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Hi there

I'm new here and just wanted some advice on working permits in Thailand.

How difficult is it for an Australian guy to get a corporate job in Bangkok, I would be interested to hear from people who have managed to get this and the process they went through. I am not meaning people that got a transfer from an existing company but more that had certifications and went to Bangkok and got a job working there and the visa process....how easy/difficult is this?


I am degree qualified, work in the IT industry and looking at getting a training certification also here and then trying to get a job in training in Bangkok for a corporate..has anyone done this? 


Where also is the best place for job vacancies for a farang? LinkedIn?



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It is possible, but it will be tough, especially if you have no local contacts. You will have a lot of competition and you will have to be prepared to apply for a lot of jobs.


You may not get the salary you are used to either.


Ask yourself what do you have that a Thai person does not? You will need to decide if that special skill is realistically going to be worth a Thai company going through the expense and paperwork mountain to hire you.


If it is worth it, could they hire an Indian person for half your proposed salary?


For job vacancies you need to check Thailand job websites.

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