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Al-qaida Attack Planned In Thailand?


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Hi all,

I was in the army (Dutch) for two years, serving time near the East German border.

There was an option to volunteer for interogation.

I did.

They kept me for a week and used differet kind of methods like sleep depreviaton and cross examine.

As well as non invasive methods.

Believe me after a week I would confess to anything.

Just imagine how you would feel after not getting water or food for 4 days and getting interogated every hour...

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This release from the Pentagon just proves that 'waterboarding' works. He has probably also confessed to starting the great fire of London and told them where he buried Jimmy Hoffa.

Didn't the USA prosecute Japanese soldiers for waterboarding prisoners as a war crime a few decades ago?

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Back to the topic, please :o

What I also find a bit strange about the transcript released, is that the US military "redacted" one of the acts that he was confessing. Actually number 3 on that list.

1. I was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center Operation.

2. I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z.


4. I was responsible for the Shoe Bomber Operation to down two America airplanes

etc. etc.

Why would they remove the 3rd act he confessed from the list? And assuming its number 3 on the list, its quite important, too ...

I think that number 3 was confessing to personally carrying out the beheading of the Wall St Journal journalist - not 100% sure though...

That could be:

Key 9/11 figure 'beheaded Pearl'

Daniel Pearl:

Alleged al-Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has confessed to the killing of US journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan in 2002, the Pentagon says.

"I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl," he is quoted as saying in a revised transcript of US hearing.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is being held at Guantanamo Bay, and was questioned by the tribunal there at the weekend.

He also reportedly confessed to plotting 9/11 and many other attacks.

The alleged admission had been blacked out in an earlier version of the transcript released by the Pentagon.


and here:



Edited by LaoPo
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[quote name='h90' date='2007-03-15of cases known, he is there against any laws ever made, the complete Guantanamo thing is as illegal as german KZs. Red Cross is not allowed to check it (why?).

But if you ask that way: No I have no proof that he was tortured, do you have any that he wasn't?

But thats not much Thailand related.

Lets see enemy combatants taken in the field of battle, put into a military prison, is that really illegal ? They're at Gitmo to recieve military justice, if taken to US soil the demos would demand that they recieve civilian justice. (Slap on the hand sent to bed without the dinner.)

The Al Queida manuals call for when captured scream torture, (the looney left will believe it.)

Islofascists have nothing but comtempt for all non Islamics, but even more for those surrender monkeys. Those who fight against them show a bit of manhood, those who capitulate are below the status of women, and you know where women stand in Islofascists eyes. You may revere your women and children, to them they make the best targets.

As far as checking out Gitmo, Democrats have toured many times, nothing much going on there but what the internees cause.

The American public would be happy to recieve the same level of medical care given to the inmates there. The Red Cross is an ok organization but some of the personel might be used to relay messages back to the inmates organization. They maybe captives, but intelligence gathering is oft a two way street.

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Why would they remove that from the list, though?

Maybe they did not want to rock the boat. Some people got convicted in 2002 for Pearl's murder among them Omar Saeed Sheikh, believed to be the mastermind.

Maybe they convicted the wrong people.

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Err... were we talking about possible terrorist attacks in Thailand here or am I

in the wrong thread ?


Eh? Surely you realize that Terrorist attacks in Thailand... no, make that all terrorism, and virtually all of the world's evils in general.... are all related in some way to the Evil American Government?

And if you really get right down to it, aren't the Israelis the ones truly responsible for all the terrorism and evil in the first place? I mean, like that passenger van that was machine-gunned and the passengers murdered by the Islamic radicals down in Yala yesterday -- that was the American Goverment's fault because they support the Israelis who force all Muslims to justifiably kill non-Muslims, or other Muslims from different sects, because of the Palestinian situation.... pretty obvious, isn't it?

All right, that's it... countdown to topic closing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... :D

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Err... were we talking about possible terrorist attacks in Thailand here or am I

in the wrong thread ?


Eh? Surely you realize that Terrorist attacks in Thailand... no, make that all terrorism, and virtually all of the world's evils in general.... are all related in some way to the Evil American Government?

