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English-language Computer-messageboards


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As I am a "Computer-Dummie" sometimes, I post the computer-problems I have encountered on some messageboards in my mother tongue.

not in all cases did I get satisfying replies or recommendations or assist within a short time.

would any of the native speakers here be so kind and name some long-established, recommended and busy english-language computer-messageboards ?

where they use words that those members of the "not-so-savvy club", are able to understand of what they are talking about ?

I found some computerboards to be quite discriminating when it comes to posts made by "Dummies".

thanks for any hints or recommendations....

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I think almost all established computer related message boards, uses

"tech talk" to solve problems i'm afraid.

There's simply no easy way around that fact, at least not when it comes to computer stuffs.

That doesn't mean you can't post there !

Try to explain your problem as good as you can, and tell them you're a newbie.

I'm sure most of the board members will try their best to help you.

After all, we were all newbies once.

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Honestly I think you'd get as good advice here over a wide range of IT than any other forum I've been on.

I'm always surprised with the wide range of knowledge of posters here. Ranging from in depth hardware advice to programming to security and internet.

And pretty friendly to newbies as well.

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Honestly I think you'd get as good advice here over a wide range of IT than any other forum I've been on.

I'm always surprised with the wide range of knowledge of posters here. Ranging from in depth hardware advice to programming to security and internet.

And pretty friendly to newbies as well.

Agreed. whenever I am in doubt I always check it out here and its good advice that is given. My only concern is that I dont contribute as much as I should but thats because everyone seems to have a better or quicker answer than me haha


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