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I will be applying for a METV visa for Thailand. I will submit my application to the Royal Thai Consulate in Los Angeles in the US. I will arrive in Chiang Mai on November 7 and depart on April 1. While in Chiang Mai I will attend Payap University for a 5 week beginning Thai language course. I may enroll in the 2nd level in January but can't be sure until I've tried the first course. I chose against the ED visa as it appears more complicated and my plans in the region are flexible.
Regarding the visa application: 
  • I am recently retired, but the application asks about "Occupation". I assume I should state "Retired". I have read elsewhere that I must provide proof of adequate savings but I see nowhere on the visa for this information. Is it required? 
  • I also see "Name and address of Guarantor" in Thailand". As I will arrange my own accommodation after arriving I'm not sure what to provide. It has been suggested that I simply leave this part blank.
  • "Number of Entries Required" - as I understand the METV, I will be required to exit Thailand at the end of each 60 days. Does this mean that I would, over the duration of the visa, enter 3 times (initial entry, plus 2 additional entries).
  • Is any other documentation required to accompany the application?


The fee for the application is $200 USD and is not refundable, so I don't want to get this wrong. Any additional insight, especially from those applying from the US, in assuring the issuance of the visa would be most welcome.


8 hours ago, ChristianBlessing said:
  • I am recently retired, but the application asks about "Occupation". I assume I should state "Retired". I have read elsewhere that I must provide proof of adequate savings but I see nowhere on the visa for this information. Is it required? 
  • I also see "Name and address of Guarantor" in Thailand". As I will arrange my own accommodation after arriving I'm not sure what to provide. It has been suggested that I simply leave this part blank.
  • "Number of Entries Required" - as I understand the METV, I will be required to exit Thailand at the end of each 60 days. Does this mean that I would, over the duration of the visa, enter 3 times (initial entry, plus 2 additional entries).
  • Is any other documentation required to accompany the application?

  I have an application in the works right now in L.A. I might have newer answers in a few days. This information is from last year when I got a METV.


- I am retired. I stated I was retired and sent in one bank statement showing US$7000 and no other income data.


- I left the Guarantor sections blank. I did send in an invoice for for my lodging and included the name and address of the guesthouse in the Purposed Address in Thailand section.


- For number of entries I entered METV. There is no restriction on how many times you can enter Thailand while the METV is valid.


- I submitted the documentation shown as need for a METV on the L.A. consulate site. I did sent them an Email prior to sending in my application last year and was told that only one recent bank statement showing $7000 is needed. YMMV


FWIW I always used the Washington DC visa application when applying for various visas. Only because I had the PDF version that was fillable on my computer. DO NOT SEND ONE OF THESE TO L.A.! They will reject it and require you to use the L.A. visa application form that is quite a bit different. Fortunately they were nice enough to call me on the phone and tell me to send the correct application.


Again this is a year old so FWIW.




I got my METV at LA.
I also wrote in Retired as my occupation.

They should accept your bank statement.

Make sure you sent a Money Order and not a Cashiers Check.

If you filled out everything correctly and sent 2 photos, signed on the back, I don't see any problem in you getting a METV


For someone retired this is what I sent in:


Documents Required:

  1. Your actual Passport or Travel Document and one copy of your Passport. (Passport or Travel Document must not expire within 6 months and contain at least ONE completely empty visa page).
  2. One visa application form completely filled out (black and blue ink only)
  3. Two passport-size photographs (2″x2″) (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted).
    Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses and covering up shoulders. Photos must be taken within 6 months.
  4. A copy of flight confirmation/reservation, showing going from US to Thailand and leaving from Thailand (The name of the applicant must indicated clearly)
  5. A copy of  bank statement for the last 6 months with a minimum balance of $7,000 (every months) (The name of the applicant must indicated clearly) (Again they told me I only need to send one recent statement showing $7000)
  6. Hotel reservation confirmation (The name of the applicant must indicated clearly)

Visa Processing Fees:

    • Single entry: 200 USD (I presume the Single entry is a typo as it's obvious a METV is $200)

Payable in money order (only) made payable to “Royal Thai Consulate”.


    1. By mail:

Application must include self-addressed return envelope only by these following mail service ‘ USPS (US Postal Service) Express Mail ‘  use only flat rate mailing envelope with $25.50 postage stamp (Metered stamps will not be accepted)

(I used a Priority Mail 3-Day Flat Rate Envelope - $7.65)







9 hours ago, RockyMtnJay said:

  I have an application in the works right now in L.A. I might have newer answers in a few days. This information is from last year when I got a METV.


- I am retired. I stated I was retired and sent in one bank statement showing US$7000 and no other income data.


- I left the Guarantor sections blank. I did send in an invoice for for my lodging and included the name and address of the guesthouse in the Purposed Address in Thailand section.


- For number of entries I entered METV. There is no restriction on how many times you can enter Thailand while the METV is valid.


- I submitted the documentation shown as need for a METV on the L.A. consulate site. I did sent them an Email prior to sending in my application last year and was told that only one recent bank statement showing $7000 is needed. YMMV


FWIW I always used the Washington DC visa application when applying for various visas. Only because I had the PDF version that was fillable on my computer. DO NOT SEND ONE OF THESE TO L.A.! They will reject it and require you to use the L.A. visa application form that is quite a bit different. Fortunately they were nice enough to call me on the phone and tell me to send the correct application.


Again this is a year old so FWIW.



Definitely want to see hotel confirmation, whenever I go, I just made a copy of my atm receipt they accepted , he’s really nice guy, she I heard more difficult , Farang in LA

9 hours ago, paul406 said:

I got my METV at LA.
I also wrote in Retired as my occupation.

They should accept your bank statement.

Make sure you sent a Money Order and not a Cashiers Check.

If you filled out everything correctly and sent 2 photos, signed on the back, I don't see any problem in you getting a METV

I’ve never signed photos , but in future will, have gotten many too


you do need to show bank letter or statement with 7k + usd last i checked. i got a bank letter so the a-holes did not see total balance, only the minimum needed.


i just put 3 entries to be safe, thats 6 months, but the visa just states multiple so you can enter more then this. def stick with la embassy and avoid dc at all costs.


can get a cheapo outbound flight ticket at 60 days and cancel it in first 24 hrs. print it first and submit it with app.


leave the money order blank so if it gets returned for some reason you can deposit it to yourself.


Pardon me but if you are age 50+...

And going to pay $200 for a METV

Why not get the O-A visa for retirement. Same $200. Gives you up to two years in Thailand...first year is multiple entry. Easy to get.

I got mine at LA.  

7 hours ago, travelerjim said:

Pardon me but if you are age 50+...

And going to pay $200 for a METV

Why not get the O-A visa for retirement. Same $200. Gives you up to two years in Thailand...first year is multiple entry. Easy to get.

I got mine at LA.  

Thanks travelerjim for suggesting this option, and it is something I considered, but note that I am not retiring to Thailand. While the costs of the two visas are the same, the requirements for the O-A are much higher; police check, medical check, reporting to immigration every 90 days.... As it is, my time in the country will likely not exceed 4-5 months. I know other options also exist, but the METV seems the course of lease resistance for my purposes.



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