And if you really get right down to it, aren't the Israelis the ones truly responsible for all the terrorism and evil in the first place? I mean, like that passenger van that was machine-gunned and the passengers murdered by the Islamic radicals down in Yala yesterday -- that was the American Goverment's fault because they support the Israelis who force all Muslims to justifiably kill non-Muslims, or other Muslims from different sects, because of the Palestinian situation.... pretty obvious, isn't it?

All right, that's it... countdown to topic closing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... :D

OK thanks for dispersing my confusion. I should have known it was all...

who's fault? Sorry but my attention span is REALLY short.

What was I saying ?

Thank you.

Bye !

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He is understood to have gone through torture, including "waterboarding" when the suspect being interrogated is strapped to a board and placed underwater. According to the New York Times, the use of harsh techniques was approved in his case by the justice department and the CIA.

From today's Guardian

Can't british rags get anything right?

No, the suspect isn't placed underwater. You place on on an inclined board, head down, 10-15-degrees tilt (this prevents drowning btw), cover the eye, stuff the mouth with cloth and then pour water over the cloth and face. Even though you are in no danger in drowning your reflexes will react and you will be in panic. Most people will be cooperative, atleast for a short while, after a short sessions of this technique. The upside is that it leaves no lasting damages, no wounds and is essentially harmless - but the share horror of the experience and not knowing if you are indeed being drowned isn't pleasent ofcourse. But so isn't dying in a carbombing.

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

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Who says he confessed to anything at all, the US gov't is infamous for creating and manufacturing evidence and confessions.

The congressional approval for the Iraq war was based on manufactured and doctored evidence from very unreliable sources. Colin Powell is still kicking himself for the statements he made at the UN.

if the US gov't takes years to get a confession from a guy, using questionable methods, and not affording anyone legal representation and oversight, what is the quality of the confession?

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I reckon Al Quida will have there eye on Thailand for some time yet...

These people need R&R as well and Bangkok seemed to be very popular over the years so why should they shit on their own doorstep?

Meom, that is the way it used to be. In Bangkok, we all felt comfortable when these guys would jet in, plan their dirty work and jet out. However, after the first bombing in Bali and problems escalating in the south, Thai governments began taking closer looks at who was flying in and flying out. The Hambali arrest was part of this vigilance. Thailand is now as much at risk as anywhere else.

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Back to Thailand . . .

It strikes me as eminently reasonable that farang-oriented nightspots in Thailand should be potential terrorist targets. In today's geopolitical climate, it would be more surprising for them NOT to be on a target list, than on. With the obvious difference that JI is likely more organised in Indonesia than in Thailand (and even that is debatable given Hambali's arrest here), they strike me as much more obvious targets than a string of mild foreign bars on a Bali beach.

Should one panic? No, of course not. Everywhere is a target. That's the whole point of terrorism. There are no safe places anywhere, with the possible exception of chownah's rice paddy fields.

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Acts of terror on a scale large enough to count, are not cheap in terms of money or manpower. Committed International terrorists will strike at targets which grab International headlines and strike hard at targeted audiences in the country of the act, or an intended audience elsewhere. Australia was pretty ###### unpopular with Indonesian scumbags hence Bali, Thailand as a target would not get such great coverage unless aimed at for example at a visiting fleet, or a known haunt of UK/US tourists.

Sadly both of these types of targets exist and growing bitterness in the South will lead to a pool of brainwashed young men somebody far more sinister can manipulate. It is only a matter of time.

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What I also find a bit strange about the transcript released, is that the US military "redacted" one of the acts that he was confessing. Actually number 3 on that list.

1. I was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center Operation.

2. I was responsible for the 9/11 Operation, from A to Z.


4. I was responsible for the Shoe Bomber Operation to down two America airplanes

etc. etc.

Why would they remove the 3rd act he confessed from the list? And assuming its number 3 on the list, its quite important, too ...

I think that number 3 was confessing to personally carrying out the beheading of the Wall St Journal journalist - not 100% sure though...

