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My Internet Has Almost Ground To A Halt


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I just ran the TV speed test and the results speak for themselves

I live in Pattaya

Last Result:

Download Speed: 25 kbps (3.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 174 kbps (21.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Why have Broadband when dialup is faster

I ran a trace route and it seems we are now being routed through Hutch in Hong Kong Global.hgc.com,hk - this seems to be where the problem is.

Edited by gharknes
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Same over here, can't even finish the speed test, it just gets stuck.

Seems like they have some major routing problems, traffic goes through their back-up connections currently...


Strangely enough it only seems to be downloads, as surfing works pretty OK with my DU meter indicating peaks to 20kBps (160kbps) so load times are just a bit slower then usual...

A tracert to Thaivisa shows my traffic being routed through Malaysia, which I never recall having seen before...

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your not alone,

im with ToT gold package, started 2 days ago. 1 sec its super fast and then its total outage. this has been happening all day and all night.

did trace and its the same, going into some strange area not seen before. Called tot, was told they would look into it, that was the 5th call to them.

I think its got nothing to do with it being holidays for kids, as this is all night even at 4am when usualy its the best.

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Same overhere,tot goldcyber,get download speedtest at 50 kbps if it starts.Called the service center for 4 continious days and finally got the technicians at my place yesterday.2 guys with a briefcase walk into my house and start watching the screen and look up websites.All the time talking that its slow.After this going on for 30 minutes I got the nerves and ask if they think it gonna approve if they just keep watching the screen.They answer we can't do anything its the server in bangkok and walk out again.

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True in Bangkok seems fine, 875/389 just tested, although ever since the Taiwan cable break the upload speed has dropped a bit for me and now most days l get a few 5 minute periods where it grinds to a halt, even for some hi-speed Singapore sites that were previously always 100% reliable. It's even been happening late at night when you'd think there was hardly anyone on-line.

Try unplugging your modem, then plug it back in 10 minutes later and see how you go, old work-around that is always worth a try.

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You know what people.

The last couple of months, i've seen so many topics, about non working internet

here, my eyes are falling to sleep.

Not to discourage such posts, just an observation.

A topic where users praise their ISP service, and only have good things to say

about it, that would be an eye opener :o

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Back to normal here:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 214 kbps (26.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 98 kbps (12.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

on a 256/128 package...

Tracert shows no Malaysian hops anymore either!


We're not really complaining, just posting observations so members know not to trash their routers when the problem is at the ISP :o

Anyway, I'm quite happy that my ISP managed to ensure I had website access, with the trade off that downloads were throttled down...

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You know what people.

The last couple of months, i've seen so many topics, about non working internet

here, my eyes are falling to sleep.

Not to discourage such posts, just an observation.

A topic where users praise their ISP service, and only have good things to say

about it, that would be an eye opener :o

These posts help people understand if their connections are bad because of problems at their end or if it is a general problem with the ISP. Perhaps they are annoying to you, but they are very useful to those who participate. I, for instance, will now not spend time trying to figure out if something is wrong with my computer.

I have both a TTT connection and a TOT connection and things are running very, very slow for both here in Pattaya.

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You know what people.

The last couple of months, i've seen so many topics, about non working internet

here, my eyes are falling to sleep.

Not to discourage such posts, just an observation.

A topic where users praise their ISP service, and only have good things to say

about it, that would be an eye opener :o

These posts help people understand if their connections are bad because of problems at their end or if it is a general problem with the ISP. Perhaps they are annoying to you, but they are very useful to those who participate. I, for instance, will now not spend time trying to figure out if something is wrong with my computer.

I have both a TTT connection and a TOT connection and things are running very, very slow for both here in Pattaya.

Internet in Thailand is much to talk about, it has taken me a full 15mins just to get to post this reply, it is not about people having faulty equipment, it is not about having so many topics on the subject, it is about WHY there are so many topics on the subject, simple answer is - the service, network, infrastructure, reliability, usability, expertise, professionalism etc etc is quite simply extremely poor, since the undersea cables where repaired the service has been the worst I have experienced in Thailand for 3 years, it was actually better when they where using a work around while repairs where made, <deleted> are they doing, I did a trace route earlier and it went from Maxnet straight to USA back to BBK then to Austrailia back to BBK then Germany and on to the USA again - <deleted> is that all about, it seems they have no idea what they are doing, my guess is they will attempt to fix a problem themselves then when they have made it 10 times worse and a week later they will call in some outside help to sort it for them...............I would love to see some customer service benchmarks put in place with performace scoring measured against service providers in the west, they would soon realise the meaning of survival of the fittest, they just have no idea what reliable means.

tried to run the TV speed test but couldn't even get it to load

the mobile phone network isn't much better, they have reduced the bandwidth or "rate" on the network so much that is is becoming almost impossible to have a conversation from mobile to mobile, the quality is horrendous, where is it going to end, have they heard of a guarantee of service

extremely pi**ed of with this bull

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We're not really complaining, just posting observations so members know not to trash their routers when the problem is at the ISP

Anyway, I'm quite happy that my ISP managed to ensure I had website access, with the trade off that downloads were throttled down...

I am not complaining against the posters.

As i said: "Not to discourage such posts, just an observation."

I fully understand all the posters frustration.

And offcourse, it's a good idea to eliminate your hardware as being the cause,

by "checking your neighbours".

My rant is more directed against the general mayhem, that seem to flourish

with Thai ISP's.

And as a result of that, we see these all to common posts.

