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65000 Baht Wire Transfer for Thai Retirement Visa (Failure and Scam)

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12 hours ago, Parvis said:

I have not yet applied for my retirement extension under the "new" rules. However my method to transfer 65k+/month is as follows - without any apparent problems. I transfer from BofA to Bkk Bank.

1) I wire-transfer in US$ and transmittance shows as FTT - cost is $45 each transfer

2) Initially I tried to transfer in Thai Baht from US - with verrrry poor exchange rates

3) My scheduled retirement extension will be in 2 weeks - so we shall see.

I wire transfer from BofA to Kasikorn and it is routinely coded as a domestic transfer because of routing through other banks - probably Bangkok Bank. I use the banked 800,000 baht method so I don't mind. All I can say, after reading the discussions about monthly transfers, is that you have to be vigilant monthly to make sure it got coded right.  Be prepare to make another transfer if the first transfer is not coded correct. Be prepared to know how the bank can trace the transfer back to the US and provide a report of the correct transaction. 


Also, and I am not sure why, my BofA transfers only cost me $35. I've seen others report $45 costs from BofA too. 

Edited by Martyp
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14 hours ago, FredGallaher said:

I've been doing BOA to Kasikorn monthly since March this year. They always show up as FTN and noted as foreign transfers. I showed my statement when I did my April 2019 extension to IO and she said it looked good and keep it up for next year. I will start SS IDD in August and hope it codes correctly. Since it's swift should be OK. I'll keep an eye on two payment one month and none the next. If it happens I'll do an additional BOA transfer. No problem because I usually use a little more than the $2600 SS IDD. Best parts of SS IDD it's almost free and automatic. 

Which just goes to show that you need to be vigilant. Mine shows up as domestic and yours shows up as foreign. Same banks beginning to end. 

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