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Pattaya Newspapers


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Oh right so Dr Ian is the reporter for Pattaya city news, a bit dead-pan

Im on about the guy who does Moon River Pub ad, Slim Pattaya etcetc etc

he exclaims the end of each sentence, bloody annoying IMO

severe shortage of Telly advertisers on that Channel as well

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Oh right so Dr Ian is the reporter for Pattaya city news, a bit dead-pan

Im on about the guy who does Moon River Pub ad, Slim Pattaya etcetc etc

he exclaims the end of each sentence, bloody annoying IMO

severe shortage of Telly advertisers on that Channel as well

I'm not sure if I am right but I think you may be talking about Howard, who is also the presenter on Pattaya City News.

Talking about exclaimations at the end of sentences, have you heard the presenter on the breakfast show on Pattaya Bay Radio? Now he IS annoying!!!

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Not sure who that is but slightly off topic, whenever I hear the Ad for Tony's I feel like bunging the TV off the Balcony.

i think tony is on some kind of medication hence the manic and outta control voice on the commercials. .

He is doing a lot of good work for the homeless dogs in Jomtien,

maybe that makes up for the pain his commercials inflict on the pattaya community :o

WELCOME TO MY WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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Dr Ian is the guy who walks around BKK-Pattaya Hospital with his white coat on. He's also a F1 specialist and ex-motor racing driver, fantastic food critic and wine expert. And when you meet him, be sure to call him "Dr" Ian or he will correct you on your very impolite manner.

Hi WCR...see my previous post................. "the person who has excelled in fields as diverse as medicine and motor racing, photography and philanthropy, who is a raconteur and restive, a gastronome and a gentleman, a man of the world and a man of the word, a restaurateur and a revolutionary, hedonistic yet humanistic, he is a man given to anecdotes and analogies, erudite and entertaining! He is witty and wise"........ and he is also a go-go dancing judge!!!

The last few words in red are mine but the rest comes from another member of the Pattaya Mail Mutual Appreciation Society. BTW, his cronies call him "The Good Doctor Iain"!!! :o:D

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I think Pattaya People is a complete arse! :D

They (Pattaya People) think their paper is so good it can now be downloaded in any part of the world.They are so delighted with this its unbelievable!! :D

And considering its full of murder,rape,shootings,stabbings,theft,drugs the incompetences of City Hall etc etc etc it will continue to fuel the 'bad press' Patters is getting.

Are these people (Pattaya People) deaf,dumb and fckuing stupid as well?

They need to wake to reality. :o

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Here's a thought...............could "Pattaya People" be just an elaborate front for something else? The reason that I ask is that it merely masquerades as a 'newspaper'. :o

Hint: Look at who makes it...

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Here's a thought...............could "Pattaya People" be just an elaborate front for something else? The reason that I ask is that it merely masquerades as a 'newspaper'. :o

Hint: Look at who makes it...

Hi Raro........I know and his hamburgers are vile also. :D

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  • 9 months later...

I have read many,many horrible comments about Pattaya People and, as an annual home delivery subscriber, ( my most grevious error when moving to Pattaya ), I am surprised that no one seems to have discovered that it provides valuable services. Several copies make a super door stop, properly folded it is excellent as toilet tissue, ( hint, do not use the full color sheets ), it is a laugh a minute, wobbly table legs are balanced with just 1 sheet and last, but not least, if you are on the verge of suicide. most issues tell tips on how to do so - as if reading it was not incentive enough.

How else would we know why a city project is 2 years past completion date and 2 million B over budget ? - usual answer = I dunno, who describes "yet another motorbike accident" so vivdly ? The wedding pictures bring warmth to the heart of this thrice married reader, ( well, I don't actually read the wedding notices ), and the editorials ? - non existent ! The slogan should be changed to read " We print the truth unless it is anything critical of the government or our advertisers or contains anything actually interesting "

The restaurant reviews can have you rolling on the floor - excellent, wonderful sea grass & braised pig balls with just a hint of cambodian seman, only 3000B, a free pool table and assurances that this new eatery is headed for big time success. Just once I would like to read " prices astronomical, service slow, food same as everywhere else but costs twice as much, suggest readers go anywhere but here.