Edited by sabajja
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@Monty - Is your connection still back to normal? My connection in Chiang Mai is virtually unusable. Using SpeakEasy speed tests (LA servers selected) I am getting the following results:

Download Speed: 13 kbps (1.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 314 kbps (39.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

I'm using a MaxNet 1024/512 Indy package.

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Our entire phone system was out for nearly a full day yesterday and the night before that. I thought it was a local thing. No dial tone, no nothing. DSL today is extremely spotty, sometimes fast, sometimes timing out, but mostly slow. Dial up, at least last night, was impossible. Could not connect at all, and then, when it finally did, did not work.

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Having the same issues here in Phuket, using TOT's goldcyber, From what I can see the ADSL signal is being switched on and off, I am getting different speeds reported on the modem status page, normally 1024 down 512 up and different times today its linked at 32 down 256 up, 768 down 512 up. Right now it says the usual 1024/512 but I getting no-where near that sort of through put. I use DU meter and on a decent download from MS for example I can usual hit 920kbps today maybe 150.

Thai visas speed test shows me at 39kbps down 192kbps up.

This kind of crap service is becoming more & more frequent over the past few months.

I done the usual checks & reset of the modem etc - I pretty damned sure theres no fault my end or for any other posters for that matter. Anyone have some more insight? Or maybe theres a drunk TOT intern staggering about in the switch/server room tripping over cables and not plugging them back in right!

Edited by Pomthai
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i called them on Thurs, was told they would get back to me on friday, never happened so called them again. was told its being looked at, they had my send the tracert to them via email. then called again today, was told the techs are not in till Monday. Rotfl

Speed is still doing the same thing, works fine for 1 min, then is gone for 5 mins. Repeating same pattern for 3 days total now. As a few have said, tracert is now going to some screwed up places.

Guess ive called enough now till Monday.

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Hi all

i'm with Maxnet (1024/512) in Chiang Mai and the ADSL speed has been terrible for a number of days now. Like a previous poster said, the ADSL functionality itself is coming and going. Anyway, rang Maxnet today and they say the problem is at the national level - something about the CAT infrastructure and the 'broader' international pipelines.

In other words, it appears that for once, the ISP's may not be to blame for this one. The variety of providers that people in this thread are using would seem to bear this out.

(When) will it ever be fixed? Let the speculation begin...



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Am I the only one who has demanded a reduction in price due to all problems? They just hanged up on me when I wanted to talk to someone in charge...

Took me forever to write this, timed out all the time.

Maxnet 1024/512 in Phuket

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I am fully aware that the problem is not with the ISP, but in saying that our ISP is a customer of CAT telecom - we are customers of our ISP's, this is the general problem with this infrastructure, we are all relying on one service provided by one company with one network, if they cannot keep it running sfficiently then the whole country suffers, it's about time they opened this up and removed the monopoly, I understand this has already be partly achieved in kind but I can't see it changing unless there is some outside investment and we all know how that has been phucked up recently

They need to open these gateways up and allow outside investments, "it's my ball and nobody is playing with it - you might be better than me" plus a few people high up the chain are making loads.

Micro capitalism called corruption and control, what a nasty combination

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@Monty - Is your connection still back to normal? My connection in Chiang Mai is virtually unusable. Using SpeakEasy speed tests (LA servers selected) I am getting the following results:

Download Speed: 13 kbps (1.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 314 kbps (39.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

I'm using a MaxNet 1024/512 Indy package.

Im also in Chaing Mai. Use satellite connection with Acumen. I had a letter from them a few days ago saying that between March 9-21 due to high sunspot activity all satellite communications will be disrupted from time to time since the satellites are disconnected at these periods.This happens,they sat twice a year in March and October. As regards speed I have no problems.

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@Monty - Is your connection still back to normal? My connection in Chiang Mai is virtually unusable. Using SpeakEasy speed tests (LA servers selected) I am getting the following results:

Download Speed: 13 kbps (1.6 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 314 kbps (39.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

I'm using a MaxNet 1024/512 Indy package.

Im also in Chaing Mai. Use satellite connection with Acumen. I had a letter from them a few days ago saying that between March 9-21 due to high sunspot activity all satellite communications will be disrupted from time to time since the satellites are disconnected at these periods.This happens,they sat twice a year in March and October. As regards speed I have no problems.

and have just checked the speed at 628 upload and 111 download

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my ping to google

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping www.google.com

Pinging www.l.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=306ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=303ms TTL=242

Reply from bytes=32 time=305ms TTL=242

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 303ms, Maximum = 306ms, Average = 304ms

my tracert: to www.google.com

Tracing route to www.l.google.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 68 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []

2 20 ms 21 ms 21 ms 125-24-236-1.adsl.totbb.net []

3 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms ge1-8-202.cs1-kkm.totisp.net []

4 80 ms 231 ms 235 ms te8-1.cs1-cwt.totisp.net []

5 21 ms 22 ms 21 ms ge1-2.gw1-cwt.totisp.net []

6 373 ms 371 ms *

7 * * 364 ms

8 302 ms 301 ms 303 ms

9 303 ms 305 ms 303 ms

10 300 ms 353 ms *

11 305 ms 312 ms 305 ms

12 308 ms 305 ms 303 ms www.google.co.th []

Anyone have any idea what this means or where my internet has taken off to? Most times the pings come back as 50% loss. looking forward to a few replys.

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Problem seem to be with the CAT gateways ( and since in the tracert it shows some packets lost (the * where normally 123ms should be)

One more packet got lost in one of Singtel's ( gateways...

Absolutely nothing you can do there!

The ping-times are actually pretty good, around 300msec to the US.

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