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Most pubs and restaurants will let you smoke inside. Best to always ask the staff first before you light up. If you can't smoke inside the staff will usually tell you where you can have a cig outside.

As has been said Thais will smoke in the street but just be cautious of smoking in public if P.C. Plod is around. They don't need much of an excuse to fine people.

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I am a smoker and have lived in Thailand for 6 months. I am always conscious of where I smoke and do my best to avoid offending those that do not like being exposed to it.

The best advice I have read in this thread is to be cautious of the police, as it relates to throwing your butts on the ground. Do not base your actions on what others do. Throwing any trash on the ground is subject to penalty.

A few months ago I attended a public event at a public park. Several times during the day I went off to a non populated area for a cigaret. In most cases police observed me smoking and said nothing. Toward the end of the day a police officer stopped me and firmly directed I put out my cigaret. He did not give me a ticket. I asked a Thai friend why I was told to put out my smoke, and he advised smoking was not allowed in the park. He said I should go outside the park to smoke, something I was more than happy to do. I'm actually a bit surprised I did not get a ticket.

A new law prohibits, among other things, smoking in bus stops. This is pure speculation on my part, but I would be careful about walking down the street while smoking, as you could easily pass through a bus stop. I see this as a possible opportunity for receiving a ticket for smoking in a bus stop. Clearly this is open to interpretation, something I have decided not to test.

Life for a smoker is relatively easy in Thailand. When in doubt, don't. In most cases it is obvious where smoking is permitted. If you are not sure, just ask.

The cigarets sold in Thailand are not, in my opinion, of the best quality. If you have a favorite brand, bring as many as customs permits.

It has been my observation that the younger population (under 30) generally do not smoke, and do not like being exposed to smoking. This is probably due to recent educational programs about the dangers of smoking.

There are a limited number of brands available in Thailand, and they are not visible in stores, because it is prohibited by law. You have to ask for cigarets, and you need to know what brand to ask for. Any 7 Eleven will carry all of the brands commonly sold in Thailand.


Yes, welcome to the Forum, William. Thanks for your info.

The "hidden" cigarette policy in shops really makes me laugh (a sarong or chunk of cardboard serving as the Chinese wall). But I understand the reasoning for this policy as a deterrant to kids et al.

And, MM, I think most smokers feel the same as Wm. It was the militant nonsmokers who jumped into this thread and were extremely rude to the OP. I reread it all and don't see anything as offensive from the smokers' side.

For you BKK dwellers, what are the smoking rules at noodle stalls, etc, now? Last year, I was on Sukhomvit and stopped in an aircon farang pub and everyone smoked. Good ventilation, but nonsmokers might still be able to smell the fumes.

Yes, welcome to the Forum, William. Thanks for your info.

The "hidden" cigarette policy in shops really makes me laugh (a sarong or chunk of cardboard serving as the Chinese wall). But I understand the reasoning for this policy as a deterrant to kids et al.

And, MM, I think most smokers feel the same as Wm. It was the militant nonsmokers who jumped into this thread and were extremely rude to the OP. I reread it all and don't see anything as offensive from the smokers' side.

For you BKK dwellers, what are the smoking rules at noodle stalls, etc, now? Last year, I was on Sukhomvit and stopped in an aircon farang pub and everyone smoked. Good ventilation, but nonsmokers might still be able to smell the fumes.

Thank you Jet goron :o

Can I just say......The last time I was in Thailand I spent my holiday on Bang Tao Beach. The beach boys from the Allamanda Hotel were taken a back when I asked for an ash tray when sunbathing. I was told to stub it out on the sand, as the beach was cleaned up everyday and it didnt matter, I refused. I was quickly brought an ash tray and every day after that.

The hotel Im going to this time, doesnt have its own sunbeds or beach boys, so I will bring my own ash tray this time.

Cessnock :D


Right on, Cess. I usually just borrow an ashtray from the beach cafe and take it back when finished. Nobody minds. One of the pleasures of LOS and its people. They know everyone is different, rarely shout or tell people "you should...", don't distrust people on sight, and always have a smile at ready; the only ones I know who are rude to farang are the ones who have been subjected to shouting tirades from farang, but even they are mellow when you show you can control your emotions and be polite. Forget the militant winklettes on this thread; I was thinking that they should go back to their own controlled big brother no no no cannot do this countries and leave the rest of us to live in peace.

And, MM, I think most smokers feel the same as Wm.

If that is true how can you explain your earlier writings: I did that once when I had to take a non-aircon milkrun bus. Sat in the very back and smoked with my hand and exhalations out side the window.

I never sat near nonindulgers, but if they sat near me and started to complain, I politely told them "I was here first."

