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Is It Safe To Purchase CBD

Globe Trotter

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I'm and have suffered extreme anxiety disorders since the age of 12. I self mediated as a teen, then went onto the most evil of the lot, benzodiazepines. I hear and know CBD can help a lot with such issues, and I've seem that site 'Siam CBD' - I have also seen reviews from people buy it in the Kingdom, is is actual legal and are they are any hangups? 

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On 9/18/2019 at 5:17 PM, from the home of CC said:

 If it was me I'd go to a doctor of some sort and tell him you believe cbd is a safer alternative to benzos and you would like to give it a try. That's just basic harm reduction and most intelligent doctors would be on board for it if they're up on the latest research. You should be under a doctors care anyways for the benzo addiction if you plan to stop taking them as I'm sure you know that cold turkey is potentially dangerous.

Thanks a lot for this advise, it seems like the best protocol. 

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On 9/18/2019 at 3:17 AM, from the home of CC said:

As they track mail deliveries with greater fervor due to the meth crisis your risk rises. A person I know bought CBD from a reputable firm in Chicago for similar issues and then promptly failed a drug test for thc. The seller had basically guaranteed that this would not occur for the person knew they would be given employment drug tests. As Robblok states above if worse came to worse and you were caught, your anxiety levels would rise to the point of where a boat load of Valium wouldn't help you. If it was me I'd go to a doctor of some sort and tell him you believe cbd is a safer alternative to benzos and you would like to give it a try. That's just basic harm reduction and most intelligent doctors would be on board for it if they're up on the latest research. You should be under a doctors care anyways for the benzo addiction if you plan to stop taking them as I'm sure you know that cold turkey is potentially dangerous.

Most CBD oil I have seen still has some THC.  Probably because they can't remove it completely.  It should indicate that on the label.  So RTFL.

Edited by shdmn
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2 hours ago, shdmn said:

Most CBD oil I have seen still has some THC.  Probably because they can't remove it completely.  It should indicate that on the label.  So RTFL.

I have called 3 hospitals in HH, pharmacies, the Thai government, the Thai narcotics people; and they have all said it is still currently illegal unless you have a license to have3 CDB. They also said that they are many fake websites selling 'CBD' in Thailand, so I don't know how to go about getting this license, the hospitals either don't seem to want to help or even know what CBD is  

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Out of interest, what are those conditions. The reason I ask is that I have speculated in shares of medicinal cannabis. And any extra info would we worthwhile knowing.


As an aside, the company started of as a 'pharma - farmer' but has now gone down the path of a 'pharma only'. They are developing a hard shell capsule to house the oils because apparently the half life of oil is very low. It seems that developing a quality capsule shell will allow a much longer shelf life for pharmaceutical oil.





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I JUST WENT To Indra Mall by Baiyoke Sky, all for sale, I wanted to see Doctor but out of town till Oct 15 or so, to get medical card, I hear there is one by DM Airport, I may go to Buriram or Saraburi Hospital, the lady recommended, it’s located in back of the Mall 2nd Floor, Big signs THC, I have pictures, I asked Security, they didn’t have a clue, Big green signs THC, it’s there went yesterday, bring a medical card, I asked merchants, they had no idea

Edited by Ireland32
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On 9/25/2019 at 6:54 PM, Sheryl said:

It is not you who needs the license, it is the doctor prescribing it


As it was legalized quite recently the numbers of doctors trained & licensed to prescribe is still few, give it a bit longer. Among other things there is currently no FDA approved product and there have been reports of poisoning.toxicity through use of non standardized products (may be due to pesticide contamination etc). GPO has a brand coming out soon that will be quality assurred.


i am not sure though that Thai doctors will prescribe it for anxiety, current guidelines are for a very limited number of conditions

In USA they added Vitamin E, toxic

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