That could be:

Key 9/11 figure 'beheaded Pearl'

Daniel Pearl:



In the version of the transcript that I have, it's not readcted:

3. I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan. For those who would like to confirm, there are pictures of me on the Internet holding his head.



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I don't know what there is too much to discuss about it. The jews (and I have nothing against jews) rule the world, US is handling their investments and the rest of the world is suffering. We should all thank the dear US govt. Too bad that countries like Thailand, Indonesia, etc. have to suffer because a bunch of bullies and a bunch of mental derailed islamists :o

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ok ......then.......if that is a true alarm......so ...... what will we do about it??????

Is there something we can do to stop it?

I think we should all keep on our daily life and forget about this BS, :D

ps: why they do not publish the confessions of the US soldiers who were accused of rape and over killings in Iraq??? :o

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ok ......then.......if that is a true alarm......so ...... what will we do about it??????

Is there something we can do to stop it?

I think we should all keep on our daily life and forget about this BS, :D

ps: why they do not publish the confessions of the US soldiers who were accused of rape and over killings in Iraq??? :o

I agree...I never let those idiots keep me down, I don't want to spend my life thinking of bombings and all kinds of terrorist attacks, if I'm to be caught in it, I might even get blown off from my own apartment, life goes on...

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

And I thought muslim's were a little dense, I'm glad this Moazzam Begg was able to write a book.

I just keep wondering why everyone that posted here really cares what happens to TERRORISTS when they are in captivity.

These organizations are all over the world and why?? Maybe for the fact they want to take over the world. There is now a Muslim Fanatic in control of nuclear arms (IRAN) and it's ok with some countries. He is also the man that said the "MOVIE" 300 painted muslims in a bad light. It's funny though, What if Thailand was hit by a terrorist attack like 9/11 or even worse. I know one country that would be there for them and that is the USA.

I am half thai I was in thailand when they caught a terrorist in bangkok, I was in the city when it happend. HE was in Bangkok and I wonder what your reactions to that were or did you just take a swig of your beer and just roll over and go to sleep.

The TERRORIST'S did it bali and what makes you think they will not do it in Thailand. Malaysia is not far away. I just hope you guys can sleep well at night :o

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Less than fifty words before you compared the USA to Nazi Germany. Congrats sir.

Actually, the poster has not compared anything to Nazi Germany, but the 'GDR', which is the abbreviation for "German Democratic Republic", which, in lay terminology is the former communist East Germany.

And as to the validity of Guantanamo confessions, i would suggest reading 'Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram, and Kandahar' by Moazzam Begg

And I thought muslim's were a little dense, I'm glad this Moazzam Begg was able to write a book.

I just keep wondering why everyone that posted here really cares what happens to TERRORISTS when they are in captivity.

These organizations are all over the world and why?? Maybe for the fact they want to take over the world. There is now a Muslim Fanatic in control of nuclear arms (IRAN) and it's ok with some countries. He is also the man that said the "MOVIE" 300 painted muslims in a bad light. It's funny though, What if Thailand was hit by a terrorist attack like 9/11 or even worse. I know one country that would be there for them and that is the USA.

I am half thai I was in thailand when they caught a terrorist in bangkok, I was in the city when it happend. HE was in Bangkok and I wonder what your reactions to that were or did you just take a swig of your beer and just roll over and go to sleep.

The TERRORIST'S did it bali and what makes you think they will not do it in Thailand. Malaysia is not far away. I just hope you guys can sleep well at night :o

Wow you are a piece of work, talk about dense

You talk about the movie 300 which takes place in the era before Christ, this battle historically took place a long time before Islam. Simply speaking the Persian Empire were of the Zoroastrian religion, not Islam, although for most people who know nothing of history, all Persians were always Muslim, even thought Islam didn't exist at the time. And how did you come to the conclusion that Iran has nuclear weapons, the US(Israel) and the UN have tried for years to prove it and have been unsuccesful. Yet you state that Iran has nuclear weapons, please state your sources.

Ahmadinejad said the movie painted Persians in a bad light, not Muslims, although you cannot tell the difference, some people can.

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