Wouldn't you say that such actions are less than considerate towards those who are irritated by tobacco smoke or to those who may have their health adversely affected through the side effects of your addiction?

Smokers don't seem to understand that no matter what lengths you go to to prevent your smoke from entering another persons clean air space, you will never be successful.

It would take less than two minutes for the stink of your cigarette in the back of the bus to find its way to the driver.

.....and for all you people who will now jump in and state that the smell of the exhaust fumes from the bus are far worse than cigarettes, yes they may be for some, but people can distance themselves from most exhaust fumes if they need to, but it only takes one inconsiderate smoker to light up in an enclosed area, or an area where smoking is not allowed, to spoil it for everyone.

Nearly got into trouble yesterday on a bus, when I visited the tiolet and found the window wide open.. so I had a quick puff.

To a non smoker it must be really easy to notice, so this passenger tried to report me and threatened me with the police. I laughed it off, but I surely made a quick exit once our destination was upon us.

Don't mess with rules.


GDK :o

<<, but it only takes one inconsiderate smoker to light up in an enclosed area, or an area where smoking is not allowed, to spoil it for everyone.

I am riddled with guilt for what I did in that bus ( VIP) toilet, so much so I may never show my face at the bus station again :o

In Bali I used to paddle out to the shallow water to avoid upsetting anyone, but what do you do with the butts out there :D

And, MM, I think most smokers feel the same as Wm.

If that is true how can you explain your earlier writings: I did that once when I had to take a non-aircon milkrun bus. Sat in the very back and smoked with my hand and exhalations out side the window.

I never sat near nonindulgers, but if they sat near me and started to complain, I politely told them "I was here first."

Wouldn't you say that such actions are less than considerate towards those who are irritated by tobacco smoke or to those who may have their health adversely affected through the side effects of your addiction?

Smokers don't seem to understand that no matter what lengths you go to to prevent your smoke from entering another persons clean air space, you will never be successful.

It would take less than two minutes for the stink of your cigarette in the back of the bus to find its way to the driver.

.....and for all you people who will now jump in and state that the smell of the exhaust fumes from the bus are far worse than cigarettes, yes they may be for some, but people can distance themselves from most exhaust fumes if they need to, but it only takes one inconsiderate smoker to light up in an enclosed area, or an area where smoking is not allowed, to spoil it for everyone.

:o That's the most inane statement yet on this thread. Please tell me, MM, where you can get away from exhaust fumes on any street in BKK or any any other road in LOS? Clean air space? :D Go to a sleepy little village and the main road is full of lorries/trucks, buses, bikes, and diesel powered vehicles belching out exhaust. And noise.

I neglected to say that when I was on that bus, there were about five-six passengers all in the front and the driver's pal was smoking in the front seat, also blowing out the window.

As for people sitting down next to me when they can see I am smoking and then start to complain, yes, I say too bad. If I go to a place, I check out the people first because I do not want to bother anyone if me and pals are smoking, but also we do not like to sit next to loud boorish winkers or people who don't shower or a couple who should be in a hotel room or untrained screaming children or mothers who change their baby's nappies at a restaurant table. If people come in who bother us, we just move. No complaints, even if we are halfway through a meal.

Oh, and MM, I never smoke in enclosed areas. The milkrun bus was all open windows, too. You militant nonsmokers should do a temple retreat. Chill!

:o That's the most inane statement yet on this thread. Please tell me, MM, where you can get away from exhaust fumes on any street in BKK or any any other road in LOS? Clean air space? :D Go to a sleepy little village and the main road is full of lorries/trucks, buses, bikes, and diesel powered vehicles belching out exhaust. And noise.

Oh, and MM, I never smoke in enclosed areas. The milkrun bus was all open windows, too. You militant nonsmokers should do a temple retreat. Chill!

Well said!

I couldn't agree more, it's the militant non smokers that spoil it for every one.

I recall one incident in particular on one of my birthday party's where a friend brought a friend to my house, to enjoy my food and my booze and the music, but was offended (in a loudly manner) when I started smoking an after meal cigarette. You probably can guess what happened next but anyway the atmosphere of the party was shattered.

The world is getting smaller and smaller for smokers for all the wrong reasons. All the militant non-smokers always want to prove their point mentioning statistics and more statistics, thereby (knowingly) forgetting that statistics are made by people or organisations that want to prove a point, and you can prove anything with statistics. Fact is that even the WHO is not unbiased on this topic.

Governments are quick to point out how much money is spent on smoking related diseases, but fail to mention that the amount of taxes they receive on smoking is much higher, so who is paying for it?

And please don't tell me I should stop, I don't want to!!