"And there you have it "

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My last message failed to mention that I do read the "Walking Street Journal" which, much, but not all of time, is , at least entertaining. Pokes fun at everyone and everything and probably will cease to exist when, and if, some Pattaya official learns English. Personally I believe the joke/cartoon areas are a few minutes of reality and, somtimes, funny. I do not have a business nor any benefit from posting this message tho, admittedly drunk out of my mind. I, after perusing today's "People" then WSJ ,was able to untie the rope from my overhead fan, cap my already opened bottle of barbiturates and, send the girl on the trapeeze home. No, not really send her home - just out for her sister !

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Oh right so Dr Ian is the reporter for Pattaya city news, a bit dead-pan

Im on about the guy who does Moon River Pub ad, Slim Pattaya etcetc etc

he exclaims the end of each sentence, bloody annoying IMO

severe shortage of Telly advertisers on that Channel as well

I'm not sure if I am right but I think you may be talking about Howard, who is also the presenter on Pattaya City News.

Talking about exclaimations at the end of sentences, have you heard the presenter on the breakfast show on Pattaya Bay Radio? Now he IS annoying!!!

Perhaps Mr. Car Rentals would like to expand? I am your annoying heterosexual Breakfast DJ on the radio, I am sorry to hear you have been ill,and make a speedy recovery to good health, so you can carry on slagging me off in your eloquent style.

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Pattaya Today is definitely better than Pattaya Mail (all those Malhotras - there seems to be dozens of them, besides nothing worth reading). Pattaya today has Ask Andy, and an Editorial, and Up Your Soi, and Moaning Minnie, and many, many other articles that make good reading and round out my education.

Give Dr Ian his due, he does write good medical articles in Pattaya Mail.

Edited by Tammi
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Pattaya Today is definitely better than Pattaya Mail (all those Malhotras - there seems to be dozens of them, besides nothing worth reading). Pattaya today has Ask Andy, and an Editorial, and Up Your Soi, and Moaning Minnie, and many, many other articles that make good reading and round out my education.

Give Dr Ian his due, he does write good medical articles in Pattaya Mail.

I Agree, however its a shame its not weekly news is always old.

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The Local Rags here REALLY are.......

What one is the worst in your opinion?

To start things off I say Pattaya People.

What's wrong with it? EVERYTHING!

I think of it as a paper run and operated by a farang that was a milkman in the uk or similar that fell in love with a bt and came here with no idea what to do, its about as much sense as the same guy coming and buying a bar/cafe , totally amatuer ,.it reminds me of also of the local tv station when i moved to canada in the late 70s, it was unbelievably trash, as is this rag,
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I'm afraid you're all very much incorrect, look at this below and then tell me that Pattaya People isn't the most popular rag in Pattaya, it's here in black and white so it must be true, mustn't it? :oCongratulations: The 2007 results are in for the "Media Readers Awards"

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate, Pattaya People Newspaper, as the Number 1 choice, for the most read newspaper in Pattaya. 2nd place; goes to Pattaya Today, and 3rd place; goes to Pattaya Mail.

The above results were achieved by polling over 3000 foreign people in the Pattaya area, over a period of 2 months. Whilst the results are of a scientific nature, we agree that similar results may be different as to the location of the polling. We asked three questions to the people that our interviewers were polling. 1. Do you read a local newspaper? 2. What newspaper do you read? 3. And which local newspaper do you like the least? The results are as follows:

Question # 1 91% reads a local newspaper. 5% reads Bangkok Post. 2% reads The Nation or others 2 % doesn't read a newspaper, prefers the tele.

Question # 2 1. Pattaya People 2. Pattaya Today 3. Pattaya Mail

Question #3 1. Pattaya Mail 2. Pattaya Today 3. Pattaya People

1. Pattaya People 48 %

2. Pattaya Today 29 %

3. Pattaya Mail 23 %

In our opinion, the reason for the success of Pattaya People is; that people prefer the sensational headlines, as it catches the readers eyes.

In our opinion, the demize of Pattaya Mail is: too much of their copy is promoting the in-crowd or social scene of Pattaya.

In our opinion, the fast rise of readership of Pattaya Today is: the honesty of its edirorials and less coverage of social functions.

Remember, the majority of readers of any newspaper is the average non-afluent person. When a newspaper continues to flaunt the wealth of others with pictures and articles of that element of society, in my humble opinion, thats a "slap in the face."

Sincerely Yours,

Horace Stallings

Media Readers Awards

Now can anyone tell me who Horace Stallings is? I don't believe it's a real name or his parents must have really hated him! I have to say that I find Pattaya Today to be head and shoulders above the rest and the column writers do a good job. I especially like reading Pete's Peregrinations and a Fool in Paradise, though not cutting edge news it's light hearted which is better than scaring tourists away with rape, murder, suicides, paedophilia, drugs, shootings etc etc.

