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Floods strike Preah Sihanouk, kill three and damage roads

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Prey Nop district, Preah Sihanouk province – As heavy storms continue to strike here, roads are being left damaged and residents are being evacuated to safety after three people died and a sinkhole opened on National Road 3. Last week, the Water Resources and Meteorology Ministry warned that coastal provinces such as Preah Sihanouk and Koh Kong will be affected by floods, especially along National Road 4.


Over the weekend, major parts of the province, including Sihanoukville and Prey Nop district, were hit. Sun Phan, a security guard who works at a construction site in Buon commune, yesterday said he woke up at about 12.30am surrounded by water.


“I was sleeping on my bed then I felt something strange. Why was it so wet?” Mr Phan said. “I opened my eyes and saw my room was flooded.” “I was scared and I ran to the third floor,” he added. “I left all my belongings behind.”


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50632607/floods-strike-preah-sihanouk-kill-three-and-damage-roads/


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