Im a non-smoker and usually go out of my way to encourage people to quit. but seeing the extreme response on this thread I felt I need to express my views.

to cessnock..you will still be able to smoke in open areas (others have listed the details more clearly than me, as they as smokers would be more aware of these things). from my perspective yes I do get bothered by smokes, and even ahve allergic reactions (when Im in pubs and such in particular), but my take is....if its in places where I see no smoking sign, I will have no qualms in telling the offender to put their ciggie out. (have had some unpleasant encounter with some rude man on this matter as well :o )

and if in places where smoking is allowed, then I have to make a choice as to whether or not I frequent those places.

would i prefer a totally smoke free environment? yes for sure. but meantime if thats not the case, then I believe you as smokers should also have a right to exercise your choice, ofcourse with some consideration from the smokers would be nice too (even if it means killing your health slowly :D but as they say....each to their own choice of poison :D

I hope you and your husband enjoy thailand :D

Im a non-smoker and usually go out of my way to encourage people to quit. but seeing the extreme response on this thread I felt I need to express my views.

to cessnock..you will still be able to smoke in open areas (others have listed the details more clearly than me, as they as smokers would be more aware of these things). from my perspective yes I do get bothered by smokes, and even ahve allergic reactions (when Im in pubs and such in particular), but my take is....if its in places where I see no smoking sign, I will have no qualms in telling the offender to put their ciggie out. (have had some unpleasant encounter with some rude man on this matter as well :o )

and if in places where smoking is allowed, then I have to make a choice as to whether or not I frequent those places.

would i prefer a totally smoke free environment? yes for sure. but meantime if thats not the case, then I believe you as smokers should also have a right to exercise your choice, ofcourse with some consideration from the smokers would be nice too (even if it means killing your health slowly :D but as they say....each to their own choice of poison :D

I hope you and your husband enjoy thailand :D

Disgusting habit, worldwide ban.

:o That's the most inane statement yet on this thread. Please tell me, MM, where you can get away from exhaust fumes on any street in BKK or any any other road in LOS? Clean air space? :D Go to a sleepy little village and the main road is full of lorries/trucks, buses, bikes, and diesel powered vehicles belching out exhaust. And noise.

Oh, and MM, I never smoke in enclosed areas. The milkrun bus was all open windows, too. You militant nonsmokers should do a temple retreat. Chill!

Well said!

I couldn't agree more, it's the militant non smokers that spoil it for every one.

I recall one incident in particular on one of my birthday party's where a friend brought a friend to my house, to enjoy my food and my booze and the music, but was offended (in a loudly manner) when I started smoking an after meal cigarette. You probably can guess what happened next but anyway the atmosphere of the party was shattered.

The world is getting smaller and smaller for smokers for all the wrong reasons. All the militant non-smokers always want to prove their point mentioning statistics and more statistics, thereby (knowingly) forgetting that statistics are made by people or organisations that want to prove a point, and you can prove anything with statistics. Fact is that even the WHO is not unbiased on this topic.

Governments are quick to point out how much money is spent on smoking related diseases, but fail to mention that the amount of taxes they receive on smoking is much higher, so who is paying for it?

And please don't tell me I should stop, I don't want to!!



Statistically there are two excellant points that all us non-smokers should bear in mind and be very pleased about.

First, the money contributed thro' tax to most governments is quite, high although of course not high enough, and it is unfortunate that those governements do not re-invest fully into health programs that smokers utilise more than most and secondly:

Statistically, you all die younger on average.

So carry on and enjoy.


Thanks MiG16 for a very balanced reply. Of coourse the militant non smokers and the former smokers might see it different.

Statistically there are two excellant points that all us non-smokers should bear in mind and be very pleased about.

First, the money contributed thro' tax to most governments is quite, high although of course not high enough, and it is unfortunate that those governements do not re-invest fully into health programs that smokers utilise more than most and secondly:

Statistically, you all die younger on average.


So carry on and enjoy.

Thank you, we will. Funny, I'm a smoker and have not had cause to visit the doc for about eight years now except for annual checkups. The last was a bladder prob and cleared easily and paid for by me. The non-smoking grubbies hog the doc's office (so my sis tells me), taking sick leave for any snuffle or gut problem.

Please, quit complaining! My parents paid tax for 60 years and now the doctors say its not worth treating them because they are too old (and basically not worth it). Oh, and they don't smoke. But my aunty does and she's 84; never complained in her life, unlike nonsmokers. Go meditate.


I think the OP has got the answer she needed so this can be closed.

I would like to remind everyone of the forum rules on flaming & suggest those of you who have gotten irate all go meditate & think on the benifit of others opinions.

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