferi last seen leaving her San Francisco job is the focus of the FBI effort although information of any other known criminal activities could be useful.

I would appreciate it if someone were able to prepare a Thai translation of this site that could serve as a way to reach Thai victims. I have no idea of how to do that. Can anyone help?

America's Most Wanted is airing an episode focused on Kristen's case and spotlighting the potential GPD/MJC angle on Jan 8.



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