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Power Of Attorney from employer for Extension/Work Permit application

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I read this, in the list of required documents from the employer: 

If the employer is not working in Thailand, nor has no work permit, Power of Attorney certified by Notary Public, and Thai Embassy is needed.


My notary asked me what there is that should be certified, and when looking around the notary needs to personally observe the director(s) signing the document, and certify that, but I understand the requirement above, as the notary need to certify why the director(s) are not holding a work permit? E.g. employed, and working in another country.


Which one of these are correct? Or can it be either? The usual way I do it though, is to use copies of passports to certify that the document is signed by the same person. But that might not be enough in this case?



Best regards. 

Edited by JS123
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The text should read:


If the employee is not working in Thailand...


A work permit application is signed by the employee, not the employer. What I mean by this is that it is the employee's signature at the end of the application, not the employer's.


As you will not be present to sign the application your potential employer is asking for your authority to sign on your behalf and make the application for you.


Therefore it is your signature the company wants notarised.

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