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God Of War 2


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Anyone managed to get hold of God of War 2 yet? It was supposed to be released on March 13, but still no copy shops have it, or original retailers either. Anyone know what's going on? One guy said Malaysia as an answer, whatever that meant...

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Anyone managed to get hold of God of War 2 yet? It was supposed to be released on March 13, but still no copy shops have it, or original retailers either. Anyone know what's going on? One guy said Malaysia as an answer, whatever that meant...

don't know, i guess you'll have to wait, I'm waiting for IGN's Supreme Commander, looks awsume

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I wouldn't bother getting a copy just yet. I played the game for about 7 hours and at a certain point when a cinematic is supposed to start it doesn't, and it also freezes if you try to save. I'm just gonna wait another week or two before a new copy, seeing as both of the ones I've got don't work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If the place where you are stuck is at the Great Chasm, then your PS2 is not switching to the second layer of the DVD-9 disc. If you have a PS2 with an older modchip, that is probably the reason. the game won't work on my cousin's ps2, he bought his 2 years ago, but works on mine, I have the DMS4 modchip. still waiting to buy an original when I next go to Bkk if they are available at NadzProject.com. Want to support the studio on this one so they make a great GoW3 for the PS3. About that PSP GoW add, yes, they are making the game. Same company that brought Ratchet and Clank to the PSP. Hopefully, they do as good a job with GoW as they did with R&C on the PSP.

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