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This topic should be expanded to include internet news and tv news. I suggest a star rating of 1 to 5 stars.

Pattaya Today Paper 2 1/2 **

Not to bad for an amatuer newspaper. They are too much like a tabloid.

Pattaya Today TV 2**

Too many naked photos of dead people. It is completely un-neccessary and pure exploitation. It looks like the sleaze papers in Bangkok. BORING commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters.

Pattaya Mail Paper 2**

Rather boring rag that avoids conflict and controversal matters. More interested in restaurant reviews than news. Many they get free meals for the good reviews. Many of their "good" restaurants actually suck.

Pattaya Mail TV 2**

Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. The women newscaster must be one of the most annoying voices, ever.

Pattaya City News TV 2**

Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. Howard needs to find a replacement for his annoying voice overs. I change the channel when the Shaun Connery want-to-be does the news.

Pattaya Daily News website 1**

The crime (Kampee) reporter is a joke. He finds condoms and Viagara at every scene. Maybe he carries his own to plant there. Invasive reports that are not hampered by facts.

Tony's commercials: This guy is so impressed with himself. What an obnoxious jerk. I change the channel when he comes on. I refuse to give my business to any business he owns.

He does do a good thing for strays dogs with his shelter. Lots of credit for that.

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This topic should be expanded to include internet news and tv news. I suggest a star rating of 1 to 5 stars.

Pattaya Today Paper 2 1/2 **

Not to bad for an amatuer newspaper. They are too much like a tabloid.

Pattaya Today TV 2**

Too many naked photos of dead people. It is completely un-neccessary and pure exploitation. It looks like the sleaze papers in Bangkok. BORING commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters.

Pattaya Mail Paper 2**

Rather boring rag that avoids conflict and controversal matters. More interested in restaurant reviews than news. Many they free meals for the reviews. Many of their "good" restaurants actually suck.

Pattaya Mail TV 2**

Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. The women newscaster must be one of the most annoying voices, ever.

Pattaya City News TV 2**

Boring reports and commercials. Obnoxious voices on commercials. Very amatuer productions and newscasters. Howard needs to find a replacement for his annoying voice overs. I change the channel when the Shaun Connery want-to-be does the news.

Pattaya Daily News website 1**

The crime (Kampee) reporter is a joke. He finds condoms and Viagara at every scene. Maybe he carries his own to plant there. Invasive reports that are not hampered by facts.

What about Pattaya People, or are they not worthy of any stars? :o

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Pattaya People Newspaper and TV deserve a full 1* each.

The paper is a waste of time. I only read it when it is laying around someplace and there is nothing better to do for 3 minutes. Definately not worth 20 baht.

Too much blood and guts on their TV news. It just isn't necessary to see close ups of bodies and injuries. Both the paper and TV could be nicely replaced by vacancies. Just rude tabloid crap.

The question you have ask is: Who is reading and watching the news crap in Pattaya? They must have customers or they would have gone out of business. It doesn't say much for the typical reader/viewer, if that is what they want to read and see. Let's face it, many typical Pattaya people are probably are not swimming on the top of the gene pool.

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And this is any of your business? MYOB seems to apply.

Can you provide support for your comments about your personal attacks on Neils Colov or is this Pattaya gossip and BS? What do the personal attacks have to do with his news site, anyway? This kind of comments just degrades the forums.

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Can you provide support for your comments about your personal attacks on Neils Colov or is this Pattaya gossip and BS? What do the personal attacks have to do with his news site, anyway? This kind of comments just degrades the forums.

all adds up to the substance of their characters....touched a nerve have I doc?

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Norrona: The only nerve you touched is the one that doesn't like defaming accusations, rumors, heresay and crap comments that can not be substantiated. You are input is no better than some of the bad newspapers and news website mentioned in the topic. Forums are just too filled with useless input that has no basis in fact.

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Norrona: The only nerve you touched is the one that doesn't like defaming accusations, rumors, heresay and crap comments that can not be substantiated. You are input is no better than some of the bad newspapers and news website mentioned in the topic. Forums are just too filled with useless input that has no basis in fact.

freedom of speech....just watch what you say eh :o

they must be friends of yours or your an old codger with kids :D

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